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Full name: Le Ha Nhi

Class: 21CNA07
1. What do you think about a society which is like a mosaic? Give an example
Mosaic society is the mix of ethnic groups, languages, and cultures that coexist
within society. People adjust to each other's cultures and lifestyles without having to
give up their own cultural heritage.
One of the most notable benefits is the fostering of tolerance towards individuals of
different ethnicities. In such a society, people are more accepting and respectful of
cultural differences, creating an environment where diversity is not only tolerated
but valued. Moreover, in a mosaic society, there is a greater likelihood that
individuals will learn the dominant language, such as English. This linguistic
diversity not only promotes communication and understanding but also fosters a
sense of unity among diverse communities. Furthermore, immigrants in a mosaic
society are more likely to feel invested in and connected to their host country. This
sense of belonging fosters loyalty and a greater willingness to contribute positively
to society, including actively participating in democratic processes and defending
the interests of their adopted nation.
An example of a mosaic society is the United States, which is inhabited by people
from all over the world with different cultures, traditions, and beliefs. The United
States has a long history of immigration and the population of the United States has
many different ethnic groups along with religious diversity.
1.1) What do you think about a society which is like a melting pot? Give an

The melting pot is a

single culture metaphor
that is used for a
particular society
becoming more
homogeneous, here
elements are joined
together with popular
The melting pot is a single culture metaphor that is used for a particular society
becoming more homogeneous, here different elements are joined together with
popular culture.
One of the most significant advantages of such a society is the sense of unity it
fosters among its members. Despite their differences in culture, ethnicity, and
background, people are united by a shared sense of belonging and a common
purpose. Moreover, the melting pot society has been shown to increase the standard
of living for its members. By embracing diversity and harnessing the talents and
skills of individuals from various backgrounds, society is able to tap into a wealth
of resources and opportunities that contribute to economic growth and prosperity.
While melting pot societies have several advantages, they also come with certain
disadvantages. In a melting pot society, there can be pressure for individuals to
assimilate to a dominant culture, leading to the erosion of their unique cultural
identities. This can result in the loss of cultural diversity and the suppression of
minority cultures, languages, and traditions.
An example of a melting pot country is Singapore due to the peaceful coexistence
of various cultures and ethnic groups. The city celebrates the Chinese, Malay,
Indian, and other ethnic communities.
2. What are American people like? And what are Vietnamese people like?
Americans are extremely independent, individualistic, and like to be different from
each other. They can live independently from their parents from a very young age.
They are really friendly. They smile a lot and talk easily to strangers, sharing
personal stories. But they don’t have a deep friendship. Americans are extremely
informal and call most people by their first name or nickname. They are always
punctual and time is money so they will never be late to any events or occasions.
US Americans admire a "well-organized" person, one who has written lists of things
to do and a schedule for doing them.
The Vietnamese has been described as energetic, sentimental, industrious and
hardworking. Vietnamese are very friendly, easy-going and have an easy smile.
They are willing to help if someone needs. They have a great sense of patriotism.
3. Describe the US briefly:
The United States is a country primarily located in North America. It consists of 50
states, a federal district, and five major unincorporated territories. The national
capital of the United States is Washington, D.C and the biggest city is Alaska. The
national anthem is "The Star-Spangled Banner" and the national flower is red rose.
Six famous U.S. symbols are the Liberty Bell, the U.S. flag, the bald eagle, the
national anthem, Uncle Sam, and the Statue of Liberty. The US is a democratic
republic. The first president is George Washington and the current president is Joe
Biden. The landscape and the wildlife there are quite diverse. The Statue of Liberty
is one of the most iconic and recognizable landmarks in the whole country. Times
Square and Golden Gate Bridge are also well-known places to tourists. The 2 main
mountains are the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mountains. The longest
river in the US is the Mississippi and the major rivers in the western part of the US
are Colorado and the Rio Grande. The Great Lakes on the northern border of the
country are Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake
4. Why have many people immigrated to the US? Why have they left their
home countries?
