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Final Period (Deadline- June 30, 2021)

Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction

LGU Compound, Burauen, Leyte Second Year Professional Criminology and Related Courses
Second Semester, SY 2020- 2021


Prepared by:
Ronalee R. Pedere RCrim.

Module 4: Essential concepts in Security Management

Learning Outcome Based on the Syllabus:

LO4. Analyze and identify the concepts in security agency management

Learning Objectives
At the end of the module, with the use of various activities, the learning objective will be attained by the BCC
2nd year students taking up Introduction to Industrial Security Concepts with 75% success:
1. The students will be able to analyze the security hazards and its examples.
2. The students will be able to examine the risk management alternatives and strategies.
3. The students will be able to identify security investigation and its qualities of effective investigation.
4. The students will be able to interpret the provisions of the Private Security Agency Law.

Direct Instruction

Security risk analyses are the reason for all security activities whatever problems are involved, be it cash,
negotiable instruments, permanent assets and fixtures or even intangible assets like trade secrets. Unless actual
assessment of threats to assets is done, precautions and countermeasures cannot be presumed. The significance of a
security program depends not only upon the excellence of the resource, but upon their appropriateness and relevance.
In this process, determination of the problem must be initially done followed by formulation of countermeasures.

Security Analysis
When an organization makes a decision to protect its assets, it is necessary to clearly understand the actual
threats to assets through an effective security plan. Without the security plan, decision-makers will have to rely on
guesswork in choosing the precautions and countermeasures against threats.

Security Hazards
Every organization has the responsibility or protecting lives and property by means of disaster preparedness
and emergency management. It helps minimize loss and ensure the continuity of production that is vital to the
recovery of an areas after the occurrence of a disaster. A disaster may be in the form of destructive storm, fire,
explosion, sabotage, civil disturbances, nuclear or even an earthquake. On the other hand, security hazards define as
an act or condition, which results in a situation like a breach of the protection systems and the subsequent loss or
compromise of defense information, company secret or damage to personnel, property or facilities.
In this kind of scenario, managers should do planning coordination with the local authorities to make certain
that corporate and community resources would be used to their fullest advantage in an emergency.
The following are the types of hazards.
1. Natural Hazards
These are risks arising from natural phenomena. Nobody can do anything to prevent this kind or occurrence, but
there are measures that can placed or installed to minimize the damage or destruction or property, injury, or loss of
life. Since it is part of physical security, security plans must be coordinated with the installation’s emergency and
disaster plans. In the design of security plan, emergency situations and disaster plans must be fully considered so that
in the event of their occurrences, immediate course of action can be made thus preventing or minimizing the loss or
property and lives. These disasters like flashfloods, earthquakes, fires, storms, volcanic eruptions and landslides.
2. Man-made Hazards
Human or man-made hazards are one of the major concerns of personnel in charge of the safeguarding and
protecting a plant or installation. It is the result of a state of mind, attitude, and weakness of character traits. One can
be due to an act of omission or commission, either overt or covert, which can disrupt the operation of organization. As
an example of man-made hazards are carelessness, accidents, sabotage, espionage, pilferage, theft, disloyalty and

In the previous module, risk is defined as the potential damage or loss of an asset. In fact, it is a combination of
two factors. First, the value place on that asset be its owner and the consequences, impact adverse effect of loss or
___________________________________Modular Home Instruction__________________________________
Final Period (Deadline- June 30, 2021)
Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction
LGU Compound, Burauen, Leyte Second Year Professional Criminology and Related Courses
Second Semester, SY 2020- 2021

