Design of Steam Stripping Columns For Removal of Volatile Organic - Compress

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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2000, 39, 731-739 731

Design of Steam-Stripping Columns for Removal of Volatile Organic

Compounds from Water Using Random and Structured Packings
J. R. Ortiz-Del Castillo,† G. Guerrero-Medina,‡ J. Lopez-Toledo, and J. A. Rocha*
Departamento de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica, Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya, Mexico Av. Tecnológico y Garcia Cubas,
Celaya, Guanajuato, C.P. 38010, Mexico

Mass-transfer data at different feed and steam rates, using structured and random packings,
have been collected to develop a model for the design or analysis of packed columns for stripping
of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from water. The steam-stripping experiments were
conducted in a stainless steel column of 0.245-m internal diameter, with 2.8 m of packed section.
The packings used were Sulzer BX gauze structured packing, Mellapak 250Y structured packing,
1-in. Flexirings, and 1-in. Fleximax random packing. The VOCs were chloroform (CH3Cl) and
toluene (C7H8). The model considers the simultaneous occurrence of mass transfer and hydraulic
phenomena with the same expressions for liquid and vapor mass-transfer coefficients and the
same expression for effective interfacial area with one constant for each packing. The average
deviation for the measured and calculated volumetric mass-transfer coefficient and effective
height of packing is 0.29 and 0.23, respectively.

Introduction energy consumption indices. Another advantage cited

is the possible recovery of the VOC when this forms a
Reduction of chemical discharge to the environment nonmiscible mixture with water, after condensing the
has become a major issue in the chemical and petroleum steam-VOC stream that leaves the top of the stripping
industries. For the removal of volatile organic com- column.
pounds (VOCs) from water, several methods have been While air stripping merely transfers the VOC from
proposed; oxidation techniques offer a degree of flex- water to air where it still must be dealt with, steam
ibility in tailoring treatment to a specific water or stripping will produce in some cases a recoverable
wastewater at reasonable cost. Chemical oxidation is phase, but as a minimum it concentrates the VOC in
usually most effective as a complementary rather than the condensate so that it can be dealt with more
a self-sufficient process; however, especially in waste- effectively.
water applications, its use requires careful consideration
Overall, steam stripping is economically a better
of the chemical and biological integrity of effluent
alternative than air stripping because of both capital
streams. One special type of chemical oxidation is the
and operational cost. For capital cost, the volume of a
oxidation of organic compounds in supercritical water.
steam stripping column is in most cases lower than that
At the moment this type of treatment is economically
for air stripping, and air blowers or compressors are
attractive only for special compounds.
expensive equipment. For operational cost, many plants
In the 1970s, adsorption by granular activated carbon have steam streams of low pressure that may be used
was the most thoroughly proven technology for many as the stripping agent, improving the energy efficiency
organic pollution problems; further design and system of the plant.
refinements were desirable to make it more attractive
Although absorption and stripping operation were
economically and more practical operationally.
well developed for some uses in the chemical and
In the 1980s, air stripping had the chance to be better petrochemical industry, the low concentration ranges
economically than carbon adsorption1 for treatment of of VOCs involved in water stream purification provide
VOCs, but in order to prove it, several experimental uncertainty. The designers did not know if the design
studies of bench, pilot, and industrial scale2,3 needed to methods used for air stripping and for gas absorption
be performed. The results confirmed that air stripping would provide valid or confidence values. Again, experi-
was an economically better option to remove VOCs from mental studies were needed.
This decade steam stripping is being compared with Experimental and Design Equations for Trays
air stripping for the removal of VOCs.4-7 The argument
is that, because of the greater temperatures on steam Fractionation Research, Inc. (FRI), provides large-
stripping compared with air stripping, the organic scale experimental data for a sieve-tray steam-stripping
contaminants will go easily with the vapor phase, using column of 1.22-m internal diameter and six perforated
lower column volume and providing a rational use to trays. The FRI data are considered to be of the highest
many low-pressure steam streams, thus improving the quality and appeared first as a FRI Progress Report and
later as a technical paper.7
* Phone: (524) 611 7802 and 7575, ext. 150. Fax: (524) 611 Fair and Harvey6 used FRI Progress Report data to
7744. E-mail: adapt equations from the Chan and Fair8 model for
† Current address: Facultad de Ciencias Quı́mico Biológicas, point efficiency prediction. They predicted the number
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Sinaloa, Mexico. of transfer units using the residence time for each phase

