Example: The Relationship Between Branch and Account:: Copilot

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Certainly! Let’s delve into the lines on the diagram and discuss the types of relationships they represent:

1. One-to-Many (1:N) Relationship:

This type of relationship is indicated by a straight line connecting two entities, with a crow’s foot (or
forked line) on the “one” side and a straight line on the “many” side.
Example: The relationship between Branch and Account:
One branch can have multiple accounts (1 branch to N accounts).
The crow’s foot on the Branch side signifies the “one” (1) branch.
The straight line on the Account side represents the “many” (N) accounts associated with that

2. Many-to-One (N:1) Relationship:

This relationship is the reverse of the one-to-many relationship.

It is also indicated by a straight line connecting two entities, but with a crow’s foot on the “many” side
and a straight line on the “one” side.
Example: The relationship between Customer and Account:
One customer can have multiple accounts (N accounts to 1 customer).
The crow’s foot on the Customer side signifies the “many” (N) accounts.
The straight line on the Account side represents the “one” (1) customer associated with those

3. Many-to-Many (N:N) Relationship:

This relationship is represented by a diamond shape connecting two entities.

It indicates that multiple instances of one entity can be related to multiple instances of another entity.
Example: The relationship between Customer and Loan:
A customer can have multiple loans, and a loan can be associated with multiple customers.
The diamond shape signifies the many-to-many relationship.

Remember that these relationships help define how data is stored and retrieved in a relational database. They play

a crucial role in designing an effective information system for the bank. If you have any further questions or need
additional clarification, feel free to ask!

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