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Form 4

Chapter 8 Dynamic Ecosystem

Objective Questions

1 The term food chain is used to describe the food relationship between organisms. At the
beginning of each food chain there is an organism that
A synthesises organic substances from inorganic substances
B obtains energy from the decomposition of inorganic substances
C eats plants
D eats decomposing matter

2 The eating method of an organism that is a decomposer is known as

A autotroph
B parasite
C saprophyte
D symbiosis

3 A farmer carries out an experiment to estimate the rat population in a farm. The farmer
captures 70 rats and marks the rats before releasing them. After a week, the farmer
catches 60 rats, of which 5 are marked. What is the estimated rat population in the farm?
A 300 C 370
B 350 D 840

4 Vaccination for rubella is usually carried out for women only because
A the rubella virus can only attack women
B men have natural immunity towards rubella
C the rubella virus can cause the foetus to become handicap
D the rubella virus attacks the ovary and uterus

5 The main method for the cholera pathogen to spread is through

A water
B air
C touch
D bite of the vector

6 The capture-mark-release and recapture method assumes that

A the marks made can easily come off
B during the second capture, the marked animals do not mix with the other animals
C the animal population size does not change throughout the period of study
D the second capture cans be made awhile after the animals in the first capture are

7 The inhabitants in a certain area that are infected with cholera must be given
vaccinations. How does the vaccination provide protection for the inhabitants in the area?
A Increase the number of white blood cells in the body
B Prevent the pathogen from entering the body
C Disrupt the growth of pathogens in the body
D Cause the formation of antibodies in the body

8 Microorganisms that are found in the intestine of the termite and which help digest
cellulose is a type of
A bacteria
B fungi
C protozoa
D alga

9 The graph in Figure 1 shows the antibody level in the blood of a person after the first and
second vaccination shots.

Figure 1
Which of the following represents the first and second vaccination shots?
First vaccination shot Second vaccination shot

10 Which of the following is the vector and pathogen for dengue?

Vector Pathogen
A Aedes mosquito Virus
B Anopheles mosquito Protozoa
C Culex mosquito Virus
D Mansonia mosquito Protozoa

11 The graph in Figure 2 shows the snake and rat population sizes in an oil palm plantation.

Figure 2
Which of the following is not true about the graph?
A The rat population size is influenced by the snake population size
B The snake population size is influenced by the rat population size
C The population of snakes and rats are in a dynamic equilibrium
D The snakes and rats undergo an intense interspecies competition

12 The bacteria that live symbiotically in the root nodules of leguminous plants are
A Nitrosomonas
B Rhizobium
C Nitrobacter
D Nostoc

13 Which of the following statements is the definition for Rafflesia as a parasitic organism?
A Organism that obtains organic substances from a living host through the
B Organism that obtains energy from chemical reactions to synthesise organic
C Organism that obtains simple organic substances from living organisms through outer
cell digestion
D Organism that obtains energy from light to synthesise organic food substances

14 Figure 3 below shoes the method of obtaining energy and losing energy of a rabbit.
Which of the following shows the correct percentage of energy loss or gain?

Figure 3
A I and III only
B I, II and III only
C I, II and IV only

D I, II, III and IV
15 How can a forest maintain balance in nature?
I By being a rainwater catchment area
II By channelling rainwater quickly
III By being a habitat to various types of flora and fauna
IV By increasing the rate of soil erosion
A I and III only
B II and III only
C II and IV only
D II, III and IV only

16 Bacteria forms spores when

I they are transferred to new habitats
II the environment is not suitable for growth
III there is a lack of food supply
IV there are a lot of dispersing agents
A I and III only
B II and III only
C I, II and IV only
D II, III and IV

17 Which of the following plants is not involved in the colonisation and displacement
processes in the mangrove swamp area?
I Avicennia sp.
II Bruguiera sp.
III Sonneratia sp.
IV Rhizopus sp.
A IV only
B I, II and III only
C I, II and IV only
D I, II, III and IV

18 In the root nodule of the leguminous plant, the bacteria that fixes atmospheric nitrogen to
nitrate is
I Nitrosomonas
II E. Coli
III Nitrobacter
IV Rhizobium
A I, II and III only
B I, II and IV only
C III and IV only
D IV only
19 Which of the following factors influences the spread of animals in a pond?
I Light
II Predator
III Cloudiness of water
IV Oxygen content in the water
A I, III and IV only
B II, III and IV only
C III and IV only
D II and IV only