Current address: ITESO, Guadalajara, México. and the volumetric mass-transfer coefficients (kLae,
10.1021/ie990432m CCC: $19.00 © 2000 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 01/25/2000
732 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 39, No. 3, 2000

Table 1. Characteristics of Column, Packing, and System for Steam Stripping of VOCs
column diameter ) 0.245 m; average height of packing ) 2.80 m; atmospheric pressure
structured packing (stainless steel) random packing (stainless steel)
Sulzer BX Flexirings
superficial area ) 492 m2/m3 superficial area ) 215 m2/m3
void fraction ) 0.90 void fraction ) 0.94
characteristic length ) 0.0012 m characteristic length ) 0.0017 m
Mellapak 250Y Fleximax
superficial area ) 250 m2/m3 superficial area ) 141 m2/m3
void fraction ) 0.96 void fraction ) 0.98
characteristic length ) 0.0010 m characteristic length ) 0.0009 m
Physical Properties of VOCs
VOC MW DL (m2/s) DG (m2/s) temp (°C) m at 100 °C
chloroform CHCl3 119.4 4.43 × 10-9 5.54 × 10-5 61.2 1795-1798
toluene C6H5CH3 92.14 2.81 × 10-9 1.89 × 10-5 110.6 2098-2103
Physical Properties for Water and Steam
FL (kg/m3) FG (kg/m3) µL [kg/(m s)] µG [kg/(m s)] σ (N/m)
H2O 958.3 0.596 0.000 28 0.000 012 0.059

Figure 2. Analytical system.

Sample Analysis
For the sample analysis, gas chromatography analysis
Figure 1. Equipment setup for steam stripping. was used with the method of purge and trap. The
analytical equipment consists of a purge and trap (O-
kGae). From the individual number of transfer units, the I-Analytical model 4560) and a gas chromatograph
overall number of transfer units is calculated and used Perkin-Elmer (Sigma 300), with an integrator (Perkin-
to get the point efficiency; from this, tray and overall Elmer 1020). Figure 2 shows the analytical system.
column efficiencies are obtained. Nitrogen was used as the carrier gas, while the makeup
gas was compressed air and hydrogen. Table 2 shows
Experimental Setup for the Stripping Column the optimal operation parameters for the gas chromato-
Filled with Packings graph and purge and trap equipment.
At Instituto Tecnólogico de Celaya we tried to con- Model Development
tribute to the design or analysis of the stripping column
for the removal of VOCs from water streams. Guerrero- For the design of stripping as well as distillation,
Medina9 and Ortiz del Castillo10 first used a 0.10-m- absorption, or extraction columns, there are two parts:
diameter plastic-stripping column with the air-water mass-transfer calculations that provide the effective
system. Then a glass column with 0.076-m (3-in.) height and hydraulic calculations that provide the
internal diameter and 1.5-cm Raschig rings was used. diameter of the column. Traditionally these two steps
The final part of the experimental section was carried are considered separately, but because in the operation
out in a stainless steel stripping column of 0.245-m inside the column the mass and momentum transport
internal diameter. The column was filled with struc- occur simultaneously, we believe that a more mecha-
tured packing Mellapak 250Y and Sulzer BX; the nistic modeling of these processes should involve the
random packings tested were 1-in. Pall rings and 1-in. simultaneous consideration of both phenomena.
Fleximax rings. In the thesis of Ortiz del Castillo, In distillation operation the main resistance for mass
several runs with trays are also reported. transfer lies on the gas phase. The opposite is true for
Figure 1 shows a scheme of the experimental setup stripping operations, but the modeling of both processes
for the 0.254-m metallic stripping column. Table 1 shows should be the same, with the recognition that the
the characteristics of the column and the runs per- stripping operation presents a lower efficiency or higher
formed. To permit comparison with the tray stripping height of an equivalent theoretical plate (HETP) than
column, we used toluene as the VOC, but we also used distillation.
chloroform to try to involve different physical properties. As suggested by Rocha et al.11,12 and Gualito et al.,13
The experimental runs were performed at atmospheric the liquid holdup (hdyn) is the parameter that links
pressure. mass-transfer and momentum balances, through the use
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 39, No. 3, 2000 733

