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(Document) # 786008 14 - 007.207

Halal Certification Services
Halalzertitizi e ru n g sd e n stei
Revision date 15t01t13
Services certification Halal Page 1 of2
Date 30t11t14

Count Ptoduct Number Product Nome Count Prcdud Numbsr Produst Nms
001 2758662 Caotina Automaten/ Caolina Pronto 034 2764157 Options l\4int Msdness

002 2783886 Caotina Blanc 035 2747176 Oplion Popoorn

003 2763878 Caollna Noir 036 2764397 Options Cr€cking H€zolnut

004 2754331 Caolina Surfin without sucrose 037 2764405 Options Choca lllocha

005 2750925 uaotn€ 5uf,tn 036 2767164 Option Str€wborry

006 27A6e13 Caotina Original Winter Edition 039 2707218 Option €dd mllk

007 2757441 Capucoino 040 2767275 Option add milkmint

008 2750867 Duo Fit 041 2765436 Opilons Chocotato Cherry

009 2766020 Jemalt 13 + 13 042 2765469 Options Chocolate Brownie

010 2766145 Jemalt Calclum plus Pulver 043 2f65451 Options Chocolato Fudge

011 2766244 Ovsltino Origlnql add water o44 27641E1 Oplions Wiokod White Chocotate

012 2766160 Ovaltino Chocolate add milk 045 2786731 Options Creamy Whito Choc

013 2703159 Ovaltino Chocolato add water 046 2766764 Oplions Buttoßcotch

014 2766186 Ovaltins Origlnal sdd mllk 047 20174e9 T€a Citrcn

015 2765865 Ovomalline Euro 048 2753473 lce Tea

016 2765S31 Ovomalllne Automalen 049 2750925 Twinings Swlss Hot Chocolate

017 2766541 Ovomaltine CH 050 2755152 Viomalt lron

018 2766343 Ovomaltino Choco Crunch 051 2759140 Viomalt l\,lagnosium

019 2785956 Ovomaltine Llne o52 2759157 Viomaltvitamins

020 2705972 Ovomahin6 Spozial 053 201E213 Dawa Baking powder

021 2766655 Ovomattine Choco 054 2018315 Dawa Gol

022 2766228 Ovalline Export 055 2016855 DawaCrömepowderVanilla

o23 2765857 Ovomalllne Granulat 05ö 20168S7 Dawa Cdme powdor Chocolate
024 2763233 Ovo Sport 057 2700346 Dawa Cröme pudding Vanilla

025 2762821 Chocoloto l\rilk Powd€r oKK 058 2753663 Dawa Flan Vanilla/Cafamel

026 2766046 Dawamalt 059 2764512 Dawa Flan Light Caramel

021 2764181 Oplions Wicked White choc 060 2764520 Dawa Fl.n Lioht Vaniila
028 276A707 Oplion Bolgi€n Choc Indulgence vending 06'1 276453E Dawa Flan Light Chocolate

029 2760731 Oplion Creamy white choc 062 2753929 Oawa Pr€stofin Vanille

030 2764587 Options Belgian Choc 063 2766947 Dawa Prctein

031 2765782 Optlons Bolgian Choc Indulgence 064 2768S39 Dawa l\4altodoxtrin

032 2764389 Options Turkish delight 065 2765756 DEWa Rahmhalter

033 27643f1 Options Outrageous Orango

It is certified that the above mentioned product produced by il-tr eijJl r ,o)&l )sül Aill ül {,ij
Wander AG
is Halal according to the lslamic Jurisdiction and fit for consumption by humans o-:Yl e})d-)l clu-.1 p)t )l pK-! t:i1u tD-.
The verified and audited system is complying with 6" +tj- a:'+l-.;^ j asÄ f s:ll dläjll HS 09 - OO1 and is constantly supervised
by rÄ-lJe JU^LL 4jilr. *:
Halal Certification Services GmbH.

This Certificate, in combination with rrk.i 6" iiriL,bk,ill olr HCS'Cert

es)|, is valid only for one year, effective from cr. U+ !1ü sl3 ptc 6:^! ir.I-
It remains the property of the I är-* 4"r5L rrte .r\ Halal Certification Services GmbH and can be revoked, at any time, in an
event of breach of the lslamic code or HCS' "Halal Guidelines" or the Agieement. e+>ilt els-li d)Äyl iJtr,s crlx ,el .s J ..f+ -r
ülxyr DrÄyt all5 j Jl ....+ l,*lÄll Dt-ll Js*L-i rl +")-yt.

