s4 Ingles Grupal

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🔴Week 04 – Writing Task:

Assignment – A day off!



U23229254 U23252359
Good morning, this is my daily routine from Monday to Friday:
I get up at 6:00 in the morning. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I
put on sports clothes and exercise until 7:45am. I go down to prepare
my breakfast, I usually have a protein shake. I don't like to drink
anything hot. I finish breakfast, get dressed and start working, I
work at home from my laptop, that is, home office. I start working at
8 in the morning until 1 in the afternoon.
I have lunch at 1:30 in the afternoon, I finish lunch, I brush my teeth.
I go back to work again until 5:00 in the afternoon.
I go to the university at 6:30 in the afternoon, I have classes until
10:30 at night. Then I go home and have coffee and cheese bread for
dinner. Finally I go up to my room, I like to listen to music and finish
doing my pending tasks. I put on my pajamas to go to bed at 1:00 in
the morning and go to sleep.

On my day off I get up at 9am I go to the bathroom to wash my face

and teeth, then at 10am I exercise until 12pm, I prepare a protein
shake that has papaya and oats, I clean and at 1pm I prepare my
lunch , I like to prepare something quick and at 2pm I have lunch, I
take a bath, then I watch a movie, I take a nap to rest, and at 6pm I go
out with my dog Canelita for a walk in the park, I come back, have
dinner and watch a bit of social media, At 10pm I head to my room to
rest for the next day.

From Monday to Friday morning I always get up at

4:00 a.m. I usually prepare breakfast for my husband
and children and I always send them to school at 7:30
am. I bathe every day and always use cream for my
face, hands, neck, and legs. I almost never clean my
patio and garden. On Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays I clean my bathroom at 10:00 am. But first I
tie my hair, I put on gloves and slippers, I avoid
wearing sandals. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I
currently go to the University and I am playing in the
Olympics and in the afternoon I visit my grandmother
who wears a long skirt and red coat with very thick
stockings to cover her knees.

On weekends, which are my days off, Saturday and

Sunday when I don't go to university, I get up at 8:00
am, I prepare a juice, in the afternoons I play soccer
with my children, sometimes we go to the pool or
watch movies on the living room on the first floor of
the house. Finally I always go to bed at 12:00 midnight
but before that I read a book and turned off the light in
the bedroom. I love my family and my house.

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