Table 2. Gas Chromatograph and Purge and Trap Table 3. Equations for Hydraulic Calculations in Packed
Operation Parameters Columns (Engel et al.14)
Gas Chromatograph 6(1 - ǫ)
dp ) (3)
capillary column 30 m × 1.0 µm × 0.32 mm ap
temperatures (°C)
FID 210 uGFGdp
ReG ) (4)
injection port 200 µG
oven 160
carrier gas C1 C2
chromatograph nitrogen ψ) + + C3 (5)
ReG Re 1/2
concentrator nitrogen G

make up gas air

hydrogen 1 FGuG2
∆Pdry ) ψap 4.65 (6)
gas flow (mL/min) 8 ǫ

( )( )( )
column 12
make up gas 18 uLap0.5 0.66
µLap1.5 0.25
σLap2 0.1
hdyn0 ) 3.6 (7)
Purge and Trap g0.5 FL g0.5 FL g

[ ( )]
sample volume (mL) 5 ∆ptot 2
temperature (°C) hdyn ) hdyn0 1 + 6 (8)
purge 20 FL g
desorption 180

valve 100 6σL
bake 180 dL ) CL (CL ) 0.4 for random packing;
time (min) CL ) 0.8 for structured packing) (9)
purge 11
desorption 4 6hdyn
bake 20 aL ) (10)

( )
of the effective velocities. Equations 1a and 2a give the ∆ptot aL + ap ǫ 4.65
expressions used to calculate the effective velocities for ) (11)
∆pdry ap ǫ - hdyn
random packings, and eqs 1b and 2b, those for struc-
tured packings. As observed, structured packings need
sin θ as a correction factor to take into account the
x249hdyn0(xX - 60ǫ - 558hdyn0 - 103dLap) (12)
FL g 2988hdyn0
channel inclination.
X ) 3600ǫ2 + 186480hdyn0ǫ + 32280dLapǫ + 191844hdyn02 +
uG 95028dLaphdyn0 + 10609dL2ap2 (13)
For random packing uGe ) (1a)
ǫ(1 - hdyn)
Table 4. Equations for Mass-Transfer Calculations in
uL Packed Columns
For random packing uLe ) (2a)

[ ] [ ]
ǫhdyn 0.1DG dp(µGe + µLe)FG 0.2405 µG 1/3
kG ) (14)
uG dp µG FGDG

[ ] [ ]
For structured packing uGe ) (1b)
ǫ(1 - hdyn) sin θ 0.3415DL dp(uGe + uLe)FL 0.2337 µL 1/2
kL ) (15)
dp µL FLDL

[( )( )]
For structured packing uLe ) (2b) uL2FLdp uL2 0.5
ǫhdyn sin θ
ae σ gdp

[ ]
) (16)
Hydraulic operation and the mass-transfer process ap uLFLdp 0.2 0.6
ǫ (1 - cos γ)
are simultaneously considered by using the Engel et µL
al.14 model for irrigated pressure drop and flooding. This
method is an extension of the Stichlmair et al.15 treat- constant C depends on the packing:
Sulzer BX Mellapak 250Y 1-in. Fleximax 1-in. Flexirings
ment for liquid holdup, irrigated, and flooding pressure 0.9772 0.7312 0.5005 0.6298
drop predictions and is valid for both structured and
random packings. Table 3 with eqs 3-13 provides the
correlations used for hydraulic parameter estimation.
1 1
KLa ae kL mkG ] (17)

The use of the equations proposed in the Engel et al. uL

paper14 instead of the original paper of Stichlmair et HTU ) (18)
K La
al.15 is justified by the following: (1) The correlation for
holdup is based on more data. (2) Engel’s equations are HTU ln λ
easier to apply in analytical form. (3) Engel’s equations HETP ) (19)

[( ]
are easier to apply in a computer program.
λ - 1 xin 1
For the mass-transfer process, the generalization
obtained for structured packing in distillation presented
λ xout λ
+ ) (20)

by Gualito et al.13 was applied to the experimental data mG

obtained in the stripping studies reported in this paper. λ) (21)
The intent of providing a general method was successful
in the sense that the individual mass-transfer coef-
ficients are the same for the four packings tested and
Z) ∫x*dx- x K a L e
) NTU × HTU ≈ Nt × HETP (22)
734 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 39, No. 3, 2000

