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Growth refers to changes in height, weight, and body composition.

Motor development refers to

changes in control and proficiency in movement. At first, infants have very little motor control,
but will develop fine motor skills. These involve small muscle movements, like picking up a
bean. They will also develop gross motor skills. These involve large muscle movements, like
walking or throwing
Gametes - sex cells/ the reproductive cell of a child’s parents
for the female anong nirereproduce nila? EGG CELL. What do we call a female egg cell? OVA.
Saan nanggagaling? Sa OVARIES.
how about male? SPERM CELL. What do we call? SPERMATOZOA. Saan nanggaling?
kapag nag meet na si sperm at si ovum? FERTILIZATION or CONCEPTION- union of the
sperm and ovum (kapag nagmeet)
since nag meet na sila they will form a single new cell ZYGOTE- a fertilized ovum
MONOZYGOTIC – identical twins, referred to as monozygotic (same sex)
DIZYGOTIC - e the product of a single (mono) fertilized egg (zygote)
how about MEIOSIS and MITOSIS naman ito yung process okay. Process in making a new cell.
MITOSIS results in body cells, like skin cells, stomach cells
MEIOSIS results in sperm cell and egg cell known as GAMETES.
FAMILY PLANING- means having children by choice not by chance. It's a goal kung ilan ang
gusto niyo.
germinal, embryonic, fetal
for the germinal-conception to implantation (attachment to uterine wall) about 14 days
dito sa process or sa stage na ito meron nang magaganap na cell division, one cell, nag divide
into 2, into 4, into 8, and so on ang tawag naman don ay MORULA.
Kapag nagddvide sila yung cell lumiliit ng lumiliit ang tawag naman don ay BLASTULA para
makapasok siya sa FALLOPIAN TUBE.
3-4 days new formed blastula called BLASTOCYST attach itself to the inner lining of the uterus,
sa may process na naman yun okay. It also called IMPLANTATION
embryonic period-2 weeks to 8 weeks after conception
what is embryo-growing baby from the end of the second week to 8 weeks.
head yung pinaka unang nagdedevelop
fetal period-from 8 weeks through the remainder of the pregnancy
fetus- growing baby form the beginning of the third month of development to birth
And yung threadlike structures na tinatawag ay CHROMOSOMES- genetic material na minana
natin sa magulang natin. So ilang chromosomes meron tayo?
meron tayong 23 pairs chromosomes called SEX CHROMOSOMES. yung 22 pairs ang tawag ay
23 pairs or a total of 46 chromosomes. Ilang copy ng chromsomes meron ang babae at lalaki? 2?
Which what we called XX chromosomes.
So what they contain? Ano ang tawag sa genetic information in molecular structures? Yun po
ang ating GENES or the hereditary material of the chromosomes.
Genes are made up of numerous molecules called DNA.
Chromosomes are made up of genes, and genes are made up of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
Twins and triplets. Identical twins are always the same gender, but fraternal twins can be the
same gender or different. Triplets can be identical or fraternal, or a set of identical twins with a
fraternal sibling.
Disorder due to Abnormal Chromosomes
Down Syndrome, Klinefelter Syndrome, Turner Syndrome
Heredity – passing traits from parents to their children
Environment – the sum total of a person’s surroundings.

Emotional and temperament

Sa paanong paraan nakikipag communicate yung mga infant? CRY
Sa tingin niyo ano yung mga dahilan bakit siya umiiyak? Hungry, angry, pain, irritable/
discomfort (as a caregiver dapat alam mo, or kung ikaw yung parent)
From the word itself emotional-paano nila nae express yung emotions nila? Ng mga infant?
Crying, smiling, frustrations, takot/ fear of stranger. Temperament pattern/ style of reacting

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