Judy-Ann Pablo BPA-2F

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Judy-Ann T.

Pablo BPA-2F

Activity 1.Study the Philippine as a state

1.)Does it possess all the elements mentioned? Explain.

-Yes, Philippine is considered a state, because our country has many citizens,we have our own
government, territory, sovereignty,and the capacity to enter into relations with other states.

2.)Study three existing states all over the world.Discuss how the states you chose were created.

1.)United States of America- The United States was established through a combination of colonization,
wars, treaties, and territorial expansion. Initially, British colonies along the eastern seaboard declared
independence in 1776, leading to the American Revolutionary War. Through a series of conflicts and
negotiations, the U.S. expanded westward, acquiring territories through purchases like the Louisiana
Purchase, wars such as the Mexican-American War, and treaties like the Treaty of Paris. Over time,
states were admitted to the Union, each with its own process of becoming a state.

2.)Germany- Modern Germany emerged from a complex history of various states, kingdoms, and
regions. The process of unification, known as German Unification, began in the 19th century and
culminated in 1871 when Otto von Bismarck orchestrated the creation of the German Empire, uniting
numerous German-speaking states under Prussian leadership. This unification was facilitated by a
combination of diplomacy, military victories, and nationalist sentiment.

3.)South Africa-South Africa's statehood evolved through colonization, conquest, and the apartheid era.
Initially, the region was inhabited by various indigenous peoples. European colonization began in the
17th century, with the Dutch and later British establishing colonies. The colonization led to conflicts with
indigenous peoples and among European powers. The apartheid system, implemented in 1948,
institutionalized racial segregation until the early 1990s. South Africa transitioned to majority rule with
the end of apartheid and the election of Nelson Mandela as president in 1994.

Activity 2.
State Recognition Doctrine Countries Discussion

-Doctrine,named after U.S President

Woodrow Wilson and the U.S
Secretary of State,Philander C. knox,
emphasized that the United States
would not recognize governments
that came to power through
unconstitutional means.This
Wilson/Tobar Doctrine United States doctrine was particularly relevant in
U.S policy towards Latin American
countries during the early 20th

-The Betancourt Doctrine,named

after former Venezuelan President
Romulo Betancourt,asserted that
his county would not recognize
governments that had assumed
power through coup d'etats.This
doctrine aimed to promote
Betancourt Doctrine Venezuela democracy and constitutional
governance in Latin America.

-The Lauterpacht Doctrine,

developed by Sir Harsh
Lauterpacht,is a legal concept rather
than a country specific doctrine.It
focuses on the principles of
Not associated with a specific international law, including state
county;rather it's a legal doctrine in recognition based on legitimacy,
Lauterpacht Doctrine international law sovereignty,and compliance with
international norms.

-The Stimson Doctrine,named after

U.S Secretary of State Henry L.
Stimson,stated that the United
States would not recognize
territorial changes brought about by
aggression.It was applied in
response to Japan's invasion of
Stimson Doctrine United States Manchuria in 1931 and reflected the
U.S commitment to non-recognition
of actions contrary to international
Activity 3.Examine the rights of the states. Apple these rights to the rights of the Philippines as a
state.Provide examples below each right and how it is practiced in the country.

Right of States Practices in the Philippines

The right to independence -This right to independence is being practiced in our

country,by having law and constitution protecting the
rights of everyone.We have our freedom to express our
thought we have freedom to vote the right official for
our government.

The right to equality -The right to equality in the Philippines is some how
disregarded but our country still practices this
rights.Example of this is the right to equality in terms of
going to school and study, everyone has a right to go to
school even you are girl or a boy or even part of LGBT

The right of existence and self-defense -Philippine practices the right to existence and self-
defense in a way that some of the school in the
Philippines teach students how to defend themselves
when there is something bad to happen.

The right to territorial integrity and jurisdiction -One example of practices in the Philippines according
to the right to territorial integrity and jurisdiction is that
protecting our right to the West Philippine
Sea.Deploying more ships and other military officers to
protect and ensure the safety of our fisherman.

The right to Legation -The right to legation has been practiced in the
Philippines.Example of this is when our President
Rodrigo Duterte go to other countries to foster and
maintain relations with other countries government and
meet the head of the states and interact with them.

Activity 4.Find a certain event in history wherein Philippines accepted refugees and complete the box

Name of the country: Vietnam

What happened why these people left their country? The fall of Saigon in 1975 led to the exodus of
Vietnamese refugees fleeing political persecution and
economic hardship.

Why did the Philippines accepted these people? The Philippines accepted Vietnamese refugees as a
humanitarian gesture and in solidarity with other
countries offering assistance.

What was the effect of accepting these refugees in the The acceptance of Vietnamese refugees led to the
Philippines? establishment of refugee camps in the Philippines and
contributed to the country's reputation as a haven for
those in need.

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