Certificafion Services GmbH

Dr. Moham ätion Manager dlit r^- ".: ,.3Sr,lt :u

Rheinfelden, 30th November 201418th Safar 1436

Halal Certification Services GmbH. P.O.Box247, 431 0
Tel: +41 61 813 30 64 Fax: +41 61 813 30 65 Email: i

Halal Certification Services (HCS) is officially recognized by

MUI (lndonesia) JAKIM (Malaysia) MUIS (Singapore), CICOT and other respected Halal authorities around the World
(Document) # 786008 14 - 007.207
Halal Certification Services
Halalzertifizi e ru n g sd e n ste
Revision date 15t01t13
Services certification Halal Page 2 of 2
Date 30111t14

r.D[rläö$]* i

This product is free from any haram animal ingredients and alcohol. The equipment used
for production process does not come in contact with haram products. The storage facilities
are indiscriminately separate, having no contact, what so ever, to any other haram
products. The producer is comprehensively advised about "Halal, Haram änd Mushbooh,'
(suspected), is committed to the halal guidelines as prescribed by lslamic law and is
dedicated in his endeavour to comply with rsramic Halal requirements.'

The ingredients used in the production of the mentioned products are clear. They are free
from any haram, suspect and genetically modified components.

The certificate is based on personal inspection of the production site and thorough study of
the ingredients, the hygienic conditions, the packing, the packing material requirements, the
storage facilities and its effects on the products during the maximum storage iime as well as
guaranteed continuous quality control of the process during and after production by the
producer. lt includes detailed consultations with the internal board, an evaluation of the
prescribed formulas and scrutinization of the concerning data provided by the company. We
have studied the details of the contents and have satisfied ourselves ifrat tne mentloned
product(s) do not contain any "haram ingredients" or "haram by-products".

Y61$Yl !t' jLrrl,"ll ölr'-ll .,J:.Sll ct :,.1_.pöuJs^ Gr c.^.,llÄaii.ll ha

t9 L9l ,JllÄ 1-C r+9 Y J qL,,+ alJ.^-i^ üjUl .c9JÄl elJ.- ö1--ii^ cal g U.^*Xj
p,Ft Clj.ällr .o3p&.ll :,.|;nJl ,d\Jl d1c ä-^äELl+ #l 4+'-il> >t gi:,..ef
cD-ll ;l+lJ cJl3:^)U ol.-.* j ll+ J 4JJ*.)l 4+-sll..,,+ hl, i+ tX cD-ll ;.tt"*l-t-o'r

fl> öJS^ Lsl c,Uli: ä.:l_l o)cl _23SLJI Alilll elIl u+ i.r:.1""J1 clUJS^ll
Sl-,-l cJ.u- -ll o-*,i.

,t:Jl -:lJlJl ,öurs^ll a.:i\öL-ll LIJ$I .'b _r etxyl g_r;rU.+ 4J+ 6;re ,jJl
4K_1s9..,-iill d;jsill ö.ugpÄgl.irJl &l"jilJüjLi-ll
,, äJti3il.rlj,",r_ijiill
ALX)I ql^r u+: cDi". 'I1 älgJt +$l-* rJL-,ä
crUl;ill ,-q*i j öY.llJJ
d;iii,s9-11-^xL)l r*l+-ll 6^ crl;l-iLl t4l 53le ,sll ür,:jj J
Alill gl l-i.*iil .e$ c.,':fJl J db*-lÄll ds,,Jc t-1,U1 ril .4+ij^ll as-dll dJ. LrÄJl
el> cl^ ä-ii.,i. 8UJS." Jl "flts öUJS." .r_1" .gA ) _1_5Sl^ll

Rheinfelden, 30th November 201418th Safar 1436

Halal Certification Services GmbH. P.O.Box247, 0 Rheinfelden, Switzerlano
Tel: +41 61 813 30 64 Fax: +41 61 813 30 65 Email: info@halalcs.orq
Halal C€rtification Services (HCS) is officially recognized by:
MUI (lndonesia) JAKIM (Malaysia) MUIS (Singapore), clcol and otheriespeöted Hatät authorities around
the World

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