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(by Primavera P6) – 평가용

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

WORKSHOP Course II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Calendar(Work Time) 설정
Total work h/d Cal Engineering, 주 6 일, 8 시간 ( 주말 및 휴일 휴무 적용 )

Detailed work h/d 08:00~17:00(12:00~13:00 점심시간)

Total work h/d Cal Procurement, 주 6 일, 8 시간 ( 주말 및 휴일 휴무 적용)

Detailed work h/d 08:00~17:00(12:00~13:00 점심시간)

Total work h/d Cal Construction, 주 7 일, 8 시간 ( 주말 휴일 없음 )

Detailed work h/d 08:00~17:00(12:00~13:00 점심시간)

Total work h/d Cal Commissioning, 주 7 일, 8 시간 ( 주말 휴일 없음 )

Detailed work h/d 08:00~17:00(12:00~13:00 점심시간)

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

WORKSHOP Course II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Project 설정
Project ID SAM

Project Name Petrochemical Project

시작일 2024 년 2 월 1 일 08:00

WORKSHOP Course II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Code Name Code Name Code Name Code Name

M Milestone

SP Specification
Civil, DR Drawings
E Engineering CI Architecture Engineering
& Structure EP for

Civil, PL Pile
P Procurement CI Architecture PS Steel
Service SS
& Structure Structure

PL Piling
CI Civil
FO Foundation

A/G Pipe
PI Piping PS
C Construction Support
A/G Piping
ME Mechanical PE Equipment

S Pre-Commissioning

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

WORKSHOP Course II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
WBS CODE Activity ID Activity Name Activity 형식 공기
MI1000 Pile Requisition Issue Finish Milestone 0
MI1010 1st STL/STR Requisition Issue| Finish Milestone 0
MI1020 Pile Location Plan Issus Finish Milestone 0
MI1030 Foundation Location Plan Issue Finish Milestone 0
MI1040 Hydro Test Complete Finish Milestone 0
MI1050 Start Up Start Milestone 0
Design Criteria for Civil, Structure &
EN1000 Task Dependent 8
Building - F/A
Design Criteria for Civil, Structure &
EN1010 Task Dependent 15
Building - AFC
EN1020 Spec. for STR, FND & Con`c Work - F/A Task Dependent 8
Spec. for STR, FND & Con`c Work -
EN1030 Task Dependent 15
EN1040 Steel Structure MTO(1st) Task Dependent 15
EN1050 Steel Structure MTO(Final) Task Dependent 15
EN1060 Pile MTO Task Dependent 10
EN2000 Pile Location Plan - F/A Task Dependent 70
EN2010 Pile Location Plan - AFC Task Dependent 15
EN2020 Foundation Location Plan - F/A Task Dependent 100
EN2030 Foundation Location Plan - AFC Task Dependent 20
FDN Detail for STR-(Reactor/Centrifuge)
EN2040 Task Dependent 20
EN2050 Cooling Tower - F/A Task Dependent 70
EN2060 Cooling Tower - AFC Task Dependent 15
EN3000 Pile B/M Requisition Task Dependent 5
EN3010 Pile B/M TBA & CBA Task Dependent 10
EN3020 Steel Structure B/M (1st) - Requisition Task Dependent 10
EN3030 Steel Structure B/M (1st) - TBA & CBA Task Dependent 20
EN3040 Steel Structure B/M (Final) - Requisition Task Dependent 10
EN3050 Steel Structure B/M (Final) - TBA & CBA Task Dependent 20
PR1000 Pile B/M - Inquiry Task Dependent 3

