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Name: Sheila Rolekta

Class: 1D

A Short Conversation Using Sympathy Expressions

Halwa: Hey, Sheila, I heard you haven't been feeling well lately. How are you holding up?
Sheila: Yeah, it's been rough. I've been dealing with some health issues, and it's been quite
Farid: I'm sorry to hear that, Sheila. Health concerns can be tough to navigate. How have you been
Sheila: Thanks for asking. Doctor visits, tests, and the uncertainty have been overwhelming.
Halwa: I can only imagine how stressful that must be. You're really strong for facing it head-on.
Farid: Jessica, if you ever need someone to talk to or if there's anything I can assist you with, please
don't hesitate to let me know. I'm here to support you through this.
Sheila: That means a lot, thank you. It's just been challenging to stay positive.
Halwa: It's completely normal to feel that way. We're all here for you, and we'll support you in any
way we can.
Farid: Absolutely. Healing takes time, and your well-being is the top priority. Don't hesitate to
reach out whenever you need assistance or just someone to talk to.

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