Stand Up Fight Overcoming Setbacks John Ijeh All Chapter

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Stand Up & Fight, Overcoming

Setbacks, John Ijeh

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Stand Up
Overcoming Setbacks, Household Wickedness, Spiritual Enslavement and Financial Obstacles and Warfare Prayer
Points to Unlock Your Destiny

John Ijeh
Copyright @2020 JOHN IJEH
All right reserved; no part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher except in the case of brief
quotation for church related publication, critical articles or reviews
All scripture quotations are from the King James Version, unless otherwise stated
Published in Nigeria by John Ijeh Ministries
Tel. +2348060248601
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Demon possession and satanic altars

How to overcome witchcraft and demonic attacks
Operation Take it by Force
Deliverance from Stagnation and Evil family Pattern
Stand up and Fight
Command your Finances
How to receive healing and deliverance from God’s word
Teach your child to pray
How to Identify and overcome Suicide Spirit
How to Receive Healing and Deliverance through God’s word
Miracle Prayers for Divine Healing and Deliverance
Towards a Blissful Marriage
120 Spiritual Warfare prayers to Crush Witchcraft and demonic Attacks
101 Dangerous Midnight Prayers to Break Stubborn Obstacles and Satanic Strongholds
Destroying the Spirit of Delay
100 Healing Scriptures and Prayers for Self Deliverance
Purpose Driven Youth

I wish to acknowledge the Almighty God for His grace and inspiration to write this book. I equally thank the
members of my family for their support and encouragement. My profound appreciation also goes to everyone who
encouraged me in one way or the other in writing this book.

I dedicate this book to the Almighty God and to every Christian around the world who is facing any battle in his or
her life.
Table of Contents













Life is full of battles. Everywhere you turn to you’ve got to fight to survive. Everyone is involved in a fight whether
they like it or not. Some people usually say that they don’t have enemies. Maybe you don’t but you have so many
things that are up against you. Those forces are after one thing: to see to your downfall. They can never stop until
you stand up and stop them. To stop them you must fight.
It is a proven fact of all ages that the oppressor will never allow the oppressed to go free until the oppressed rise up
to demand his freedom by force. There is something that is there to guarantee your downfall, your pain, stagnation,
setbacks, abuse, sorrow and every negative thing you can think of everyday of your life. It will take a fight for you
to move forward. Make no mistake about it; every progress in life is an outcome of a fight and every- stagnation, a
result of no fight, or wrong fight. Even your peace of mind requires a fight to ward off forces that interfere with it
Only fighters achieve anything meaningful in life. Those who are afraid to fight remain slaves to strange force.
.Circumstances and forces will give way to the one who fights with the right weapons. Jesus our Lord and master
told us that it takes violence to possess the kingdom.
And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by
force. Matt. 11: 12
In other words, fight is a must for everyone who desires to see positive result in any area of his life. Anytime you
see result, know that someone has risen up to fight. Results don’t come on their own something attracts them. And
anytime there is no result, it is very likely that somebody has refused to fight or engage in a real sacrificial battle. No
battle, no results. However, wrong battles bring wrong result. So, you can see that it is not just fighting that brings
results but fighting the right battles and using the right weapons.
There are so many wars and battles going on all over the world but a huge percentage of those battles are either
wrong battles or battles fought with the wrong weapons. The shooting and killings going on in different parts of the
world are only detracting from our human essence. The world can do without all the shooting and killings. The
battles in our marriages and homes would be won if we applied the right weapons.
The fight of life is all encompassing. It covers every area of human life and endeavors. There is spiritual, physical,
emotional and psychological fight. There is also fight with spirits, humans, animals, nature, seen and unseen forces.
It therefore follows that whoever wants to win in life must be prepared to fight. Get the necessary information that
will equip you to face the battles of your life.
This book: “Stand up and Fight” is timely inspired to equip you to know how to face and overcome your life battles.
Battles are not fought with nothing. There are weapons designed for different kinds of battles. You need to be
skillful in the selection of these weapons as the wrong weapon could lead to more damage than you expect. The use
of the wrong weapon can make you lose an important battle of your life. You will agree with me that so many
people have lost a battle or two in the past due the use of the wrong weapon. How many homes have been destroyed
because the people involved fought wrongly? How many are poor because they don’t understand the weapons for
combating poverty? Our homes and society will be better if we fight and fight correctly.
Chapter 1

Everyone is involved in the fight of life. No one is immune or exempted. The book of Job 14: 1 says: Man that is
born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble. This statement confirms that no one is exempted from the
troubles or battles of life. In other words, the fight of life has no racial, ethnic or religious boundaries.
It does not recognize the economic status of people. It doesn’t care if you are a C E O or an employee. Whether
you are a Priest, a Prophet, a Pastor or a Lay man makes no difference. The only qualification you need to be
involved in the battles of life is to be born on earth. It does not matter how you were born or into what family you
were born. Once you find yourself in this world, you are automatically enlisted for battles. Kings and nobles do not
have any preferential treatments in the battles of life. As a matter of facts, most kings and nobles had fought more
battles than commoners. King David in the bible fought more battles than so many people on this earth. In Psalm 3:
1-2 he said
Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! Many are they that rise up against me. Many there be which say of my
soul, there is no help for him in God. Don’t forget that David was a king yet he faced so many battles. So, both kings
and ordinary people have got to fight if they want to see victory. If you want to avoid the fight of life, don’t come
into the world because if you do, you will be enlisted in the fight
It Is Only Me
Some people believe they are the only ones involved in the battles of life. Nothing can be farther from the truth than
the belief that you are the only one having the worst battle so far. Some people think they are the hardest hit by the
bullets of life battles. Well, you may be at a very hot spot in your fight, but the fact is that you are not the only one.
There are many people who are going through worse or more severe fight than you are. Quit nurturing your wound;
you are not the only one targeted by the arrows of life. If you looked around, you would see another person that is
having it tougher than you are.
The answer is not to sit there and murmur; the answer is to stand up and fight. The situation will not go away just
like that. Battles of life have no pity in their vocabulary; neither do they understand how you feel. The only
language they understand is action. Action, I mean real action. Without this, they will remain with you until you
are dead. I am not really sure they will not follow you into the grave. After all, what do they have nothing to lose?
If you were a comfort zone for them when you were alive, what is the assurance that you will not remain the same in
your death? If you cannot fight while alive, I don’t think you can fight as a dead person. Refuse to give up. Quit
nursing the notion that others are immune from the fight of life except you. That someone has won a measure of
victory in an aspect of his life does not mean he is victorious in all aspects. People shine brighter in the areas they
have put up the most severe fight in their life. If you see two friends and one is more educated than the other, know
that that one has fought more to acquire education than the other. A couple who have more peaceful home than
others have also fought more against elements that obstruct peace in the home than others.
The bible says that if you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. Adversities are part of human
existence on earth. Know for sure that you will face difficult times but the word of God assures of victory if we put
our trust in the lord. He told Jeremiah that he would face battles but He, the lord would give him victory.
For behold, I have made thee this day a defensed city, and an iron pillar, and a brazen wall against the whole land,
against the king of Judah, against the priests thereof, and against the people of the land. And they shall fight against
thee; but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to deliver thee. Jeremiah 1: 18-19
Chapter 2