There are many reasons why people choose to immigrate to the United States, and
the specific reasons may vary depending on the individual circumstances of each
First, many people come to the US in search of better economic opportunities, such
as higher wages, better job prospects, or the ability to start their own businesses.
Second, people may flee their home countries due to political instability,
persecution, or the threat of violence or war. The US has a history of providing
refuge to those fleeing persecution, and many immigrants come to the US seeking
safety and security.
Third, many people come to the US to pursue higher education opportunities, either
for themselves or for their children. The US has a reputation for its excellent
universities and research institutions, and many immigrants come to the US to take
advantage of these educational opportunities.
Last, the belief in a better quality of life often drives individuals to leave their home
countries and undertake the challenges and uncertainties of immigration. They may
seek greater economic stability and access to quality healthcare. The promise of
personal freedom, political stability, and the chance to build a brighter future for
themselves and their families are also strong motivating factors.
5. What are minor differences between American English and British English?
Give specific examples.
American English and British English are two dialects of English that share many
similarities but also have some minor differences in vocabulary, grammar, and
American English British English
1. Vocabulary Cookie Biscuit
Fries Chips
Candy Sweet
Sweater Jumper
Cab Taxi
2. Spelling: -er (meter, center, fiber) -re (metre, center, fibre)
Some words are spelled -or (color, neighbor, -our (colour, neighbour,
differently in American behavior) behaviour)
English and British -ll- (enroll, fulfill, -l- (enrol, fulfil, skilful)
English. skillful) -ise (organise, socialise,
-ize (organize, socialize, modernise)
modernize) -ence (defence, offence,
-ense (defense, offense, licence)
3. Pronunciation - The letter "r" is often - British English it is
pronounced more sometimes silent.
prominently in American - The pronunciation of
- The pronunciation of the word "schedule," a
the word "schedule," soft "ch"sound in British
which is pronounced with English.
a hard "c".
6. What were the causes and the effects of the American Civil War? What
would have happened if slaves had gained nothing from the war?
The American Civil War was fought between 1861 and 1865, and was the result of
a complex set of economic, social, and political factors. One of the primary causes
of the war was the issue of slavery, which had become a divisive and controversial
issue in the United States. The war began because a compromise did not exist that
could solve the difference between the free and slave states regarding the power of
the national government to prohibit slavery in territories that had not yet become
states. Other contributing factors included states' rights, economic differences
between the North and the South, and political disagreements over issues like tariffs
and expansion.
The war had a significant impact on American society and politics, and had lasting
effects on the country's development. The most immediate effect of the war was the
abolition of slavery, as the Union victory led to the passage of the Thirteenth
Amendment to the Constitution, which banned slavery throughout the United
States. Beside that, the North instituted the Freedmen's Bureau to safeguard Black
citizens. In the North, men returned to jobs and people began to find themselves
competing for jobs and housing with the first wave of Black migrants from the
South. Furthermore, The South was so angry with the Republicans, the party of
Lincoln and Reconstruction, that Southerners voted Democratic for a century. The
war showed strong differences between parts of the US, but many people believe
that the most important thing it did was to prove that the US is one country.
In terms of what would have happened if slaves had gained nothing from the war,
it's difficult to say for certain. However, it's likely that the country would have faced
continued unrest and social and political tensions in the years following the war.
Without the abolition of slavery, it's possible that the South would have continued
to rely on forced labor to sustain its economy, perpetuating the systemic inequality
and racial oppression that had characterized American society for centuries.
7. Give your comment on the three branches of the US Government.
The United States government is divided into three branches: the legislative, the
executive, and the judicial. Each branch has its unique responsibilities and
functions, designed to ensure a system of checks and balances and prevent any one
branch from acquiring too much power. The legislative branch, consisting of the
House of Representatives and the Senate, is responsible for making laws. This
branch is also responsible for regulating commerce, raising and allocating funds,
declaring war, and confirming presidential appointments. The executive branch, led
by the President, is responsible for enforcing the laws. This branch also has the
power to veto legislation passed by Congress, negotiate treaties, and appoint judges
and other officials. The judicial branch, consisting of the Supreme Court and other
federal courts is responsible for interpreting the law. This branch has the power to
declare laws unconstitutional and is responsible for settling disputes between the
states and the federal government.