damage to that asset. Second, the likelihood that a certain weakness will be exploited by a particular threat. On the
other hand, risk analysis involves the scrutiny of specific vulnerability, probability and significance of potential
threats including natural and man-Made. Example of major categories of risks are arranged according to its
seriousness are nuclear attack, natural catastrophe, industrial disaster, civil disturbances and malicious destruction,
other crimes and conflict of interest.
Risks Management alternatives and Strategic
1. Risk Avoidance - is a complete elimination or eradication of the risk from the business, government, or
industrial environment for which the risk manager has the responsibility.
2. Risk Reduction – is the decreasing of the risks by minimizing the probability of the potential loss. This
reduction of criminal opportunity is often accomplished by situational crime prevention strategies to
discourage, deny or deter criminal incidents.
3. Risk Spreading – it is the distribution of the risks through compartmentalization or decentralization to limit the
impact or criticality of the potential loss.
4. Risk Transfer – is the movement of the financial impact of the potential loss over to an insurance company.
5. Risk Self-Assumption – this is a planned assumption and acceptance of the potential risk by making a
deliberate managerial decision of doing nothing about the threat; or setting aside resources for use in case of a
specific loss incident.
6. Combination of the above – making use of two or more of the above given strategies to manage potential risk
and threats.
Risk avoidance for example, a company shuts down a construction site in bad weather to avoid that risk that
someone will get hurt. As for the risk reduction, one example is that the sprinklers in the mall were designed to put a
fire to reduce greater loss or damage. While, risk spreading is when a copy of vital records is stored at a remote sure
location. On the other hand, risk transfer is when the purchase is an insurance policy by which a specified risk of loss
is passed from the policy holder to the insurer. Lastly, the risk self-assumption or acceptance is when people
participate in traffic, they accept the danger of damage, injury, death and pollution for the opportunity of benefits
resulting from increased mobility.

Security Investigation
Security investigation is one of the major functions of a security organization. Most security officers and
supervisors are called upon to conduct preliminary investigation on theft, injury or any other kind of untoward
incident. These investigations are usually non-criminal in nature but still important since they may result in civil
The term investigation means a planned and organized determination of facts concerning specific events,
occurrences or conditions for a particular purpose. On the other hand, security means the protection of property from
loss through theft, fraud, fires, threats or hazards. While security investigation is a planned and organized
determination of facts concerning specific loss or damage of assets due to threats, hazards or unsecured conditions.
As outlined in the Asset Protection and Security Management Handbook, there are following attributes that
characterized an effective and reliable investigation.
1. Objectivity
The investigator must accept any fact, regardless of its significance to preconceived ideas. Objectivity is
achieved by recognizing the investigator’s personal prejudices and compensating for, or neutralizing, his effect on the
investigation. An investigator who cannot sort out and identify personal prejudices about people, places and outlooks
is likely to miss the mark.
2. Thoroughness
A thorough investigator checks all leads and checks key leads more than once to assure consistency in results.
When the statement of an interview is critical, the facts should be reviewed several times important aspects through
different sources is proven means of achieving thoroughness.
3. Relevance
Relevance means that the information developed pertains to the subject of the investigation. Another aspect of
relevance is cause and effect. If the relationship can provide a direction for the investigative effort, or working
hypothesis, establishing the relationship may materially assist in resolving the entire investigative problem.
4. Accuracy
The mental processes that collect and sort the data from the physical senses often produce errors. Sound
investigative techniques dictate frequent tests for verification. If the data is subject to physical measurement, it must
be measured. If an informant is the only source of key data, the informant should be tested at least for consistency in
telling the version thus, all information must be tested for inherent contradictions.
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Final Period (Deadline- June 30, 2021)
Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction
LGU Compound, Burauen, Leyte Second Year Professional Criminology and Related Courses
Second Semester, SY 2020- 2021

5. Timeliness is an extension of thoroughness that requires the investigation be carried to the latest possible
point at which information relevant to the investigation might be found.

Investigation Report
Report writing is crucial part of the investigation. The most diligent and professionally conducted
investigation loses its value if the effort is not properly reported. An investigative report is a written document in
which the investigator records the activity in the investigation and evidence gathered. A competent investigator
writes a report so that a reader can readily understand what the investigator did, why it was done and the results of
the action.
The purpose of investigation report is to provide a permanent official record as well as to provide other
investigators with necessary information and to uphold the statements as facts on which designated authorities may
base a criminal corrective or disciplinary action.

Interrogation and Interview

As for the interview of Non-Hostile Informants, it must be noted that an interview conducted at the security
office affords better control of the environment. However, it is likely to make to interviewee, even a friendly one, more
apprehensive. Considerations of the confidentiality may require a private interview. If they do not, and if the
interview could be accomplished at or near the informant’s regular work station, consider doing it that way to keep
the information at ease.
Show consideration for the comfort and convenience of the interviewee, and if possible, preserve lengthy
interviews on audio tape recordings, making their total reconstruction later. The use of covert sound recording should
always be evaluated carefully.