Now, it is clear that you are not the only one involved in life’s battle. So, you can knuckle down to business and
face your challenges head on. You can’t win if you don’t fight. It takes fight to win a battle. Those who sit and
mourn or complain are only making victory cheap for the enemy.
Your own fight may be different from another person’s fight. There’s this saying that as ‘our faces are different, so
also our needs and challenges are’. But the truth is that everybody has a challenge. This simply means that you
can’t fight like any other person. The weapons you need to fight and win your battle may not be the same as the
ones your next door neighbor or your closest friend may need to fight and win. Battles of life vary according to
individuals. Understand what your challenges are and brace up to face them. Don’t expect it to be the same with any
other person’s. If you have a peculiar battle you are facing, also know that you have a peculiar grace and ability to
win such fight.
Some people have financial challenges, others have health challenges, yet others have the challenges of maintaining
peace in their homes, others need the fruit of the womb while someone else battles with trying to bring a wayward
child to the right track. Another has brain that seems not to retain any information yet he/she wants to be educated.
Another person may be battling with the problem of a large family and meager resources. Whatever the challenge
may be, you have to stand up and fight. You have to understand your own battle and choose your weapon carefully.
The challenge you are facing will determine the kind of weapon you need for victory. You can’t fight sickness with
the same weapon with which you fight lack of peace in your home. Every weapon is not suitable for every battle. If
you shout when you should be silent, you are not likely to win that battle.
People sometimes pray when they should act and act when they should pray. Whichever way, the result may not be
desirable. Moses struck the rock when he was supposed to speak to it and he forfeited the promise land. He applied
the wrong weapon for the right course and he got the wrong result. The weapon we choose for a particular battle in
our life can make all the difference between victory and failure. Sometimes our pride makes us to choose the wrong
weapon. You may know that it is better to be calm when your spouse is ragging but you just feel that your silence
portrays you as a weak person; so you go for a hit and then see your marriage crumble; something you never wanted
but your choice of weapon rub you of the victory.
What You Don’t Fight Will Overcome You
What you refuse to fight won’t give you a break. Refusing to fight does not exempt you from the fight. If you are in
a football pitch, and refuses to play, your opponent won’t share your idea; they are going to play against you and
win you. Life is not aware that you are not in the mood to fight; it just dishes out blows and keeps dishing it against
you. You will die if you don’t do something.
People ignore important battles in their lives believing that the problem will go away on its own. Challenges only
respond to action, not to wishful thinking. If you refuse to fight ignorance, it will become a mountain before you that
will stop you from achieving your goals in life. If you refuse to fight spiritual forces, they will make sure you end in
hell. There you will have the whole of eternity to regret not standing up to fight. Whatever you refuse to fight will
have a cheap victory over you. Fighters are winners.
Some people do not believe in fighting for anything. They convinced themselves that they can get whatever God
wants them to get, get to where God wants them to get to and be what God wants them to be all by divine
providence. This is self- deception. God doesn’t play His part and our own part as well. He does His own and
expects us to do our own. Be assured that it will take a real fight to accomplish your own part of the deal. God gave
Canaan land to the children of Israel as a promise but it took them real fight to possess it. Up-till now, they are still
fighting to keep it.
God’s promise would have been enough for them. After all, God is all powerful, He can do all things. It does not
take Him anything to dissolve all the inhabitants of
Canaan, and give the land to His people (Israel) But He allowed them to fight for what He had already promised
Jesus tells us that the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and only the violent takes it by force. Why would anyone
need force to take the kingdom that Jesus already paid for by His sacrifice on the cross? His sacrifice gave us the
kingdom free of charge but we need to stand firm on his promises and finished work or else, the devil will push us
out of the kingdom.
Inside and Outside
Battle could be internal or external. Many people are battling with internal forces but outside they look okay. This
is why someone who appears okay on the outside could suddenly drop dead. People would be shocked, not knowing
that such a person had been having intense internal struggle.
Well, it is still going to take fight to overcome internal battle. If you are having an internal battle which I believe
everyone is having, I will like to recommend these steps to help you overcome such undue struggles. But let us first
of all look at some internal battles.
Sickness: Some sicknesses are inside eating deep into their victim. Don’t let your outward appearance deceive you.
Make sure you check yourself from time to time and take the necessary professional advice to help yourself.
However, the most effective weapon against sickness is God’s word. Matt 8:17 that it might be fulfilled which was
spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities and bare our sickness. Healing is the will of God
for all His children. Jesus has paid for it. We can access it by faith and by agreeing with God’s word. Sickness is of
the devil that’s why you need to reject it.
Low self- esteem: Low self- esteem is a negative inner struggle that makes you believe the worst about yourself
and expect no real good thing to happen to you. Low self- esteem will also make you feel unloved no matter how
much anybody tries to show you love. You are not inferior to anybody. You are created in the image and likeness of
God like any other person. The psalmist tells you that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul
knoweth right well.
So much has been written on this topic. There is no need to feel inferior because you are God’s master piece and He
doesn’t make mistakes in His works. He crafted you with so much care and dexterity to fit into the purpose for
which you were created. Shake yourself off from low self-esteem. There is so much God has loaded inside of you.
You can’t just sit there and rob the world of so much you can offer by thinking you are just nobody. God does not
create nonentities. When he created the universe, He said that everything He created was good including you. You
are good. You are great. You are wonderful. Stand up and fight anything that makes you feel less than God has
made you to be.
Anger: This is the outburst of emotion mostly in a negative way. I believe that anger is an emotion that you need to
fight to bring under control otherwise it will destroy your relationship with other people. You can be a slave to
anger. As a matter of fact, a lot of people are. When the spirit of anger has you, you are sure to lose a lot of battles.
Anger and foolishness live together that is why, more often than not, when people are angry, they do foolish things.
The man who is slow to anger has the reputation of greater accomplishment that a general who takes a whole city.
He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. Prov. 16:32
For you to accomplish anything meaningful in life, you have to deal with anger because man’s anger does not
workout God’s righteousness.
For more on anger management please read Anger management God’s Way by Daniel C. Okpara available on
Envy or Jealousy: This simply means feeling unhappy or angry because you wish you had something that
somebody else has. Envy could be a destructive force if not controlled. I need hardly tell you that you need to fight
to control such emotion. You overcome envy by being content and thankful for what you have. Contentment and
gratitude are two powerful weapons against envy.
Everyone has got something. Nobody is created empty. You only need to acknowledge the deposit God has put in
you. Don’t be unsettled because someone is more handsome or beautiful or even has a talent you don’t have. There
is something you have that the person also lacks. Not all good-looking or wealthy people are happy. In fact, I have
seen some very beautiful ladies who think they are nothing; they wished they were someone else. Be grateful for
what you have while you trust God to supply your needs. The bible says that envy is like rottenness in the bone.
A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones. Prov. 14:30
The word of God tells us that envy is an internal disease. Don’t live with envy; it will kill you very fast. It will cause
rottenness in your bones. Besides, you can never become the person you envy. God made you unique and different.
So, don’t lose your individuality by envying another person
Depression: A feeling of despair or hopelessness. This is another inner struggle that a lot of people are battling
with. Depression doesn’t go away just like that, you need to fight it. There is hardly anyone who has passed through
this earth or currently on it who has not at one point or the other been depressed. Depression comes when things
didn’t work out the way we expected it to work out. It is the feeling of hopelessness that engulfs you when life deals
out unfair measure to you.
More often than not we blame other people when we find ourselves in such situations. Complaining and blaming
others are wrong weapons against the spirit of depression. A better weapon is to remind you of God’s faithfulness
and to assure yourself of sunshine at the end of the tunnel. Choosing to trust God at this point in time fortifies you
and takes the pressure off you.
Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise
him for the help of his countenance. Prov. 42:5
The psalmist in this scripture shows us a better weapon against depression. He first acknowledged that he was
depressed and decided to address his depression by hoping in God and looking forward to a brighter tomorrow. He
knew it was useless blaming the society or neighbors for his condition. Trust in God is a sophisticated weapon
against depression.
Outward Battles
As we have battles within, so also we have battle without. These are battles with external forces. These external
forces could be human beings, animals, spirits or anything you can think of. Sometimes our battles are both internal
and external. All you need to do is brace up and fight the challenges head on. Combat is the answer to whatever
battle you face.
Chapter 3

There are different stages of battles in everybody’s life. At any point you must be facing a certain kind of fight.
You can never be left without challenges. That is why you must be combat-ready at any stage so that you don’t
allow the enemy to have cheap victory over you. Let’s look at some stages of battles in our lives.
The battle of your life began even before you were born. The fact that you are in this world proves that you have
won a major victory. You made it alive out of your mother’s womb. Not everyone was that lucky. Some died at the
point of birth; others entered the world deformed all because of the fierce battle at the port of entry into this world.
The fact that you are here already makes you a victor. You made it when you didn’t know anything about battle how
much more now that you are knowledgeable.
You will agree with me that coming into this world require a lot of fight. Well, if you doubt it just follow a pregnant
woman to labor room; I am sure after what you will see, you will be convinced that it takes a real battle for one to
come into this world. This is what I called battle for arrival or entrance battle.
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon
her head a crown of twelve stars. And she being with child travailing in birth and pained to be delivered. And there
appeared another wonder in heavens and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns and seven
crowns upon his head. And his tail drew the third part of other stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth; and
the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered. For to devour her and is soon as it was born.
Rev. 12:1-4
The picture in this scripture shows that there is battle involved in coming to this world. A dragon was already
waiting to devour the child that was about to be born. That looks like the dragon doesn’t want the child to be born.
Yes, there are so many dragons that did not want you to come into this world. You are only here because those
dragons were not allowed to prevail.
This scripture tells us that this woman was travailing in birth. The word travail means: unpleasant experience or
situation that involves a lot of hard work, difficulties or suffering. This was enough battle for the woman. When
someone is travailing, he/she is fighting to get out of a difficult situation. So the woman was having enough battle
trying to bring her child into the world. Yet, that seemed not to be enough; a dragon was standing-by to see that if at
all the woman overcomes the battle she was already neck deep in, the child will be devoured before he ever had a
chance to live.
A lot of lives have been lost at this stage of life battle. Some succeeded but came into the world maimed and
twisted. Some people’s destinies were shortchanged at this stage (at birth). Thank God for those who overcame and
arrived safely, but then the battle is not yet over. The dragon is still after you.

Why The Battle at Arrival Point?