20 Which of the following statements is true about vaccines?

I Vaccines are used to prevent diseases
II Vaccines consist of dead or weakened microbes
III Vaccines stimulate the production of antibodies
IV Vaccines have specific actions
A I, II and IV only
B II, III and IV only
C III and IV only
D I, II, III and IV

Structured Question

A group of Science Society members have carried a study about the effectiveness of a
biological control technique in a vegetable garden. They release some species of predator
insects T, to reduce the population of pest insects S, which damage the vegetables in the
garden. The population estimation of both types of insect is made using the capture-mark-
release and recapture technique. Early studies show that the population of pest insects S and
the population of predator insects T are as shown in Table 1.

Type of insect Initial population

Pest S 500
Predator T 15
Table 1
The insect population estimation is made after three weeks. The result that is obtained is as
shown in Table 2.

Number that Number that is recaptured

Type of Population
are captured
insect Marked Not marked estimation
and marked
Pest S 75 65 5 81
Predator T 150 50 15 195
Table 2
(a) In the space below, write the formula to calculate the population of the pest and predator
(b) (i) Does this result show that the use of predator T is effective in controlling the
population of pest S?
(ii) Give the reason for your answer in (b) (i).
(c) (i) Does the population of predator T increase or decrease if the count is make once
again at the end of the fifth week?
(ii) Give the reason for your answer in (c) (i).
(d) Give two conditions that must be considered before the predator insects T are used in
this biology control method.
(e) Give two characteristics of the marking substance that is used to mark the insects in this
(f) Give one other method to destroy the garden pests.

Essay Question
(a) What is meant by the term pioneer?
(b) State four adaptation characteristics of a pioneer plant. Describe how each of the
characteristics that you mentioned can enable the plant to live in a barren land area.

(c) By using starch agar, describe one experiment to show that the pioneer can change a
certain habitat.

Objective Questions

1 A 11 D
2 C 12 B
3 D 13 A
4 C 14 D
5 A 15 A
6 C 16 B
7 D 17 A
8 C 18 D
9 B 19 D
10 A 20 D

Structured Question

(a) Population = Number caught and marked x Number recaptured

Number marked at the second capture

(b) (i) Yes

(ii) Number of pests S decreases 3 weeks after predator T is introduced

(c) (i) Deteriorates

(ii) Because its food, which is pest S has decreased

(d) 1 Predator T is specific for pest S, that is predator T does not damage vegetables
2 The population of predator T can be controlled naturally

(e) 1 Is not removed easily

2 Does not attract the attention of the predator

(f) Chemical substances such as insecticide

Essay Question
(a) The first organism to colonise a barren area is usually plants.

(b) 4 adaptation characteristics of a pioneer is:

1 Fibrous root system to absorb a lot of water quickly
2 Succulent leaves to store water
3 Produce a lot of small and light seedlings so that they can be dispersed by the
4 Creeping stems so that an area can be colonised quickly

(c) Purpose: To show that the pioneer changes a habitat

Apparatus/Materials: Starch agar, algae culture, Petri dish, autoclave, inoculation coil,
sticking tape, iodine solution, Benedict solution, test tube, beaker, Bunsen burner, tripod
stand, wire mesh, matches

1 A Petri dish that contains starch agar is sterilised using the autoclave. Then, the
starch agar is left to cool down until it solidifies.
2 An inoculation coil is sterilised by heating it in the Bunsen burner flame until it is in
red embers and is left to cool near cold sterile air around the flame.
3 The inoculation coil is used to transfer a bit of algae culture by scratching the
surface of the starch agar.
4 The Petri dish cover is closed quickly and the sides are sealed with the sticky tape.
5 The Petri dish is kept upside down in the dark in the closet for 2 days.
6 After 2 days, it is observed that the algae grow on the surface area of the starch agar
that has been scratched.
7 Some iodine solution is dripped on the surface of the starch agar and the observation
is recorded.

The area that does not have algae growth becomes dark blue. The area that has algae
growth remains yellow.

The experiment shows that the starch in the agar has been used by the algae for their
growth process.

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