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Jl. Hang Tuah No. 46 Tanjung Uban Kabupaten Bintan Kode Pos 29152
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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas / Semester : VIII / 2 (Dua)
Waktu :

1. The students are in the canteen. They are ... now.

A. Studying B. Eating C. Jogging D. Cooking

Tanjung Uban, January 1st,

2019 Dear Cindy,

This card comes with best wishes for you. Wish you losts of happinees today and all
year through.

Happy Lunar Day

2. The porpuse of the text above is ...

A. To remind someone about a Lunar Day’s celebration C. To invite someone to a Lunar Day’s
B. To inform everyone about a Lunar Day’s celebration D. To wish someone a Lunar Day’s Year

3. The word “wish” in the text means ...

A. See B. Look C. Hope D. Want

4. Last week there was so ... rain that I was not able to go out

A. Few B. Little C. Many D. Much

5. They cannot wash their clothes. There is not ... water

A. A little B. Any C. A few D. Some

The following text is for questions no 6 – 7

I have a neighbour. His name is Mr.Adi Waluyo. He is a firefighter. He always checks the
appliances and equipments in the morning. If there is a trouble with the equipments’ he will
repair it. After that, he usually goes to the field to take some exercises and check the Hydrant.
Sometimes he and other firefighters visit schools, too. Then, at noon he usually has lunch in
the fire station’s canteen.
6. Where does he take exercise?

A. In the office B. In the school C. In the field D. In the canteen

7. What does he always do in the morning?

A. Repair the appliances and equipment C. Take some exercises

B. Check the appliances and equipment D. Visits to the school
8. My pet likes to eat much food everyday, so It is very ...

A. Short B. Thin C. Funny D. Fat

The following information is for questions no 9 to 10

Betty is 13 years old. She Diva is 15 years old. She Beni is 12 years old. He likes
likes playing basketball likes reading books. She sports very much. He
very much. She eats sometimes does sport. She sometimes reads too. He
vegetable and a little rice . weighs 45 kg. weighs 55 kg.
She weighs 43 Kg.

9. Beni is ... than Diva

A. Heavier B. Older C. Taller D. Lighter

10. Beni is the ... of his friends.

A. Oldest B. Tallest C. Youngest D. Shortest

11. Although she is not in a good condition, ... right now.

A. She is having a test C. She is taking some medicine

B. She is lying on her bed D. She is driving to the office

12. Mathematic is ... than History.

A. More interesting B. More comfortable C. Most difficult D. More difficult

13. Alma’s project of all the students in the class.

A. Better than B. The best C. The clearest D. Clearer than

This text is for questions no 14 - 16

I like my classmates. We are close to each other. We tease each cther. But we do not angry
easily. We play together. We study together. But I do not like a number of things about them.

Some are not discipline. They do not do their work seriously. They litter. So, our classroom is
often messy and dirty. They also write bad words on the desk. During the class, they move
around and they make a lot of noise.

14. What does the text tell about?

A. The writer’s classroom C. The writer’s school

B. The writer’s brother D. The writer’s classmates

15. “ so, our classroom is often messy and dirty ... a ( line 3 ) The antonym of
the underlined word is ...

A. Easy B. Tidy C. Comfortable D. Cute

16. Why does the writer not like some of her classmate?

A. Because some are very diligent C. Because they are not discipline
B. Because they are good friends D. Because they are discipline.

17. The girls were dancing Gambyong when the visitors ... in to the hall

A. Come B. Coming C. Came D. To come

18. Diana ... the house last night

A. Left B. Leaving C. Leave D. To leave

The following text is for questions no 19

From : Rehan
To : Fahri

I’ve arrived at Bandengan beach. It’s cool. But the waves are big and the wind is blowing

19. Why did Rehan send the message ?

A. To tell Fahri about the sea C. To persuade Fahri to come to Bandengan

B. To ask Fahri to play in the water D. To tell Fahri about the situation at Bandengan
Read the text and answer question no 20 - 22

I see an interesting elephant in the center for elephants training in Way Kambas.
The elephant is very big. It has a trunk for a nose. Its tusks are long and curved. They are
made of ivory.