Management in General and Planning Function

The security executive is no longer a private practitioner who impresses people with his courageous deeds,
skills in apprehending criminals or expertise in handling weapons. Rather, he is a modern manager entrusted with the
twin tasks of protecting corporate assets and ensuring that business interruptions, if at all, are kept to the minimum.
In fact, his most challenging role is to predict the opportunities to manageable proportions wherein he is backed by
his years and years of technical expertise as well as the seasoning and sensitivity that come with long years of
exposure in the field. In other fields, the major concern of the manager is getting the work done thus, using this
management techniques and be familiar with the following elements of management such as planning, financing,
organizing, staffing, training and professional development and communication.
In financing, managing security requires cash to carry out the various responsibilities involved. A security
executive should be able to have an enlightened view of what activities he plans for a specific period, the expected
operational conditions and the cost involved. A security executive should have knowledge in forecasting and
budgeting to make security management successful. He should be familiar with the organization’s stand on Return of
Investments and spending preferences.
On the other hand, a budget is usually a prepared annual plan stated in financial terms and it contains the
different items for which costs are involved. After all, no security organization can operate nor have its program
implemented without the budget.
An organization is arrangement of manpower and material resources to carry out their purposes. It molds the
activities of many people into a smooth working team and could mean the difference between the success and failure
of a security department or company. Basically, a security organization must be planned in such a way that it meets
the needs of the enterprise it is responsible to secure. It must be designed with the aim of helping a company fulfill its
mission. Also, it must be flexible in such a way that the structure must be able to adapt to necessary changes without
interfering with the major objectives of the organization. In other words, the structure should enhance instead of
impede the works of the department or agency.

Staffing and Administration

Ranks and Positions
The security agency operator or owner observe the required major ranks and position in the organization of
the agency, as prescribed by the implementing rules and regulation of RA 5487 as amended;

Ranks Positions

Security Management Staff

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Final Period (Deadline- June 30, 2021)
Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction
LGU Compound, Burauen, Leyte Second Year Professional Criminology and Related Courses
Second Semester, SY 2020- 2021

1. Security Director Agency Manager or Chief Security Officer

2. Security Executive Director Assistant Agency Manager or assistant Chief Security Officer
3. Security Staff Director Staff Director for Operations and Staff Director for Administrations
4. Security Staff Director for Training Staff-in-charge for Training
Line Leader staff
1. Security Supervisor 3 Detachment Commander
2. Security Supervisor 2 Chief Inspector
3. Security Supervisor 1 Inspector
Security Guard
1. Security Guard 1 Watchman or Guard
2. Security Guard 2 Shift-in-Charge
3. Security Guard 3 Post-in-Charge
Security Consultant (optional)

Staffing Pattern
All security agency owners or managers shall follow the required staffing pattern as prescribed under Rule IX,
Sec. 2, NIRR of RA 5487, as amended.
1. The agency manager is automatically the Security Director who shall be responsible for the entire operation
and administration or management of the security agency. He shall be authorized signatory to all duty Detail
Orders, and all other documents and communications pertinent to the operation and management of a
security agency. He may delegate certain functions to a subordinate, provided the subordinate is qualifies to
discharge the given function in accordance with law.
2. Security Agency shall appoint a staff as Security Training Officer, who shall be responsible for the training of
the Agency’s security personnel in accordance with the requirements of RA 5487 and the IRR. The Training
Officer shall be licensed as a security officer and likewise accredited as such by the Training and Education
Branch of SOSIA
3. The Staff Director for Operations is the staff assistant of the security manager for the efficient operations of
the agency. This position includes the responsibility to canvass clientele and the implementation of contract
and agreement. He is also responsible for the conduct of investigation and the conduct of training.
4. The Staff Director for Administration is the staff assistant of the agency manager for the effective and
efficient administration and management of the agency. He is responsible for the professionalization of the
personal procurement or recruitment, confirming of awards, mobility and issuance of FA’s
5. The Detachment Commander is the field or area commander of the agency. The Detachment shall consist of
several posts.
6. The Chief Inspector shall be responsible for inspecting the entire area covered by the detachment.
7. The Security Inspector is responsible for the area assigned by the Chief Inspector of the Detachment
8. The Post-in-charge is responsible for the entire detailed security office within a certain establishment.
9. The Shift-in-charge is responsible for the security officers who are scheduled in a certain shift for a particular
10. The Security Guard is the one actually posted as watchman and or guard.

