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1. Complex sentences with adverb clauses: before, after, when, while, till/ until, as soon as
2. Past continuous: …
3. Trạng từ chỉ tần suất: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never
4. Simple present in the future (thì hiện tại đơn chỉ các sự việc trong tương lai)
5. Prepositions of time and place: in, on, of, at, under, in front of, behind – at, by, for, since, in, on…
6. Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns (tính từ sở hữu, đại từ sở hữu): my, his, her, its, your, their, our –
mine, his, hers, its, yours, theirs, ours
7. Reported speech (câu gián tiếp): S + said/ said to me/ told me that S + V (lùi thì)


1. A. changeable B. chemist C. church D. chicken

2. A. shore B. cold C. postcard D. hotel
3. A. conclusion B. discussion C. interesting D. immoral
4. A. informative B. voluntary C. phonology D. traditional
5. The most ________ earthquake in Japan occurred in 1923.

A. destroy B. destruction C. destructively D. destructive

6. Many people think that robots will make workers ________.

A. employed B. no job C. unemployed D. employee
7. Species become extinct or _______ for a number of reasons but the primary cause is the destruction of habitat by
human activities
A. endangered B. dangerous C. endangerment D. danger
8. My colleague suggested ______ a video meeting instead of a face-to-face meeting to reduce cost.
A. being held B. to be held C. holding D. to hold
9. At this time next week, we _______ next to each other in the same class.
A. sit B. will sit C. will be sit D. will be sitting
10. Don’t drink the water taken from this steam. It’s ________ People dumped poison into the steam.
A. contaminated B. contamination C. contaminant D. contaminate
11. After Bill ________ several books on this subject, we started to research in the lab.
A. has read B. was reading C. had read D. read
12. Natural disasters can be ________; they can wreak havoc across large areas and cause loss of life.
A. damage B. destructive C. permanent D. controlled
13. Taking survival training courses on disaster management can prevent people _____losing their lives.
A. in B. from C. with D. of
14. They didn’t mind ________________late to complete the task.
A. working B. to work C. worked D. to be working
15. Do you know who first _____________ the idea of transmitting electronic signals by satellite?
A. took off B. came up with C. brought about D. looked at
* Choose the words that has the CLOSEST meaning to the underlined word.
16. There are a lot of benefits of using the Internet in daily life.
A. disadvantages B. limitations C. advantages D. negatives
17. Columbus explored the America in 1942.
A. invented B. discovered C. organized D. created

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* Choose the word that has the OPPOSITE meaning to the underlined word.
18. They’ve sent rescue workers to free people who were trapped in flooded.
A. injured B. escaped C. left D. destroyed
19. The International Organizations are going to be in a temporary way in the country.
A. soak B. complicated C. guess D. permanent
20. I have taught English in this school for 2010.
A. have taught B. in C. this school D. for
21. “I have read a very interesting book about Artificial Intelligent yesterday”, she said.
A. have read B. interesting C. about D. said
22. - “Will we be using music to communicate in the year 2100?” – “_____”
A. I’d love to B. I think so C. Yes, we will. D. I can’t
23. “___________ I use your camera?” – “Yes. Go Ahead”.
A. May B. Should C. Must D. Might
*Choose the word (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each of the blank spaces.
E-mail, and chat rooms let children communicate __________ (24) friends and family members. They can also allow
children to connect with people that they have never met in person. Knowing a little about each of these communication
services can help parents ________(25) children safer while online. Through e-mail, users can easily send and receive
messages. These messages may also have text, audio, and picture files attached. Signing up for an e-mail account is simple
________(26) most services offer them for free. Sometimes these messages contain viruses, or her inappropriate content,
so parents should warn children to be wary of e-mails from _______(27) people. Chat rooms are online hang-out spots
where anyone can talk about something - current events, books, and other common interests. Users often do not know
each other in real life, so it is important that parents keep a close eye on the content of any _________(28) .
24. A. to B. with C.for D.through
25. A. save B. protect C.surround D.keep
26. A. due to B. because C.because of
27. A. known B. well-known C.unknown D.unpopular
28. A. conversations B.meetings C.letter D.users