The U.S. government works logically and effectively due to the cooperation of the
three branches. In the system of checks and balances, each branch has some control
over the other 2 branches. This ensures that no individual or group will have too
much power
8. What are the US President’s functions?
The President of the United States is the head of the executive branch of the federal
government and is responsible for carrying out the laws and policies of the country.
The President has a range of functions, including:
Commander-in-Chief: The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed
forces of the United States and has the authority to order military action.
Chief Executive: The President is responsible for overseeing the executive branch
of the government, which includes agencies such as the Department of State,
Treasury, Defense, and Justice.
Chief Diplomat: The President is responsible for conducting foreign policy and
representing the United States in relations with other countries.
Legislative Leader: The President has the power to propose legislation and to sign
or veto bills passed by Congress.
Party Leader: The President is the leader of his/her political party and is responsible
for setting the party's agenda and strategy.
9. Compare and contrast the US Education System with the Vietnamese one
U.S Vietnamese
School level 3 levels: 3 levels
+Elementary: grade 1-6, + Elementary: grade 1-5,
age 5-12 age 6-11
+ Junior high school: + Secondary school:
grade 7-8, age 13-14 grade 6-9, age 12-15
+ High school: grade 9- +High school: grade 10-
12, age 15-18 12, age 16-18

types of schools private schools and private schools and

public schools public schools
Holidays spring break, summer Tet, summer break
break, thanksgiving
break, winter break
Semesters 2,3 or 4 (summer 2
Start time in September to June next in late August to the end
year of May next year
Studying time From 8 a.m. to 2.45 p.m. From 7 a.m. to 5.30 p.m
Techniques emphasize the importance On theoretical knowledge
of class discussion and rather than class
participation, student- discussion, a teacher-
centered teaching centered teaching style
Evaluation by letter F-A on scale 1-10
10. What is your favourite family pattern? What are its good and bad points?
There are 7 types of families in the US :
- Nuclear family :
Advantage Disadvantage
- Financially stable - Exclusion of extended family can lead
- Children raised in a stable parenting to isolation and stress
situation - Nuclear families can become too
- Focus on communication. child-focused, resulting in self-centered
- Can struggle with conflict resolution,
- Extended family:
Advantage Disadvantage
- It’s easy to take care of the elderly - Financial burden can occur if parents
- More family around to help with are supporting several other adults and
chores, child care, in case of children without any extra income
emergencies, etc - Lack of privacy depending on the
- Increase social support. living environment.
- Potential power struggles and conflict
- Childless family:
Advantage Disadvantage
- Typically have more disposable - Couples can feel isolated or left out
income - Infertility can force a family to be
- No dependents to take care of childless resulting in no heirs
- Have more freedom to travel, go on - Lack of support and care when older
adventures, pursue different careers or
- Grandparent family:
Advantage Disadvantage
- Grandparents and grandchildren can - Grandparents may not work or have
enhance emotional support and full-time jobs and may struggle with
cohesiveness for the family. income.
- Keeps children from ending up in - Depending on grandparents’ health to
foster homes or other situations. keep up with young children.
- The chance to give moral guidance - Having to curtail their own plans -
and also to share values. social lives, holidays etc to fit in with
the needs of their grandchildren.
- Single-parent family:
Advantage Disadvantage
- Family members can become very - Families struggle to get by on one
close income; some are on social assistance
- Learn to share household duties - It can be difficult for parents to work
- Improve self-reliance skills full-time and still afford quality
- Parenting can be inconsistent,
especially if kids go back and forth
between parents.
