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International Journal of Phytoremediation

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Statistical optimization of the phytoremediation of

arsenic by Ludwigia octovalvis- in a pilot reed bed
using response surface methodology (RSM) versus
an artificial neural network (ANN)

Harmin Sulistiyaning Titah, Mohd Izuan Effendi Bin Halmi, Siti Rozaimah
Sheikh Abdullah, Hassimi Abu Hasan, Mushrifah Idris & Nurina Anuar

To cite this article: Harmin Sulistiyaning Titah, Mohd Izuan Effendi Bin Halmi, Siti Rozaimah
Sheikh Abdullah, Hassimi Abu Hasan, Mushrifah Idris & Nurina Anuar (2018) Statistical
optimization of the phytoremediation of arsenic by Ludwigia octovalvis- in a pilot reed bed using
response surface methodology (RSM) versus an artificial neural network (ANN), International
Journal of Phytoremediation, 20:7, 721-729

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Published online: 03 May 2018.

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2018, VOL. 20, NO. 7, 721–729

Statistical optimization of the phytoremediation of arsenic by Ludwigia octovalvis-

in a pilot reed bed using response surface methodology (RSM) versus an artificial
neural network (ANN)
Harmin Sulistiyaning Titaha,b,d, Mohd Izuan Effendi Bin Halmie, Siti Rozaimah Sheikh Abdullaha, Hassimi Abu Hasana,
Mushrifah Idrisc, and Nurina Anuar a
Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM Bangi,
Selangor, Malaysia; bDepartment of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS),
Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya, Indonesia; cTasik Chini Research Centre, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM Bangi,
Selangor, Malaysia; dDepartment of Civil and Structural, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM Bangi,
Selangor, Malaysia; eDepartment of Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

In this study, the removal of arsenic (As) by plant, Ludwigia octovalvis, in a pilot reed bed was optimized. A artificial neural network;
Box-Behnken design was employed including a comparative analysis of both Response Surface optimization;
Methodology (RSM) and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for the prediction of maximum arsenic phytoremediation; pilot
removal. The predicted optimum condition using the desirability function of both models was 39 mg kg¡1 scale; response surface
for the arsenic concentration in soil, an elapsed time of 42 days (the sampling day) and an aeration rate of
0.22 L/min, with the predicted values of arsenic removal by RSM and ANN being 72.6% and 71.4%,
respectively. The validation of the predicted optimum point showed an actual arsenic removal of 70.6%.
This was achieved with the deviation between the validation value and the predicted values being within
3.49% (RSM) and 1.87% (ANN). The performance evaluation of the RSM and ANN models showed that
ANN performs better than RSM with a higher R2 (0.97) close to 1.0 and very small Average Absolute
Deviation (AAD) (0.02) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) (0.004) values close to zero. Both models were
appropriate for the optimization of arsenic removal with ANN demonstrating significantly higher
predictive and fitting ability than RSM.

10 mg/L (Organization 2003). According to a United Nations
Arsenic is a toxic, carcinogenic and abundant metalloid in the Children’s Fund (UNICEF) report in 2007, there are more than
environment. The cumulative arsenic production was estimated 140 million people in 70 countries affected by arsenic pollution.
to be 4.53 million tons worldwide due to industrial demand Phytoremediation is a low-cost and effective technology to
(Han et al. 2003). The main causes of arsenic contamination of remediate soils contaminated with heavy metals using certain
drinking water, groundwater and the food chain are arsenic-pol- species of plants. It is a rising green technology that has many
luted soil, sludge and sediment. In nature, arsenic exists pre- advantages such as being an environmentally friendly, inex-
dominantly as arsenite (As (III)) and arsenate (As (V)) pensive and less destructive method compared to other con-
(Bhattacharya et al. 2007, Pillewan et al. 2014). Different arsenic ventional methods (Tangahu et al. 2011, 2013, McIntyre
species show different chemical and physical characteristics and 2003). Ludwigia octovalvis was selected for this particular
exhibit different degrees of toxicity, mobility, and bioavailability study considering its capabilities to survive in a heavy-metal-
(Violante et al. 2010). Arsenic is very toxic to humans and is a contaminated site in Malaysia. The use of fast-growing native
human carcinogen, affecting the kidneys, liver, bladder, and plant species with a high biomass production like L. octovalvis
skin (Jomova et al. 2011). The consumption of water polluted are highly suitable for phytoremediation of arsenic-polluted
with arsenic at a high concentration may cause arsenicosis and sites (Titah et al. 2012, 2013, 2014). L. octovalvis has a sinker
gastrointestinal problems in humans (Pimparkar and Bhave root, consisting of lateral and long roots that grow just
2010). Chronic exposure at an arsenic concentration greater beneath the surface of soil and the taproot (Titah et al. 2013).
than 50 mg/L can lead to cancers, birth defects, and other The arsenic removal performance of L. octovalvis was evalu-
diseases (Kim et al. 2011). Thus, the permissible concentration ated in this study using arsenic-spiked soil in a pilot reed bed
in water allowed by World Health Organisation (WHO) is system to determine the feasibility for large-scale

