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1 Build FMP Wednesday- Brief handout

Wednesday website
27th march Come up with three ideas over easter.
2024 Start idea
2 Build on idea, get Tuesday- Focus group
Tuesday organised.
16th April Wednesday-Proposal, production
2024 Find a schedule, bibliography
competition to
enter. Friday- Finding competitions or a
client, look for any issues , brief,
weekly blog.
3 Research Monday to Wednesday- Research
22nd April Friday- Codes and conventions, weekly
4 Test shoots Monday to Wednesday- Test shoots
Monday 29
April Find out target Friday- Target audience research,
audience weekly blog
5 Planning Monday- Production schedule,
Monday Character profiles, crew list.
6th May
Tuesday- Auditions, Equipment list

Wednesday- Sound list, Contingency

plan, Lighting plan

Thursday to Sunday- Script

Friday- Weekly blog

6 Filming All week- Filming
Monday 13th production
may 2024 Friday- Weekly blog
7 Filming All week- Filming and editing
Monday 20th production
May edit Friday-Weekly blog
Half term Prepare pitch All week- Prepare pitch, possibly tweak
Tweak edit if edit
8 Edit All week- Editing
Monday 3rd
June 2024 Friday- Weekly blog

Final edit complete by 3pm Friday.

9 Evaluation, pitch Monday to Tuesday – pitch
Monday 10th
June 2024 Wednesday to Friday - Evaluation

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