- Step family:
Advantage Disadvantage
- Two families being brought together - Parents can run into problems trying
can bring a better income than a single- to discipline each other's kids.
parent family. - The change can disrupt their social
- Children in a blended family often life, education, and many other things
learn to relate to a wider range of which can be very hard.
people, so they might be more flexible - Increase power conflicts and rivalries.
and tolerant.
- Give children other better role models
to look up to and learn from
- Same-sex family:
Advantage Disadvantage
- Develop strong communication and - It’s difficult to avoid social prejudices.
problem-solving skills to navigate - Difficulty in faithfulness.
societal challenges - Encounter legal barriers when it
- Providing additional resources and comes to adoption, parental rights,
networks within LGBTQ+ communities inheritance, and access to healthcare
- Exposure to diversity fosters benefits.
acceptance and open-mindedness in
11. What are the attitudes of American people and foreigners to the US media?
Most American people rely on media and think it’s very important. More than 80%
said the media ensures its consumers have the knowledge they need to be informed
and to hold leaders accountable. Participants said they place the greatest trust in
national network news and newspapers to provide the most accurate and politically
balanced news. Especially in the Covid 19 pandemic period, media raised
awareness about the seriousness of the pandemic and educated the public about
preventive measures such as wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and hand
hygiene. However, some Americans have a critical view of the media, with
concerns about bias, sensationalism, and misinformation.
US media is also popular among foreigners due to a range of factors, including
geopolitical tensions, cultural differences, and perceptions of American influence.
Some view the US media as biased and overly focused on American perspectives,
while others see it as a valuable source of information on US politics, culture, and
society. Furthermore, it is crucial among people who are learning English. US
Media seems to be the best tool for them to learn vocabulary, and improve their
listening skills and also speaking as imitating the intonation of the native speakers.
12. Describe one holiday/ festival you know well. How important is it to the
American people.
*) Holiday:
One of the most significant holidays in the United States is New Year’s Day. New
Year's Day falls on January 1 and marks the start of a new year according to the
Gregorian calendar. It marks the end of New Year's Eve celebrations in the United
States and gives many Americans a chance to remember the previous year. In New
Year’s Eve, families and friends gather to share a meal and “ring in” the New Year,
often with a toast and a song. Americans also enjoy the tradition of watching the
New Year’s Ball drop and star-studded performances at Times Square (New York
City) which are broadcast on TV. A popular American tradition is making New
Year’s resolutions, when people promise to do something better in the year to come.
Furthermore, government offices, organizations, schools, and many businesses are
closed in the USA on New Year's Day. In conclusion, New Year's Eve is deeply
rooted in the idea of new beginnings. It offers a chance to set new goals, make
resolutions, and envision a better future.
Vietnamese Lunar New Year is the most important celebration in Vietnamese
culture. Tet celebrates the arrival of spring based on the Vietnamese calendar,
which usually has the date falling in January or February in the Gregorian calendar.
It’s also an occasion for pilgrims and family reunions with many long-term
traditions such as cooking Chung cake, visiting a person's house on the first day of
the new year, ancestor worship, wishing New Year's greetings, giving lucky money
to children and elderly people, etc. Tet plays a crucial role in Vietnamese life as
they start forgetting about the troubles of the past year and hope for a better
upcoming year.
*) Festival:
National Teacher Day in the United States is a special day dedicated to honoring
and appreciating the contributions of educators to society. It’s often celebrated on
the first Tuesday of the first full week of May (May 7). One of the most heartfelt
ways to express gratitude to teachers on Teacher’s Day in the USA is by writing
thank-you notes or letters. These notes are often accompanied by small gifts or
tokens of gratitude, making teachers feel valued and acknowledged for their hard
work and dedication. Besides that, many schools and educational institutions in the
USA organize special events and celebrations on Teacher’s Day. In sum, National
Teacher Day in the United States is a special occasion dedicated to recognizing and
honoring the tireless dedication of educators who shape our future.
