Chapter 7

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Form 4

Chapter 7 Respiration

Objective Questions

1 Which of the following shows the products of the anaerobic respiration of yeast?
A Carbon dioxide and ethanol
B Carbon dioxide and lactic acid
C Carbon dioxide, ethanol and water
D Carbon dioxide, ethanol, water and lactic acid

2 Breathing movements are required by humans to maintain __________in the alveolus.

A a low concentration of carbon dioxide gas and a low concentration of water vapour
B a low concentration of carbon dioxide gas and a high concentration of oxygen gas
C a high concentration of oxygen gas and a low concentration of water vapour
D a high concentration of carbon dioxide gas and a low concentration of oxygen gas

3 Figure 1 shows the gaseous exchange surface in a fish.

Figure 1
Which condition will cause the maximum oxygen diffusion rate across the gaseous
exchange surface?

Quantity of oxygen that Quantity of oxygen that Rate of blood flow

dissolves in the water dissolves in the blood
A Some A lot Fast
B Some A lot Slow
C A lot Some Fast
D A lot Some Slow

4 If the head of a grasshopper is immersed into the water while its thorax and abdomen is
outside the water, the grasshopper does not die. This is because
A the head of the grasshopper is waterproof
B the grasshopper can perform anaerobic respiration
C the grasshopper can absorb oxygen that is dissolved in the water
D the spiracle is located in the thorax and abdomen

5 What is represented by the following equation?

C6H12O6 2C 2 H 5 OH + 2CO 2 + Energy

A Aerobic respiration in plants

B Aerobic respiration in animals
C Anaerobic respiration in plants
D Anaerobic respiration in animals

6 Fish will die if they are removed from water because

A the fish gills cannot absorb oxygen from the atmosphere
B in the air, the gill filaments will close up and reduce the surface area for gas diffusion
C in the air, the fish blood is not efficient in combining with oxygen
D the atmospheric oxygen content is too low for the needs of the fish

7 Which of the following is not a characteristic of the insect respiration system?

A Branching trachea system
B Chitin thickening at the trachea
C Direct connection between the trachea and the cell
D Trachea is covered with a blood capillary network

8 Figure 2 shows the change in the lung air pressure during a breathing cycle. The
atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg.

Figure 2
Which part of the graph represents the time when the ribcage starts to rise?

9 Which of the following occurs during anaerobic respiration in plants?

A Ethanol is produced
B Oxygen is used
C Heat energy is used
D Lactic acid is produced

10 A large portion of carbon dioxide that is produced in human tissues is circulated to the
lungs as
A carbaminohaemoglobin in the erythrocyte
B carbonic acid dissolved in the lymphatic fluid
C bicarbonate ions in the plasma
D bicarbonate ions in the erythrocyte

11 Which action causes air to enter the thoracic cavity during inhalation?
I Diaphragm muscle contracts
II Internal intercostal muscle contracts
III Outer intercostals muscle contracts
IV Heart contracts
A I and III only
B II and IV only
C I, II and III only
D I, II, III and IV

12 The thickening of the chitin on the insect trachea wall functions to

A prevent the loss of water vapour
B maintain the humidity of the trachea
C protect the trachea from injury
D prevent the trachea from collapsing

13 All the following statements about ATP are true except

A ATP is formed in all living cells
B ATP is formed from ADP and phosphate
C ATP is the short form for adenosine triphosphate
D ATP is a type of enzyme for cell respiration

14 Figure 3 shows the apparatus that is used to measure the rate of oxygen intake by a small

Figure 3
What chemical should be used as substance F?
A Potassium pyrogallate
B Sodium hydrogen carbonate
C Anhydrous cuprum chloride
D Lime soda

15 Which of the following will happen to a healthy human when blood carbon dioxide
I Body temperature becomes low
II Heartbeat rate increases
III Perspiration rate increases
IV Lung circulation increases
A I and III only
B II and IV only
C I and IV only
D III and IV only

16 Which of the following characteristics is important for the surface of the mammalian
respiration membrane to allow gas to pass through it?
I Large membrane surface area
II High supply of blood
III Wet membrane surface
IV Thin cell membrane
A I and III only
B I and IV only
C I, II and III only
D I, II, III and IV

Structured Questions

1 Figure 1 shows the apparatus set-up for an experiment to measure the oxygen intake by
woodlice. Test tubes P and Q are immersed in the water bath at a temperature of 25°C.