CONTACT Mohd Izuan Effendi Bin Halmi Department of Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia,
43400 Serdang, Selangor Malaysia.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed on the publisher’s website.
© 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
722 H. S. TITAH ET AL.

phytoremediation (Titah et al. 2014, Vymazal 2005). The reed top layer of fine gravel (K D 10 mm) was used and a layer
bed system is developed to simulate the chemical, microbio- of medium gravel (K D 20 mm) was placed at the bottom of
logical and physical processes that occur naturally. A reed bed the reed bed. The thicknesses of both the fine and medium
system depends on three different factors including interac- gravel layers were 10 cm each. The As-spiked soil of 10 cm
tion with soil microbes or rhizobacteria, the chemical and depth was placed into the reed bed on the top of the fine
physical attributes of the reed bed and finally the identity of gravel. The detailed procedure of this pilot study can be
the plant itself. The performance of phytoremediation referred in Titah et al (2013, 2014). The sand used in this
employing a reed bed system is, however, inconsistent and study was spiked with solution of an As (V) salt, sodium
relies on several factors related to the soil and plant attributes arsenate dibasic heptahydrate (Sigma Aldrich, USA). The As
as well as the chemistry of arsenic in the natural environment (V) solution was mixed with the sand using manual method
(Titah et al. 2013). (Titah et al. 2013). During treatment, plants were watered at
Optimization is performed to seek and identify the ideal alternate days.
solution for certain conditions and leads to enhancing and
improving the efficiency of the process or designed system
Arsenic concentration determination using inductively
(Myers et al. 2009). Recently, response surface methodology
coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES)
(RSM) and artificial neural network (ANN) approaches have
been applied together for optimizing and modelling in many The wet digestion method (USEPA 1996) was used in the
fields including the study of the environment (Desai et al. determination of the total extractable arsenic concentration
2008, Dutta et al. 2004). Response surface methodology in the soil (USEPA 1996; Peters and Basta 1996). The
(RSM) uses a combination of specific experimental designs method was carried out as follows: Two-gram samples of
to generate mathematical models of different orders, e.g., lin- the sand from the treatment system was added to 5 mL of
ear, quadratic, cubic, etc., to seek an optimum point from a 69% HNO3 in 100 mL Erlenmeyer flasks and incubated
particular set of response variables and factors (Amini et al. overnight. The concentration of the arsenic extracted using
2008). In contrast, an ANN is a nonlinear computational this method was measured using an Optima 7300DV ICP-
modelling technique that has generated increasing interest OES apparatus (Perkin Elmer, USA) (Lomonte et al. 2008)
but has only recently been applied to optimization in phytor- with detection limits (the arsenic concentration equivalent
emediation studies (Sanusi et al. 2016). It acts in a manner to three times of the standard deviation of the blank
