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Astrid Nicole Moreno Gonzales
Andrea Sofia Cuellar
José Antonio Ávila Cerrato
Génesis Banegas

Axel Mejia
Paola Michelle Varela Murillo

Rodrigo Moises Zelaya Rodriguez
Lester Zamir Escalante García

Sandrateresa Zuniga
Andrea Michel Gonzalez Galindo


Astrid: Can you believe we're finally going to Cartagena? It’s been on our bucket list forever.

Andrea: Yeah, I can’t believe we are finally traveling there. So exciting.

Astrid: I hope the others arrive on time, I don’t want them missing the flight.

*Jose Y Génesis llegan al aeropuerto*

Jose: Hey guys! Glad to see you.

Genesis: I’m happy we are going on a trip. I can't wait to see Cartagena from above.

*Los amigos se dirigen hacia el area de check-in*

Astrid: Alright, you guys wait here while I go check us in. Be right back.

* Astrid se dirige al escritorio de check-in*

Astrid: Hello Ms. I’m here to check in with me and my friend.

Paola: Hi there, yes of course. My colleague over there will help you.
Astrid: Sure, no problem.

Paola: Before you go, be sure to have yours and your friends passport because you are
traveling internationally. ,

*Astrid revisa su bolso y saca los pasaportes*

Astrid: Okay, I have them.

Paola: Good, You can now go with my colleague over there.

*Astrid va a la ventanilla con Axel*

Axel: Good morning, Can you give me your flight information please?

Astrid. We are taking a flight to Cartagena with Copa Airlines at 7:00 am.

Paola. How many of you are traveling?

Astrid: 4 people Mr.

Paola: Okay, here are your 4 boarding passes. Your flight is on time. Your gate is B14, and your
seats are A24, B25, C26, and D27. Have a nice trip!

Astrid. Thank you!

*Astrid vuelve con sus amigos,*

Jose: That was quick!

Genesis: Those are the perks of planning on time.

Astrid: Okay, now we only have to go through security. Can you do it Andrea? Meanwhile we’ll
go to the toilet.

Andrea: Sure.

*Andrea y Genesis van al escritorio de seguridad*

Andrea: Hello officer. We've come to get our baggage screened.

Rodrigo: Please place your carry-on baggage on the band. And place your luggage on the side
so we can check it.
*Andrea places the bags*

Rodrigo: Alright Miss, please remember you can’t take any non sealed food or any bottle with
more the 13oz of liquids.

Genesis: We’ll keep it in mind.

Rodrigo: Do you have anything to declare any medications? If so, we will need a prescription.

Andrea: No officer.

Rodrigo: Okay, you may now go get screened.

*The rest of the group arrives*

Lester: Alright, each of you take off any watches, earrings, piercings, or anything metal and
place it on the tray.

Andrea: Done

Lester: Now don’t move while we screen you. First you will stand here, then I’ll pass my hands
throughout your body, so don’t get scared.

Lester: What is the motive of your visit

Genesis: We are going to Cartagena for summer break

Lester: How long are you staying?

Genesis: 2 weeks

Lester: You may proceed to the lounge. Have a pleasant holiday

*In the lounge*

Jose: Phew! That was a bit more tedious.

Andrea: Yeah, at least now we just got to board the plane.

Astrid: Lets just hope the flight doesn't get delayed.

*A few minutes go by and they board*

Sandrateresa: Good morning dear passengers, Please remain seated with your seatbelts
fastened. We suggest you keep your seat belt fastened throughout the take off and flight as we
may experience sudden turbulence.Make sure that your carry-on items are placed completely
under the seat in front of you. Portable telephones are not approved for use inflight, however,
you may use certain other electronic devices when advised by your crew. Please direct your
attention to the flight attendants in the cabin. For everyone’s safety, regulations require your
compliance with all lighted signs, placards and crew member instructions.

*Plane takes off*

Sandrateresa: The stewardess will now be passing by with the snack carts, don’t hesitate to
ask. Enjoy.

*Michelle passes by*

Michele: Would you like to enjoy some snacks or beverages during our flight today?

Jose: Absolutely! Which ones do you have?

Michelle: We have pretzels, cheese balls, crackers, chips, instant noodles, and a variety of
candy and fruits and veggies.

Jose: Hmm, let's see... I'll have a pack of mixed nuts, some pretzels, cheese crackers, a bag of
potato chips, chocolate chip cookies, gummy bears, and oh, definitely some fruit salad!

Michelle: That’s quite and appetite! And for drinks?

Jose: Do you have juices or sodas?

Michelle: Yes, apple, cranberry, orange juice. We have Coke, Dr Pepper, Sprite and Canada
Dry. We also have coffee, tea, and if you want to, we can get you some water too.

Jose: I'll have a can of Coke, orange juice, a bottle of Canada Dry… Ummm… and could I also
get a cup of tea, please?

Michelle: Of course, I’ll be right back. *Se va*

Astrid: Damm! That's all for yourself?

Jose: Don’t be silly, it’s for all of us. Now lets wait for the snacks and enjoy the flight.

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