Fixed Preposition

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Panacea of Preposition

Words Synonyms to ‘STOP’ use Preposition FROM

make it difficult for (someone) to do something or for (something)

Hinder फाधा
to happen.

Deter योक यखना to turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting

Dissuade भना कयना to advise (a person) against something

Abstain फचना to choose not to do or have something

Refrain फचना to keep oneself from doing

Prohibit भना कयना to forbid by authority

Debar योक यखना to bar from having or doing something

to separate especially from a larger mass and usually without

Detach अरग कयना
violence or damage

Stop रुकें stop

Protect फचाना Protect

Save फचाना Save

1. Fear of failure should not deter you from trying.

2. Doctors had tried to dissuade patients from smoking.
3. He was debarred from holding public office.
4. Please refrain from talking during the performance.

For more study material subscribe ‘DEFENCE SARATHI’ on Telegram and Youtube Created by Anish Sir
Words Synonyms to ‘FILLED’ use Preposition WITH

Word Hindi Meaning Meaning

Crowded बीड़बाड़ filled with many or too many people or things
to spread or swarm in or over in a troublesome
Infested संक्रमभत है
Inundated सैराफ कयना to cover with a flood
Brimming ऩूया हो जाना an upper or outer margin
Congested अधधक बया हुआ extremely or excessively full or crowded
Deluged सैराफ कयना an overflowing of the land by water
Beset घेय रेना to set or stud with or as if with ornaments
Burdened फोझ रादना heavily laden
Endowed संऩन्न हुआ to furnish with an income
Teeming बया हुआ to become filled to overflowing
occupied अधधकृत to take or fill (an extent in time)
Overwhelmed व्माकुर overpowered by thought or feeling

The warm region is crowded with birds.

The kitchen was infested with ants.

The fields were inundated with flood.

Her eyes were brimming with tears.

The business has been beset with financial problems.

For more study material subscribe ‘DEFENCE SARATHI’ on Telegram and Youtube Created by Anish Sir
Words Synonyms to ‘SIMILIAR use Preposition ‘TO’

Word Hindi Meaning Meaning

Akin सभान essentially similar
Homologous अनक
ु ूर having the same relative position
Corresponding अनुरूऩ having or participating in the same relationship
Symmetrical सभमभत exhibiting symmetry
Equivalent फयाफय equal in force, amount
Likeness सभरूऩता the quality or state of being like
Equal सभान of the same measure
Analogous अनरू
ु ऩ similar or comparable to something
Tantamount सभान equivalent in value
Identical सभान being the same
Synonymous ऩमाामवाची alike in meaning or significance
Parallel सभानांतय extending in the same direction

This game is closely akin to rugby.

Put forward a homologous counterplan to the above problem.

It has name corresponding to the facts.

This invasion is tantamount to a declaration of war.

Her dress is almost identical to mine.

The lane is roughly parallel to the main road.

For more study material subscribe ‘DEFENCE SARATHI’ on Telegram and Youtube Created by Anish Sir
Words Synonyms to ‘LOYAL’ use Preposition ‘TO’

Word Hindi Meaning Meaning

Loyal वपादाय Loyal
faithful नभक हरार steadfast in affection or allegiance
Devoted सभर्ऩात ककमा हुआ characterized by loyalty
Dedicated सभर्ऩात ककमा हुआ a novelist with a dedicated following
Obedient आज्ञाकायी willing to obey
Committed प्रततफद्ध है having made a pledge or commitment to someone
Dutiful कर्त्ाव्म ऩयामण filled with or motivated by a sense of duty

He was loyal to his country friend, principles.

We are all faithful listeners to the program.

This book is dedicated to my parents.

Words Synonyms to ‘RELATED use Preposition ‘TO’

Word Hindi Meaning Meaning

Related सम्फंधधत connected by reason
Apposite उधचत appropriate
Pertinent मोग्म having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand
Befitting उऩमुक्त Suitable
Pertaining से सम्फद्ध to belong as a part
germane उऩमुक्त being at once relevant and appropriate
Suitable उऩमुक्त Suitable
having significant and demonstrable bearing on the
उऩमुक्त matter at hand

I related my adventure to my family.

Such a search is not germane to therapy.

These are all the lands pertaining to the castle.

For more study material subscribe ‘DEFENCE SARATHI’ on Telegram and Youtube Created by Anish Sir

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