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5-2-1-2_EN F Application International CoI other Countries v 05.06.

2023 1/4

Request for issuing an international

Certificate of Inspection (COI) for Other Countries
= for international organic sales that are not imports into the EU, EEA, CH, NI or GB
(= all international organic sales to countries other than the EU, EEA, CH, NI or GB
as well as sales between two member states of the EU, EEA, CH,NI or GB)
(EU = European Union, EEA = European Economic Area, CH = Switzerland, NI = Northern Ireland, GB = Great Britain )

1. All documents related to the commercial transaction (see list in the annex) as well as the filled in, signed and
stamped application form should be sent to CERES by e-mail to admin@ceres-cert.de.
2. The application is an official document. Please make sure that all details are filled in correctly and sign in both indi-
cated boxes. In addition, the declaration at the end of the questionnaire must be stamped and dated.
3. "Certificate of Inspection" (CoI) is a synonym for "transaction certificate" (TC). (For sales from the EU to the USA
under the equivalency agreement, the official term is "Import Certificate".)
4. Please also check the annex of this application for a list of required documents.
5. Please check our price list on our website under Prices > BIO: CERES - Prices (ceres-cert.de)
The basic price includes a maximum of 5 products / purchase documents. Additional products / purchase documents
will increase the price. (Maximum of 20 products per CoI.)
For details regarding our handling times and service options, please refer to our General Guidance for COI/TC appli-
cations (available on our website under Documents > BIO > COI/TC: CERES - Documents (ceres-cert.de)

Requested Information Your Response

1. Company name and address of Exporter:
Exporter's email:
2. Country of destination:
(= Country of the First Consignee)
3. Company name and address of the First Consignee:
First consignee's email:
Organic certifier of the first consignee:
4. Company name and address of Importer:
(Company paying for customs clearance)
Importer's email:
Importer's phone number:
Organic certifier of the Importer:
5. Company name and address of Intermediary Trader
(only if applicable):
(If the product is not sold directly from the exporter to the importer;
Please also send the corresponding invoice(s) for the sale from the
intermediary to the importer)
6. Do you apply for EXPRESS or STANDARD service? EXPRESS STANDARD
(see prices above; EXPRESS only applicable for shipments by vessel
or train)
7. Who pays for the CoI? The exporter The importer
In case the CoI is paid by the importer: Importer's VAT number

All COIs/TCs are issued digitally by CERES (starting 15.10.2022).

Consequently, there will not be any paper copies of COIs/TCs nor shipments thereof, meaning no more delays or
extra costs related to shipping. If a paper copy is required, the PDF COI may be printed out directly where it is
needed, of course.

I hereby declare that the invoice recipient indicated in this application form accepted this payment option. In case
CERES invoices will be declined by the invoice recipient, the exporter (CERES client) will be fully liable for this
CERES CERtification of Environmental Standards GmbH; Domicile: Happurg, Germany;
Tel: +49 (9151) 966920; Email: info@ceres-cert.de; www.ceres-cert.com
Court: Nürnberg; Commercial Register: B 21261, Nürnberg; Tax N°: 241/123/31200; VAT: DE 814126518
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and future payments.

Please sign here: _ _________________________

8. Name and address of unit responsible for agricultural production:
Organic certifier of the producer:
9. Name and address of unit responsible for processing of the product:
Organic certifier of the processor:
10. Country of origin of the product:
(Country where the product was cultivated or processed.)
11. Invoice number (from exporter to importer, for this transaction):
12. Way of transport: Vessel Airfreight Land freight / Road
ETA (estimated day of arrival):
13. Number of AWB / B/L / CMR:
14. Container number:
15. The CoI should cover the following standard(s): Regl. (EC) 834/07 (equivalent)

NOP JAS Other:

16. Product Details
Product Name Net weight Gross weight Year of Lot number
(as it should appear on the CoI) (in kg) (in kg) harvest (and further references if

Maximum of 20 products per COI. (If the consignment contains more than 20 products, please apply for an
additional COI)

I hereby declare that the aforementioned consignment has been produced and prepared
following the production rules of the organic standard(s) mentioned above and that only
CERES-approved labels have been used.

CERES CERtification of Environmental Standards GmbH; Domicile: Happurg, Germany;
Tel: +49 (9151) 966920; Email: info@ceres-cert.de; www.ceres-cert.com
Court: Nürnberg; Commercial Register: B 21261, Nürnberg; Tax N°: 241/123/31200; VAT: DE 814126518
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Date and Name Signature, Stamp

CERES CERtification of Environmental Standards GmbH; Domicile: Happurg, Germany;
Tel: +49 (9151) 966920; Email: info@ceres-cert.de; www.ceres-cert.com
Court: Nürnberg; Commercial Register: B 21261, Nürnberg; Tax N°: 241/123/31200; VAT: DE 814126518
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Application Annex

Documents to be forwarded to CERES (admin@ceres-cert.de):

1. B/L – CMR – AWB (we cannot accept draft documents)
2. Sales invoice (from exporter to importer)
In case of sales via intermediary traders we please need all invoices in the transaction chain from exporter to
3. In case you buy this product from another entity:
(National) Transaction Certificate or purchase invoice + transport document indicating the organic status of
the product.
Supplier's Master Certificate in case the supplier is certified by a control body other than CERES.

4. If the product is processed or stored by one or more other entities (e.g.: you buy grains from Farm A,
but before the grains are delivered to you, they are cleaned in Facility B, and stored in Facility C): provide evi-
dence that these entities are certified, as well as documents allowing to trace the lot at each step (for exam-
ple: delivery notes, invoices, processing records, storage records…)

5. For coffee producer/processor groups only:

Please send evidence which processing unit(s) was/were involved in processing the export lot(s).
For this, please use the annex of approved processing units of your organic certificate (for the organic stan-
dard(s) to be confirmed in the COI (box 15 of above questionnaire)),
insert the relevant export lot number and mark the processing unit(s) involved in processing the export lot(s).
(Exception: If all processing units are always contributing to all export lots, please explain and confirm this in
an official declaration (company letter, signed and stamped) and send it to us in advance.)

For ALL OTHER farmer groups (that do not produce coffee):

Please send a list of all producers involved in the production for each export lot.
For this please use the producer annex of your organic certificate (for the organic standard(s) to be confirmed
in the COI (box 15 of above questionnaire)), insert the relevant export lot number and mark the producers
involved in the production of this export lot.
(Exception: If linking a specific export lot to specific producers is not viable for some reason (e.g. if the prod-
uct is always mixed from all producers or similar), please explain and confirm this in an official declaration
(company letter, signed and stamped) and send it to us in advance.)

All documents need to be connectable and indicate the organic status of the product.

CERES CERtification of Environmental Standards GmbH; Domicile: Happurg, Germany;
Tel: +49 (9151) 966920; Email: info@ceres-cert.de; www.ceres-cert.com
Court: Nürnberg; Commercial Register: B 21261, Nürnberg; Tax N°: 241/123/31200; VAT: DE 814126518

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