Well, I have asked the questions several times. Why do people go through a lot of fight to bring a child into this
world? In this part of the world, childbearing is a very crucial thing. Both friends and foes are always at alert at this
point. It is a transition point that is very critical.
The bible revealed to us the dragon’s interest in the child that was about to be born. He knew exactly what the child
would be and he was not comfortable with such destiny around him. Rev. 12:5. She brought forth a man child who
was to rule all nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up unto God.
Every child that comes into this world comes with a colorful destiny. When a woman gives birth to a child, it is not
just another human being that is added to the mass of humanity teaming the face of the earth; a star is born, a history
has started to unfold, a great destiny has been created. An additional headache to the devil has just arrived. (You are
not just an addition to the number of people already in the world, you are a star, a unique personality, a solution to a
problem).Knowing this, the enemy will not fold his arms and watch. He will do something to stop that child from
arriving. And if he is given the chance, he will stop him.
The child can’t do much at this stage; it needs those who are already here to help him/her fight the battle for his/her
entrance. This battle is both spiritual, scientific (medical) and so on. So many destinies have stolen at this point.
Thank God you won this major battle
Fight for Your Soul
Now that you have arrived safely, please allow me to offer you my congratulations! And if you did not arrive as
safely you would have wanted, I still say that you are welcome. The truth is that you can still live a fulfilled life no
matter how you arrived.
For those that have arrived safely, the next stage of battle has already started. It is the battle for your soul. The goal
of this battle is to determine who will be the Lord of your life. Is it God through Jesus Christ or the devil through
any other means? This battle will run throughout your lifetime. God will use His word and other circumstances to
make you recognize and accept His lordship over your life. The devil will also use everything at his disposal:
music, television, tradition, education, fashion and even religion to obtain you for him-self.
Your decisions and actions will reveal who is having upper hand in your life at any point in time. You are at the
Centre of this fight. You are being bombarded from the two sides. God wants you to fulfill his purpose for your life
while the devil wants you to live contrary to that purpose.
This battle is so vital that it determines where you spend your eternity. You will spend your eternal with whoever
takes over the lordship of your life.
When you decide for God by accepting Jesus as your Lord, the devil will still come after you like the dragon came
after the woman that gave birth in Revelation 12. However, being in the kingdom of God guarantees your victory
over the devil though not without battles.

So many people take this stage of life battle for granted. If you lose this fight, you will have all eternity to regret not
giving everything to win it. This fight is worth winning at all cost. Don’t allow the devil to take over your eternity.
The Bible says the thief cometh not, but to steal, to kill and to destroy. (see Jn. 10:10) These are the three things the
devil has to offer anyone who welcomes him or refuses to stand up against him; steal, kill and destroy. The
remaining part of that scripture reads: but I come that they may have life and have it in abundance. John 10:10. This
is what Jesus offers; Life in abundance.
Who would you rather vote for as the Lord of your life; the one who comes to steal, kill and destroy or the one who
comes to give life in abundance? Be wise!
Jesus went to the cross to purchase your freedom and eternal security. He gave His life that we might have abundant
life. His grace is sufficient for us in whatever circumstance we find ourselves. He loves us so much as to sacrifice
His life for us. We can’t afford to lose this all-important battle.
Chapter 4

After you succeed in winning your entrance battle and the battle of the lordship of your life by deciding for Christ,
another battle begins. This time, the fight is about who shares your life time with you as your spouse. This fight is
very vital. Many have been wounded in this fight. Many have even lost their lives in it. This battle has two stages:
The choice of a life partner and living with a life partner. This battle may start even before you give your life to
Christ. It is a battle that is more severe than a lot of people think.
It surprises me to see many people getting into this stage of life without proper consideration of what they are
stepping into. Most people have no preparation whatsoever for marriage apart from the fact that they are old enough
to be married. Marriage is not all about bliss and ecstasy; sometimes, it could be a war front. It is one of life battles
you must win. A lot is at stake at the marriage front.
A lot of sacrifice is involved in staying happily married
The Choice of a Life Partner
Not every woman or man that catches your fancy that is designed to be your spouse. Not every woman or man that
makes good impression on you that can be your wife or husband. Some so called good impressions and attractions
are mere façade.
The real thing is hidden inside, beneath the smiles, the cat walks, the swags and gesticulations. When you hook up,
the real man or woman will surface.
It will take real battle to fight off the smiles and temporary attractions and lay hold on the real person. The enemy’s
deception concentrates much on this area. The world calls it love at first sight. Well, there is nothing wrong if the
love at first sight turns to love forever. But more often than not, it doesn’t. Love at first sight in most relationships
has turned to hate afterwards. The reason is that what you saw at first is not what you are seeing now.
It is very imperative that you become very wary at this stage of your life otherwise the devil will make you an in-
law. I am sure you know what that means? Take your time and prayerfully make you choice of partner that you
will spend your life time with. Put in as much fight as possible to make sure the enemy or your wrong sense of
judgment does not force a partner on you.
You will agree with me that it takes real discipline to overcome some peripheral impression that lure people into
marriage. The Bible admonished that we should focus on the hidden man of the heart against physical attractions.
… whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair and wearing of gold or putting on of
apparel. But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not compatible, even the ornament of a meek and
quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price. 1 Pet. 3:3-4
Some people have interpreted this portion of the scripture to mean that people (especially women) should not make
up or wear jewelries. But the bible is here giving us an option of inner beauty as against physical attraction.
Physical qualities can never be ruled out in our choice of a partner. We all have what appeals to us as individuals but
God admonished that we should not settle only for the physical. In fact, He wants us to let inner qualities take
precedence over physical qualities otherwise we are headed for the rocks.
Marriage is so important to God and to the married partners. It is the first human institution God created. He delights
in it. He wants to see it flourish as He intended. No wonder the devil has his eyes so much on it. Everything God
delights in, the devil will want to destroy. God provided a mate that was suitable for Adam. He can equally give you
a suitable mate
. And the LORD God said: It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Gen
It is important for you to carefully and prayerfully enter into this stage of life. Our world is constantly being plagued
by divorce and broken homes. We don’t need any more of that. Yours will not be an addition to the divorce and
breakup role, in Jesus name.
Living with a Partner
The next stage of the battle of marriage is living with the one you have chosen to be your spouse. Everyone knows
that this is even the most critical battle humanity is facing in the world today. Families and marriages are breaking
down, blood pressures are rising, bodies are aching, tears are flowing and pains are increasing as a result of the
severe combat going on in this area of our existence. Families are churning out more and more children with broken
lives as a result of broken homes. The children themselves are taking it out on the entire society as hooligans,
hoodlums and angry mobs. Some who are not hoodlums are too broken to make anyone else happy. We seem to be
losing this battle more rapidly than ever. The reason is not farfetched; men and women are either not ready to fight
to maintain their marriages or they are fighting with the wrong weapons. Some couples are fighting each other and
not the main problem.
When God created marriage Institution, His intention was to give man a suitable companion. He never intended it to
be a source of pain for any man or woman. But you know that whatever God makes good the devil will want to
make bad. God in His Infinite wisdom made the marriage relationship for the man and the woman to lift each other
up not to put each other down. It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.
The battle of living with a partner is not a fight against your partner like we see today but a fight for your partner.
This fight is targeted at protecting and keeping your spouse. It is a battle to keep the flow of love steady in your
home; a fight to make your partner prefer you over any other; a fight to guarantee your fulfillment and that of your
spouse; a fight to make sure no spoiler is allowed into your relationship.
The choice of weapons and the battle strategy in this area is very vital. Not every weapon is useful in this fight and
not every strategy will guarantee victory. It is best to look into God’s word for the right weapon for your marriage.
One weapon I have personally discovered to be a very wrong one in marriage battle is trading of words, especially
negative words. Saying just anything to your spouse in the name of quarrel or even correction could be very
destructive. Another wrong weapon is undue silence. Marriage is all about companionship. I don’t see why we
should claim to be companion yet we don’t talk to each other. However, silence could also be a very good weapon
especially when you see that tension is rising. At this point, it will be best to be silent.
In marriage, paying your spouse with his/her own coin (especially wrong coin) may be a way to give the enemy
cheap victory in your relationship. Fire back with love and care when the arrow of insult or contempt is thrown at
you. Use silence to combat abuses. Generosity is a better weapon against stinginess. Faithfulness is a more
sophisticated weapon against cheating. Giving your all could be one of the most destructive battering rams against
enemy’s impregnable walls of selfishness and deception. To win this fight you need so much commitment. Your
devotion must be absolute and a day to day thing.
If your marriage has been taken over by the enemy, don’t give up, fight to recover it. Give it all it takes and I
guarantee you a win. The bible admonishes us to fight.
And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people; Be not afraid of
them: remember the Lord which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons and your daughter,
your wives and your houses [Neh. 4:14]
Your marriage or home is not only for you. Many people are connected to you. Your failure here will affect them.
If you lose the battle of your marriage, your spouse, your children, your brothers, your sisters, your friends, so many
others looking up to you will be affected. This is why the battle is a must win. Fight for your partner; don’t leave
him or her in the devil’s trap

