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Name: English Info Map

Class/ No: Unit 7

Crime and Clues; Past

continuous tense
Date :
Term 2 – Primary 4

A. Accessories

Tie Necklace Button Earrings

(dasi) (kalung) (kancing) (anting-anting)

Scarf Handbag Gloves Belt

(syal) (tas tangan) (sarung tangan) (sabuk)

B. Words related to crime and crime solving

Witness Clue Footprint Fingerprint

(Saksi Mata) (petunjuk) (Jejak kaki) (Sidik jari)

Story Central Grade 4 Unit 7 – Sanclar 1

Detective Thief Crime
(detektif) (pencuri) (Aksi kejahatan)

I. Past Continuous Tense
This is used to tell about:
● Events that were happening in the past (kejadian yang sedang terjadi di masa

● This type of sentence can be combined with simple past – using when
clause. (Kalimat ini bisa juga digabung dengan menggunakan when clause (simple
past.) E.g. I was taking a shower when the phone rang

● Past continuous tense using specific time stamp. (Past continuous

menggunakan keterangan waktu yang spesifik)
E.g. I was eating dinner at 6 p.m.
She was going to the store
Positive when the rain started.
Subject + was/were + Ving
sentence They were walking in the park
when the snow fell.

She wasn’t going to the store

Negative when the rain started.
Subject + was/were + not + Ving
sentence They weren’t walking in the
park when the snow fell.

Was she going to the store

Question when the rain started?
Was/were + Subject + Ving
sentence WereThey walking in the park
when the snow fell?

Story Central Grade 4 Unit 7 – Sanclar 2

Yes, She was
Was used for He, She, It or names that can be
changed into he/she/it No, She wasn’t

Were used for I, you, we, they or names that can be Yes, they were
changed into you, we, they
No, they weren’t

Past Continuous with when Clause.

If the past continuous used with when clause, the past continuous happened first and
during that time, the simple past interrupted the event.
I was driving on the road when a policeman asked me to stop.
1st event (longer event): I was driving on the road

•driving driving driving driving driving

Interruption: Stopped by the policeman

Past continuous with while

A policeman asked me to stop while I was driving on the road

What’s the difference between when and while?

When followed with a clause in simple past

When the dog barked, I was sleeping in the living room.
She was cooking in the kitchen when the man came.

While followed with a clause in past continuous

While I was sleeping in the living room, the dog barked
The man came while she was cooking in the kitchen

Story Central Grade 4 Unit 7 – Sanclar 3

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