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Kanazawa University Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Kakuma, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan; 2Ishikawa
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Science & Technology, Kakuma, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan; and 4Kanazawa University Graduate School of Natural Science
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Demura, S, Miyaguchi, K, Shin, S, and Uchida, Y. Effectiveness of he squat is a representative training method to
the 1RM estimation method based on isometric squat using a back- improve muscular strength of lower limbs and is
dynamometer. J Strength Cond Res 24(10): 2742–2748, a useful index of lower muscle strength (2,6,8,9,25).
2010—This study aimed to clarify the relationships between When performing a squat, we must know the
isometric squat (IS) using a back dynamometer and 1 repetition 1 repetition maximum (1RM: the greatest amount of weight
that can be lifted with proper technique for only 1 repetition)
maximum (1RM) squat for maximum force and muscle activities and
to establish an exercise program or to evaluate strength.
to examine the effectiveness of a 1RM estimation method based on
Because the 1RM test does not require expensive equipment
IS. The subjects were 15 young men with weight training
and reflects dynamic strength, which is necessary in
experience (mean age 20.7 6 0.8 years, mean height 171.3 6 competitive sports, most strength and conditioning profes-
4.4 cm, mean weight 64.4 6 8.4 kg). They performed the IS with sionals have used it as a maximal strength test.
various stance widths and squat depths. The measured data of Until now, the direct measurement technique or the
exerted maximum force and the action potential of the agonist indirect measurement technique has been used to detect
muscles were compared with the 1RM squat data. The exerted personal 1RM. The former examines the maximum weight
maximum force during IS was significantly larger in wide stance that can be lifted once. On the other hand, the latter estimates
(140% shoulder width) than in narrow stance (5-cm width). The 1RM from the repetition number based on the %1RM–
maximum force was significantly larger with decreased knee flexion. repetition relationship by using arbitrary submaximal weight
As for muscle activity, the % root mean square value of muscle (4). Because the direct measurement technique uses a heavy
electric potential of the rectus femoris and the vastus lateralis weight, the risk of injury is high. In particular, when persons
tended to be higher in wide stance. As for exerted maximum force, without regular training experience lift weights .90%1RM,
their posture becomes unstable (16). As for the indirect
wide stance and parallel depth in IS showed a significant and high
measurement technique, results differ with the tested
correlation (r = 0.73) with 1RM squat. Simple linear regression
muscles. For instance, resistance-trained athletes may be
analysis revealed a significant estimated regression equation [Y =
able to exceed the number of repetitions usually listed in the
0.992X + 30.3 (Y:1RM, X:IS)]. However, the standard error of an
table at any given percent of their 1RM, especially in lower-
estimate value obtained by the regression equation was very large body core exercise (10,11). On the other hand, subjects may
(11.19 kg). In conclusion, IS with wide stance and parallel depth not be able to perform as many repetitions of exercises
may be useful for the estimation of 1RM squat. However, estimating involving smaller muscle areas (21,24).
a 1RM by IS using a back dynamometer may be difficult. Blazevich et al. (3) reported that isometric squat (IS) with
an isometric rack showed significant and high correlation
KEY WORDS 1RM squat, isometric, back dynamometer,
(r = 0.77) with 1RM squat. Hence, we hypothesized that
estimation method
although muscular contraction styles differ, IS is an effective
index to estimate a 1RM squat. However, because Blazevich
Address correspondence to Kazuyoshi Miyaguchi, kazu1060@lapis. et al. (3) used a large-scaled measurement approach with a force plate, it is difficult to use it in a real training scenario.
24(10)/2742–2748 Therefore, we devised a method using a back dynamometer
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research to measure squat ability easily. Because the back dynamom-
Ó 2010 National Strength and Conditioning Association eter is relatively cheap and generally available, using it for
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a field test may be useful. In particular, the above method