The bible portion we read above says: fight to recover and protect your brethren, your wives, your sons, your
daughters and your houses. Don’t allow your home to be torn apart by the enemy. Let not your sons and daughter
live in despair as a result of broken home. Even your friends and relations have a lot to benefit from your victory.
Determine not to allow the enemy to win even if it means playing the fool. A marriage Counselor said: ’it is better
to be at peace with your spouse than to be right’. Having peace, love, care and trust flow in your marriage is more
important than standing on your right. You may have to give up that right in order to lock the spoiler out of your
marriage. Result is what is going to count at the end not who was right and who was wrong.
I have seen in my own marriage how arguments over who was right or wrong steer up fight. This had happened
severally to make me understand that ‘right’ is not what counts in a marriage rather it is the flow of love, care and
trust that counts. Giving up your right applies to both man and woman. When there is tension, someone should
back off. That does not make you weak. It is actually a proof that you are stronger than the other person at that point
in time.
Another weapon I am sure you will find really useful in your marriage combat is the ability to accept your wrong
and to apologize or say ‘I am sorry’ to your spouse. I call this a quick recovery of the foothold the enemy has taken.
When there is a quarrel or misunderstanding, the enemy takes advantage of that to step in and whisper some
negative things to the couple. Each of them will begin to nurse some negative thought against the other person.
However, when one of them makes the move to apologize and initiate a reconciliatory process, the enemy will lose
the foothold he has taken. If each of the couple decides to hold on to their right, the situation will degenerate and
that home will become a comfortable place for the spoiler. It won’t be long before the couple will find themselves
incapable of living together. Settle quarrels as soon as they rise. Before they grow wings and too difficult to solve,
nip them on the board. The bible admonishes us not to allow the sun to go down upon our wrath. This can only be
possible if we have a plan of reconciliation before even the misunderstanding.
The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with.
Prov. 1 :14
This portion of the scripture emphasizes the need not to allow quarrel or misunderstanding to escalate in our homes.
Take the honor of staying away from strife and contention. It is dignifying to give peace a chance by taking the first
step towards settlement.
It is an honor for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling. Prov. 20:3
Fight in marriage should not be against your spouse but against anything that interferes with the peace and
sweetness of your marriage. The devil has a plan against every marriage. God created marriage for comfort;
anything contrary to that is not of God. So, you own yourself the responsibility of making your home to be exactly
what God wants it to be by wading off any attack from the wicked one
Pray This Prayer for Your Marriage;
I close every door and every channel through which the enemy brings discomfort into my marriage, in Jesus name. I
speak pleasure, comfort and bliss into my marriage, in Jesus mane. I open the door of my marriage to the Spirit of
God to bring His wisdom, knowledge and understanding in the affairs of my home. I declare that I have the
sweetness, comfort and bliss that God intends for my marriage, in Jesus name. Love, peace, joy and prosperity is in
abundant supply in my home, in Jesus name
Chapter 5

The battle of life doesn’t end at the marriage front. Fight for economic liberation is another intense one. The
struggle for economic freedom has turned so many men into desperados and human vampires. Everyone wants to
have a bite of the good things of life which God has endowed the earth with.
Poverty is one of the biggest epidemics the world is facing. More than half of the world population does not have
enough to eat yet they have as much right as any other person to the goodies of life. Everybody is involved in this
fight both the rich and the poor. Those who don’t have are fighting to have while those who have are fighting to
have more and keep what they have. So, nobody is exempted from this fight. If you are afraid to get involved in this
battle, you have as well decided your destiny: hunger, deprivation and misery.
Poverty is such a strong force that takes real fight to overcome. It has no respect for any person. It has no regards
for race, religion or geographical location. There are still poor people in places that are considered rich and
developed. There are equally rich people in the most improvised places of the world. Whoever and wherever you
are, only real combat will give you victory over this monster called poverty.
Again choice of weapons and battle strategy are very imperative in this fight. There are weapons to combat poverty.
Some of the weapons you will need in this combat include:
HARD WORK: Laziness is a breeding ground for the spirit of poverty. Hard work is a strong weapon to contend
with this monster. The bible admonishes us to be diligent. The word diligent implies hard work.
The soul of the sluggard (lazy man) desireth and hath noting; but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat. Prov.
In all labor there is profit but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury (Prov. 14:23).
It is said that there is no food for a lazy man. A lazy man is a friend to poverty. Good friends work together with
each other. So, poverty finds the life of one who has aversion for hard work conducive. You must identify one area
in life where you will work and put in your labor if you intend to push poverty far from you. Do not fold your alms
and watch others work because those alms will still be folded when their labor begins to yield fruits.
How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? When wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a
little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.
Prov. 6
Developing Your Talent or Skill
You will be combat ready against this ferocious monster if you take the time to develop your talent and skills. The
Bible says that much food is in the tillage of poor but there is that is destroyed for want of judgment Prov. 13:23.
The tillage of the poor here means among other things developing your talents and skills. Poor people will live
better if they develop their talents and skills.
Well, I am not a financial expert or Investment guru but I believe that the bible holds the answer to the solution of
poverty and economic liberation for anyone who cares to pay attention to the principle outlined in the scriptures.
Having talked about hard work and skills/talents’ development, let’s look at some other principles that leads
someone to economic liberation.
Giving is a dangerous weapon against lack. Giving can be a guided missile against that monster called poverty. A
saying goes that “givers never lack”. Yes, this is true because the Bible says: ‘give and it shall be given to you,
good measure pressed down shaking together and running over, shall men give unto your bosom’ Lk. 6:38
Stand up and fight every force that is hindering you from giving because whatever hinders you from giving will
equally hinder you from prospering. Give your way out of economic bondage. Giving is an elaborate topic in the
bible but the simple principle is that you attract more of whatever you give. This means that if I desire more, I
should give more. The writer of the book of proverbs tells us that the liberal soul shall be made fat. Generosity opens
you up to an abundant life. You can actually give your way out of lack
The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself Prov. 11:25
The bible encourages us to invest; cast your bread upon many waters, for after many days you
shall find it. Give portion to seven, and also to eight, for thou knowest not what evil shall be
upon the earth. Eccl. 11:1-2.
Any one that is thinking of economic liberation must think of investment. Investment is a pathway to success. You
cannot be successful if you don’t know how to develop streams of income. Visit Financial and Investment Experts
for assistance.
Economic battle should not be taken lightly by anyone. If you fail to fight this battle, the war will extend to your
children. I am sure you don’t want that to happen. Use every weapon available to fight this battle and make sure
you win.
Devil always deceive people into selling their birthrights to gain economic freedom. This is why people join secret
societies or do rituals in order to become rich. Many involved themselves in robbery, duping and all kinds of illicit
activities just to have a bite of the goodies of life.
Well, as much as fight for economic liberation is a must win, your soul is still far more valuable than anything that
life can offer you. Jesus says: What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul, what can a
man give in exchange of his soul.
Don’t sell your soul to gain economic freedom. That is playing unto the hand of the devil. If you do, you will have
the whole of eternity to regret such foolish decision. You don’t have to be crooked to be rich. There are still a lot of
people who maintain their integrity and are still very rich. God’s blessings make a man rich, not human strength
Win your economic battle with the proper strategy and the right weapons. Win the fight in a godly way. That is the
only way you can say for sure that you have won the fight. If you sell your soul to win the fight, you will lose more
than you thought you have gained. And this does not portray you as a wise man.
Chapter 6

We live in an ungodly world where ungodly principles are blatantly displayed before everyone. The world does not
see anything wrong with their lifestyle. As Christians, we have a huge responsibility of raising godly children in an
ungodly world. This responsibility requires a fight, I mean real combat. The society has everything it takes to
educate and form your children in their image and after their likeness and against God’s ways and purposes. You
need to fight to stop them.
Raising godly children is not a battle for unserious individuals who are not combat-ready. This fight does not
tolerate laxity in any form. The slightest negligence can do unimaginable harm to your children. It would surprise
you to know that even great men of God both in the bible and in our world had failed in this fight. A very good
example is Eli in the bible.
The devil has no respect for anyone. He is out to take both the children of the rich and the poor, the spiritual and the
ordinary. He is like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour. He uses the world system and the world system has
everything it takes to carry out its operations.
Have you ever wondered why ungodliness gets such massive promotion?
They Use The Best of Men and Women to Promote Ungodliness
Do not be alarmed when you see respected men and women in our society promoting immorality. That is the way of
the world. So many things that were once condemned as ungodly are now being accepted as normal all because of
the backing of respected men and women of our society. Same-sex marriage would never have become legal in
some societies had important men and women not supported it. The blatant display of the sensitive part of the body
and near nakedness we have in our fashion world today got its credit from our superstars and celebrities. When stars
go naked, it is only natural for ordinary people to follow suit. The Bible warns:
See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men,
according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. For in Him all the fullness of
Deity dwells in bodily form. Col 2: 8
This is why we must pray for the great men and women in our society. They occupy positions of influence and as
such could make a heavy positive or negative impact on our lives and the lives of our children.
Say this prayer
I pray for every celebrity, every superstar, every important person, and everyone that occupies the position of
authority and influence in our society that the Almighty God will fill their minds and their hearts with wisdom and
ability for positive impact in the lives of their followers and those who look up to them for direction in Jesus name
Amen. Say this prayer every day for them
These Ungodly Values Come in Attractive Packages
The world has packaged immorality to look so attractive so much that the children of God patronize it without
knowing exactly what they are buying. Immorality now holds so much attraction for both Christians and non-
Christians. The packages in which they come make them harmless. When you speak against them, you are labeled
anti-social. Nudity is no longer offensive. It is not called nudity, it is called showing off your natural endowment.
Sexual immorality is called love. Prostitution is no longer a social vice in some places; it is now a noble profession.
The scripture warns us to flee. The bible enjoins us to separate ourselves from the ungodly world system. It is going
to take a real fight to guide your children on the right path. Don’t despair, the fight is worth everything. If you fight
this battle loosely, your children will become part of the evil system and they ridiculed the godly values you stand
The World System Has a Wide Coverage
It does not take much time and effort for immorality to spread. Anything can get to anybody anywhere within
seconds. The world system has a very fast and efficient means of advertising their products. They can get to your
children through school, social media, television, and different other means.
Devil’s Traps against Raising Godly Children
The Bible warns us not to be ignorant of the whiles of the devil. This means that it is our responsibility to guard
against any tricks he might want to play against us. He’s got bags of tricks and many people are falling for them.
Some of the traps he uses against families include the following.
1 Time Apart from Your Children
We live in a busy world where survival is connected to activities. So many activities in the quest for survival have
turned so many parents into absentee parents. They don’t mean to do that. They are just trying to make ends meet.
Unfortunately, too much commitment to work and other matters of survival leaves our children vulnerable. When
children are left to grow on their own, they are very likely to grow wrongly.

