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Prepared by:

Alondres, Aliyah Necole T.

Agbalog, Jonathan

Aguilar, Janquel

Aristoteles, Lian

Antonio, Jiean Agustin

Baggay, Raphael Sebastian

Bernados, Romel

Calunod, Jobelyn

Cuaño, Harold

Dabalos, Jade

Ebuenga, Jhonlloyd

Elaran, Anemyr

Esperas, Anna Lorraine

Llanera, Althea

Marquez, Samantha

Nacional, Marian
Olavario, Earl

Tipuno, Khion

Villena, Eljelyn

Prepared for:

Mr. Mark Anthony Miguel

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Agree to Political Dynasty


The Political dynasty is defined by the Cambridge dictionary as a series of rulers or leaders who
are all from the same family, or a period when a country is ruled by them. Political dynasty is an open
opportunity to each individual to run for their desire position to lead and serve the country. We agree to
the continuous existence of the political dynasty in our country by the support of positive feedback and
evidences that political dynasty should not detach in the Philippine constitution. Our stance is supported
by the stated reasons below.

PREMISE #1: The Dominance of Political Dynasty is not by the influence of the Power of the Family.
According to the study of South East Asia Research 24 (3), 328-340, 2016. The results of the
2013 Philippine mid-term elections highlighted the dominance of political dynasties in the country. With
all 80 provinces littered with political families, 74 percent of the elected members of the House of
Representatives came from such dynastic groups. Despite of the overwhelming recognition that political
dynasties breed patronage politics and corruption, no substantial steps have been undertaken to
address this issue. This article examines the general nature of Philippine political dynasties, the reasons
for their continuing existence and their adverse impact on the country. This article supports that the
dominance and continuous existence of Political Dynasty is not by the influence of power or Family
name; it is by the results of its leadership during his term.

In addition, according to the Executive Department, Article 7, Section 2. No person may be

elected President unless he is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines, a registered voter, able to read
and write, at least forty years of age on the day of the election, and a resident of the Philippines for at
least ten years immediately preceding such election. This article says that, it depends on the willingness
of the person or politician to serve the country. Not by the influence of power or name of his/her family.
As long as the requirements needed is qualified to pass, then it is depended on his/her decisions to run
for its desire position in the politics.


But having a political dynasty prevent the development of our country by having a politician that
is on the same family or clan.


The political dynasty doesn't restrain the people to run for the position they desire. According to
the 1987 Philippine Constitution Article 2, Section 26. "The state shall guarantee equal access to
opportunities for public service, and prohibit political dynasties as may be defined by law." According to
the article ll Section 6 of 1987 Constitution, it simply means that there is no maximum number of
individuals or candidates who wants to run in the election. That means everyone have a chance and
freedom to be part of the political election and be the candidate for running. It is their choice to serve
and be the part of the Philippine Politics.

In addition to that, according to senator Cayetano on his previous interview, He clarifies that the
elections is free and open.

PREMISE #2 Political dynasty is not the main reason why people are still suffering in poverty.
We believe that poverty is already experiencing in our country even before the political dynasty
has been started. According the study of Asia Pacific Business & Economics Perspectives, 38, 2015. This
article studies the factors affecting the state of poverty in the Philippines. It includes demographic
factors such as age, family size, and education; economic factors such as entrepreneurship, wages, and
government support; and a social factor linked to inequality of distribution of wealth between urban
and rural centers. Using binary logistic regression, results reveal that the factors included in the study
significantly affect state of poverty of Filipino households. It shows that there are factors that affect the
state of poverty in our country.

According to the study of Poverty Data, In the Philippines, 18.1% of the population lived below
the national poverty line in 2021. In the Philippines, the proportion of employed population below $1.90
purchasing power parity a day in 2022 was 2.2%. To sum up, this article says that political dynasty is not
the reason why are we experiencing poverty. Before the rising number of family in the political dynasty,
there is still an issue on how to resolve the increasing rate of poverty.


According to study you've use that there is factors that affecting the state of poverty. But that
factor is considered and part of the term of the politician.