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

PR1010 Pile B/M - Quotation Task Dependent 7
SAM.P.CI.PS.P PR1020 Pile B/M - Purchase Order Task Dependent 4
L PR1030 Pile B/M - Fabrication Task Dependent 30
PR1040 Pile B/M - Delivery to Site Task Dependent 5
PR2000 Steel Structure B/M (1st ) - Inquiry Task Dependent 5
SAM.P.CI.PS.S PR2010 Steel Structure B/M (1st ) - Quotation Task Dependent 10
S PR2020 Steel Structure B/M (final ) - Inquiry Task Dependent 5
PR2030 Steel Structure B/M (final ) - Quotation Task Dependent 10
CO1000 Pilling for Reactor/Centrifuge Task Dependent 30
CO1010 Pilling for Develop/Dryer Task Dependent 30
CO1020 Pilling for Reed Preparation Task Dependent 20
CO1030 Pilling for Pipe rack Task Dependent 40
Foundation & Con`c Paving for
CO2000 Task Dependent 50
Foundation & Con`c Paving for
CO2010 Task Dependent 60
Foundation & Con`c Paving for Feed
CO2020 Task Dependent 30
CO2030 Foundation for Flake Silo & Compound Task Dependent 20
Foundation for BPA, Utility & Polymer
CO2040 Task Dependent 20
Foundation & Con`c Paving for Pipe
CO2050 Task Dependent 30
CO2060 Con`c Work for Cooling Tower Task Dependent 90
CO3000 Shop Fabrication Work -1st Task Dependent 31
CO3010 Shop Fabrication Work - 2nd Task Dependent 30
CO4000 Pipe Support Fabrication Work Task Dependent 77
CO4010 Pipe Support Installation Work Task Dependent 61
SAM.C.PI.PW CO5000 Field Piping Work Task Dependent 61
CO6000 Material Handling System Task Dependent 60
CO6010 Reverse Osmosis Package Task Dependent 20
SAM.C.HT CO7000 Hydro-Test Task Dependent 42
SAM.S SU1000 Pre-Commissioning & Start-Up Task Dependent 121

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

WORKSHOP Course II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
선행 Activity ( ID & name) 후행 Activity ( ID & name) 연관관계 지연시간