The devil likes to keep families apart because that allows him to crawl in and take a prominent place in that home.
Find time for your children. Busyness at work is not a valid excuse
Friends: Friendship is very important in our lives as human beings. However, we know that the kind of friends we
keep can either make or mar us. A friend can have so much influence over another. We need to monitor the kind of
friends our children keep. The bible tells us that the evil association can destroy good morals.
Be not deceived: evil communications (friendship) corrupt good manners 1cor 15: 33.
There is a story in the bible of one of King David’s son Amon who started lusting after his half-sister. He told a
close friend about his lust and his friend advised him wrongly. The advice of his so-called friend led to his untimely
death. (See 11Sam. 13)
That is how far friends can go in the life of someone. Please take the time to know and monitor the friends that your
children keep. It is one of the traps the devil uses to derail children from the path of godliness.

The things you need to look out for in the friends your children keep is what they stand for. What is there value
system? What do they think about God, the gospel, and the church? Such scrutiny is worth it because they will
subtly rub their values on your children when you are not there. And of course, you know you can’t always be there.

Say this prayer over your children and your household:

I declare in the name of Jesus Christ that my children (name them) are protected from evil friendship. They are
shielded from evil and harmful associations. They will only attract the right friends into their lives. Let my
children’s lives repel and resist anyone that will influence them wrongly. Every evil friend sent by Satan to entice
my children shall fail in Jesus name
Household Enemies
There are household enemies. Jesus Himself affirmed that man enemies are those of his household. Jesus did not say
that to give us a license to suspect or hate our relatives. He said it to equip us to be on guard. A lot of things are
happening within the family circle. Abuse and molestation are very rampant now in the family.
A woman told my wife about how a cousin (girl) has been sexually molesting her little boy to the point that the boy
had become very timid as a result of the threat from the girl. My wife advised her to tell her husband about it but she
refused. She told my wife that the father of the girl in question also molested her when she was younger. You can
see that sexual abuse has become a stronghold in that family.
We can’t end our relationship with our family members because many of them are decent and God-fearing but we
need to watch out for those monsters the devil might use against our families. You must watch and pray for your
children against household enemies.
Say this prayer:
Let every household enemy plotting against my children be exposed in Jesus' name.
Let my house be too hot for anyone with evil intentions against my family in Jesus' name.
I declare that my children are immune from every household enticement in Jesus name
The demon of sexual abuse and molestation shall not come near my household in Jesus name
I put the mark of the blood of Jesus on my children and household. The evil arrows that fly by day and by night shall
not touch them in Jesus' name.
Some Principles of Raising Godly Children
Some parents stand on godly principles but unfortunately, they teach them loosely to their children. Eli in the bible
was not in support of what his children were doing but he was not firm in rebuking and correcting them. It is not
enough to imbibe godly values; you must pass them on to your children. When we fail to do so, we give the devil a
chance to reclaim the victory we have won. You are not successful if your children can’t reproduce your success.
The devil knows the value of trans-generational grace and that is why, all through the ages, he has fought to severe
the link between parents and children. He hates to see children following the footstep of their godly parents. We
have so many examples in the bible. Eli, Samuel, David, and some others had wayward children yet they were godly
men themselves. We must adhere to certain principles if we must lead our children and families in the path of
1 Principle of Modelling
One of the dictionary definitions of a model is a successful example to be copied, with or without modification.
Models are used in the Show Biz world to show us the picture of a perfect human being. They let us see that we
must have a flat tummy, look tall and beautiful as the ideal figure.

Well, that is for show biz. In our homes, we must model what we want our children to emulate. To model means to
show an example. We show our children whatever we want them to imbibe. If you want your children to always tell
the truth, make sure you say the truth yourself. If we must raise godly children in this generation, we must show
them examples. We must model for our children what we want them to do. Studies have shown that children imitate
their parents more than they follow their instructions. In other words, your children follow your lifestyle more than
they follow your words. The apostle Paul invites people to follow his lifestyle.
For yourselves know how you ought to follow us: for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you. 2
Thessalonians 3:7.
The apostles showed the people a prototype of what they wanted them to be through their lifestyle. Be careful what
you say or do before your children because they will reproduce exactly what they see you do.

I know a woman who has the habit of always kneeling to pray at a particular spot each time she returns from work or
any outing. The children started imitating what their mother was doing. They would return from school and kneel at
that particular spot for a few minutes. Since they didn’t know what their mom usually says when she kneels there,
they would just stay there quietly for a few minutes. That goes to show how much our children imitate our actions. If
you watch very carefully, you will observe that they use the words or the terms you use in the house.
Modelling is an effective way of communicating our values to our children. One of the commendations God gave
about Abraham is that He was sure Abraham would command or show his household the path of the Lord. He would
both model and instruct his household in the way of God.
And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do; seeing that Abraham shall surely become a
great nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I know him, that he will command his
children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the
Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. Gen 18: 17-19.
The Lord wants us to model our godly values for our children that way the blessings of the Lord will continue in our
2. The Principle of Indoctrination
When we hear the word indoctrination, what quickly comes to our minds is the teaching of the wrong doctrine.
Indoctrination is not about the wrong doctrine. It means to properly instruct someone on a doctrine, idea, or belief.
The dictionary defines it as instruction in the rudiments and principles of any science or belief system. We are to
diligently and properly teach our children the word of God and our Christian faith. Educate your children on what
you stand for. Proverbs 22: 6 says: Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart
from it.

One of your primary assignment as a parent is to teach your children the right values. This is not just an assignment;
it is a war because society has so many wrong things to teach them. The devil wants to impact them negatively.
Your teaching is an effective weapon against the devil’s onslaught over your family. God commanded the Israelites
in the bible to properly teach their children His statues.
And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto
thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when
thou risest up Deut. 6:6-7
Teaching your children in the way of the Lord is a serious business in the kingdom. It is a stage of our life battles we
can’t afford to lose. The consequence of losing such a battle is so grave and the joy of winning it is unspeakable.
God said He would fulfill the promise he made to Abraham when he commands his household to keep His statutes.
See Gen 18: 17-19.