Yes, that factors are considered and part of the term of the politician. But we cannot blame that it
is the fault of the Political Dynasty because we are suffering in poverty. It is said that poverty is also due
to the increase in population that is the result of poor Family planning. There are a lot of factors that
affect why many people are suffering in poverty. We cannot always blame the government to the issues
and problems that we are facing. In addition , we are also the reason why they are on that position.
Having a ruler that is part of dynastic family or comes from political dynasty or not, it's still doesn't
change the fact the we are all suffering in poverty. Poverty is not an easy problem to handle.

PREMISE #3: The people that is part of political dynasty, can easily understand each other.

Everyone that is part of the family and even relatives that is come from the dyanstic family have
some advantage that helps their administration to be become more stronger. Being part of dynastic
family is not easy as we think. There is a lot of issues attaches to their family name. The reason why
there are still dominant families that is part of dyanstic family it's because of their good administration
during their term. And being member of political dynasty have this advantage that they can easily
understand eachother and they can continue the good administration of their family and make a better
plan for their constituent.

So, you say that they can easily understand each other, right? it can also mean that they can
easily make a plan to do corruption?


Everyone have differences, different minds and beliefs. Yes, they can easily understand each
other but still they are different in the way of how they think. According to the study of Harvard Health
Publishing, "Your executive function peaks alongside other brain functions in your early 20s and then
gradually diminishes over time. Fortunately, the process is quite slow, says Dr. Salinas. Everyone’s brain
is wired and programmed differently". People think differently due to a variety of factors, including
cultural background, upbringing, education, personal experiences, and individual differences in cognitive
abilities. These differences can lead to varying perspectives, beliefs, and values.

According to the study of No Two Human Brains Are Alike: The uniqueness of each mind is written in its
ever-changing circuitry by William A. Harris. "Everyone’s body and everyone’s brain differ from everyone
else’s from the moment of birth, and these differences grow as the final shaping of our bodies and
brains is done outside the womb and incorporates our individual experiences in the world". We believe
that it is still depends on the person on how he/she rule the country during its term. It is not because
your family is corrupt doesn't you are corrupt too. We have differences and it is depends to you on how
your administration give a better future to everyone.

Premise 4: It is about our Rights and Outcome of having a Dominant political dynasty

Political dynasty can be lessened but can't avoid practically when their family started it with a good
servanthood in government, especially when the community trust, love and vote them despite the fact
that there is still in their position in government.

Based on the previous interview of the current President Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. during the
presidential candidacy. He said, " Aimee wants to serve, Sandro-- my son wants to serve, I want to serve
and the community vote us" it's because of the things they've done, what they've started that outcome
as brilliantly. As long as their purpose is right and following laws and rights. Their desire to continue the
good outcome of the administration of their family is the reason why political dynasty is still dominant
until now. Running in a position for election in the political dynasty is different, it is not easy as we think
about. It's their choice to serve and lead our country. Everyone has a right to choose and be the part of
Philippine Politics.


If they let to continue the mechanism of political dynasty, the other will not be given a chance to run for
the position

According to the social justice and Human Rights, Article 13, Section 2. " The promotion social
justice shall include the commitment to create economic opportunities based on the freedom of
initiative and self - reliance. " Whenever there is chance to run for the elections, candidates should
never be disqualified unless they are not verified on the requirements and when they can't have
Certificate of Candidacy (COC) that is needed in the election. It is our freedom to choose and vote the
leader we want to serve and lead our country.


• Premise 1 : Political dynasties in the Philippines Persistent patterns, perennial problems Jemma
Purdey, Teresa S Encarnacion Tadem & Eduardo C Tadem https://doi.org/10.1177/0967828X16659730

• Premise 2 : Factors affecting state of poverty in the Philippines. Cynthia P Cudia.Asia Pacific Business &
Economics Perspectives, 38, 2015 https://scholar.google.com/scholar?

• Premise 3: https://nautil.us/no-two-human-brains-are-alike-238479/#:~:text=Everyone's%20body

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