similar to the human brain and tries to imitate human intui- divided into the slope of the calibration graph) of arsenic
tion in reaching conclusions and making decisions when was 0.1 ppm.
confronted by irrelevant, noisy, complex and partial infor-
mation (Dutta et al. 2004, Basri et al. 2007). The capability
Optimization using response surface methodology (RSM)
of an ANN to generalize and understand the nonlinear pro-
cess and the behaviour of any complex makes it a more use- The RSM was applied to optimize the interactive effects of
ful modelling tool than RSM (Bing€ol et al. 2012). The arsenic removal by L. octovalvis with the following three
application of ANN for optimization is found in the predic- variables: arsenic concentration in the soil (A), sampling
tion of C.I. Acid Blue 92 degradation using potential duck- day (B), and aeration rate (C). A Box-Behnken design
weed (Lemna Minor L) (Khataee et al. 2012). (BBD) was employed as a design in this comparative study
In this study, the ANN and RSM approaches were investi- with 17 total experiments (Al-Baldawi et al. 2014). The
gated and compared for their predictive, fitting and optimiza- three different variables were coded at three different levels
tion abilities for enhancing arsenic removal by L. octovalvis (–1, 0, and 1) representing low, medium and high levels
using a pilot reed bed. The removal of arsenic by L. octovalvis respectively (A: 5, 22, and 39 mg kg¡1; B: 14, 28, and
as a large-scale treatment method through the use of both the 42 days; C: 0, 1, and 2 L min¡1). Design Expert (Version
RSM and ANN approaches has not been reported in the litera- 6.0.1, Stat-Ease Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA) was used for
ture. Therefore, the ultimate goal of this study is to investigate data interpretation and regression modelling. The experi-
the capabilities of the RSM and ANN methods to model and mental results were assessed using a number of regressions
optimize large-scale arsenic removal by L. octovalvis. and the significance of the regression value was examined
using an F test (Zheng and Wang 2010). An appropriate
design must be significant and lack of fit should be insignif-
Materials and method icant (Noordin et al. 2004). The model was examined using
the coefficient of determination (R2) and adjusted coefficient
Pilot reed bed setup and operation
of determination (adjusted R2), where both correlations
L. octovalvis was propagated from plant seeds using garden- should be close to 1.0 to demonstrate a good relationship
ing soil in the greenhouse at Universiti Kebangsaan Malay- between the predicted and experimental values (Muhamad
sia. The plant seeds were grown in plastic crates with et al. 2013; Bezerra et al. 2008). The significant term was
dimensions of 37 £ 27 £ 10 cm for 3 weeks before being determined for the response used in this study. From the
transferred into polybags. The plants were 8 weeks old when regression model obtained, the regression coefficients were
they were used in this large-scale phytoremediation. A fiber- used for the statistical calculations to generate response sur-
glass tank with dimensions of 92 £ 92 £ 60 cm and a wall face plots (Myers et al. 2009). The observed responses from
thickness of 0.5 cm was used to construct pilot reed beds. A the BBD design were then fitted to the following polynomial