One of the major tasks of the corporate security executive which cannot be delegated is the setting up of
standards for key positions in his organizations. Also, more often than not, he himself would establish the standards
for his own position especially if it is a newly created one. Among the areas defined, by the Job Description are: the
job functions, reporting relationship, skill required, managerial capabilities, education and training, years of
experience and personal circumstance.
Furthermore, hiring is a process involves sourcing of candidates through advertisements or referrals,
interviewing, short listing, background investigation, selection of the best candidates and finally preparing the job

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Final Period (Deadline- June 30, 2021)
Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction
LGU Compound, Burauen, Leyte Second Year Professional Criminology and Related Courses
Second Semester, SY 2020- 2021

In training and professional development, although there have been state-of the-art developments in the field
of security as far as technologies and various literature are concerned, it is quite obvious that these will not
immediately take place in the country. The assurance of professional development that junior security officer could
hope for is to do research of his own and to associate himself with and be an understudy of somebody with
recognized professional competence.
Also, a performance appraisal should be done to measure and evaluate the performance of subordinates on a
regular basis. It can be done annually or semi-annually. This is the usual basis for administrative actions such as
promotions or salary increase or on the extreme, the basis for separation from the organization.
Meanwhile, promoting deserving employees is one of the important functions of a security executive. If there
is a vacancy, he has the option to fill up by promoting a staff member based on his track record and his expected
performance in the higher position.
In security, all things being equal, employee welfare should be given the utmost importance along with
morale. The security executive should be able to motivate his subordinates, make them function as a tea, and instill
pride in and identification with their organizations.
The security executive should realize that the manpower is their “product” thus, the people’s well-being,
welfare and morale should be their principal considerations. These include the achiever’s recognition, professional
development, fairness and consistency.
Continuing communication within the security organization and with other subdivisions of the company is
major responsibility of the security executive. He should be able to communicate upward, downward and laterally; as
well as receive communications from above, below and laterally.

Security Planning
Planning is the key factor in the successful management of a security program. A management expert defines
planning as determining a course of action and it as deciding in advance what to do, how to do it and who should do
it. It is necessary for a security executive to plan; the alternative is obviously to react to events that have already
occurred or try to solve problems that could have been avoided in the first place. The first requirement in planning is
to identify the overall objective and purpose of the organization then, the executive may start his own planning which
should be objective and supports the organization’s goals.
One method of security planning is to create an overall blueprint for security program based on the identified
vulnerabilities or the result of vulnerability assessment and to write several plans such as comprehensive emergency
plan covering various anticipated contingencies and various operational plan, policies, standards and procedures. Still
another way is the use of Action Plans showing three columns: the first column identifies the planned activities, the
second column identifies the action officer involved, while the third column shows the time frame.

Development of Security Polices

A policy is a broad guide to management decision-making in situations of a repetitive nature. Its purpose is to
orient decision-making1 towards the organization’s ultimate objectives. Hence, a policy should reflect the objectives
and flexible and sufficiently broad enough to applicable to changing conditions.
Nevertheless, security policies vary from organization to organization. Beyond moral standards there seems
to be little commonality among organizations as to suggest standard policies applicable to all.

Illustrations of Security Policies

1. In a Non-Union Company
The company recognizes the loyalty of its employees and its obligations as a corporate citizen to the community
and thus fosters a cooperative attitude in the protection of personnel and property.
2. In a Company with Union
The company recognizes its obligations as a corporate citizen to the community and thus, practices an aggressive
policy of prosecution regarding theft within the company.
3. Information Security Policy
The computer center recognizes the proprietary interest of the client entities who utilize the facilities of the center,
hence, strictly controls dissemination of management information on strictly need-to-know basis and only to such
person that have been specifically cleared to receive such information.

Security Personnel
A private security guard is sometimes called a watchman. It is a person who offers or renders personal service
to watch or secure a residence, business establishments or building, compound, areas or property. He is usually

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Final Period (Deadline- June 30, 2021)
Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction
LGU Compound, Burauen, Leyte Second Year Professional Criminology and Related Courses
Second Semester, SY 2020- 2021

