Gastrointestinal Disorders 10-Item Quiz Key

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This is a disease caused by the absence of nerves in a segment of large intensity leading to
obstruction and distention of it.

a. Ganglionic Megacolon
b. Aganglionic Mecagolon
c. Hirschprung Disease
d. Hirschspring Disease

2. What is the frequent protozoan that causes a diarrhea?

Answer: Giardia lamblia

3. What is the medication for mild to moderate ulcerative colitis?

a. Aminosalicylates
b. Corticosteroids
c. Antidiarrheals
d. Vicks

Answer: A

3.What is the primary surgical procedure used to treat pyloric stenosis in infants?

A) Pyloroplasty
B) Gastrectomy
C) Pyloromyotomy
D) Fundoplication

Correct Answer: C) Pyloromyotomy

4.Which of the following is NOT a symptom commonly associated with hepatitis A?
A) Dark urine
B) Clay-colored bowel movements
C) Joint pain
D) High fever

Correct Answer: D) High fever

5.Which non-pharmacological intervention is commonly used to relieve abdominal distension

and vomiting in cases of intussusception?
A) Administration of analgesic medications
B) Insertion of a nasogastric tube for decompression
C) Monitoring and managing fluid and electrolyte balance
D) Continuous monitoring of vital signs and bowel sounds
Correct Answer: B) Insertion of a nasogastric tube for decompression

6.A serious condition characterized by inflammation and death of the intestinal tissue, primarily
affecting premature infants.

A. Celiac disease
B. Necrotizing entercolitis
C. Appendicitis
D. Diarrhea

7.Which physical examination technique involves applying pressure to the lower left side of the
abdomen to produce pain on the lower right side, indicating a positive result suggestive of
A) McBurney's sign
B) Blumberg's sign
C) Rovsing's sign
D) Dunphy's sign

8.What is the primary nonpharmacologic approach recommended for managing celiac disease?
A) Administration of corticosteroids
B) Nutritional supplementation
C) Immunosuppressant therapy
D) Strict adherence to a gluten-free diet

9.What is another term for constipation without an underlying medical disease?

A) Functional constipation
B) Irritable bowel syndrome
C) Inflammatory bowel disease
D) Gastroenteritis

10.Select all the signs and symptoms associated with inguinal hernia:
A) Bulge in the groin area
B) Pain or discomfort in the groin, especially when bending over, coughing, or lifting
C) Weakness or pressure in the abdomen
D) Irritability and decreased appetite in infants
E) Nausea, vomiting, or fever
F) Sudden pain that quickly intensifies
G) Inability to move bowels or pass gas

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