Table 5. Experimental Data Obtained with Mellapak 250Y Structured Packing

xa (ppm) xb (ppm) % removal UGS (m/s) ULS (m/s) V/L λ NTU HTU (m) KLa (1/s)
Mellapak 250Y Structured Packing and Toluene
54.88 0.28 99.5 0.549 0.0019 0.171 358 5.38 0.52 0.003 72
20.29 0.12 99.4 0.549 0.0024 0.136 285 5.24 0.54 0.004 56
4.80 0.04 99.2 0.549 0.0029 0.113 237 4.90 0.57 0.005 13
81.14 0.32 99.6 0.794 0.0032 0.151 316 5.64 0.50 0.006 40
85.64 0.56 99.4 0.794 0.0025 0.193 406 5.15 0.54 0.004 56
27.41 0.29 99.0 0.794 0.0040 0.121 254 4.68 0.60 0.006 60
9.72 0.17 98.2 1.040 0.0030 0.212 446 4.13 0.70 0.004 36
Mellapak 250Y Structured Packing and Chloroform
25.74 0.50 98.0 0.549 0.0015 0.227 409 4.03 0.70 0.002 09
8.30 0.28 96.6 0.549 0.0019 0.170 305 3.48 0.80 0.002 42
31.56 2.20 93.0 0.549 0.0025 0.134 241 2.77 1.01 0.002 44
10.37 1.10 89.4 0.794 0.0024 0.196 352 2.34 1.20 0.002 05
41.57 1.34 96.8 0.794 0.0035 0.137 246 3.56 0.79 0.004 44
31.57 0.90 97.2 0.794 0.0040 0.120 216 3.69 0.76 0.005 24

the difference in performance lies on the effective correlations already have a safety factor included. If the
interfacial area provided for each packing. designers want to add an extra length of packing, the
Equations 14 and 15 proposed in this paper are additional length must not exceed the average deviation
different to those from Gualito et al.13 in three aspects: for the effective height, which for this work is 0.23.
For the individual mass-transfer coefficient of the liquid
phase, Gualito uses the individual effective velocity, Results and Discussion
whereas in this work, eq 15 uses the relative effective
velocity (UGe + ULe). For the same liquid mass-transfer In the experimental section, a minimum of five runs
coefficient, Gualito et al. assume the Higbie expression were performed for each packing-VOC combination,
with only the Schmidt number, whereas in this paper, and inlet and outlet concentrations were measured and
Schmidt and Reynolds numbers are taken into account the volumetric flow rates for liquid and vapor were
in eq 15, and finally the coefficient and exponents are recorded. From these data the parameters shown in
different. Tables 5-8 for structured and random packings were
For estimation of the effective interfacial area, the Shi obtained and saved for each combination of packing-
and Mersmann16 correlation was proposed with the VOC.
same dimensionless Reynolds, Froude, and Weber num- With the equations for hydraulic and mass transfer
bers and exponents, except the fraction of wetted to proposed, the values for the coefficients and exponents
packed area was adjusted. The result is given by eq 16 in the expressions for mass-transfer coefficients were

[( )( )]
regressed. Also parameter C in eq 16 for the estimation
uL2FLdp uL2 0.15 of the effective interfacial area was regressed. The
apdpC regression calculation was done with the minimization
ae σ gdp

[ ]
) (16) solver tool of an Excel spreadsheet from Microsoft.
ap uLFLdp 0.2 0.6 When all of the coefficients, exponents, and constant
ǫ (1 - cos γ)
µL value (C) for specific area were obtained, the volumetric
overall mass-transfer coefficient (KLa) given by eq 17
where ap is the packing area reported for each packing based on the liquid phase was calculated and compared
in Table 1, the exponent C is an adjustable parameter with the measured value.
reported in Table 4, and The term cos γ according to
Shi and Mersmann16 takes into account the wettability
of the packing surface.
For metallic packing
1 1
KLa ae kL mkG ] (17)

The deviation between experimental and calculated

cos γ ) 0.90 for σ e 0.045N/m (23)
volumetric mass-transfer coefficients was defined with
cos γ ) 5.21 × 10-16.83σ for σ > 0.045 (24) eq 25, and it provides a measure of the quality of the
For ceramic and plastic, Gualito et al.13 provide
similar equations that were obtained from a plot in the abs(KLaexp - KLacalc)
Shi and Mershman paper.16 dev ) (25)
The design or analysis of stripping columns with
random and structured packings for mass-transfer
calculation is modeled with the aid of eqs 14-22 shown The average deviation for all combined 52 experimen-
in Table 4. The height of a transfer unit (HTU) or the tal points is 0.29, and although it is a relatively big
HETP represents the efficiency of the packing for the number, it presents a safety factor for a conservative
stripping operation. The lower the numerical value, the design or analysis of a packed column when used for
more efficient the packing. the removal of VOCs from water streams. Figures 3-6
Equation 22 provides the effective height of packing show the measured versus the estimated values for the
predicted. Some designers consider that a few extra overall volumetric mass-transfer coefficients for the four
lengths of packing is a lot less expensive than a column packings tested, and Figure 7 shows a parity plot for
that fails to meet a regulatory requirement. Most of the all of the data.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 39, No. 3, 2000 735