EN1000 CO2020 FS 0

EN1000 EN1010 FS 0

EN1000 EN1020 SS 0

EN1000 EN2050 FS 10

EN1010 EN2060 FS 0

EN1020 EN1030 FS 0

EN1020 EN2000 FS 0

EN1020 EN2020 FS 0

EN1020 EN2050 FF 0

EN1030 EN2010 FS 0

EN1030 EN2030 FS 0

EN1030 EN2060 FS 0

EN1040 EN3020 FS 0

EN1050 EN3040 FS 0

EN1060 EN3000 FS 0

EN2000 EN1060 SS 0

EN2000 EN2010 FS 0

EN2010 CO1000 FS 0

EN2010 MI1020 FF 0

EN2020 CO2010 FS 0

EN2020 CO2040 FS 0

EN2020 EN1040 FS 0

EN2020 EN2030 FS 0

EN2020 EN2040 FS 0

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

EN2030 EN1050 FS 0

EN2030 MI1030 FF 0

EN2040 CO2000 FS 0

EN2050 EN2060 FS 0

EN2060 CO2060 FS 25

EN3000 MI1000 FF 0

EN3000 PR1000 FS 0

EN3010 PR1020 FS 0

EN3020 MI1010 FF 0

EN3020 PR2000 FS 0

EN3040 PR2020 FS 0

PR1000 PR1010 FS 0

PR1010 EN3010 FS 0

PR1020 PR1030 FS 0

PR1030 PR1040 FS 0

PR1040 CO1000 FS 0

PR2000 PR2010 FS 0

PR2010 EN3030 FS 0

PR2020 PR2030 FS 0

PR2030 EN3050 FS 0

CO1000 CO1030 FS 0

CO1000 CO2000 FS 0

CO1010 CO2010 FS 0

CO1020 CO2020 FS 0

CO1030 CO1010 SS 5

CO1030 CO1020 FS 0

CO1030 CO2050 FS 0

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

CO2000 CO2050 FS 0

CO2030 CO2040 SS 10

CO2030 CO6000 FS 0

CO2030 CO3000 FS 0

CO2040 CO6010 FS 0

CO2050 CO2020 FF 7

CO2060 SU1000 FS 0

CO2060 CO2030 FS 40

CO3000 CO3010 FS 0

CO3000 CO4000 SS 15

CO3010 CO5000 SS 0

CO4000 CO4010 FF 0

CO4010 CO7000 FF 0

CO5000 CO4010 SS 0

CO5000 CO4010 FF 0

CO5000 CO7000 FS 0

CO6000 SU1000 FS 0

CO6010 SU1000 FS 0

CO7000 SU1000 FS 0

CO7000 MI1040 FF 0

SU1000 MI1050 FS 0

WORKSHOP Course II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

Resource 생성
ID Resource Name Resource Type 최대가용량 단가
1 Civil Engineer Labor 25d/d $120/d
2 Structure Engineer Labor 20d/d $150/d
3 Procurement Service for Civil Labor 3d/d $80/d
4 Procurement Service for Structure Labor 5d/d $90/d
5 Civil Labor Labor 125d/d $120/d
6 Mechanical Labor Labor 60d/d $130/d
7 Welder Labor 150d/d $150/d
8 Welder Assist Labor 180d/d $80/d

WORKSHOP Course II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Resource 투입
Activity ID & name Resource Name
Unit (d)
Design Criteria for Civil, Structure &
EN1000 Civil Engineer 150
Building - F/A
Design Criteria for Civil, Structure &
EN1010 Civil Engineer 150
Building - AFC

EN1020 Spec. for STR, FND & Con`c Work - F/A Civil Engineer 135

EN1030 Spec. for STR, FND & Con`c Work - AFC Civil Engineer 135

EN1040 Steel Structure MTO(1st) Structure Engineer 45

EN1050 Steel Structure MTO(Final) Structure Engineer 45

EN1060 Pile MTO Civil Engineer 45

EN2000 Pile Location Plan - F/A Civil Engineer 210

EN2010 Pile Location Plan - AFC Civil Engineer 140

EN2020 Foundation Location Plan - F/A Civil Engineer 300

EN2030 Foundation Location Plan - AFC Civil Engineer 200

FDN Detail for STR-(Reactor/Centrifuge) -

EN2040 Civil Engineer 120

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

EN2050 Cooling Tower - F/A Civil Engineer 105

EN2060 Cooling Tower - AFC Civil Engineer 120

EN3000 Pile B/M Requisition Civil Engineer 10

EN3010 Pile B/M TBA & CBA Civil Engineer 20

EN3020 Steel Structure B/M (1st) - Requisition Structure Engineer 10

EN3030 Steel Structure B/M (1st) - TBA & CBA Structure Engineer 20

EN3040 Steel Structure B/M (Final) - Requisition Structure Engineer 10

EN3050 Steel Structure B/M (Final) - TBA & CBA Structure Engineer 20

PR1000 Pile B/M - Inquiry Procure Service for Civil 9

PR1010 Pile B/M - Quotation Procure Service for Civil 4

PR1020 Pile B/M - Purchase Order Procure Service for Civil 12

PR1030 Pile B/M - Fabrication Procure Service for Civil 45

PR1040 Pile B/M - Delivery to Site Procure Service for Civil 5

Procurement service for

PR2000 Steel Structure B/M (1st ) - Inquiry 20
Procurement service for
PR2010 Steel Structure B/M (1st ) - Quotation 5
Procurement service for
PR2020 Steel Structure B/M (final ) - Inquiry 20
Procurement service for
PR2030 Steel Structure B/M (final ) - Quotation 5

CO1000 Pilling for Reactor/Centrifuge Civil Labor 1800

CO1010 Pilling for Develop/Dryer Civil Labor 2250

CO1020 Pilling for Reed Preparation Civil Labor 1350

CO1030 Pilling for Pipe rack Civil Labor 1800

Foundation & Con`c Paving for

CO2000 Civil Labor 2000
Foundation & Con`c Paving for Develop
CO2010 Civil Labor 2400