equation as presented below (Equation (1)): the predicted values of the network and the experimental
values. The network gave a good correlation coefficient and
Y D b0 C b1 A C b2 B C b3 C C b12 AB C b13 CB C b23 CB determination (R2) with a value close to one. The smallest
(1) values of AAD and RSME are thought to represent a good
C b11 A2 C b22 B2 C b23 C 2 C e network and describe the precision of the system (Basri et al.
2007, Ebrahimpour et al. 2008).
where Y is the response (total arsenic removal from soil (%) X
efficiency); A (arsenic concentration in soil), B (sampling ½.Modal Prediction/i ¡ .Experimental value/i "2
day), and C (aeration rate) represent the effect of the indepen- R2 D 1 ¡ X iD1¡n

dent variables; A2, B2, C2 are the square effects; AB, AC, and ½.Average experimental value/i ¡ .Experimental value/i "2
BC are the interaction effects; b0 is constant; b1, b2, and b3 are
the linear coefficients; b12, b13, and b23 are the interaction (2)
(" p
# )
coefficients; b11, b22, and b33 are quadratic coefficients; and e is X ! "
the random error. AAD D j yi;exp ¡ yi;cal j =yi;exp =p £100 (3)
Optimization using artificial neural network (ANN) .yi;exp ¡ yi;cal /2
RESM D (4)
An artificial neural network was employed as an alternative
to the RSM modelling tool in this comparative analysis (Ravi
where yi,exp and yi,cal are the experimental and calculated
Kumar Dasari et al. 2009). According to previous literature,
responses, respectively, and p is the number of the experimen-
the ANN model is potentially more precise and accurate in
tal run. The value n is the number of experimental data points.
the modelling of complex nonlinear relationships than RSM
and other modelling solutions (Saha 2013). In this study, the
ANN Predictive modelling was developed using three differ- Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive
ent parameters, i.e., the concentration of arsenic in soil, sam- X-ray analysis (EDX)
pling day and aeration rate as inputs to the model, and
The aim of this analysis was to look for the effect of arsenic on
arsenic removal from soil (%) as the output from the model,
tissues of roots, stems and leaves of L. octovalvis using an
respectively. ANN was applied in this study to predict the
FESEM Model Supra 55VP (Zeiss, Germany). The analysis was
nonlinear relationship between variables (input) and
carried out after the plant was exposed to arsenic for 42 days.
responses (output). The experimental results obtained from
Sample preparation was performed according to a method
these 17 experiments were analyzed using intelligent problem
from Pathan et al. (2008).
solver, STATISTICA neural network software (Version 7)
from Stat Soft Co. Ltd. ANNs can be divided into many clas-
ses such as radial basis function networks (RBF) and multi- Results and Discussion
layer feed forward networks (MLP) with the multilayer feed
Optimization using response surface methodology (RSM)
forward network (MLP) having a particularly wide applica-
tion in prediction and optimization process modelling The Box-Behnken design, a second-order experimental
(Buci" nski et al. 2008; Park and Sandberg 1993). The multi- design in response surface methodology, was applied to
layer feed forward network (MLP) topology consists of sev- model the experiment for improving, developing and opti-
eral layers such as the input layer of neurons, hidden layers mizing the removal of arsenic from soil (Ferreira et al.
and output layer. The analysis was carried out using auto- 2007). The design was employed to find out the optimum
mated neural networks comprising two different phases: a conditions of the arsenic concentration in soil, the sampling
training data set and a testing data set in which the experi- day and the aeration rate for arsenic removal from soil (%)
mental data were randomly separated into 70% from the by L. octovalvis. Adequacy checking for the model was con-
training data set and 30% from the testing data set. As the ducted in this study to determine whether the approximating
training proceeds, the software auto-searches for the best model would give inaccurate results (Pradhan and Biswas
network by varying the number of hidden layers and the 2009). Four different high-degree polynomial models such as
nodes within each layer to control the learning rate and linear, 2F1, quadratic and cubic models were applied and fit-
momentum of the algorithm. Four activation functions ted to the experimental results to represent the relationship
(identity, logistic, tanh, and exponential) were used during between the variables and the response (total arsenic removal
the training process for the hidden and output layers (Betiku from soil) (Saqib et al. 2012). Several tests, namely the
et al. 2014). The best layer was selected according to an eval- sequential model sum of squares, model summary statistics
uation of the highest coefficient of determination (R2) and and lack-of-fit tests, were performed in this study to deter-
the lowest selection error. The best network was selected and mine the adequacy of models among various models. Based
used in the optimization and prediction analysis. The per- on the sequential model sum of squares, the quadratic model
formances of the training and testing of the model were eval- was significant (p < 0.05) compared to other models. Thus,
uated using the coefficient of determination (R2) (Equation the quadratic model was chosen as the best model. A qua-
2), the average absolute deviation (AAD) (Equation 3) and dratic model was developed to fit the coefficients acquired
the root mean square error (RSME) (Equation 4) between through multiple regression analysis. The quadratic model
724 H. S. TITAH ET AL.

obtained is presented in Equation (1) as below: Table 2. ANOVA analysis of the quadratic model.