Table 6. Experimental Data Obtained with Sulzer BX Structured Packing

xa (ppm) xb (ppm) % removal UGS (m/s) ULS (m/s) V/L λ NTU HTU (m) KLa (1/s)
Sulzer BX Structured Packing and Toluene
4.95 0.10 98.0 0.549 0.0025 0.133 280 4.02 0.70 0.003 55
81.77 0.10 99.9 0.549 0.0005 0.695 1459 6.78 0.41 0.001 15
79.60 1.80 97.7 0.549 0.0010 0.338 710 3.89 0.72 0.001 36
24.70 0.99 96.0 0.549 0.0015 0.225 474 3.32 0.85 0.001 74
13.27 0.05 99.6 0.794 0.0010 0.498 1047 5.66 0.50 0.001 94
2.95 0.08 97.3 0.794 0.0019 0.249 522 3.69 0.76 0.002 54
101.90 0.95 99.1 1.040 0.0035 0.180 378 4.79 0.58 0.005 96
346.84 1.76 99.5 1.040 0.0030 0.210 441 5.40 0.52 0.005 76
Sulzer BX Structured Packing and Chloroform
18.38 0.45 97.6 0.549 0.0025 0.133 239 3.83 0.73 0.003 40
18.71 1.1 94.1 0.549 0.0010 0.338 608 2.93 0.96 0.001 02
14.40 0.45 96.9 0.794 0.0025 0.191 343 3.59 0.78 0.003 22
14.91 0.1 99.3 0.794 0.0010 0.494 888 5.09 0.55 0.001 76
35.53 0.45 98.7 0.794 0.0035 0.139 249 4.49 0.62 0.005 53
24.66 0.45 98.2 1.040 0.0040 0.155 278 4.14 0.68 0.005 99
128.41 2.085 98.4 1.040 0.0050 0.125 225 4.25 0.66 0.007 62
56.52 1.34 97.6 1.040 0.0045 0.140 252 3.87 0.72 0.006 18

Table 7. Experimental Data Obtained with Pall Ring Random Packing

xa (ppm) xb (ppm) % removal UGS (m/s) ULS (m/s) V/L λ NTU HTU (m) KLa (1/s)
Pall Ring Random Packing and Toluene
16.29 2.30 0.859 0.5507 0.0019 0.172 361 1.960 0.765 0.002 48
8.56 1.50 0.825 0.5507 0.0023 0.142 299 1.744 0.859 0.002 67
4.35 0.70 0.839 0.7972 0.0027 0.176 369 1.829 0.819 0.003 29
1.52 0.23 0.849 0.7972 0.0032 0.151 317 1.891 0.792 0.004 03
1.52 0.18 0.882 1.0437 0.0036 0.173 364 2.136 0.701 0.005 12
Pall Ring Random Packing and Chloroform
12.71 2.00 0.843 0.5507 0.0014 0.238 428 1.851 0.810 0.001 72
11.04 2.10 0.810 0.5507 0.0019 0.171 307 1.662 0.902 0.002 10
40.47 5.60 0.862 0.7972 0.0022 0.213 383 1.980 0.757 0.002 90
19.68 4.00 0.797 0.5507 0.0019 0.171 307 1.595 0.939 0.002 02
27.16 4.50 0.834 0.7972 0.0022 0.213 383 1.800 0.833 0.002 64
5.68 0.60 0.894 1.0437 0.0028 0.223 401 2.251 0.666 0.004 20
37.55 5.00 0.867 1.0437 0.0037 0.168 303 2.020 0.742 0.004 98