The elephant has a small eyes and a short neck. Its tail is small compared to rest
of its body. The elephant has thick skin. It is grey and wrinkled. The elelphant is
avegetarian. It eats grass, srubs, leaves, roots, bark, branches, fruits and water plants.
It uses its tasks to tear bark off trees and to dig up roots and srubs

20. The elephant skin is...

A. Thin, white and wrinkled C. Thin, grey and wrinkled

B. Thick, grey and wrinkled D. Thick, white and wrinkled

21. Which part of the elephant’s body function as a nose?

A. The trunk B. The ivory C. The tusk D. The teeth

22. “I see an interesting elephant “. ( Paragraph 1 ) The word

interesting has smilar meaning to ...

A. Nice B. Attractive C. Strong D. Amazing

Read the text and answer questions 23 - 26

My home Bali

Bali is an island in the Indonesian archipelago. It is in the South of the Equator and has warm weather all
the year. The rainy season is November to April, but it can rain anytime.
Bali is 120 kilometers wide from east to west and 80 kilometers from norht to south and everyone is quite
close to the sea. Bali is shaped like a diamond. Mount Agung is a volcano,
3.142 meters high and is visible from far away. Most of the people are Hindus. There are many temples and
religious festivals.
Tourism is the most important industry. Many tourists visit Bali to see the beautiful scenery and
interesting festivals , to swim in the warm seas, to lok at the beautiful mountains and valleys and to shop for
inexpensive and beautiful clothes, paintings and wood crafts.

23. Where is Bali located?

A. It is a long the equator C. 120 km east to west

B. I`n the south of equator D. Close to many temples and Mount

24. The last pharagraph is about ...

A. The location of Bali C. The most popular things in Bali

B. The most important industry in Bali D. Beautiful mountain in Bali
25. The tourism industry in Bali offer us this following things except...

A. Culture and nature C. Handicarft and tradition

B. Belief and religion D. Wood crafting and painting

26. 1. I wanted to cheer up.

2. The florist told me that she could arrange beautiful bouquets of flower
3. Last week I went to a flower shop to buy some flowers.
4. I delivered them my self along with a get well-card.
5. Finally, I bought some nice cut flowers for my mom who has been ill recently.
6. There were a wide variety of flowers in the flower shop.

A. 3 – 6 – 1- 4 – 5 – 2 C. 3 – 6 – 2—4 – 1 – 5
B. 3 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 4 D. 3 – 6 – 4 – 2 – 5 - 1

Read the text and answer the following questions

I’m proud of Indonesia

Indonesia is a big country. It is between two continents, Asia and Australia, and between two oceans,
The Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean. It is the largest archipelago in the world. There are more than seventeen
Islands in indonesia.

Indonesia is on the equator. It is tropical country. It has two seasons, rainy season and dry season. The
land is very fertile. Farmers grow many kinds of vegetables and fruits. Indonesia is also rich with spices,
like pepper, coriander, ginger, clove , tumeric, galanga, lemon grass, bay leave and so on. They are useful
for our health.

27. What does the text tell about?

A. Big country. B. Indonesia C. My country D. The Land

28. Why is Indonesia called tropical country?

A. Because of the richness in spices C. Because It is between two continents

B. Because It is the largest archipelago D. Because It is on the quator.

The following text is for questions 29 - 31

I went to the city library yesterday. It was very crowded. I entered thhe buiding and saw a beautiful girl
among the people. It was Jessica Milano. Many people asked to take a picture with her. She was very
friendly . She smiled to every body. There was another film star sitting there with her. But I didn’t know who
he was. He was very handsome.

29. How was the library that day?

A. Crowded B. Bright C. Clean D. Q uiet

30. People asked Jessica to ...

A. Smile for them C. Take picture for them

B. Stay with them D. Give them her signed photos

31. Who was the young man with Jessica?

A. A film star B. A librarian C. A cameraman D. Jessica’s friend

32. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!

2. I have a good book.

4. The title is haunted House.
5. I bought it at Gramedia bookstore last week.
1. Although is a horor Novel, It teaches us to be brave and honest.
3. I like it very much.

A. 2 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 3 B. 2 – 5 – 4 – 1 – 3 C. 4 - 2 - 3 – 1 – 5 D. 4 – 2 - 5 – 1 - 3
For questions 33 – 35 , complete the paragraph with the correct words.

