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Review of Related

Literature and Studies

Review of Related Literature and
Studies is a classification and evaluation
of accredited scholars, researches, and
experimental inferences to be
associated in the scientific research.
The review consists of an overview,
a summary and an evaluation of
the current state of knowledge
about the specific area of research.
Information seeking: the ability to
scan the literature efficiency, using
manual and computerized
methods, to identify a set of useful
articles, books and documents.
Critical appraisal: the ability to
apply principles of analysis to
identify unbiased and valid
be organized around and related
directly to the thesis or research question
you are developing;
synthesize results into a summary of what
is and is not known;
identify areas of controversy in the
literature; and
formulate questions that need
further research.
How can we exercise
skills in doing a review?
What is the difference
between related literature
and related studies?
Related Literature
Composed of discussion of facts and
principles to which the present study is
Sources: Books, Encyclopedias, professional
journals, magazines, newspapers and other
Related Studies
Studies, inquiries, or investigations
already conducted to which the present
proposed study is related or has some
bearing or similarity.
Sources: Unpublished materials such as
manuscripts, theses and dissertations.
· Books, encyclopedias, almanacs and other
similar references
· Unpublished thesis and dissertations
· Reports from seminars
· Official reports from educational, social,
economic, scientific, political, etc. from the
government and other entities
· Constitution and laws
· Bulletins, circulars and orders derive from government
offices and departments.
· Records of schools, public and private
· Articles published in professional journals, magazines,
periodicals, newspapers and other publications
· Manuscripts, monographs, memoirs, speeches, letters
and diaries
Characteristics of Related
Studies and Literature
1. The surveyed materials must be as recent as
2. Materials reviewed must be objective and
3. Materials surveyed must be relevant to the study.
Characteristics of Related
Studies and Literature
4. Surveyed materials must have been based
upon genuinely original and true facts or
data to make them valid and reliable.
5. Reviewed materials must not be too few nor
too many.
Conceptual Discussion or
• Conceptual – also known as constitutive, is
that which is given in dictionaries. It is the
academic or universal meaning attributed to
a word or group of works. Moreover, it is mostly
abstract and formal in nature.
Operational Discussion or
• Operational – also known as functional. Operational
definition may be measured and experimental. The
measured operational definition states the way the
concept is measured in the investigation. In an
experimental operational definition the researcher may
spell out the details of the manipulation of a variable.

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