The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way people's lives are affected by IT. Twenty years ago, few
people had access to a computer while today most people use them at work, home or school and use of e-mail and the
Internet is an every day event.
These developments have brought many benefits to our lives. E-mail makes communication much easier and more
immediate. This has numerous benefits for business, commerce, and education. The World Wide Web means that
information on every conceivable subject is now available to us. Clearly, for many people this has made life much easier
and more convenient.
However, not all the effects of the new technology have been beneficial. Many people feel that the widespread use of e-
mail is destroying traditional forms of communication such as letter writing, telephone and face-to-face conversation. In
addition, the huge size of the Web means it is almost impossible to control and regulate. This has led to many concerns
regarding children accessing unsuitable websites. In conclusion, developments in IT have brought many benefits, yet I
believe developments relating to new technology in the future are likely to produce many negative effects that will need to
be addressed very carefully.
29. According to the passage, the World Wide Web ___________.
A. brings only benefits to people B.has both advantages and disadvantages difficult for children to get access to D.causes a busy and exciting life
30. The writer of the passage believes that e-mail ___________.
A. reduces face-to-face contact used only in business
C. can be checked quickly and easily D.takes a lot of time to transmit
31. It is believed that future IT developments will probably be ___________.

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A.more rapid B.more negative C.more positive D.unexpected
32. What does the word “they” in the last paragraph refers to?
A.Benefits B.Developments C.Negative effects D.Damaging impacts
33. Which sentence is NOT mentioned?
A. The World Wide Web provides information. B.The World Wide Web is difficult to navigate.
C. E-mail communication is quick and easy. D. The World Wide Web is difficult to control.
* Choose the best answer.
33. Hung said: “I need to buy a pocket calculator for my brother”
A. Hung said I need to buy a pocket calculator for my brother.
B. Hung said he needs to buy a pocket calculator for his brother.
C. Hung said he needed to buy a pocket calculator for his brother.
D. Hung said he needed to buy a pocket calculator for my brother.
34. “Have you finished your project?” my mother asked me.
A. My mother asked me had I finished my project.
B. My mother asked me if had I finished my project.
C. My mother asked me if I had finished your project.
D. My mother asked me if I had finished my project.
35. There is so much loud noise in my neighborhood. I have to wear headphone when I study.
A. If there is so much loud noise in my neighborhood, I will have to wear headphone when I study.
B. If there isn’t so much loud noise in my neighborhood, I won’t have to wear headphone when I study.
C. If there were so much loud noise in my neighborhood, I wouldn’t have to wear headphone when I study.
D. If there weren’t so much loud noise in my neighborhood, I wouldn’t have to wear headphone when I study.
36. They are not allowed to go out in the evening by their parents

A. Their parents do not want them to go out in the evening.

B. Their parents never let them to go out in the evening.
C. Going out in the evening is permitted by their parents.
D. Although their parents do not allow, they still go out in the evening.
37. The water is polluted. Our health is poor.
A. The polluted water results in our poor health.
B. Our poor health results in the polluted water.
C. The polluted water makes our poor health.
D. Our poor health makes the polluted water.
38. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned. Households pour waste into them.
A. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned because of households pour waste into them.
B. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned due to households pour waste into them.
C. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned because households pour waste into them.
D. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned lead to households pour waste into them.
39. The rescue workers took villagers of the flooded area to a temporary accommodation last night.
A. Villagers of the flooded area was taken to a temporary accommodation by rescue workers last night.
B. Villagers of the flooded area were taken to a temporary accommodation by rescue workers last night.
C. Villagers of the flooded area had been taken to a temporary accommodation by rescue workers last night.
D. Villagers of the flooded area have been taken to a temporary accommodation by rescue workers last night.
40. The government should provide temporary shelters for the earthquake victims.
A. Temporary shelters are provided for the earthquake victims by the government.
B. Temporary shelters should be provided for the earthquake victims by the government.
C. Temporary shelters have been provided for the earthquake victims by the government.

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D. Temporary shelters are providing for the earthquake victims by the government.


NHÓM ANH 8 NĂM HỌC 2020 - 2021
Thời gian làm bài: 45 minutes
Ngày thi: 24 / 7/ 2021

1B 11A 21B 31B

2A 12B 22A 32C

3C 13B 23B 33C

4D 14A 24A 34D

5A 15A 25B 35D

6C 16C 26C 36B

7B 17B 27D 37A

8C 18B 28A 38C

9D 19D 29A 39B

10D 20D 30D 40D

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