Analysis of variance table [Partial sum of squares]

½Total As removal from soil" D ½ C 67:22 ¡ 4:82A C 5:28B Sum of Mean F
¡ 1:22C ¡ 3:75A2 C 10:25B2 ¡ 17:86C2 Source Squares DF Square Value Prob. > F
¡ 1:36AB ¡ 10:59AC -- 2:73BC" Model 2689.465 9 298.8294 10.87964 0.0024 significant
A 185.5701 1 185.5701 6.756148 0.0355
B 223.1328 1 223.1328 8.123713 0.0247
Table 1 shows that arsenic removal from soil ranged from C 11.9072 1 11.9072 0.433512 0.5313
34.25 to 87.07%. The maximum arsenic removal from soil A (Bhattacharya 59.33691 1 59.33691 2.16031 0.1851
et al. 2007)
(87.07%) was observed in run 12 with the experimental condi- B (Bhattacharya 442.0232 1 442.0232 16.09297 0.0051
tions of arsenic concentration in soil (A, 5 mg kg¡1), sampling et al. 2007)
day (B, 42 days) and aeration rate (C, 1 L min¡1). The mini- C (Bhattacharya 1343.298 1 1343.298 48.90614 0.0002
et al. 2007)
mum arsenic removal from soil (34.25%) was observed with AB 7.4529 1 7.4529 0.271342 0.6185
the experimental condition of arsenic concentration in soil (A, AC 448.8042 1 448.8042 16.33985 0.0049
39 mg kg¡1), sampling day (B, 28 days) and aeration rate (C, BC 29.75703 1 29.75703 1.08338 0.3326
Residual 192.268 7 27.46685
2 L min¡1). The optimum process condition must be consid- Lack of Fit 115.3645 3 38.45483 2.00016 0.2564 not significant
ered to achieve maximum arsenic removal efficiency from soil. Pure Error 76.90348 4 19.22587
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is shown in Table 2. The Corr. Total 2881.733 16
computed model F-value is 2689.465 and the corresponding p-
value is <0.05, implying that the model is significant. There is
only a 0.24% possibility that a ‘‘Model F-value’’ could occur Table 1 shows the actual experimental values and RSM-pre-
due to noise (Francis et al. 2003). The lack of fit was not signifi- dicted values of the response. Figure 1a indicates the relation-
cant as the p-value was 0.2564. For the model predicted by ship involving the predicted output with actual experimental
Equation (1), the p-value was less than 0.05, confirming that it values for arsenic removal from soil by L. octovalvis. It can be
is significant for describing the efficiency of arsenic removal observed that the predicted values using the RSM quadratic
from soil. In this case, the individual variables in the quadratic model were in agreement with the experimental values with an
model of arsenic concentration in soil (A) and sampling day acceptable correlation among these values. Hence, the estab-
(B) are quite significant because the p-value is lower than 0.05. lished RSM model is appropriate for predicting the perfor-
The model shows an acceptable coefficient of determination mance of arsenic removal under the investigated conditions.
(R2 D 0.930) and adjusted coefficient of determination The satisfactory approximation of the chosen model was tested
(adjusted-R (Bhattacharya et al. 2007) D 0.84), indicating that using the diagnostic plots accessible in Design Expert 6.0.10
the model is adequate to represent the actual relationship software, which include the studentized residuals plotted
between the response and the significant variables (Al-Baldawi against the normal probability, predicted versus studentized
et al. 2014). The model was used to determine the quadratic residuals, run versus studentized residuals and run versus out-
effects and interaction of arsenic removal from soil in the pilot lier (Hasan et al. 2011). Figure S1a indicates that the studen-
scale operation with optimal conditions. tized residuals plotted versus the normal probability exhibited a
straight line, demonstrating a normal distribution of the experi-
Table 1. Box-Behnken design matrix for the three independent variables with the
mental data. Figure S1b, S1c, and S1d show that the predicted
observed and predicted response for arsenic removal. versus studentized residuals, run versus studentized residuals
and run versus outlier all lie within the interval §3.50, suggest-
Total As removal from soil (%)
A: Arsenic C: Aeration ing that the approximation of the model was good without
Conc. in soil B: Sampling rate Experimental RSM ANN error.
Run (mg kg¡1) day (day) (L min¡1) values Predicted Predicted