Vietnamese Teacher's Day is a special tradition that honors the hard work and
dedication of teachers. It falls on the 20th of November with many fascinating
activities in many schools and educational institutions. On Vietnamese Teacher’s
Day, students take part in various performances like singing, dancing, and acting
that are not only entertaining but also inspiring, making Teachers' Day a memorable
celebration. It is also marked by academic competitions and classroom excellence
awards, creating a festival-like atmosphere of learning and teaching. On this special
day, students also express their gratitude towards their teachers by presenting
flowers and gifts. Not only students in schools but people from all walks of life
express gratitude to their former teachers, acknowledging the individuals who
imparted knowledge and valuable life lessons to them.
13. What are the characteristics of the federal government and of the state
government in the USA?
*) Federal government:
The federal government is divided into three branches: the executive branch
(headed by the President), the legislative branch (Congress), and the judicial branch
(Supreme Court and lower federal courts).
The federal government is supreme over the states in matters delegated to it by the
Constitution. The constitution for this purpose defines the jurisdiction and extent of
power by the governments. The constitution is rigid (special procedure for
amendment) and written in the federal State.
Bicameral legislature is the most important characteristic of the federal states. It
means two houses, chambers, or factions in the legislature. The rights and interests
of two governments existing in the federal state are different and in order to protect
these interests bicameral legislature is adopted.
The federal government includes numerous agencies responsible for implementing
and enforcing laws and regulations across the country, such as the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
*) State Government:
State governments are also divided into three branches: the executive branch
(headed by the Governor), the legislative branch (State Legislature), and the judicial
branch (State Courts).
States possess powers not specifically granted to the federal government by the
Constitution. These powers, known as reserved powers, include regulating intrastate
commerce, conducting elections, and establishing local governments.
States have the authority to enact laws and regulations to protect the health, safety,
and welfare of their residents. This includes powers related to public health,
education, and law enforcement.
States interact with each other through mechanisms like interstate compacts and
agreements. They also have the authority to engage in legal disputes with one
another, often resolved by the Supreme Court.
States typically delegate certain powers to local governments, such as counties,
cities, and municipalities, to manage local affairs like zoning laws, public
transportation, and public schools.
14. Distinguished the federal government from the state one in the USA?
Federal government State government
- Declares war - Maintains a police force
- Supports the armed forces - supports a state militia, such as the
- Coins Money National Guard
- Establishes and maintains post offices - regulates transportation and trade
- Gives authors and inventors the within the state
exclusive right to their work - establishes and maintains shools
- Make treaties with the governments of - oversees local government and grants
other countries city charters
15. How important is bilingual/ multi-lingual education in the USA?
*) Bilingual education:
Bilingual education plays several crucial roles in the United States, reflecting the
country's diverse linguistic landscape and the importance of embracing
multiculturalism in education. One significant role of bilingual education is its
contribution to preserving cultural heritage and linguistic diversity. Bilingual
individuals have access to a broader range of cultural resources, including literature,
music, oral traditions, and historical documents in both languages. This allows them
to engage with and transmit cultural heritage more effectively.
Secondly, research indicates that bilingualism enhances cognitive abilities such as
problem-solving and critical thinking skills, leading to improved academic
performance across various subjects. Children who grow up in bilingual
environments develop a keen awareness of how language works and have a stronger
foundation for learning additional languages in the future.
*) Multi-lingual education:
Multilingual education in the USA holds significant importance in embracing
linguistic diversity and promoting cultural understanding. By offering instruction in
multiple languages alongside English, these programs facilitate the preservation of
cultural heritage and language proficiency among diverse communities.
Additionally, multilingual education enhances cognitive development, including
problem-solving skills and creativity, contributing to academic success. This
metalinguistic awareness can improve language learning abilities and transfer to
other cognitive domains, such as reading comprehension and writing skills.
Furthermore, in our interconnected world, being multi-lingual is increasingly
valuable in various professional fields. Multi-lingual education equips students with
language skills that can open up opportunities in global markets and facilitate
communication and collaboration across cultures.

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