may be a useful index of muscle strength for young people
without weight training experience. TABLE 1. Physical characteristics (n = 15).
However, the back dynamometer was not designed to M SD
measure an IS squat. Hence, when performing an IS while
shouldering a shaft connected to a back dynamometer, the Age (y) 20.7 0.8
movement may differ from a real squat movement. Thus, we Height (cm) 171.3 4.4
Weight (kg) 64.4 8.4
need to examine relationships between the IS using a back
Training experience (y) 2.7 1.6
dynamometer and the 1RM squat for maximum force and Squat 1RM (kg) 99.1 15.7
muscle activities.
There have been several reports comparing different forms of
squats (5,7,13,18,20,22,23,27). For example, Caterisano et al. (5)
reported that in deep knee flexion, the relative contribution of
the gluteus maximus is high. Additionally, Wretenberg et al.
(28) stated that it is necessary to squat down until reaching
a parallel position (the front of thighs are parallel to the ground)
to place a large dynamic burden on the leg muscle groups. Also,
they reported that exerted maximum force and muscle groups
stimulated by the movement forms may differ. However, for IS,
there has been little examination of the influence of different
movement forms on maximum force and muscle activities.
When considering the practical application of the 1RM
estimation method using IS, maximum force and muscle
activities in a similar measurement posture will be necessary.
This study aimed to clarify the relationships between IS and
1RM squat for maximum force and muscle activities and to
examine the effectiveness of the 1RM estimation method
based on IS. Figure1. Measuring equipment.

Experimental Approach to the
The maximum force exerted
and muscle groups stimulated
by a squatting movement may
differ. Thus, when considering
the practical application of the
1RM estimation method using
IS, we need to examine relation-
ships between IS using a back
dynamometer and a real 1RM
squat for maximum force and
muscle activities. We examined
the differences of the above
measurements in both condi-
tions of stance width and squat
depth. Furthermore, a regres-
sion equation to estimate
a 1RM squat value was calcu-
lated from the IS value.

The subjects were 15 young
men with weight training expe- Figure 2. Schematic representation of experimental setup.
rience. Table 1 shows their

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 10 | OCTOBER 2010 | 2743

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
1RM Estimation Based on Isometric Squat

was affixed to the ankle extramalleolus. Electromyographic

signals in each trial were recorded continuously after A/D
TABLE 2. Reliability (ICC) of maximum force exerted conversion at 1,000 Hz. The EMG signals were amplified,
by each stance of isometric squat.* band-pass filtered (.10 Hz) and converted to root mean
Wide Narrow square (RMS) in every 1-second section. In addition, the
muscle activity in IS was evaluated by the relative value of
Parallel 0.94 0.95 RMS during 1RM squat as a standard.
90° 0.96 0.96
60° 0.98 0.97 One Repetition Maximum Squat
30° 0.94 0.95
To unify squat posture, the 1RM test was performed with
*ICC = intracorrelation coefficient. a parallel toe and a parallel squat depth (i.e., the thigh fronts
were parallel to the ground). The subjects with poor flexibility
could squat with a parallel condition in a wide stance of 140%
width of the shoulders. After confirming that the thigh front
physical characteristics. They were selected from the was parallel to the floor, a tester sent a signal to a subject. The
following sports backgrounds: baseball [11], soccer [3], and 1RM test was performed according to the more convenient
rugby [1]. They performed sports training and resistance Manabe et al.’s method (16). In short, when increasing weight
training 2–4 times per week. They had been training for .2 by 2.5 kg from the load that a subject reported himself, the
years, but their mean 1RM squat was 99.1 6 15.7 kg (1.53 weight that he could not lift was decided to be 1RM. Subjects
times of the weight). Informed consent was obtained from all warmed up with light weight load before the measurement.
subjects after giving a full explanation of the experimental The 1RM test was performed twice after sufficient rest, and
study and its procedures. This study was approved by the the best data were used for the analysis.
Human Rights Committee of Kanazawa University.
Isometric Squat
Experimental Procedure The IS was measured by a back dynamometer (YAGAMI).
The subjects performed a moderate warm-up after measure- A connection chain and a shaft were installed in a wooden
ment of height and weight. After affixing electrodes for platform (Figure 1). The subjects lifted a shaft on the margo
a surface electromyographic (EMG) measurement, they superior scapulae of shoulders. The direction of the toes was
performed 1RM squat and IS. The order of both measure- parallel. The degree of knee flexion (squat depth) and stance
ments was random. width were prescribed. Four patterns of knee flexion degree
To measure action potential of the agonist during both (30°, 60°, 90°, and parallel) were selected in reference to
squats, we adopted an EMG measure (SYNA ACT MT11) previous studies (20,28). The stance width was either wide
made in NEC SANEISYA. As test muscles, gastrocnemius, (140% width of the shoulders) or narrow (5-cm width), based
vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, adductor longus, biceps on the reports of Steven and Donald (23) and Escamilla and
femoris, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and erector spinae Zheng (7).
muscles were selected in reference to previous studies The hip joint angle was prescribed at 60°. The subject lifted
(13,20,23) that examined muscle activity during squatting. the shaft that was installed to the back dynamometer on his
For a bipolar lead, surface electrodes were affixed around shoulders after taking the measurement posture and performed
the muscle belly of each muscle with about 50-mm space IS (Figure 2). We regarded the maximum value shown by the
between the electrodes after shaving the skin surface, back dynamometer as the IS value on this occasion. The subject
abrading, and cleaning with alcohol. The ground electrode performed IS twice with each movement form, and the mean