This is not a fight for careless people. No lapses are tolerated and no excuses are cogent enough
3. The Principle of the Rod
Rod in the Bible is an instrument of guidance and protection not an instrument of torture. Children need to be guided
on the right path, protected from evil influence, and corrected when they do wrong. We are admonished not to spare
the rod in the training of our children.
He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes Proverbs 13: 24
The word of God attributes sparing of the rod on your child to hatred. In other words, you don’t love a child you
refused to correct. Don’t take it personally; children will always be children. They do foolish things not because they
want to get at you but because that is all they could do at that stage of their lives. Foolishness is not far from them;
that is why the rod must not be far from you.
Foolishness abounds in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. Proverbs 22:15
The battle of raising godly children is a tough one. Do not let your rod be far from you. You will continue to guide
and correct them until they get it right. Your rod is a veritable, bible inspired weapon for this fight. Don’t neglect or
misuse it. The principle of the rod has two sides: toughness and tenderness. Tough enough to make them know you
mean business and tender enough for them to feel your love and care
Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him
with the rod and shalt deliver his soul from hell.
4. The Principle of Attention
We must pay attention to our children if we must raise godly seeds. If you have been to school, you will agree with
me that teachers always demand the attention of the pupils whenever a lesson is going on. Every teacher knows that
a pupil easily misses out if he or she is distracted. The bible admonishes us to pay attention to our children.
Be diligent to know the state of your flock and look well to thy herds. Proverbs 27: 23
Our attention to our children is not negotiable. We must know what is going on in their lives. We must observe how
the seed or values we inculcated into them is developing. Don’t assume that your children are godly because you are
or because you have spoken to them about godly values, you need to watch how they are manifesting those values.
Children can obey in your presence and do something else when you are not there. So, you must pay close attention
to them. Pay attention to different areas of their lives.
It is said that attitude is everything. Know the disposition of your children towards different family values. How do
they respond to church activities, to prayer, to education, and to work? Some parents are so devoted to the things of
God but their children are not. The danger is that in the future, they will disdain and desecrate that which you hold
so dear.
Eli’s children, Hophni and Phinehas disdained the worship of Jehovah.
Such an attitude must have started very little, in such an insignificant proportion, and was not corrected until they
grew wild. God said they were vile (corrupt a distasteful)
I have told him that I will judge his house forever for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made
themselves vile and he restrained them not. 1Samuel 3: 13
God said that the sons of Eli made themselves vile. They developed, they grew and they exercised themselves in
ungodliness. They grew from simple, negligible acts to complex, complicated, and catastrophic behaviors.
Eli was not judged for his sin but for being weak in correcting his children. He must have overlooked some of the
early signs the children manifested as mere juvenile delinquency until they grew too strong for correction.
The word of God says train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22: 6
There can’t be real godly living without proper spiritual inclination. Are your children pursuing God? Do they thrive
for spiritual growth? Can they read the bible and pray on their own? Are they happy to be called Christians or would
they rather be called something else?
We live in a world where godly values are ridiculed; that is why we need to pay attention to the spiritual lives of
our children. Pay attention to the spiritual life of your children. Lead them to Christ and see that they love the Lord.
A sound spiritual life is a sign that God is at work in someone’s life. When someone has established a cordial
relationship with God, the person can easily be guided by the Spirit of God.
Media Consumption
The media is a very powerful tool in our world today. Both good and bad are in abundance through the media and
we know that everything available to man is also within the reach of the enemy of our souls (the devil). The
television, internet, and social media are powerful tools in the hand of the devil. Children are being influenced by
these tools more than ever before. Pay attention to what they consume on the media because both positive and
negative values are disseminated through these avenues. If you ignore what your children do on the media, you will
be surprised how far the devil has gone by the time you wake up.
I was once in charge of students’ affairs in one of the secondary schools where I was a teacher. You need to see the
volume of pornographic materials we were recovering from the students. They will download all sorts of porn and
bring it to school to show their mates. Some of these children were just ten years of age, some twelve. Children are
now being recruited for evil purposes online. Please, pay close attention to what your children consume online. So
much of such materials are toxic.
Some people may say you are infringing on their rights by trying to monitor everything they do. But remember that
the intention is to guide them on the right path.
Society talks so much about the child’s rights and they are right. The child has the right to be protected from harmful
elements that circulate within our society and who better to ensure that right than the child’s parents.
Why We Need to Pay Attention t0 Your Children
Attention is not just a way of being a good parent; it is a weapon of warfare against Satan’s attack on your families.
When you pay attention to your children, you are wading off the enemy’s missiles against them. The devil won’t
penetrate their lives when your eyes are on them. Besides, when your eyes are on your children, God’s eyes will be
on them. There are several other reasons why we need to pay attention to our children.
They will feel loved: Children may tend to resent your too much attention, but there is no doubt that they feel loved
when parents pay attention to them. We have at one time or the other resented the monitoring of our parents only to
appreciate the fact that they didn’t give up on us later on. Even when we felt they were prying too much into our
affairs, we still can’t deny the fact that we felt their love and care.
Attention Opens Them up to you: There are families where children are free to open up to their parents and there are
others that thrive on secrets. Your children will tell you things if they know you genuinely care about them. Use the
weapon of attention to open your children up to you.
You, Will, See Deeper Things: People have discovered things that others did not see because they paid closer
attention. Being observant is a secret to discovering what others don’t see. An attentive parent will see anything new
or strange in his or her children. You will know when their language changes or when they become resentful to
things that once excited them.

King Artaxerxes observed that the countenance of Nehemiah changed and he asked why (see Nehemiah 2). This
simply means that the king was attentive to things around him including the facial expression of a slave. This is a
big lesson for us. If a king with so many matters of the kingdom to attend to could notice the change in the
countenance of a slave, we need to pay close attention to our family members.
30 Powerful Prayers and Declaration over Your Children and Household
1. I speak over the lives of my children and my household that Jesus reigns in everything that concerns them, in
Jesus' name.
2. Let my children and my household attract only good things in Jesus' name.
3. Evil friends and associates shall not locate my family in Jesus' name.
I declare that my family is secured from evil arrows that fly around my community, in Jesus' name.
4. My family is blessed as we go out and come in, Jesus' name.
5. My family is created for signs and wonders and we shall manifest God’s glory everywhere we go, in Jesus' name.
6. I declare the end of every affliction (mention the afflictions) in the lives of my children and family members, in
Jesus' name.
7. Every household enemy sent against me and my children, be exposed and be defeated, in Jesus' name.
8. I break every negative influence over my children and household, in Jesus' name.
9. That seed of greatness that the Lord has planted in my children shall be used to glorify God and enrich humanity,
in Jesus' name.
10. Forces that destroy destinies shall not locate my household, in Jesus' name.
11. I immunize my children and household from every sickness and disease, in Jesus' name.
12. I call forth God’s divine favor upon my household. Anywhere they are, the favor God will locate them, in Jesus
13. Let my children possess the gates of their enemies, in Jesus' name. (Gen 24:60)
14. Let every evil personality that has the contract to derail my children be disgraced, in Jesus' name.
15. I speak peace and comfort over my household, in Jesus name
16. Let the power of extraordinary achievement come upon my children and household, in Jesus' name.
17. I command every negative force that derails young people to bow before my children, in Jesus' name.
18. I separate my children from the scene of destruction and calamity, in Jesus' name.
19. I mark my entire household with the blood of Jesus. Evil shall see the blood and pass over them, in Jesus' name.
20. I declare that my household is a reservoir of God’s blessing. Wealth and riches shall dwell in my house, in
Jesus' name.
21. Let every power that has risen to afflict my children and entire household be disgraced, in Jesus' name.
22. My children will grow in the fear of the Lord. They shall be established in the wisdom of God and they shall be
satisfied with favor, in Jesus' name.
23. The power that entices children into ungodliness shall be far from my family. The oil of the Lord upon my
children shall cause them to resist every evil enticement, in Jesus name.
24. I speak strength into the lives of my children. God’s ability is upon them to overcome every stage of life’s battle
they face, in Jesus' name.
25. I break every influence of darkness over my household. The sons of wickedness are not permitted to afflict my
family, in Jesus' name.
26. Let the grace for outstanding results come upon my children and household, in Jesus' name.
27. I forbid sickness and diseases in my household. God wants us to be in good health, therefore, I proclaim good
health in my family, in Jesus name.
28. I bind every devil that causes obstacles to the ways of people. I forbid them from hindering the blessings of my
family, in Jesus' name.
29. I declare that my children and the entire household are blessed as they go out and as they come in. I and my
household shall flourish in the land of the living. God’s goodness and mercy encompass us at all times, in Jesus
30. My children and household shall radiate the beauty and glory of God in Jesus name.

