Edtl6022 Midsemester Apr 4 2024 Iha

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The University of the West Indies

The School of Education

EDTL6022: The Assessment of Teaching and Learning

Mid-semester Examination

Name:Khadeane Wilson ID# 620117304

Answer ALL questions on this paper. Place an X besides, or highlight your response in
yellow (44 marks)

1. Jason’s 74% on his Mathematics test is not enough to get him into the Advanced Maths
The statement above is best described as:

a. A test
b. An evaluation
c. A measurement
d. An assessment

2 Which of the following is usually conducted during the classroom teaching to evaluate
students’ learning and improve instruction where necessary?

a. Authentic assessment
b. Formative assessment
c. Performance assessment
d. Summative assessment

3. What is the most important quality a test should have?

a. Fairness
b. Validity
c. Reliability
d. Appropriacy

4. Students in a Geography class were asked to prepare the following constructed response:
Discuss the impact of global warming on Caribbean islands.

Identify which of the following instructional outcomes/behaviours was likely used to

guide the constructed item response above?

Students will be able to:

a. analyse the nature of global warming within the Caribbean
b. design a chart to illustrate the main features of global warming
c. discuss the climatic conditions across the Caribbean.
d. explain the effects of global warming in various regions of the world.

5. Which of the following is most likely to improve the reliability of scoring an essay item?

a. Revising the students’ scores to ensure accuracy

b. Using a holistic mark scheme and a second marker
c. Looking at the students’ trend of scores on similar tests
d. Comparing one student’s score with another student’s

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6. Which type of assessment would provide an educator with the best information on a
student’s prior knowledge of a subject area to help the educator in selecting appropriate
content and strategies?

a. alternative
b. diagnostic
c. formative
d. summative

7. Which of the following best outlines the order of the steps a teacher should take in planning
for assessment in the classroom?

a. Choose assessment items and techniques, set targets and write objectives,
administer the assessment and analyse the data
b. Set objectives and assessment targets, decide on assessment items and methods,
administer the assessment, analyse the data and share the results with students
c. Administer a pre-assessment and analyse the data, share the results with students,
set targets and write objectives, choose assessment items and techniques
d. Plan the assessment with students, administer the assessment and analyse the data,
set targets and write objectives, choose assessment items and techniques

8. What is the highest level of cognitive taxonomy implied below by the following objective

The student will solve Maths problems using appropriate formulas

a. Analysing
b. Applying
c. Evaluating
d. Understanding

9. Mrs. Scott assigned her students a research paper on Life in Colonial Times. The students
worked on their papers for several weeks and turned in their final versions at the end of the
Semester. Mrs. Scott marked the papers and used the scores she assigned to help determine
the students’ final report card grades.

What type of assessment did Mrs. Scott administer?

a. Formative
b. Objective
c. Summative
d. Standardized

10. Which of the following does NOT illustrate a well-written specific learning outcome or
behaviour in Geography?

Students will be able to:-

a. Identify all of the different planets in the solar system
b. Construct a fairly accurate movable model of the solar system
c. Produce a detailed presentation on the solar system
d. Demonstrate good understanding of the solar system

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11. Mr. Sanders requires that his first-year computer science students (a) design a web-page for
the course, (b) produce a CD which can be used to show how to incorporate web-based
resources into a PowerPoint presentation and (c) use an appropriate computer application to
produce a lesson. All segments are to be collated and presented at the end of the Semester.
His assessment activities can be described as:
I. Alternative Assessment
II. Authentic Assessment
III. Portfolio Assessment

A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. I and III only
D. I, II and III

12. Which of the following are most appropriately assessed using performance assessment?
I. Constructing a ramp for wheelchair access
II. Communicating orally in Standard English
III. Differentiating different elements in a Periodic Table

A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. I and III only
D. I, II and III

13. Ms. Topaz decides to use alternative assessment strategies in her Maths class. Which of
the following would be applicable?

i. Problem-solving games
ii. Poster Presentations
iii. Interviews

A. I and II only
B. II and III only
C. I and III only
D. I, II and III

14. What is the name of the type of test/assessment whereby students’ achievement level is
compared to a specified standard of mastery?

a. Standardized test
b. Diagnostic test
c. Norm-referenced test
d. Criterion-referenced test

15. Which of the following is in keeping with a norm-referenced interpretation of

e. Eric can show the location of Barbados on a map of the Caribbean
f. Based on the test outcomes, Harry took the 5th position in Social Studies
g. David can select the specified number of objects within 1 through to 12.
h. Donna was among 5 students who passed the Assessment exam with 50%

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16. A teacher gave a 100-item multiple-choice test on the book, The West Indies. In which
scenario below would the teacher violate the consideration of content validity?
a. The test was too long for most students
b. The test was set on chapters that were not assigned.
c. The test was not normed on exactly the same population as the class.
d. The test was administered at different times for different students.

