Nature and Structures of Academic Text

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English for Academic

and Professional Purposes

- is an interactive process that involves
the reader and the text in a context or

Academic Writing
- expository and argumentative prose used by
university students, faculty, and researchers to
convey a body of information about a particular
Academic Writing
The most common purposes for writing are the
▪ to report findings from research endeavors.
▪ to discuss a concept to a greater populace.
▪ to formulate a solution to a problem.
▪ to evaluate programs and personnel .
Examples of Academic Texts
1. Articles – published in scholarly journals, offers results of
research and development that can either impact the
academic community or provide relevance to nation
2. Conference Papers – presented in scholastic conferences,
and may be revised as articles for possible publication in
scholarly journals.
3. Reviews – provide evaluation or reviews of works published
in scholarly journals.
4. Theses, Dissertations – personal researches written by a
candidate for a college or a university degree.
▪ They state critical questions and issues.
▪ They provide facts and evidence from credible
▪ They use precise and accurate words while avoiding
jargon and colloquial expressions.
▪ They take an objective point-of-view and avoid being
personal and subjective.
▪ They list references.
▪ They use hedging or cautious language to tone down
their claims.

may, might, can, could, would, should.

to seem, to appear (epistemic verbs), to believe, to assume, to suggest, to estimate, to tend,

to think, to argue, to indicate, to propose, to speculate

possible, probable, un/likely, assumption, claim, possibility, estimate, suggestion, perhaps,

possibly, probably, practically, likely, presumably, virtually, apparently

approximately, roughly, about, often, occasionally, generally, usually, somewhat, somehow,

a lot of.

I believe, to our knowledge, it is our view that, we feel that, which express the author’s

personal doubt and direct involvement.

if true, if nothing

It would appear, it may suggest that, it would seem

Strategic Reading
▪ set a purpose for reading
▪ employ reading strategies appropriate to a
specific text
▪ check understanding of the text
▪ show a positive attitude toward reading
Methods of Paragraph Development
• Definition
• Illustration
• Description
• Process Analysis
• Comparison and Contrast
• Cause and effect
• Classification
Methods of Paragraph Development
A scientist and a poet both strive for perfection: the poet
refines his sensibilities, while the scientist reduces
everything to precise measurements. Both share the beauty
of a rainbow; but while the poet imagines a pot of gold at
the end of it, the scientist wants to spell it out in angstrom
units measuring wave lengths.
and contrast
Comparison and contrast
▪ Explains two ideas/objects by showing
their similarities and differences
Methods of Paragraph Development
The whole Hindu population of India can be divided into
four castes or Varna. The highest of the castes is that of the
Brahmins or priests and teachers. The next highest is the
warriors and rulers, known as Kshatriyas. Below this
comes Vaishyas or merchant caste and the lowest caste is
known as the Shu-dra caste. This rigid hierarchical system
is based on karma (work) and dharma (duty).

▪ Works by clustering objects, people, or
events on the basis of their similarities
and characteristics thus forming
Methods of Paragraph Development
Many people are very curious about how a caterpillar can
transform into a very beautiful butterfly. Each stage has its
own scientific explanation. First, it will start from being a
caterpillar. Second, the caterpillar will release a silk
produced by its body and will create a cocoon for its
protection for the third process to take place. Third, after
the evolution of the caterpillar inside the cocoon is finally
completed, the caterpillar will break out of the cocoon and
spread its wings and is already considered as a butterfly.

Process analysis
Process analysis
▪ Shows how to do something or how
something works by analyzing and
presenting the steps in an orderly
Methods of Paragraph Development
Clouds are formed when relatively moist air rises. As a
mass of air ascends, the lower pressures prevailing at
highest levels allow it to expand. In expanding, the air
cools adiabatically (i.e., without heat exchange with the
surrounding air) until its temperature falls below the dew
point, upon which the air becomes supersaturated such that
water vapor condenses onto cloud condensation nuclei or
tiny water droplets (or deposits onto ice nuclei or tiny ice
▪ Uses vivid details to allow the readers to
visualize the subject and get the dominant
impression of the text
▪ Often, adjectives are used
Methods of Paragraph Development
Anti-intellectualism is defined as the act of resentment
toward any intellectual endeavor. This is practiced by those
who mock other people for presenting logical facts and
data because this is perceived to be an atypical way of
thinking. Anti-intellectuals consider smart people as
outsiders with little empathy for the rest of the population.
This is the origin of the idea that those who have
alternative opinions or are part of a counterculture are
elitist, arrogant, anti-poor, and aloof.
▪ Explores a subject matter fully by
presenting both denotation (dictionary
meaning) and connotation and by
distinguishing the subject from other
topics to clearly show distinction.
Methods of Paragraph Development
Selecting cost- and energy-efficient appliances can have a
significant impact on your quest to lower your electricity
bill. When it comes to appliances, remember that
efficiency declines over time, so while your refrigerator
from the 90s may look like it’s still working just fine, your
electric bill will definitely tell you otherwise. Regular
maintenance is key in making sure your home appliances
remain efficient. Environment-conscious features are
incorporated in more and more products, including
entertainment appliances.
▪ explains or clarifies a subject by
presenting examples to support a general
▪ transitional markers such as for example,
for instance, to illustrate, another
example of this are usually used
Read each excerpt below and identify the method of
paragraph development used.

1. The fragile white skeleton lay half-buried in the

sand at my feet. I stopped to pick it up, and
brushed away the fine sand clinging to its rough,
dry surface. I was holding a flat, round disk in
my hand. Four V-shaped notches were equally
spaced around its outer edge, making it look like
a fat cross.
Read each excerpt below and identify the method of
paragraph development used.

2. Smoking has been proven dangerous to people’s

health, yet many continue to smoke for various
reasons. For young people, smoking often represents
maturity and individuality. Many smoke as a way to
reduce tension. In addition, the regular smoker
becomes addicted psychologically and physically to the
nicotine in cigarettes.
Read each excerpt below and identify the method of
paragraph development used.

3. Prepare meatballs: combine all ingredients and mix

thoroughly. Scoop mixture by tablespoon and form into
balls. Freeze until ready to use. When ready, thaw
meatballs. Meanwhile, sauté garlic and onion until garlic is
fragrant and onion is translucent. Add canned pasta sauce
and allow to be heated through. Add meatballs, cover, and
simmer for 20 minutes or until meatballs are cooked
through. Serve over pasta; top with cheese and garnish with
basil leaves.
Read each excerpt below and identify the method of
paragraph development used.
4. Piranhas comprise more than 30-60 species of fish, depending
on whom you ask. The many species fall into four genera:
Pygocentrus, Pygopristis, Serrasalmus, and Pristobrycon. Piranha
in the Pygocentrus genus are the most common variety, the kind
you might find in a pet store. Pygopristis piranha are herbivores,
feasting on seeds and fruits, not flesh. In contrast, fish in the
Serrasalmus genus eat only meat, and their teeth are razor-sharp.
Pristobrycon are the least friendly of all piranhas; they often bite
the fins of other fish, even fish of the same species. The label
piranha, then, refers to a wide variety of species. UNC (2022)

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