1 22 14 2 52.45 55.8288 52.37206

2 22 42 2 58.97 60.9363 58.40792 Optimization using artificial neural network
3 22 28 1 60.57 67.218 59.11453
4 39 14 1 63.08 64.9775 63.96535 An ANN offers a unique platform for dealing with the multi-
5 22 42 0 72.21 68.8313 72.46866 variate regression analysis and modelling of nonlinear experi-
6 22 28 1 71.62 67.218 72.22499
7 39 28 0 52.53 52.5988 51.99223 mental problems (Heiat 2002). The method of developing an
8 22 28 1 70.55 67.218 71.22499 ANN model is entirely different from the development tech-
9 39 28 2 34.25 28.9738 33.13092 nique using polynomial RSM. It is worth describing several dif-
10 5 28 0 35.77 41.0463 36.70356
11 5 14 1 75.19 71.88 73.36989 ferences involving RSM and ANN. RSM performs an analysis
12 5 42 1 87.07 85.1725 86.00799 using variables or factors and response. In contrast, in ANN,
13 5 28 2 59.86 59.7913 67.90245 the variables are called inputs, whereas the response is known
14 39 42 1 69.5 72.81 71.24713
15 22 28 1 67.58 67.218 67.22499 as the target (experimental response) or output (predicted
16 22 14 0 54.78 52.8138 55.29798 response) (Desai et al. 2008). In this comparative modelling
17 22 28 1 65.77 67.218 64.42321 study, multilayer feedforward neural networks (MLP) and a
ANN training set: normal. BFGS algorithm were applied to model arsenic removal by L.
ANN testing set: bold numbers. octovalvis for figuring biases and ANN weight. The MLP

100 According to Table 1, the experimental data with boldface

numbers were from the testing data set and the rest were from
the training data set. The ANN-predicted data values for each
experimental datum are summarized in Table 1. The result
shows a close relationship between actual experimental values
RSM Predicted data

60 and ANN predicted values, which indicates that the ANN is

able to fit the actual experimental data accurately (Dutta et al.
R² = 0.930
2004). The close relationship between the data could be seen
through plotting the actual experimental data with ANN-pre-
dicted data versus the experimental run. Several neural network
20 architectures and topologies were examined using the auto-
mated neural network to determine the optimum number of
neurons in the hidden layer for estimation and prediction of
0 the responses. The best five ANN models are presented in
0 20 40 60 80 100
Experimental data
Table 3. The best topology was network no. 3, MLP 3-9-1,
which has nine neurons as the optimum. This feed-forward
a network topology (3-9-1) refers to the number of the neurons
in the inputs, the hidden layers and output layer, respectively.
100 All neurons from the hidden layer and the output layer neuron
have exponential and tan as the transfer function, respectively.
The network was chosen due to the values of R2 of both the
training and testing sets being close to 1.0 and also because
they showed less error than other networks (Ebrahimpour et al.
ANN Predicted data

60 2008). For the training data set, the coefficient of determination

(R2) and training error were 0.989215 and 0.003069, respec-
R² = 0.973 tively, whereas for the testing data set, R2 was 0.993662 and the
40 test error was 0.002090. This shows that the model obtained
from the ANN can be used effectively to describe the input var-
iables for arsenic removal.
The predicted values are very close to the actual values
(Figure 1b), which indicates that the nonlinear fitting effects of
the model are very good. The accuracy of the models obtained
0 20 40 60 80 100 from the ANN was examined by evaluating the values of R2,
Experimental data
AAD and RMSE (Nelofer et al. 2012). The results showed that
b the ANN gave a good prediction due to the value of R2 being
0.973, which is approximately 1.0, and the values of AAD and
Figure 1. (a) RSM predicted and (b) ANN predicted versus actual experimental RMSE being small, i.e., 0.024 and 0.0045, respectively. The
data values for arsenic removal by L. octovalvis.
ANN showed a better fitting performance because of the higher
value of R2 and smaller values of AAD and RMSE.
network consists of the input layer, a number of hidden layers
and also an output. The inputs employed in this investigation
were the arsenic concentration in soil, the sampling day, and Determination of the optimal point using the desirability
the aeration rate. The target response was the arsenic removal function method
from soil (%). The determination of the number of hidden The optimum condition predicted by both RSM and ANN was
layers is necessary to develop a much better ANN model and to determined by means of the desirability function method
prevent over-fitting due to over-training. The experimental (Bezerra et al. 2008). This method includes desires and priori-
result from the Box-Behnken Design (Table 1) was used in the ties for each of the variables and builds up a procedure for
development of the ANN model. The experimental data (17 determining the relationship between predicted arsenic
data points) were randomly trained and tested. The ANN pre- removal for each variable and the desirability of the responses.
dicted data are presented in Table 1. When working in the pilot scale, the variables were set as