Table 8. Experimental Data Obtained with Fleximax Random Packing

xa (ppm) xb (ppm) % removal UGS (m/s) ULS (m/s) V/L λ NTU HTU (m) KLa (1/s)
Fleximax Random Packing and Toluene
36.58 0.46 0.987 0.5507 0.0019 0.173 364 4.385 0.342 0.005 54
16.17 0.06 0.996 0.5507 0.0024 0.136 286 5.612 0.267 0.008 98
8.75 0.07 0.992 0.7972 0.0027 0.176 369 4.838 0.309 0.008 71
4.34 0.16 0.963 0.7972 0.0032 0.15 315 3.307 0.453 0.007 06
1.53 0.11 0.928 1.0437 0.0041 0.154 324 2.637 0.568 0.007 21
Fleximax Random Packing and Chloroform
55.06 0.82 0.985 0.5507 0.0023 0.142 255 4.219 0.355 0.006 47
12.3 0.5 0.959 0.7972 0.0024 0.201 361 3.208 0.467 0.005 13
40.47 1.57 0.961 0.7972 0.0028 0.171 307 3.256 0.460 0.006 08
19.68 1.35 0.931 1.2902 0.0032 0.245 440 2.683 0.558 0.005 72
27.16 0.72 0.973 0.5507 0.0015 0.219 394 3.637 0.412 0.003 64
5.68 0.56 0.901 0.7972 0.0019 0.251 451 2.319 0.646 0.002 94

It may be observed that the fit is not as good as we concentration, the deviation between calculated versus
would like it to be. Probably, if we set specific coeffi- experimental packing height is calculated with eq 26.
cients, exponents, and C constants for each packing, we
could get a lower averaged deviation. However, in that abs(Zexp - Zcalc)
case we could lose the generalization we are looking for. dev ) (26)
In the four plots of Figures 3-6, it seems to be an
effect of the operating conditions at KLa < 0.004 (1/s) The averaged deviation is about 0.23. This number
for the method to overpredict, while at higher values is lower than the one obtained for the volumetric mass-
the method underpredicts the measured values for the transfer coefficient, because the denominator Zexp is
volumetric mass-transfer coefficient. bigger than KLa,exp.
Also, a system effect is observed because the points Although cool liquid at 25 °C and live steam at 110
for toluene and chloroform tend to group in different °C were used and the energy balance showed that the
parts of the plots. saturation temperature is reached in less than 1 cm of
When the predicted value for KLa is used to predict the packing, a uniform temperature of 100 °C was
the effective height of packing to get the desired outlet assumed over the entire length of the column.
736 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 39, No. 3, 2000

Figure 6. Experimental versus predicted volumetric mass-

Figure 3. Experimental versus predicted volumetric mass- transfer coefficient for 1-in. Pall rings, using toluene (O) and
transfer coefficient for Sulzer BX, using toluene (O) and chloroform chloroform (×) as VOCs.
(×) as VOCs.

Figure 4. Experimental versus predicted volumetric mass-

transfer coefficient for Mellapak 250Y, using toluene (O) and Figure 7. Experimental versus predicted volumetric mass-
chloroform (×) as VOCs. transfer coefficient for all packings, using toluene (O) and chlo-
roform (×) as VOCs.

to design three stripping columns for the removal of

VOCs from aqueous streams using steam as the strip-
ping agent. In the three cases, the original removal of
VOC was performed using air stripping. The comparison
of air stripping versus steam stripping indicates that
steam stripping effectively provides for the same size
of stripping column, a higher capacity mainly due to the
higher value in the equilibrium constant.
However, for steam stripping, metallic packing is
required, and this is more expensive than the standard
plastic packing used for air stripping. As in many other
cases, the higher capital cost involved is only a small
fraction of the total (capital + operational) cost. The
capital cost of the packing must be paid only a few times
for replacement, but the operational cost or better the
capacity increase will be a continuous advantage for
Figure 5. Experimental versus predicted volumetric mass- steam stripping. Also, the use of steam stripping may
transfer coefficient for 1-in. Fleximax, using toluene (O) and provide a good use for streams of low-pressure steam
chloroform (×) as VOCs. that may be available at the plants, improving the
rational use of the energy.
Application of the Developed Equations The application of the complete set of equations to
The obtained correlations have been implemented in one of the steam stripping columns covered by Lopez-
a computer program presented by Lopez-Toledo et al.17 Toledo et al.17 is included in this work as Appendix A.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 39, No. 3, 2000 737

