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Human Resources


July 2009
By Dr. Peni Sawitri 1
Human Resources Planning
The goal of the HRP Chapter is to ensure that the student should
be able to:
Understand the importance of HRP to the organization
Identify the six steps in the HRP process
Identify the methods by which an organization can develop
forecasts of anticipated personnel demand and understand
labor markets
Determine which recruitment methods are best for given
situations, including the role of internet
Know the most important features of recruitment advertising

Simplified Model of External & Internal Factors that
influence Recruitment
Legal environment Strategic Business Planning
Federal laws, state laws and • Corporate philosophy
executive orders •Environmental scan
•Assessment of organizational SW
•Development of strategic business objectives
Labor markets
Availability of skilled &
Unskilled personnel Operational Planning
• Spesific plans for growth, acquisition,
Diversification and/or divestiture
Business Environment
Degree of competition,
Speed of technological
Human Resource Planning
• Projected staffing needs, number of
Openings, types of jobs, time frame for
Filling openings
• projected staff avaibility
External •Reconciliation of forecasted needs &
• formulations of actions plans

Recruitment planning

Internal 3
Perencanaan SDM
Perencanaan Sumber Daya Manusia adalah
perencanaan strategis untuk
mendapatkan dan memelihara
kualifikasi sumber daya manusia yang
diperlukan bagi organisasi perusahaan
dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan.

Effective HRP
Langkah pertama: Representasi
Environmental dan Refleksi dari Rencana
scanning Strategis P erusahaan
Labor demand Langkah Kedua: Analisa dari
forecast K ualifikasi Tugas yang akan
diem ban oleh Tenaga K erja.
Labor supply forecast
Gap analysis Langkah Ketiga: Analisa
K etersediaan Tenaga K erja
Action Programming
Langkah Keempat: M elakukan
Control and Tindakan I nisiatif
Langkah Kelima: Evaluasi dan
M odifikasi Tindakan

Hubungan antara analisis jabatan dan
Having identified the behavioral requirements of
jobs, the organization is in a position to identify
the numbers of employees and skills required to
do those jobs, at least in the short term.
Further, an understanding of available
competencies is necessary to allow the
organization to plan for the changes to new jobs
required by corporate goals.

Hubungan antara perencanaan SDM
dengan perencanaan stratejik
Workforce planning itself can be strategic (long-
term and general) or tactical (short-term and
It may be done organization wide or it may be
restricted to divisions, departments, or any
common employee groups.
If Workforce planning is to be genuinely effective,
it must be linked with the different levels of
general business planning. Not as end or goal in
and of itself, but rather as a means to the end of
building more competitive organizations

Impact of three levels of business planning on
workforce planning
Strategic Planning: Operational Planning: Budgeting: Annual
Long-Range Perspective Middle-Range Perspective
Corporate philosophy, Perspective
Planning Environmental scan Budgets Unit, individual
Process Strengths and constraints, Planned programs, performance goals, Program
Objecyives and goals Resources equired, scheduling and assignment,
strategies Organizational strategies, Monitoring and control of
Plans for entry into new result
businesses acquisitions,

Issues Analysis Forecasting Actions Plans

Business needs, External Staffing authorizations,
WorkforcePl factors, Internal supply Staffing levels, staffing mix Recruitment, Promotions
anning analysis, management (qualitative), Organization and transfes, Organizational
Process implications and job design, changes, Training and
Available/projected Development, Compensation
resources, Net requirements and benefit, Labor relations
Source : Cascio 8
Permintaan (demand) SDM :
Cause of Demand
External Organizational Workforce Factors
Challenges Decision
Economics Strategic Plans Retirement
Social-Political-legal Budgets Resignations
Technology Sales and Terminations
Competitors production forecasts Deaths
New ventures Leave of absence
Organization and
job design

Source : Wherther & Davis 9

Permintaan (demand) SDM :
Forecasting Techniques
Expert forecast Trend projection Other forecast
forecast methods
Informal and Extrapolation Budget and
instant decision Indexation planning analysis
Formal expert Statistical analysis New-venture
survey analysis
Nominal group Computers models
Delphi technique

Source : Wherther & Davis 10

Penawaran (supply) SDM :
Factors that determine the future supply
of Human Resource
Audit of Internal
Succession Replacement
planning charts Supply of
External Labor Human
needs market Resource
analysis External

Source : Wherther & Davis 11

Penawaran (supply) SDM :
Estimates of External Supply
External needs
Labor market analysis
Community attitudes

Source : Wherther & Davis 12

Penarikan sebagai tindakan
Recruitment is a form of business
competition, and it is fiercely competitive.
Just as corporations compete to develop,
manufacture and market the best product or
service, so they must also compete to
identify, attract, and hire the most qualified

Source : Cascio 13
Penarikan dari sumber internal
Job-Posting Programs
Job posting programs inform employees about
openings and required qualifications and invite
qualified employees to apply.
The purpose of job posting is to encourage
employees to seek promotions and transfers that
help the HR department fill internal openings and
meet employees’ personal objective.
Departing employees

Source : Wherther & Davis 14

Penarikan dari sumber eksternal
Walk-ins and Write-ins
Employee Referrals
State employment security agencies
Private placement agencies
Professional search firms
Educational institutions
Professional Associations
Labor organizations
Military operations
Government-funded and Community training programs
Temporary help agencies
Leased employees
Open house
International recruiting

Source : Wherther & Davis 15

Mengelola operasional penarikan
Reengineered Recruitment in the Information Age
- Use Optical character recognition (OCR)
- Use Knowledgebase software that contains 25,000 skills
- Provides instant on-line access to resume and skill information in the
Evaluation and control of Recruitment Operations
- Cost of operations
- Cost per hire
- Number and quality of resumes by sources
- Acceptance/offer ratio
- Analysis of post-visit and rejection questionnaires
- Salary offered-acceptance versus rejections
Realistic Job Preview

Source : Cascio 16

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