Table 3. Summary of active networks.

Index Net. name Training perf. Test perf. Training error Test error Training algorithm Hidden activation Output activation

1 MLP 3-4-1 0.834283 0.999374 0.013053 0.000184 BFGS 21 Tanh Tanh

2 MLP 3-10-1 0.930380 0.994949 0.005838 0.000131 BFGS 19 Exponential Exponential
3 MLP 3-9-1 0.989215 0.993662 0.003069 0.002090 BFGS 18 Exponential Tanh
4 MLP 3-8-1 0.943357 0.977610 0.036734 0.011855 BFGS 4 Identity Identity
5 MLP 3-7-1 0.927721 0.994551 0.035673 0.007311 BFGS 3 Exponential Logistic
726 H. S. TITAH ET AL.

follows: arsenic concentration in soil was set to maximum, sampling day (B) and aeration rate (C). Figure 2a illustrates
sampling day was set to maximum and the aeration rate was the 3D surface plot of the effect of arsenic concentration in
set to minimum (Al-Baldawi et al. 2014). soil (A) and sampling day (B) on arsenic removal. It can be
Using the functions of numerical optimization in the Design observed that an arsenic concentration around the range of
Expert software 6.01, four solutions were suggested for the opti- 5–39 mg kg¡1 brought arsenic removal to a steady state.
mum condition with a desirability value greater than 0.860. It This could possibly be due to the range chosen including
shows a desirability of 0.922 for the maximum arsenic removal arsenic concentrations that were not significantly different.
from soil efficiencies. The maximum arsenic removal of 72.6% The effect of sampling day (B) was an increase in the
was achieved at the optimized conditions of 39 mg kg¡1 arsenic response within just 14–42 days. It is believed that the later
in soil (A), sampling day 42 (B) and 0.22 L min¡1 for aeration sampling day results in higher arsenic removal (Han et al.
rate (C). The Profiler in STATISTICA Version 7 (StatSoft) was 2003). Figure 2b shows the effect of arsenic concentration in
used to determine the optimum point using an Artificial Neural soil (A) and aeration rate (C) on arsenic removal from soil.
Network (ANN). The ANN predicted a maximum arsenic It was discovered that arsenic removal from soil was
removal occurring at 71.4% under the optimized conditions, enhanced after the aeration rate was increased. It was proven
similar to the predicted point by RSM. that there was an increase in the arsenic removal from soil
The validation result showed that approximately 70.06% when the aeration rate was increased from 0 to 1.5 L min¡1
arsenic removal was achieved for RSM and ANN. The valida- and that it later slowly decreased after the aeration rate was
tion values were found to be in close agreement with the pre- increased to 2 L min¡1; the aeration rate was still effective
dicted values, indicating the satisfactoriness of the obtained for arsenic removal from soil even with the rate increased to
model to optimize arsenic removal. The deviation between the 2 L min¡1. The actual arsenic removal from soil was 60% at
validation value and predicted values was within 3.49% and an aeration rate of 1.5 L min¡1, which is sufficient in the
1.87% for RSM and ANN, respectively. Thus, it can be con- pilot system to boost oxygen availability in soil for enhancing
cluded that both models were appropriate in prediction and fit- microbial activities around the root (Titah et al. 2013). The
ting with ANN showing less error compared to RSM. This efficiency of phytoremediation by L. octovalvis may not
implies that the comparative optimization of pilot-scale arsenic depend on only the plant itself but also on the interaction of
removal by both the response surface method and an artificial the plant roots with microbes. Figure 2c exhibits the effect of
neural network was considered successful. sampling day (B) and aeration rate (C) on arsenic removal
from soil. It was discovered that arsenic removal was
enhanced with an increase in the aeration rate, but the effect
Performance evaluation of RSM and ANN models
of sampling day was not significantly different (p > 0.05).