Ratio of Liquid to Total Resistance and J. Carlos Cardenas-Guerra is truly appreciated for
the experimental runs performed at the chemical engi-
Using the individual mass-transfer coefficients, the neering laboratory of Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya,
resistance of the liquid phase with respect to the total Celaya, Mexico.
may be calculated with eq 27.
( kL
) Nomenclature
) 1+ (27)
RT mkG ae ) effective specific area for packing, m2/m3
aL ) specific liquid surface area, m2/m3
The application of this equation to the data obtained ap ) specific surface area, m2/m3
in this study confirms that the stripping operation is C ) constant for effective specific area
clearly liquid-phase-controlled. The average value for CL ) constant for particle diameter calculation: 0.4 for
the 52 runs was 0.97, with lowest and highest values random packing and 0.8 for structured packing
of 0.88 and 0.99, respectively. C1, C2, C3 ) Stichlmair constants
dL ) diameter of liquid particles, m
Recovery of VOC at the Top of the Column DG ) vapor molecular diffusion coefficient, m2/s
The vapor that leaves the top of the column is DL ) liquid molecular diffusion coefficient, m2/s
condensed and stored in a tank for possible phase dp ) characteristic diameter, m
separation. It was found that the two-phase formation ∆pdry ) specific dry pressure drop, Pa/m
and then the recovery of the VOC were not found for ∆ptot ) specific pressure drop, Pa/m
all of the runs performed. ∆ptot,flood ) specific pressure drop at flooding conditions,
Because the solubility varies with temperature, to Pa/m
predict the two-phase region, some stoichiometric and g ) gravity acceleration, m/s2
solubility calculations need to be performed at different G ) molar flow rate of the gas phase, kmol/s
temperatures. G′ ) mass flow rate of the gas phase, kg/s
HTU ) height of the transfer unit, m
Conclusions HETP ) height equivalent to a theoretical plate, m
hdyn0 ) dynamic holdup below the loading point
Steam stripping is a good alternative for the removal hdyn ) dynamic holdup
of VOCs from groundwater to get concentrations of KL ) overall mass-transfer coefficient, m/s
VOCs required by environmental regulations. Tray
KLa ) overall volumetric mass-transfer coefficient, 1/s
columns may be designed or analyzed using the papers
kG ) gas-phase mass-transfer coefficient, m/s
of Fair and Harvey6 and Kunesh et al.7
kL ) liquid-phase mass-transfer coefficient, m/s
The mass-transfer and hydraulic performances of
steam stripping with structured and random packings L ) molar flow rate for the liquid, kmol/s
are identical and may be modeled with the same mass- L′ ) mass flow rate for the liquid, kg/s
transfer coefficients but a different effective interfacial m ) equilibrium ratio, mole fraction/mole fraction
area for each packing. The application of the combined MW ) molecular weight, kg/kmol
hydraulic and mass-transfer correlations approximately Nt ) number of theoretical stages or plates
explains the difference in VOC removal. NTU ) number of transfer units
The mass-transfer coefficients and the interfacial area uG ) superficial gas velocity, m/s
obtained in this work allow the design or analysis of uGe ) effective gas velocity, m/s
steam-stripping columns for the removal of VOCs from uL ) superficial liquid velocity, m/s
water streams, with an approximation of 29% for the uLe ) effective liquid velocity, m/s
overall volumetric mass-transfer coefficients based on QG ) volumetric flow rate for the gas phase, m3/s
the liquid phase. QL ) volumetric flow rate for the liquid phase, m3/s
When the predicted overall volumetric mass transfer R ) resistance for mass transfer, s/m or 1/s
is used to calculate the effective height of the packing Re ) Reynolds number
and this is compared with the experimental value used, X ) coefficient for calculation of the flooding pressure drop
the average deviation is 23%. x ) concentration of VOC in the liquid phase, mole fraction
The comparison of calculated and experimental volu- xin ) inlet concentration, mole fraction, or other consistent
metric mass-transfer coefficients shows a slight system unit
effect that gives a higher calculated KLa for chloroform xout ) outlet concentration, mole fraction, or other consis-
than for toluene. Both systems show that the stripping tent unit
operation is liquid-phase-controlled with an average Vc ) volume of the column, m3
value of 0.97. Z ) height of the column, m
The assumed recovery of the VOC using a decantor
after the condensation of the VOC-steam vapors was Greek Symbols
possible only for a few runs; then this removal assump- γ ) contact angle between the liquid and solid, deg
tion needs additional study. ǫ ) packing void fraction
FG ) gas density, kg/m3
Acknowledgment FL ) liquid density, kg/m3
The kind support of COSNET, CONACYT, Kock- σ ) surface tension, N/m
Glitsth, The Separations Research Program at the µG ) vapor viscosity, kg/(m s)
University of Texas at Austin, and Sulzer Chemtech is µL ) liquid viscosity, kg/(m s)
appreciated. Also the help of Don Lupe Jimenez, J. λ ) stripping factor ) mG/L
Carlos Cardenas-Rivera, Silvia G. Guerra-Velazquez, ψ ) friction factor
738 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 39, No. 3, 2000