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

Foundation & Con`c Paving for Feed
CO2020 Civil Labor 1350

CO2030 Foundation for Flake Silo & Compound Civil Labor 600

Foundation for BPA, Utility & Polymer

CO2040 Civil Labor 600

CO2050 Foundation & Con`c Paving for Pipe rack Civil Labor 1350

CO2060 Con`c Work for Cooling Tower Civil Labor 3125

CO6000 Material Handling System Mechanical Labor 360

CO6010 Reverse Osmosis Package Mechanical Labor 160

CO3000 Shop Fabrication Work -1st Welder 800

CO3010 Shop Fabrication Work - 2nd Welder 1200

CO5000 Field Piping Work Welder 1400

CO4000 Pipe Support Fabrication Work Welder 900

CO4010 Pipe Support Installation Work Welder 1500

CO3010 Shop Fabrication Work - 2nd Welder Assist 600

CO4010 Pipe Support Installation Work Welder Assist 900

CO4000 Pipe Support Fabrication Work Welder Assist 1200

CO7000 Hydro-Test Welder 1800

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

WORKSHOP Course II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Activity Code 생성
1. 협력업체 2. 공종
Value Description Value Description
A A 건설사 M Milestone
B B 전기사 E Engineering
C C 토건 P Procurement
D D 설계사 C Construction
E E 배관주식회사
S Pre-Commissioning
F F 중공업

WORKSHOP Course II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Activity Code 투입
Activity ID & Name 공종 협력업체
MI1000 Pile Requisition Issue M A