In North korea, just outside of Pyongyang, there is a famous mausoleum called the Tomb of King
Tongmyong. He ( 33 ) ... the Koguryo Dynasty over two millenia ago. The visitors can learn about the king’s
life from the painting displayed in the Memorial Service Hall. ( 34 ) ... can also see many red pillars enriching
the building’s interior. The Tomb is a complex where the royalty and the aristrocracy were also buried. The
walls of the Tomb complex are decorated with murals. The complex is ( 35 ) ... and cool, as pine trees line its
sides. People believe that the trees have been around for centuries. Due to its culture significance, the site is
included in the world cutural heritage list by UNESCO.

33. A. Founded C. Bought

B. Built D. Renovated

34. A. We C. He

B. They D. I

35. A. Barren C. Coarse

B. Luxurious D. Lush

The following text is for questions 36 - 38

A Shock in the Middle of the Night

I travelled with my father to Cilacap by bus last month. We started from Semarang at five in the
afternoon. My father told me that it would take two hours. My father and I sat rght behind the driver. Soon, I
fell a sleep. I woke up several times to alter my position. I heard father talking with the driver.

At ahalf past ten, I woke up. I knew that we were approaching Cilacap, so I decided not to go back to
sleep. I saw my father was asleep at that time.

The bus sped along in the middle of the night. I was enjoying the lamps along the street through the
window next to me when suddenly I saw a cow infront of the bus. The bus driver brake immediately. All the
passengers were startled and woke up. The driver assured us that there was no accident. A cow suddenly came
out of nowhere and tried to cross the street, but the bus successfully avoided collision with it. The passengers
went back to sleep and our journey continued.

36. Where did the writer go?

A. To Semarang C. To a cowshed
B. To alter his position D. To Cilacap

37. Why did the bus driver brake immediately?. Because ...
A. He was sleepy and wanted to get some rest. C. One of the passengers wanted to et off
B. There was an accident in front of the bus D. A cow suddenly crossed the street

38. What likely happened to the cow?

A. it was hit by another vehicle C. It was hit by the bus
B. It crossed the street safely D. It was injured

The following text is for questions number 39 – 41

Ryan, my roommate, and I had a great weekend. Last Saturday we got up early and had a big breakfast.
Then we took the bus to go downtown and went to an art museum.

The museum opened at nine o’clock and we stayed there all morning.

We saw some beautiful paintings. We had a guide who explained everything to us. I like all the art, but
Ryan didn’t like the modern very much. I bought copies of two paintings.

I’m going to put them on the wall of my bedroom.

At one o’clock, we were hungry so we had lunch at the museum cafetaria. After lunch, we took a walk
in the park near the museum. We went home at five o’clock. On Su8nday we stayed home and studied.

39. What did the writer and his roommate do last weekend?
A. They worked part time in a cafetaria. C. They wacthed people painting
B. They worked part time as a guide D. They went to an art museum
40. “I’m going to put them on the wall of my bedroom.” ( paragraph 2). The underlined
word refers to ...
A. Beautiful things C. Copies of two paintings
B. Modern art D. All art

41. According to the text, Ryan and the writer spent time in the museum for ...
A. Nine hours C. Seven hours
B. Six hours D. Eight hours

42. Sandra and Jamilah ... their bikes to the book store yesterday.
A. Ride C. Rode
B. Were riding D. Ridden

The following text is for questions number 43 -44



43. The text is mostly likely found at ...

A. The principal room C. The library door
B. The announcement board D. The entrance gate of school

44. What should the students do if they want to join the competition ?
A. Meet the Osis Chairman C. Register on 9th – 14th , December
B. Prepare the singing competition D. Contact to the OSIS chairman

45. What does the notice below mean ?

A. We are not allowed to walk near the place C. We are forbidden to get out from the place

B. We are not allowed to come in the place D. We are forbidden to put something in the place

46. She ... her English homework last night

A. Do B. Did C. Done D. Doing

The following text is for questions number 47


47. What does the notice mean ?

A. People are banned to grow the plants C. People must pick and grow the plants

B. People are suggested to pick up the plants. D. People forbidden to pick out the plants.
The following song lyric is for questions number 48 - 49


48. The writer of the song lyric suggest that in order to live in harmony, we should ...

A. Marry each other C. Buy a piano

B. Be the same D. Help each other

49. The writer also suggest that ...

A. Everyone is harmonious C. Nobody is perfect

B. Nobody is harmonious D. Everyone is the same

The following text is for questions 50


50. What is the announcement about ?

A. Informing the students that the backyard is dirty C. Asking the students to park their bicycles

B. Telling the students to meet their parents D. Telling the students to ride bicycles

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