θ ) angle (with horizontal) of channels in a structured

[ ( )] ∆ptot 2
packing hdyn ) hdyn0 1 + 6 )
Appendix A 0.111764 + 0.000000045∆Ptot2
Example Calculation. Take as a base case the (f) Diameter of liquid particles and specific liquid
removal of trichloroethene (TCE) from water reported surface:
by Hand et al.3 Use steam (instead of air) stripping to
calculate liquid holdup, pressure drop, mass-transfer

coefficients, the interfacial area for a steam stripping 6 × 0.065
dL ) CL ) 0.4 )
column, HTU and NTU values, and the TCE concentra- ∆Fg (958 - 0.605) × 9.81
tion at the bottom of the stripper column. 0.002577
As reported by Lopez-Toledo et al.,17 the liquid capac-
ity of the column using steam is increased 40% with 6hdyn 6(0.111764 + 0.000000045∆Ptot2)
respect to the air stripper. This corresponds to 456 277 aL ) ) )
dL 0.002577
kg/h of groundwater at ambient temperature; 11 000
kg/h of steam are used as the stripping agent. 260.161571 + 0.000104749∆Ptot2
The column has 2.44-m internal diameter and 7.47-m
height. For steam stripping the packing will be metallic (g) Total pressure drop:
Pall rings of 25 mm. The inlet concentration of TCE

( )
needs to be reduced from 72 to 3 µg/L. ∆ptot aL + ap ǫ 4.65
Solution. From Table 1 of Stichlmair et al.,15 ap ) ) )
79.047 ap ǫ - hdyn
215 m2/m3; ǫ ) 0.94; C1 ) 0.05, C2 ) 1.0, and C3 ) 3.0.
The physical properties and some operational param-
260.161 + 0.000104∆Ptot2 + 215
eters for the system are as follows: ×

( )
L′ m
and G′ u F µ D σ (m.f./ 0.94 4.65
(kg/h) (m/s) (kg/m3) [kg/(m s)] (m2/s) (N/m) m.f.)
0.94 - 0.111764 - 0.000000045∆Ptot2
liquid 456 277 0.028 293 958 0.000 29 4.16 × 0.065 8765
(H2O) 10-9
vapor 11 000 1.080 09 0.605 0.000 017 1.24 × Solving this equation for the total pressure drop, ∆Ptot
(steam) 10-5 ) 331.52 Pa/m.
(h) Holdup above the loading point:
1. Hydraulic parameters.

[ ( )]
(a) Equivalent diameter or characteristic length of the ∆ptot 2
packing with eq 3: hdyn ) hdyn0 1 + 6 )
6(1 - ǫ) 6(1 - 0.94) 0.111764 + 0.000000045∆Ptot2 ) 0.1167
dp ) ) ) 0.001674 m
ap 215
(i) With this value for liquid holdup we may go to the
mass-transfer calculations, but before doing that, we
(b) Friction factor with eqs 4 and 5: will calculate the pressure drop at flooding with eqs 12
and 13:
uGFGdp 1.08009 × 0.605 × 0.001674
ReG ) ) )
µG 0.000017 X ) 3600ǫ2 + 186480hdyn0ǫ + 32280dLapǫ +
64.362 191844hdyn02 + 95028dLaphdyn0 + 10609dL2ap2
C1 C2 0.05 1.0
ψ) + + C3 ) + + 3.0 ) X ) 51128.26473
ReG Re 1/2 64.362 x64.362
G ∆ptot,flood
3.125 )
(c) Dry pressure drop:
x249hdyn0(xX - 60ǫ - 558hdyn0 - 103dLap) )
FGuG2 1 2988hdyn0
∆Pdry ) ψap 4.65 ) × 3.125 × 215 × 1052.587 Pa/m
8 ǫ 8
0.605 × 1.080092 With this value the approach to flooding may be
) 79.047 Pa/m calculated; the result is 70%.
0.944.65 2. Mass-transfer parameters.
(j) Effective velocities, from eqs 1a and 2a:
(d) Holdup below the loading point:

( )( )( )
uG 1.08009
uLap0.5 0.66
µLap1.5 0.25
σLap2 0.1 uGe ) ) )
hdyn0 ) 3.6 ) ǫ(1 - hdyn) 0.94(1 - 0.11671)
g0.5 FLg0.5 FL g 1.300854 m/s
3.6 × 0.263367 × 0.132118 × 0.892227 ) 0.111764 uL 0.028293
uLe ) ) ) 0.257895 m/s
(e) Holdup above the loading point: ǫhdyn 0.94 × 0.11671
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