17. Read the following test question/item in bold. Then indicate the best change from A – D to
improve the Item.

Item: Which one of the following types of learning outcomes is NOT difficult to
express in writing?
1. An affective objective
2. A cognitive objective
3. A psychomotor objective
4. None of the above

The best change to make in the above test Item would be to:
A. change the stem to complete-statement form.
B. replace the word ‘not’ with ‘sometimes’
C. use letters instead of numbers for each alternative.
D. replace ‘None of the above’ with another type of objective

Matching (items18-21) (4 marks)

Items 18-21. A teacher should have a clear understanding of the categories of learning targets
for measuring their learning objectives/outcomes– Knowledge, Reasoning/Thinking,
Performance/Skills/Behaviours, Product and the Affective. (Stiggins, 2009; Popham, 2014)

In the table below, identify the Objective in the left column from 19-22 that BEST matches a
target-method, a-e. Write the matching objective no. in the extreme right column.

Objectives – Students will: Target - Method Matching



18. collaborate as a team to develop a. Reasoning – A

a table of specifications Constructed
19. Identify various concepts in b. Product – C
classroom assessment a portfolio

20. assemble varied pieces of work c. Knowledge -

to showcase their knowledge of multiple choice
classroom assessment B

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21. do a creative presentation of d. Affective E
different aspects of the slave trade Group work

e. Performance –
a play

True and False Items (Items 22-26)

(5 marks)

Read items 22-26 below then highlight (or underline) True or False in response to items

22.‘Presenting arguments to justify the use of qualitative methods in classroom assessment’

aligns with Bloom’s Analysing taxonomy True or False?

23.‘Students will understand the concept, authentic assessment, after a series of lectures’ This
learning objective qualifies as a specific objective. True or False?

24 ‘Students will create their own models of a car park facility’ targets Bloom’s cognitive
taxonomy. True or False?

25. When marking an assignment, a mark scheme that provides detailed descriptions of criteria
with a rating scale is identified as a Holistic Rubric. True or False?

26. Qualitative item analysis focuses on test objectives and content validity, not on item
responses. True or False?

SECTION B (10 marks)

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27. Complete the shaded sections of the Table below to plan a Table of Specifications for a valid
and well balanced 30-item Traditional Test. (10 marks).

In completing the table of specifications, you should:

I. Write the varied taxonomy levels (see shaded left column) that are covered by the test in
the designated shaded vertical column
II. Calculate the total number of items for Topic A (12hrs) and Topic B (20hrs) based on the
hours of teaching for each Topic. Write in the shaded horizontal base of the table. The
total teaching hours = 32hrs.
III. Estimate the total number of items per objective and per taxonomic level (insert in shaded
vertical right column)


Sub-Topic A – 12hrs Sub-Topic B -20hrs
Bloom’s Taxonomy Basic Concepts in Test Construction and Totals
Levels Assessment Item Analysis
Students will: Students will:

(1mark) ? Distinguish between ? (1mark)

the concepts of Testing,
Understanding -------- 15
Assessment and

(1mark)? Create an authentic ? (1mark)

Create --------
Traditional Test paper 6
in their subject area

? (1mark)
(1mark)? Recommend changes to 9
items based on the
Evaluate ---------
results of Item Analysis

(2marks)? (2marks)? 30 items

Totals hrs A/total hrs x total hrs B/total hrs x total items
20hrs/32hrsx30i= 18.75i
12hrs/32hrx30i= 11.25i

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SECTION C - Item Analysis
(8 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section (28 – 30)

The table below represents the responses of students in the upper and lower performing groups to
a four-option multiple-choice item for which Item A* is the keyed response. Use the table to
answer items 28, 29 and 30 below. Show your calculations.

MC Options A* B C D Totals

Upper 5 1 1 5 12

Lower 3 4 0 5 12

28. Calculate the item’s difficulty level p here. Briefly comment to Interpret the result.
[2 mark]

Ans: P= the # of students who got the answer correct (upper +lower)/ the total# of test
takers . Therefore P= (5+3=8) divided by total students 24 so then (8/24)= 0.33 or 33%.

As such if p = 0.33, it means that 33% of the students answered the item correctly. And so
the item or test can be considered to be relatively difficult since only little over a quarter or
less than a half of the students got it correct.

29. Calculate the item’s discrimination D index here. Briefly comment to Interpret the result.
[2 mark]

Ans: D the discrimination index = #of students from upper division who got the answer
correct- #students from the lower division that got it correct / total number of students.
Therefore D= 5-3 = 2/ 12 or 1/6= 0.167 or 0.17

From this we can interpret that a D value of 0.17 indicates that there is some
discrimination, but it is relatively low or in other words not effective. It means that there is
a good or average difference in performance between upper level students and lower level
students on this test. However it is not completely effective as the difference is not marginal
or a large difference.

30a. Examine the Upper group’s results. Determine if there is evidence of either
i) Mis-keying ii) Guessing or, iii) Ambiguity.
ii) State briefly the reason for your response.
[2 marks]

Ans: I would say (i) Mis-keying and students from the upper division (5) answered the
incorrect answer D along with the lower division. Considering that with mis-keying
students in the upper level answering the incorrect answer in large amounts would indicate

30b. Is there any distractor/s that you would eliminate or revise? In concise terms, identify and
explain your choice/s [2 marks]

Ans: I would eliminate C as it highlights a negative discrimination since no one in the

lower-division of students chose that answer.

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