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Y4 Yearly essay


From :
To :
Subject : Mahmud Zain’s Concert
Hi Zahra,
How are you? I hope all is well with you. I have good news for you. (16)
Mahmud Zain, your favourite singer is coming next month. As a big fan of him, you must go to the Putra Stadium
on 18 August 2017. The tickets are now available. You can purchase them at the stadium or online. The concert will
feature local artistes too. (47)
I want to go there too. I hope we can go to the concert together. (15)

Your sincerely/friend,
Best regards,
(78 words)


Hey Shalini,

I just saw a poster about a food fair. It is called the Flavour Food Fair and I think you will enjoy it. We can try yummy
burgers, ice cream, and even create art inspired by food. It is on 20 January 2024 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Taman Desa
Park. There will also be games and prizes. If we win, we can get healthy snacks. Let us enjoy delicious treats and have fun
together. Let me know if you are interested.

Your friend,


Dear diary,
I’m very happy. Tomorrow is a very special day. It’s 21 June, my birthday! I’m going to have a party. All my friends are
going to come to my house. We’re going to play and dance. I’m going to decorate the house and Mum is going to make
sandwiches for us. Dad is going to make me a chocolate cake. We’re going to have so much fun!
I’m going to write again tomorrow.
Bye for now,
Unit 1: Where are you from

1. You saw a poster about a pen pal programme at school. Write a message to your friend, Chee Seng and say why you
are interested in joining the programme and ask if he wants to join as well. Write your message to Chee Seng in
about 40-60 words.

Connection Pen Pal Programme

The Connection Pen Pal Programme is a letter exchange programme between SJK(C) Bukit Hitam pupils and international
pupils. Pupils will be paired with a pen pal and send four letters to each other over a period of six to eight weeks.

Pen pals will be from the following countries: First letter pick – up:
• Korea 12 April 2023
• China
• The UK First letter delivery:
• The US 16 April 2023
• Mexico
• Helps improve English
• Learn about other cultures
Pupils who are interested should give their names to their class teacher by 6 September.

2. You had an accident while riding your bicycle. Write a diary entry about what happened. In your diary entry,
• Describe how the accident happened
• Describe your injury.
• Say what you had to do after the accident.

Write 40 – 60 words.

3. You are writing to your new friend, Wei Qi. You want to invite her to go to the museum on Saturday. In your email,
• Invite her to go with you.
• Tell her where and when to meet you.
• Let her know what both of you can do at the museum.

Write 40 – 60 words.
Unit 2: My week

Write a diary for each week. Write 40 – 60 words.

Write about your school day (subject/teacher/friend - feelings).

Write about the housework you do.

Event/extra class – swimming class/visit a museum/try new food.

Include ‘have to/do not have to.

Unit 3: In the Past

1. Write an email about a trip. Use the past tense, e.g. I took a lot of photo. Talk about your feelings, e.g. They were very
scary. Write 40-60 words.

2. You saw a poster on History Week at your school. Write an email to your classmate, Sunil to tell him about the activities
for History Week and invite him to join you. Write 40-60 words.

SJKC Tung Hua’s History Week

History quiz Scrapbook competition A visit to the National Musem
Date: 18 May 2024 Open to pupils from Years 4 to 6 Date: 22 May 2024
Time 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. Theme: a Historical Figure I Admire Time: 7.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.
Deadline: 21 May 2024 Fee: RM60 (Food and drinks)
Prizes: Prizes:
First prize – RM 300 First prize – RM 300
Second prize – RM 200 Second prize – RM 200
Third prize – RM 100 Third prize – RM 100
Bring your own pencil and eraser. Winners will be announced on 23
May 2024.

3. Your friend, Naomi is interested to know about the school trip you went on recently. Write Naomi an email. In your
• Tell Naomi where you went
• Describe the place
• Let her know what you did on the trip

Write 40-60 words.

Unit 4: Celebrations

1. Your class monitor, Charlie is planning a party for yourclass teacher on Teacher’s Day. He asks you for ideas. Write an
email to Charlie. In your email,
• Suggest collecting money from classmates
• Give ideas on how to spend the money
• Suggest some activities for the party

Write 40-60 words.

2. You saw an advertisement about a Mother’s Day baking workshop. Write a message to your sister, Layla to tell her
about the workshop and invite her to go with you. Write 40 – 60 words.
House of Kek presents
Bake mum a lovely cake for this Mother’s Day
You will learn how to bake:
Date: 13 May 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Fee: RM30 for one pax
RM55 for two pax

*All required baking ingredients and utensils are provided.

3. You watched the Merdeka Day celebration with your friend in the city. Write a diary. In your diary,
• Write about the day and where it was held
• What you did
• What you saw with your friend

Write 40-60 words.

Unit 5: Eating right

1. Your teacher taught you about the Food Pyramid. You want to share this information with your cousim, Joshua.
Write an email to Joshua to tell him how to eat a balanced diet by following the Food Pyramid.