The comparative study between the two models was performed This proves that aeration rate is important to enhance arse-
to assess the reliability and accuracy of the models (Betiku et al. nic removal from soil. A later sampling day and sufficient
2014). The predictive ability of both models is usually decided aeration rate are very important for the maximum removal
by R2 to support the model’s precision (Ebrahimpour et al. of pollutants by phytoremediation. Because we needed the
2008). The R2 value must be close to 1.0 for a good model. The most affordable treatment system, the aeration rate was set
correlation coefficient for RSM and ANN were 0.930 and 0.973, at the minimum (Al-Baldawi et al. 2014).
respectively, with ANN showing a greater value of R2, which is
closer to 1.0 than that of RSM. However, a large value of R2
SEM and EDX analysis
close to 1.0 does not mean that the regression model is an effec-
tive model. Other evaluation parameters such as AAD and To evaluate the effect of arsenic on plant structure of L. octoval-
RMSE should be considered to validate more than one model vis, the plant parts such as root, stem and leaves were analysed
(Noordin et al. 2004). For a good model, the AAD and RMSE using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy disper-
values need to be as small as possible and should be near zero. sive X-ray (EDX). The SEM analysis of the control (without
The higher values of RMSE and AAD indicate a higher possi- arsenic) showed that the cross sections of the root could be
bility of errors of prediction in both models. The AAD value seen clearly after the 42-day treatment (Figure S2a). After the
(0.4) for RSM was greater than the AAD value (0.024) for plants were exposed to arsenic at a high concentration, the root
ANN. In addition, the RMSE value (1.198) for RSM was greater sections were less visible due to the toxic effects of arsenic
than the RMSE value (0.0045) for ANN. The built ANN model (Figure S2d). Figure S2b shows the SEM analysis of the stem
has a greater R2, whereas the AAD and RMSE values are without arsenic exposure (control). It has a very clear appear-
smaller than the respective RSM values. Hence, the ANN has ance without any toxic effect, whereas the plant treated with
demonstrated significantly higher accuracy and predictive abil- arsenic showed damage of the stem tissues (Fig. S2e). The SEM
ity than the RSM. analysis of the leaves after being treated with arsenic showed
that the damage to the leaf tissue and the trichomes were not
visible after this treatment (Figure S2f) in comparison with the
3D surface plot under the optimum conditions
control (Figure S2c). The results of the EDX showed that no
The response surfaces of total arsenic removal from soil by arsenic was detected in the roots, stems and leaves of the con-
L. octovalvis have been established using a quadratic model trol plant (Figure S2a-S2c), whereas at an arsenic concentration
as the mathematical equation. Figure 2a–2c shows the rela- of 39 mg kg¡1, the presence of arsenic was shown in the root,
tionships between the arsenic concentration in soil (A), stem and leaves (Figure S2d-S2f).

Figure 2. RSM Response surface for arsenic removal by L. octovalvis as a function of the variables: (a) Aeration rate (C) and arsenic concentration in soil (A), (b) Sampling
day (B) and arsenic concentration in soil (A), (c) Aeration rate (C) and Sampling day (B).

Conclusions predicted the same optimum point: 39 mg kg¡1 for the As con-
centration in soil, a sampling day of 42 and 0.22 L min¡1 aera-
The comparative optimization of a pilot reed bed associated tion rate. These optimum points produced the predicted values
with the efficiency of As removal from soil by L. octovalvis was of As removal by RSM (72.6%) and ANN (71.4%) with the
successfully performed using RSM and ANN. Both models deviation between the validation value and the predicted values
728 H. S. TITAH ET AL.

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