TABLE 3. Summary of 2-way ANOVA on the differences of exerted maximum force by various conditions.*†

Two-way Post hoc, Bonferroni

30° 60° 90° Parallel ANOVA squat depth Stance

Wide 0.95 6 0.13 0.87 6 0.13 0.76 6 0.12 0.70 6 0.08 F1 8.34‡ Par, 90 , 60 , 30 W.N
Narrow 0.84 6 0.15 0.79 6 0.14 0.70 6 0.13 0.68 6 0.13 F2 45.77‡
F3 2.29

*F1 = stance; F2 = squat depth; F3 = interaction; W = wide; N = narrow; Par = parallel; ANOVA = analysis of variance.
†Values show relative values of isometric squat for 1RM squat.
‡ p # 0.05

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TABLE 4. Summary of 2-way ANOVA on the difference of muscle activity RMS.*

Post hoc,
Two-way Bonferroni
30° 60° 90° Parallel ANOVA Squat depth Stance

Gastrocnemius Wide 1.34 6 0.71 1.04 6 0.44 0.91 6 0.30 0.84 6 0.27 F1 5.05† ns W.N
Narrow 1.07 6 0.51 1.00 6 0.44 0.74 6 0.21 0.76 6 0.23 F2 6.96†
F3 1.56
Vastus Wide 0.22 6 0.09 0.49 6 0.15 0.62 6 0.14 0.69 6 0.15 F1 10.66† W, N: Par, Par, 90,
lateralis 90 . 60 . 30 60: W . N
Narrow 0.21 6 0.10 0.40 6 0.16 0.56 6 0.11 0.57 6 0.14 F2 72.55†
F3 3.27†
Rectus Wide 0.11 6 0.06 0.28 6 0.11 0.46 6 0.17 0.58 6 0.13 F1 10.53† W, N: Par, Par, 60:
femoris 90 . 60 . 30 W.N
Narrow 0.12 6 0.06 0.21 6 0.09 0.39 6 0.11 0.45 6 0.15 F2 74.23†
F3 3.56†
Adductor Wide 0.31 6 0.20 0.50 6 0.14 0.75 6 0.17 0.91 6 0.17 F1 1.15 Par . 90 . ns
longus 60 . 30
Narrow 0.30 6 0.14 0.51 6 0.17 0.84 6 0.23 0.95 6 0.28 F2 54.53†
F3 0.67

Biceps Wide 0.87 6 0.39 1.05 6 0.44 0.95 6 0.43 0.80 6 0.35 F1 0.06 N: 60 . 90 30, ns
femoris 60, 90 . Par
Narrow 1.09 6 0.56 1.13 6 0.59 0.84 6 0.45 0.66 6 0.38 F2 7.46†
F3 5.61†
Gluteus Wide 0.61 6 0.37 0.86 6 0.30 0.95 6 0.34 0.78 6 0.25 F1 5.17† 60, 90 . 30 W.N
maximus Narrow 0.54 6 0.38 0.75 6 0.33 0.76 6 0.31 0.70 6 0.39 F2 7.68†
F3 0.58
Gluteus Wide 0.78 6 0.42 0.85 6 0.41 0.74 6 0.41 0.62 6 0.41 F1 1.38 ns ns
medius Narrow 0.65 6 0.48 0.79 6 0.49 0.66 6 0.52 0.57 6 0.55 F2 2.40
F3 0.14
Erector spinae Wide 0.73 6 0.24 0.85 6 0.22 0.94 6 0.32 0.95 6 0.22 F1 6.62† ns W.N
muscles Narrow 0.72 6 0.26 0.75 6 0.16 0.78 6 0.15 0.80 6 0.18 F2 4.76†
F3 1.51
*ANOVA = analysis of variance; RMS = root mean square; F1 = stance; F2 = squat depth; F3 = interaction; W = wide; N = narrow; Par = parallel; ns = nonsignificant.
†p # 0.05
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 10 | OCTOBER 2010 |


Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
1RM Estimation Based on Isometric Squat

TABLE 5. Correlations between maximum force

exerted in isometric squat and 1RM squat.

Wide Narrow

Parallel 0.73* 0.29

90° 0.52* 0.34
60° 0.56* 0.39
30° 0.66* 0.30
*p # 0.05.

Figure 3. Correlations between isometric squat and 1RM squats for

maximum force in wide stance and parallel conditions.
value was adopted. The measurement order of each movement
form was random, and the rest between trials was 3 minutes.
Instructions such as ‘‘Keep the same posture’’ and ‘‘Do not
incline the whole body’’ were given to subjects. increasing knee flexion. On the other hand, the muscle
activity of the biceps femoris increased with decreasing squat
Statistical Analysis depth.
The reliability of measurement values exerted by various Table 5 shows correlations between maximum force
squat tests was examined by intracorrelation coefficient exerted in IS and 1RM squats. All knee flexion degrees of
(ICC). Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA;stance width IS showed significant and moderate correlations (r = 0.52–
and squat depth) was used to reveal the mean difference of 0.73) with 1RM squat in the wide stance but not in the
maximum force and muscle activity during IS with each narrow stance. Figure 3 shows the correlations between IS
movement form. The post hoc comparisons were made using and 1RM squats for maximum force in wide stance and
Bonferroni’s method, which adjusts the level of significance a parallel conditions. The person with a high value in IS tended
by comparison number. The relationships between 1RM to have higher 1RM. A regression equation to estimate
squat and IS for maximum force were examined using a 1RM squat value was calculated from the IS value, Y =
Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Statistical significance was 0.992X + 30.3 (Y: 1RM, X: IS). The standard error of the
set at p # 0.05. estimation was 11.19 kg.