Write 60 – 80 words.

2. You saw a poster about a food fair. Write a messge to invite your friend, Shalini, to go with you.


Bring your friends and family to enjoy a day full of delicious food!
Date: 20 January 2024
Time: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Venue: Tamn Desa Park, Kuala Lumpur
Join us for tasty treats and exciting activities:
Food Trucks – Try yummy burgers, fries, and more!
Sweet Treats Zone – Ice cream, cotton candy, and
chocolate cake on sale
Arts & Crafts – Create art inspired by food
Games & Prizes – Win healthy snakcs as prizes
For more information, visit our website at

Write your message in 40 – 60 words.

3. Your pen pal from China, Wang Ning wants to know how a night market in Malaysia looks like. Write an email to
Wang Ning. In your email,
• Tell her how often it takes place
• Describe the night market
• Say what you like about it

Write 40 – 60 words
Unit 6: Getting around

1. Your classmate is moving to his/her new house in Taman Mutiara. Based on the map given, write a message to your
classmate and introduce places around his/her housing area. Write 40 – 60 words.

2. Your friend from Kedah would like to visit Putrajaya soon. He wants to know more about the lake cruise. Write an
email to your friend, telling him about Putrajaya Lake and the lake cruise. Write your answer between 60 to 80

Putrajaya Lake Cruise

● local cruise guide about scenic sights

● 45 minutes, round the lake
● starts Putra Jetty
● along the way: Putra Mosque, Darul Ehsan Palace, Millennium Monument, Prime Minister’s Office, bridges
● interesting, relaxing way, see Putrajaya
● beautiful lake
● Putrajaya Lake, 650 hectares, man-made
● located, centre of Putrajaya

3. Your family is planning an outing to Pulau Bulan Terang for the weekend. Write a message to your parents to tell them about
the different types of transportation available. Choose one which you think is the most suitable for your family. Give two
reasons to support your choice. Write 60 -80 words.


Looking for a place to rest and relax during the weekend?
Come visit Pulau Bulan Terang, the only island in Malaysia that can be reached
by land, water and air!

Ferry Cable Car

Duration – 30 minutes Duration – 10 minutes

Adult – RM15 Adult – RM30

Children - RM5 Children – RM10

*Senior citizens travel for free

*Those who wish to drive will be charged a fee of RM50 per entry as parking spaces
are extremely limited on the island.
Unit 7: Helping out
1. Your cousin does not know how to study well. Write an email to tell him/her. Your answer should be between 60 and 80 words.

School Holiday Workshop


Date: 18 August 2018

Time: 9.30 am – 1pm

Place: School Hall

Fees: RM50

Conducted by: Dr Joseph Tan (University Malaya Faculty of Education)

Calling pupils in Years 5 and 6, you will learn how to:

● Discover your potential and learning style

● Study smart to be a top pupil
● Manage your time
● Reduce examination stress

Register for the workshop by 8 August, 2024

Names and fees to be given to Miss Angeline Lee, Teacher Advisor of English Language

2. Your went hiking and noticed that the mountain was full with rubbish . Write a message to your brother. In your message,
• Tell him what you saw
• Desribe your feelings
• What you are going to do about it
Write 60 – 80 words.

3. You participated in a clean-up campaign today. Write a diary about it. In your diary,
• Say the time and venue of the campaign
• Explain why it was held
• Say what you did
Write 40 – 60 words.
Unit 8: Amazing animals
1. You watched a documentary about animals. Write an email to your friend, telling him about two animals that you
learned. Include adjectives in your essay. Write 40 – 60 words.

2. You read an interesting story book today. Write a message to tell your friend about it. In your message,
• Say what the story is about
• Give two reasons why he should read the story

Write 40 – 60 words.

3. Write about your favourite animal. (Page 87)

Unit 9: Get active

1. Write about your favourite athlete (Pg. 99)

2. You saw this advertisement in the local newspaper. Write an email to your friend, Eric to invite him to go with you.
Write two items that you need to buy and give a reason why. Write your email between 60 and 80 words.

We have what you are looking for at a discount of up to 50%
Jerseys, squash balls, hockey sticks, badminton racquets, swimming attire and many other sporting equipment and
sports attire.
Place: Good Sports Store
Date: 31 August An additional discount of 10% for students and members.
Time: 8.00 a.m. – 7.00 p.m.

3. Something happened during your sports practice today. Write it in your diary. Remember to include comparative or
superlative adjectives. Write 40 – 60 words.

Unit 10: What’s the matter?

1. Your grandfather is not well. You and your elder brother, Steve, have brought him to the clinic. Write a message to
your mother. Write your message between 40 and 60 words. In your message:
• Tell your mother what happened to your grandfather
• Say where you are

2. Your best friend, John has fallen sick and cannot join your birthday party. Write an email to John, advising him how
to take care of himself. Write between 60 – 80 words.

3. You learned how to stay safe at home. Write an email to share with your sister. Write between 60 – 80 words.

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