Chapter 8
Other Types of Battles
We have listed some stages of battles that you certainly will engage in your lifetime. Let’s look at some other ones
that you may fight.
Moral Fight
Moral decadence is rising very high in our society. The moral fiber of our world in general is at its weakest. It seems
as if there is no more courage to face such a battle. Nowadays everything goes. Once it feels good, you can get on
with it. Our society has become enslaved by feel-good syndrome. Once it is pleasurable, then it is right. Everything
that feels good is not necessarily the right thing. We need to fight for what is right as against what feels good.
It takes a fight to overcome moral decadence. Corruption has gained ground in our society. Even the church seems
to be losing the fight against this negative force. We need men and women that will stand up and fight to liberate our
nation from such a level of corruption and decadence if we don’t want to see our society sink more than it already
has. The only thing that needs to happen for immorality to prevail is for good people to sit and do nothing. Values
have been eroded because good people refused to do anything.
Fight against moral looseness is a good fight. Whatever you put into the battle is worth it. We need men like
Phinehas who has the boldness to stamp out immorality and restore health and soundness to a decaying community
at the edge of total extinction from divine judgment. Phinehas was the son of Eleazer and the grandson of Aaron the
Priest. Phinehas saw an Israelite brought a Midianite woman into the camp. He left the meeting and got his spear. He
followed the Israelite into the tent and used his spear to kill both the Israelite and the Midianite woman in the tent.
He pushed the spear through both of their bodies. At that time, there was a great slaughter among the Israelites. But
when Phinehas killed these two people, the epidemic stopped.
And, behold, one of the children of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a Midianitish woman in the sight of
Moses, and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel, who were weeping before the door of the
tabernacle of the congregation. And when Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose
from among the congregation, and took a javelin in his hand; And he went after the man of Israel into the tent, and
thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her belly. So the plague was stayed from the
children of Israel. And those that died in the plague were twenty and four thousand. And the LORD spake unto
Moses, saying, Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, hath turned my wrath away from the
children of Israel, while he was zealous for my sake among them, that I consumed not the children of Israel in my
jealousy. Wherefore say, Behold, I give unto him my covenant of peace: Numbers 25:6-12
If we consider this passage of the scripture form verse one, we could see some things that are
common to humanity everywhere and at all ages.
Human Beings Naturally Drift Into Immorality:
Anytime people are left without proper guidance and supervision, they naturally drift into moral decadence. Verse
one of our scripture above says ‘At that time the men began committing sexual sins with Moabite women. This
seems to have happened naturally. Nothing inspired the actions of the Israelites. They don’t need anything to inspire
such action; it is already in human nature to do so.
When you leave your children to lose, they will become immoral. When you leave your organization without
guidance and supervision, people will grow complacent and lose and the organization will fall. This action must
have started with a little harmless get-together. The Moabites just invited the Israelites to a braai or small party,
nothing serious. Everything was normal at first until the little get together gradually turn to a strip party. The
Moabites began to strip themselves naked and it was late for the men of Israel to run away. Perhaps, they had taken
small wine in the process not knowing that wine and whoredom are good pals
Balaam the prophet was the one who gave such seductive advice to Balak the king of Moab. He must have studied
the Israelites to know their weak point. Spells don’t work against them. Physical combat is their area of strength but
you can turn them against their God. Immorality turns a child of God against God.
Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body, but he that committeth fornication sinneth against
his own body. What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of
God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your
spirit, which are God's. 1Cor 6:18-20
Fornication and adultery have a very deceptive coloration in our world. Many children of God are already buying
into such worldly orientation. God’s standard cannot change. If you can’t fight to stop the world from being
immoral, at least, you can fight to stop yourself from joining them. You need to fight against the alluring power of
this age. Paul, talking to the Corinthian brethren about immorality, used the word flee. This means to run away.
Retreating is a battle strategy. Soldiers are not cowards because they retreated from battle. It gives them time and
clarity of mind to regroup. Runaway from every seductive influence around you; that is a good way to fight against
the spirit of immorality.
Worship of False gods:
When the moral fiber of a society breaks down, the worship of false gods will follow.
Verse two says the Moabite women invited the men of Israel to join in their sacrifices to their false gods. What
started as a small get together is getting deeper. Be careful of subtle invitations
The true God and false gods have two things in common (1). They both demand worship from their subjects (2)
They want those who worship them to tell others or teach others about them. Sacrificing to false gods entails
engaging in ungodly practices and propagation of ungodly principles and lifestyles. There are so many false gods in
our society today. Pleasure is one of them; money is another one and fashion is standing close by. The alluring
powers of these gods are so strong in the lives of people today. These gods, like the Moabite gods, have agents
everywhere who go about luring and recruiting people for their masters.
When society falls into moral decadence, men and women will rise to practice ungodliness in the name of freedom
and human right. They will make the teaching of ungodly practices a noble career. They will promote evil with
boldness. Unless God raises Phineas among these nations, they will continue to tread the path of ungodliness.
And just like the anger of God burned against Israel, such nations are not spared from God’s wrath. Don’t allow
anyone to lure you into the worship of false gods.
Say these prayers for yourself and family
I shield myself and my family from every immoral influence in our world in Jesus' name. My heart is purified with
the word of God and the blood of Jesus. I am shielded and protected by the abiding presence of God. The false gods
of this world cannot exact their influence over my life and family in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen
Blatant Display of Immorality
When we refuse to fight to put decadence to a stop, it will be practiced without any regard for anybody. Our
scriptural portion says: An Israelite man brought a Midianite woman home to his brothers.
He did this at the full glare of Moses and the leaders. It is one thing for people to practice immorality, but it is
another thing for them to do it without fear or regard to anybody.
This man brought a Moabite woman where everyone including Moses and other leaders could see him. This
happened because the leaders have grown cold and the man wanted them to see that they have no moral powers or
influence over the people. This is exactly the level our world has reached.
If you do not fight immorality in your home, your children will practice it without any regard to your authority.
They will call it their right and there is nothing you can do about it. After all, they have the backing of society.
When leaders fail to take charge of the situation, they will lose the respect of the people.
Leaders Are Called to Pay for Their Looseness
God asked Moses to execute the leaders of the people publicly. Verse 4: The Lord said to Moses, “Get all the leaders
of these people. Then kill them so that all the people can see. Lay their bodies before the Lord. Then the Lord will
slow his anger against all the people of Israel.
Why did God ask Moses to execute all the leaders? We were not told in the scripture that they were among the
people who committed the act. God even said that: their death will pacify Him. What did they do?
Well, you will not understand God’s action here if you don’t understand this saying by John C. Maxwell
“Everything begins and falls at leadership.” God is here showing us that whenever a society or organization begins
to collapse, we should hold the leaders responsible. Leadership is all about responsibility. When leaders fail,
everyone fails. This is so serious that God demanded that they pay the ultimate price “DEATH”
I believe that the action of God here was inspired by the fact that the decadence did not happen overnight. It started
one day and grew over time. When this was going on, the leaders saw it and turned blind eyes and deaf ears. If they
had spoken against it or had taken a stand against it, the decadence wouldn’t have degenerated to the point of
claiming those leaders’ lives. Leaders are there to fight and maintain sanity.
They will cause both their death and that of others if they fail to fight.
Someone has to stand up and fight

The moral decadence in the Camp of Israel was causing misery and death everywhere.
About twenty-four thousand people had died and still counting. There was pain and weeping all over the Camp.
When men refused to judge evil, God himself will, and when He does, everyone would wish he didn’t. Weeping
does not stop the judgment. Moses and all the elders (leaders) of Israel were gathered together at the entrance of the
camp of meeting Tent (perhaps a sovereign national conference) to proffer a solution to the plague.
Phinehas stood up when he saw someone who wanted to continue with the corruption despite the plague. He
couldn’t wait anymore for the conference; he stopped the corruption with his spear.
That is exactly what we need. Fight against moral decadence without so much ceremony. We need conviction and
zeal, Godly zeal. Phinehas saw the immoral act, was provoked and he went straight to battle with the only weapon at
his disposal (his spear). He didn’t spend time deliberating on strategies and forming committees; he went straight to
battle. Fight whenever you notice decadence around you. Don’t wait for too much analysis; just do whatever you
can to stop it.
One Fight That Saved the Rest
Phinehas must have looked so crude in his action. Those with a politically correct mindset would have judged his
action as barbaric, yet his action saved the camp from imminent destruction. The plague stopped because he stood
up and fought.
And the Lord spake unto Moses saying, Phinehas the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the Priest, hath turned my
wrath away from the children of Israel while he was zealous for my sake among them, that I consume not the
children of Israel in my jealousy. Wherefore say behold, I give unto him a covenant of peace Num. 25:10-12 (NKJ).
When those in authority fight against evil, there will be sanity in our homes and society at large. When we overlook
decadence, the entire camp will suffer including those in authority.
Stand up and fight. God’s anger is averted when leaders fight against evil