Figure 1

(a) Why are test tubes P and Q placed in a water bath?

(b) Based on the principle of pressure and your knowledge of biology, describe how
the apparatus set-up in Figure 1 is used to measure the oxygen intake of the
(c) The experiment above is repeated by replacing the woodlice with cockroaches.
What can you predict about the result of the experiment? Explain why.
(d) In the space given below, draw a diagram to show the breathing organs of the

2 (a) Figure 2 below shows the apparatus set-up to investigate the air that is breathed in
and out by humans.

Figure 2

A student breathes in and out through tube Z.
(i) Draw arrows at parts X and Y to show the flow of air when the student breaths in and
out through tube Z.
(ii) What is your observation of flasks A and B when the air is flowing through the
Complete Table 2 below.

Breathing out Breathing in

Flask A
Flask B
Table 2

(b) Table 3 below shows the result of the experiment to investigate the difference between
the air that is breathed in and the air that is breathed out, when a person is breathing
normally after carrying out a vigorous activity.
Time taken for the bicarbonate indicator solution to change
colour (minutes)
After carrying out a vigorous
Breathing normally
Flask A 25 12
Flask B 4 2
Table 3

(i) Explain why the time taken for the bicarbonate indicator solution to change
colour is shorter for flask B compared with flask A?
(ii) Explain why the change for both flasks A and B becomes faster after a person
carries out a vigorous activity?

Essay Question

(a) (i) Explain the meaning of anaerobic respiration.

(ii) How does anaerobic respiration differ from aerobic respiration?

(b) By referring to the pathway and method of transportation, describe the movement of an
oxygen molecule from the atmosphere to the heart.

(c) Explain briefly how a carbon dioxide molecule in the air that is breathed out by humans
can enter a green leaf and finally become a part of a glucose molecule in the leaf cell.


Objective Questions

1 A 9 A
2 B 10 C
3 C 11 A
4 D 12 D
5 C 13 D
6 B 14 D
7 D 15 B
8 C 16 B

Structured Questions

1 (a) To control the air temperature in test tubes P and Q so that it is at 25°C

(b) Woodlice breathes by absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Carbon
dioxide is absorbed by the potassium hydroxide solution causing the air pressure in
test tube P to decrease and become lower than the air pressure in test tube Q. As
such, the level of the manometer liquid rises in the arm that is connected to test tube

(c) The level of the manometer liquid rises higher because the rate of oxygen intake in
the cockroach is faster than in the woodlice.


2 (i)
Breathing out Breathing in
Flask A None Air bubbles
Flask B Air bubbles None

(b) (i) Atmospheric carbon dioxide content is lower compared with the air that is
breathed out

(ii) The breathing rate increases after carrying out physical activities and the rate of
carbon dioxide release increases

Essay Question

(a) (i) Anaerobic respiration is the breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen – This
process occurs in yeast and certain bacteria

(ii) The differences between anaerobic respiration and aerobic respiration:

1 In anaerobic respiration, glucose is not fully broken down, and part of the energy
is still stored in the ethanol molecule – As such, the energy released from
anaerobic respiration differs little from aerobic respiration.
2 Anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen compared with aerobic respiration
that requires oxygen.
3 The product of glucose decomposition from anaerobic respiration is ethanol/lactic
acid. This is different from the products in aerobic respiration, which are carbon
dioxide and water.

Pathway Method of transportation
Nose, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Breathing in
Bronchus, Bronchiole
Alveolus to the blood capillary Diffusion
Venule, pulmonary vein, heart Unidirectional blood circulation guided by
the crescent valve in the vein

(c) Carbon dioxide gas molecules breathed out by humans  atmosphere  diffusion 
enters the leaf through the stoma opening  diffusion in the air spaces between the
sponge mesophyll cells  enters the mesophyll cell  photosynthetic process in the
mesophyll cell  dark stage  carbon dioxide is reduced by hydrogen to form glucose

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