Table 2 shows the reliability (ICC) of maximum force exerted by The squat is one of the most popular and important exercises
each movement form of IS. All ICCs were .0.90. Table 3 shows for developing leg strength and power and has been
the results of 2 factor ANOVA on the difference of the commonly included in strength training and conditioning
maximum force exerted by squatting with each movement or rehabilitation programs (1,26). The squat can stimulate
form. There was no significant interaction and a significant main various muscles by changing movement form and direction
effect was found in stance width and knee flexure degree. Post (7,13,18,20,22,23,27). However, there are few reports of the
hoc comparisons showed that maximum force in the wide influence of movement form on maximum force and muscle
stance was significantly larger than that in the narrow stance. As activity during IS. Hence, we examined the difference of the
for knee flexure degree, there was no significant difference above measurements in both conditions of stance width and
between exerted forces at the parallel and 90° positions, but the squat depth.
force was significantly larger with decreasing knee flexion Maximum force during IS was significantly larger in the
(parallel, 90 , 60 , 30). wide stance than in the narrow stance. Steven and Donald
Table 4 shows the results of 2 factor ANOVA on the (23) reported that muscle activity of the adductor longus and
difference of muscle activity RMS exerted by IS with each gluteus maximus was significantly larger in the wide stance
movement form. There were significant differences in than in the normal and narrow stances. Also in this study, the
gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, gluteus wide stance showed larger muscle activities than the narrow
maximus, and erector spinae muscles, and the wide stance stance in gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris,
showed a higher value than the narrow stance. A marked gluteus maximus, and erector spinae muscles. In particular,
difference was found particularly in the vastus lateralis and because marked differences were found in the vastus lateralis
rectus femoris. In gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis, rectus and the rectus femoris, an agonist muscle of knee extension, it
femoris, adductor longus, gluteus maximus, and erector is inferred that the wide stance has a larger maximum force
spinae muscles, muscle activity tended to increase with than the narrow stance.
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In addition, the maximum force tended to increase with estimate the squat ability in a similar manner to an isometric
depthless knee flexion degree. This can be explained by the rack.
relationship between joint angle and torque. All body Second, there may be a difference of operating character-
movements including a straight one take place by means of istics between the static IS and the 1RM squat that can use
rotation of joints, and exerted muscular strength appears as countermovement. Because the present subjects performed
torque. Therefore, the amount of torque that can be exerted weight training regularly, they lifted heavier barbells skillfully
by a given body joint varies considerably throughout the using a countermovement called ‘‘cheat’’ (movement by
motion range of the joint. This may be explained by the which the muscle is expanded oppositely immediately before
relationship of force vs. muscle length and the ever-changing the beginning of agonist muscle shortening). A rapid eccentric
leverage brought about by the dynamic geometry of the muscle action stimulates the stretch reflex and builds up the
muscles, tendons, and internal joint structure. Ichinose et al. elastic energy, which increases the force produced during the
(12) examined the relationship between muscle fascicle subsequent concentric action. Such a movement is called
length and tension in the vastus lateralis and reported that the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) (15). The use of SSC produces
tension differs with changing joint angle and the tension greater muscle power output within a short time than that
shows the highest value at the 70° knee joint. from a pure concentric contraction (14,19). Manabe et al. (17)
Second, it is possible that the performance of the agonist examined the influence of countermovement on muscle
muscle varies as the squat posture changes. Yamashita (29) activity and joint torque and reported that a squat with
performed EMG analysis upon standing from a squat position countermovement shows high muscle activity and joint
and reported that muscle activity of the biceps femoris and the torque. At the time of the 1RM squat of this study, we did not
rectus femoris changed during the first half (squat depth is limit use of countermovement. Therefore, it is inferred that
deep) and the second half (squat depth is shallow) of the the 1RM squat showed a higher value in muscle activity and
movement. In short, the rectus femoris was active in the first maximum force than the IS.
half, and the biceps femoris was active in the second half. In In the present study, the maximum force of IS in wide
addition, Jensen and Ebben. (13) examined the relationship stance and parallel depth showed a significant and high
between squat depth and muscle activity of the biceps femoris correlation (r = 0.73) with the 1RM squat. Performing IS with
and reported that although little muscle activity was found the same deep posture of the 1RM squat is important for
during lifting in either squat depth, it increased when lowering the estimation of 1RM. In conclusion, although maximum
from full extension of the knee to 60°. force is influenced by stance width and squat depth, IS
In this study, when squat depth increased, the activity of measurement values with wide stance and parallel depth may
gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, adductor be useful for the estimation of 1RM squat.
longus, gluteus maximus, and erector spinae muscles in-
creased. The main function of erector spinae muscles is
postural maintenance with trunk extension. When squat
depth increased, increasing force was required to bend the Simple linear regression analysis revealed a relationship of Y =
trunk forward during lifting; thus, muscle activity may 0.992X + 30.3 (Y: 1RM, X: IS). This suggests that the IS using
increase. Additionally, it is possible that the vastus lateralis, a back dynamometer may become an effective index for
an agonist of knee extension, and the gluteus maximus, an predicting 1RM squat. However, the standard error of an
agonist of hip extension, act independently of each other with estimate provided by the regression equation was quite large,
increasing squat depth. On the other hand, the muscle activity 11.19 kg, in subjects of only moderate squat ability (about 1.5
of the biceps femoris increased with decreased squat depth. times body weight). Therefore, it is hypothesized that the
When evaluating the muscle activity in the IS with a relative standard error will increase when applied to subjects without
value based on the RMS at the time of the 1RM squat, all weight training experience. In addition, it has been reported
muscles were ,1.0. In other words, muscle activity in the that the maintenance of posture during IS using a back-
IS tended to be less than that in the 1RM measurement. dynamometer is difficult. From a practical application
Similarly maximum force tended to be ,1RM. Blazevich et al. standpoint, a device that stabilizes posture will be needed
(3) reported that the IS using the isometric rack was about in the future.
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