No Sacred Cows
Phinehas killed both the Israelite man and the Moabite woman. He did not give preference to the Israelite. That is
the spirit. Those who want our society to be saved from corruption should not spare anyone. No one should be given
any special treatment or immunity in our fight against evil.
The Israelite that was killed by Phinehas was a Prince (a leader). I am sure Phinehas was aware of that but he was
too provoked to consider anybody’s status in the society.
Now the name of the Israelite that was slain, even that was slain with the Midianite woman was Zimri the son of
Salu, a Prince of a Chief house among the Simeonites Num. 25:14
The man in question here had status and connection. He was a prince from a well-known family. Phinehas must
have been well aware of that. But to him, evil is evil no matter who is involved. There is no class consciousness in
our battle against evil. Evil disturbs the peace of the society. Corruption only brings setbacks. Those who will save
our society from decay must be people who have no respect for those who love evil. Ps. 15:4. In whose eyes a vile
person is despised. But he honors those who fear the Lord.
Fight of Faith
The faith we profess as Christians is under serious attack. It took a great fight for our predecessors to hand the faith
down to us. It will take a fight to keep the faith as individuals and as the church.
Paul told Timothy to fight a good fight of faith (1 Tim. 6:12). Apostle Paul knew that it will take a fight to keep your
faith. There are a lot of things that are there to derail you from your walk with God. False teachings, low moral
standards in the society, attack from spiritual forces, and a whole lot of other distractions are there to stop you. You
must stand up and fight. Jude said that we should earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto
you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Jude
Apostle Jude used the word contend which means to fight or to struggle. He shows us the picture of a man fighting
to keep a precious ornament from being stolen, corrupted, or snatch away. Our faith is a precious jewel. We must
fight to preserve it and hand it down pure and uncorrupted to the next generation. Our faith needs constant services
to keep it functional. Such services help it to grow and stay strong.
The number one faith builder is the word of God. So many Christians are still battling with the ability to sit down
and feed on this precious fountain. If you can’t make a habit of studying God’s word, then no one can guarantee
your victory in this fight of faith. The word of God is a faith booster. Faith itself is a weapon of both defense and
attack. The Bible says that with it, we quench all the fiery darts of the enemy.
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked; Eph.
Prayer is another faith servicing agent. Praying will help your faith in no small way. You exercise faith when you
pray but you also grow your faith on the altar of prayer. Besides, prayer is a dangerous weapon of warfare.
Do not equally neglect to service your faith through fellowship with other Christians. Fellowship with other
believers helps your faith to grow.
Fight for Others
We have talked about winning the battle of life: you need to brace up and fight for your life. No one else can fight
the battle for you more than yourself. However, the fight should go beyond you. You should fight for other people.
Some of the most respected heroes of our world, past and present are those who dedicated their lives to fighting for
the freedom of other people. The topmost of these heroes is Jesus Christ. This quality is enshrined in his own
I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd gave his life for his sheep. John 10:11. The son of Man came to seek
and save that which was lost. Lk 19:20.
Other heroes are Martin Luther King Jnr., Nelson Mandela, and a host of them. Most of the people that stand up for
others may not necessarily have a personal need for such a fight. Nehemiah was the king’s cup-bearer at Shushan
the palace. But he was so burdened with the condition of the wall of Jerusalem and that of his people. He left the
comfort of the palace in a quest to rebuild the walls and better the condition of his people. His aim was not to
become king. After his assignment, he went back to being the king’s cupbearer that he was.
Extend your fight to cover other people.
Then I stood up and spoke to the important families, the officials, and the rest of the people. I said don’t be afraid of
our enemies. Remember our master, the Lord is great and powerful; you must fight for your brothers, your sons, and
your daughters: you must fight for your wives and your homes. Neh. 4:14 (easy to read version)
This is a clarion call to every mature and reasonable person. The battle is not against your brother, sister, wife, or
children; it is for them. Let your struggles not keep you from fighting for others. We must wage war beyond
ourselves. We must fight for the salvation and safety of others.
The Bible mentioned some categories of people that should be the top priority in our battle list:
Your Brothers: - Stand up for your brothers and sisters. Put them in your prayer list. When it is well with them, it
will be well with you also. When they have troubles or challenges you will be affected in one way or the other. Do
not neglect your brothers and sisters; fight for them. Your prayer will go a long way in their lives. The enemy can
also get to you through them. Identify the kind of battle or struggle to go on in their lives and assist them. Help them
to choose the right weapons and encourage them to fight. Their success is your success and their failure, your failure
Sons and Daughters: - You should fight to see your sons and daughters through all the stages of life’s battle. Your
will fight their entrance, souls, and marriage battles as well as fight for their economic liberation. You will fight to
lead them on the part of moral uprightness. Nothing breaks the hearts of parents than to see their children failing and
nothing gladdens the heart of parents than to see their children succeeding. Success in life does not come on a platter
of gold, people battle to become successful. Good parents don’t leave their children to fight their life battle alone;
they fight alongside with them.
You need to fight to keep your family together especially nowadays that homes are breaking and tearing apart with
ease. One of the ways you fight for your children is to try and keep your home from breaking. A peaceful home
gives children the background for success in life. Let them know you have their backs. Whatever struggle they have
to go through, they have your backing. Make a habit of praying for them always. Your prayer will go a long way in
their lives. The battles of life are so intense for anyone to overlook the place of prayer. Nehemiah urged his people
to fight without fear or intimidation. The enemies were there to make sure they frustrate them. Enemies are always
around to frustrate anyone that wants to make any meaningful progress. Don’t be afraid of them. Stand up and fight
for your sons and daughters.
Your Spouse: - Your spouse is a part of you. His/her sorrow or joy should be yours. His/her success is your success
You must fight to protect your spouse and help him/her go through character development and transformation. You
must fight to help him/her fulfill his/her dreams and aspirations in life. Fight for your spouse, not with him/her. The
devil always wants to set couples against each other. This is a trick to take your eyes off the real enemy. Your
enemy is not your spouse, it is the devil. He is the thief that comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy. John 10:10. Wage
war against the devil, not your wife or husband.
Your Home: - Your home is more than the house where you live; it covers your family, community, state, and your
country. It is your responsibility to fight for the wellbeing of your home Pray for your home and do anything you
can to make good things happen in your home. Speak well of your home and speak against evil in your home.
Some so many people like to promote evil in the society; stand up against such people. Speak out and take your
stand for your home. If your home is at peace, you will have peace. If the blessing of God comes upon your home,
you will be blessed as well. It is very common to see people speak against their countries. The average Nigerian
speaks more negatively against this country than anyone else. We curse our country and our leaders and expect to
see a positive change. Paul the apostle admonished Christians to pray for their leaders.
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty
1Timothy 1:1-2
We must pray and fight for our nation. Paul says that this is good and acceptable in the sight of God. When we do
what is good and acceptable in the sight of God, we attract blessings into our lives. We will see more success and
peace if we pray for our nation.

God wants us to seek the good of the place we live in. He instructed the Israelites to pray for the good of the land of
their captivity. When it is well with the land where they dwell, it will be well with them as well.
Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, unto all that are carried away captives, whom I have caused to be
carried away from Jerusalem unto Babylon; Build ye houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit
of them; Take ye wives, and beget sons and daughters; and take wives for your sons, and give your daughters to
husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters; that ye may be increased there, and not diminished. And seek the
peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the LORD for it: for in the
peace thereof shall ye have peace. Jeremiah 29:4-7.
Some forces rule over nations and communities that is why your prayer is more important than your criticism over
your nation. When we fail to pray, the devil will take over the hearts of the leader and the citizens. They will fulfill
the devil’s purposes.
Prayer for the Nation
**I pray for my country (put the name of your country) that the Lord God Almighty will reign in the affairs of my
country. I pray for the leaders, the president, governors, senators, and everyone in the position of authority and
influence, may their hearts be filled with the fear and wisdom of God to pilot the affairs of this nation. May they be
strengthened to take the right decision at all times and to work for the peace and progress of the citizens of this
great nation, in Jesus' name.
**I declare that every power of darkness that projects evil and calamity against this nation shall crumble, in Jesus
**Let evil be dethroned and let righteousness and justice reign in our land, in Jesus' name.
**Let there be fruitfulness and productivity in this nation.
**Let the dryness and bareness in our land be turned to fruitfulness, in Jesus name
**May my country be opened and receptive to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, in Jesus name.
Make this a daily prayer for your country.

The fear of battle is the beginning of defeat and misery. Don’t be miserable, stand up, and fight. You can’t win the
battle you refuse to fight. Bishop Oyedepo said that nothing works until someone works it. Misery will continue
until someone fights to put an end to it. Our world has advanced in knowledge because some people stood up to
combat ignorance.
What is your disposition towards life challenges? Are you among the people who believe that whatever will be, will
be, or are you among them who create their world by fighting off any negative force against their wellbeing? You
only need to look around to see that the later are those who rule their world. The fight is a must if victory is in view.
And victory is won when the battle is fought rightly. You fight rightly by fighting with the right weapons. Choose
your weapons wisely as the wrong weapon can cause great harm.
There are situations in life where silence is a better weapon than talking. There are some wars you win by just
walking away from the scene of the trouble. Some others require frugality and prudence. Hard work is also a
weapon for combating certain life battles. The discipline of sitting down to learn will deal a more deadly blow to
ignorance and unskillfulness more than any other weapon. I will not fail to remind you again of how much prayer
can do for you in so many battles of life.


John Ijeh is a dynamic preacher and teacher of God’s word. He is the president of John Ijeh Ministries. The Lord
spoke to him on the 15th of December, 1997 to take His Word to the nations of the world and call God’s people out
of the world’s captivity and satanic bondage. In response to this divine mandate, John ministers the word of God in
churches, crusades, conferences, and seminars, and youth outreaches both within and outside Nigeria. He has also
written several books. He lives in Lagos, Nigeria with his lovely wife, Mercy Ijeh, and they are blessed with three
children: Lovelyn, Praisel, and Daniel.
This book, Stand Up and Fight is inspired to help you with your life-battles. There are different stages of battles and
different strategies to guarantee your victory at any point. Only the combatant can anticipate victory. Whatever you
refuse to fight will keep you in perpetual slavery. This book points out different areas where people face severe
battles in life and gives you the strategy for overcoming at whatever stage of battle you are in. The book equally
gives some prophetic prayer points and declaration to help you gain victory in your struggles against forces that
want to dominate your life

For prayer, counseling, and preaching engagements, please contact us:

+234-8060248601, +234-8038156914
Visit us
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Symptomatology, general,


of migraine,


of superficial neuralgias,


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Pain, characters and distribution,


Periodicity of attacks,

Points douloureux,


Secreting organs, disorders of,


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Special senses in,


Urine, condition,



Vision, disorders of,


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Phosphorus and gelsemium, use,


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, definition,






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of brain exhaustion,


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Neurasthenia as a cause of vertigo,


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