MI1010 1st STL/STR Requisition Issue| M A

MI1020 Pile Location Plan Issus M A

MI1030 Foundation Location Plan Issue M A

MI1040 Hydro Test Complete M A

MI1050 Start Up M F

EN1000 Design Criteria for Civil, Structure & Building - F/A E D

EN1010 Design Criteria for Civil, Structure & Building - AFC E D

EN1020 Spec. for STR, FND & Con`c Work - F/A E D

EN1030 Spec. for STR, FND & Con`c Work - AFC E D

EN1040 Steel Structure MTO(1st) E D

EN1050 Steel Structure MTO(Final) E D

EN1060 Pile MTO E D

EN2000 Pile Location Plan - F/A E D

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

EN2010 Pile Location Plan - AFC E D

EN2020 Foundation Location Plan - F/A E D

EN2030 Foundation Location Plan - AFC E D

EN2040 FDN Detail for STR-(Reactor/Centrifuge) - AFC E D

EN2050 Cooling Tower - F/A E D

EN2060 Cooling Tower - AFC E D

EN3000 Pile B/M Requisition E D

EN3010 Pile B/M TBA & CBA E D

EN3020 Steel Structure B/M (1st) - Requisition E D

EN3030 Steel Structure B/M (1st) - TBA & CBA E D

EN3040 Steel Structure B/M (Final) - Requisition E D

EN3050 Steel Structure B/M (Final) - TBA & CBA E D

PR1000 Pile B/M - Inquiry P C

PR1010 Pile B/M - Quotation P C

PR1020 Pile B/M - Purchase Order P C

PR1030 Pile B/M - Fabrication P C

PR1040 Pile B/M - Delivery to Site P C

PR2000 Steel Structure B/M (1st ) - Inquiry P C

PR2010 Steel Structure B/M (1st ) - Quotation P C

PR2020 Steel Structure B/M (final ) - Inquiry P C

PR2030 Steel Structure B/M (final ) - Quotation P C

CO1000 Pilling for Reactor/Centrifuge C C

CO1010 Pilling for Develop/Dryer C C

CO1020 Pilling for Reed Preparation C C

CO1030 Pilling for Pipe rack C C

CO2000 Foundation & Con`c Paving for Reactor/Centrifuge C C

CO2010 Foundation & Con`c Paving for Develop/Dryer C C

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

CO2020 Foundation & Con`c Paving for Feed Preparation C C

CO2030 Foundation for Flake Silo & Compound C C

CO2040 Foundation for BPA, Utility & Polymer Train-I C C

CO2050 Foundation & Con`c Paving for Pipe rack C C

CO2060 Con`c Work for Cooling Tower C C

CO3000 Shop Fabrication Work -1st C E

CO3010 Shop Fabrication Work - 2nd C E

CO4000 Pipe Support Fabrication Work C E

CO4010 Pipe Support Installation Work C E

CO5000 Field Piping Work C E

CO6000 Material Handling System C A

CO6010 Reverse Osmosis Package C A

CO7000 Hydro-Test C A

SU1000 Pre-Commissioning & Start-Up S F

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

WORKSHOP Course II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Group by
- Total 을 보이게 한다..
- 협력업체 1 차 Grouping 을 한다.
- 공종 2 차 Grouping 을 한다.
- WBS 로 3 차 Grouping 을 하고, Indent check box 에 check 한다.

WORKSHOP Course II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Print Header / Footer 설정
Project Name
회사 로고 소속 및 영문 성명
<제출물 명>

제출물 별 출력 데이터

Gantt Chart Legend Page/Total Page Revision Box

- 상단 왼쪽 : 고객사 Logo (그림 JPG 삽입)

- 상단 가운데 : Layout Name 을 이용하여 프로젝트 이름과 Report 내용 표시
- 상단 오른쪽 : 작성자 소속 및 영문 성함 표기
- 하단 왼쪽 : Gantt Chart Legend
- 하단 가운데 : Page Number ( Default Setting )
- 하단 오른쪽 : Revision Box
( 작성일, Primavera basic Training II Report, check 란에 작성작
이름(국문)을 작성).

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

Print 1_Basic Schedule Report
- A3 1 장으로 출력, 날짜는 시간단위 까지 표시,
- 모든 수치는 소수점 두 자리까지 표시.
- Resource Usage Profile 에서 모든 Resource 를 한 번에 확인.
- Timescale : Year/Month
프로젝트 시작 전 1 개월부터 종료 후 2 개월 까지 확인 가능.
- Activity Table : Activity ID, Name, Start, Finish, OD, TF, Total Cost 확인 가능

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

Print 2_협력업체 별 Schedule
(4사분면에서 Show-all Project 체크 빼고 해당 Activity에 loading된 Resource만 선택한다.)
- Group by : Lev.1 협력업체, Lev.2 공종
- 협력업체별 개별 Schedule 작성(총 5 장)
- 협력업체 별 투입 된 Resource Usage Profile(Histogram, S-Curve)확인 가능.
- Timescale : Year/Month , 날짜 표기는 시간 단위 제외.
- Activity Table : WBS, Activity ID, Activity Name, Start, Finish, Total Cost,Resource
확인 가능.
<샘플 참조>

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

Print 3_Milestone Schedule
- 아래 그림을 참조하여 Milestone Schedule Report 를 작성합니다.
- 다양한 설정 사항을 확인, 수정하여 최대한 동일한 Report 를 작성합니다.

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

Print 4_WBS Summary Schedule
- 아래 그림을 참조하여 WBS Summary Schedule Report 를 작성합니다.
- 다양한 설정 사항을 확인, 수정하여 최대한 동일한 Report 를 작성합니다.

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

Print 5_Critical Schedule
- 아래 그림을 참조하여 Critical Schedule Report 를 작성합니다.
- 다양한 설정 사항을 확인, 수정하여 최대한 동일한 Report 를 작성합니다.

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

Print 6_Detail Schedule
- 아래 그림을 참조하여 Detail Schedule Report 를 작성합니다.
- 다양한 설정 사항을 확인, 수정하여 최대한 동일한 Report 를 작성합니다.

Project Controls Corporation of Asia

Hope begins in the dark. The dawn will come.
You wait and watch and work.
You don’t give up!

Risk is threat or opportunity!!

You have to make Opportunity

for your future. !!!


Project Controls Corporation of Asia

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