tasked to inspect or monitor, search individuals or baggage. As well as other forms of security inspection physically,
manually or electronically.
Before we proceed, let us have a brief history of security in the Philippines. The private security business
began on March 1, 1933 when the first formally licensed private security agency “Special Watchman Agency” started
operations. Later, it was renamed “Jimenez Security Agency” and was founded by brothers Juan and Pedro Jimenez.
On May 30, 1958, the Philippine Association of Detectives and Protective Agency Operations or PADPAO
were formally organized. Through the continuous lobbying of the incorporators and officers of PADPAO the Republic
Act 5487 was passed on June 13, 1969, which set the standards of minimum requirements for the operations of
security agencies.
In widening the coverage of R.A. 5487 to include security guards employed in logging concessions,
agricultural, mining and pasture lands, the Presidential Decree 11 was passed in December 3, 1792. After more than a
month, Presidential Decree 100 was issued on January 17, 1973 to broadening the coverage of the security industry to
include employees of the national or local government or ant agency who are employed to watch or secure
government building or properties.
On August 1969, the Philippines Constabulary activated the Security and Investigation Supervisory office or
SOSIA to supervise and control the organization and operation of private security and detective agencies nationwide.
Later, it was renamed Philippines Constabulary Supervisory office for Security and Investigation Agencies or SOSIA.
With the passage of R.A. 6975, this unit was absorbed by the Philippine National Police.
Eventually, it was made into a division of the PNP Civil Security Unit and was renamed Security Agencies
and Guard Supervision Division or SAGSD.

Types of Security Guard

1. Company Guard Force
This is the security guard recruited and employed by the company. They are in the company payroll and entitled
to the same benefits received by other employees.
Recruitment of company guard is the same as that of other employees requiring pre-employment checks,
clearances, and submissions of pertinent documents. Those selected get their license from PNP-SOSIA before they
undergo security guard training prior to assumption of duties.
2. Security Agency Service
A security guard belonging to privately licensed agency. Agency guards are provided on a contractual basis. The
agency supplies the number of guard needed to carry out the security duties and functions required.
This may include supervision as part of the force, or if the force is small, supervision may be done by scheduled
3. Government Guard Forces
A security guard recruited and employed by the government. He is assigned to guard government installation
and other government assets. He is entitled to all benefits received by other government employees, and under the
control and supervision of Civil Service Commission.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Company Guards versus Agency Guards

Advantages Disadvantages
Company  High calibre and receives higher wages  May be required to
Guards  Provides better service join guard union
 Can be trained to handle some of the more complex security  Cost more
duties  Problem of ensuring
 Less turn over availability of back
 More familiar with facilities they protect up personnel
 Tend to be more loyal with the company
Agency  Less expensive  Lack of training
Guards  Use is convenient  Low calibre
 Less administrative and personnel problems employee
 Agency assumes full responsibility for scheduling and  No loyalty to the
supervising of all guard personnel company
 Can easily obtain extra guard if needed  Projects poor image
 Agency usually accepts liability of civil suits  Large turnover
 Not familiar with
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Final Period (Deadline- June 30, 2021)
Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction
LGU Compound, Burauen, Leyte Second Year Professional Criminology and Related Courses
Second Semester, SY 2020- 2021


General Functions of a Security Guard

The duties of security guards vary depending on the category of installations, facilities, establishments, location,
social conditions, and some other factors. Nevertheless, duties assigned to guards are outlined in the installation
program which includes the following:
1. Enforce company rules and regulations
2. Operate and enforce the “personnel identification system”
3. Patrol and observe designated areas, perimeter, structures and installations
4. Take into custody a person attempting or giving unauthorized access in restricted, limited and controlled
5. Check rooms, building, storage rooms of security interest and after working hours, check proper locking of
doors and gates
6. Perform escort duties when required
7. Respond to protective alarms signals or other indications suspicious activities and emergencies
8. Safeguard equipment and material against sabotage, unauthorized access, loss, theft or damage
9. Act quickly in situations affecting the security of installation and personnel to fire accidents, internal disorder,
attempts to commit criminal acts
10. Control and regulate vehicle and personnel traffic within the compound as well as parking of vehicle
11. Other duties that is necessary in the security guard’s function

Categories of Private Security Training

1. Pre-Licensing Training Programs
As a matter of license prerequisites, Pre-Licensing Training Programs include all training and academic
programs and courses whose objective is indoctrinate the individual with the basic skills and educational
backgrounds necessary in the effective exercise and performance of his or her elected or would be security
detective profession. It includes but not limited to the Basic Security Guards Course, the Security Officers Training
Course, Private Security Agency Operators Training or Seminar, and Private Security Training the Trainer’s
2. Refresher Training Programs
This shall refer to periodic and non-periodic training programs and courses designed with the objective of
reinvigorating and/or developing basic skills and knowledge gained previously or gained while in the exercise of
his or her profession as a matter of experience, to enhance current in-service and future individual and/or
collective exercise of profession. This includes mandated periodic in-service training to be initiated by employer
or security agencies which is further a prerequisite for the renewal of individual professional security license. It
includes but is not limited to the periodic Re-Training course, Basic Security Supervisory course, and Security
Supervisor Development Course.
3. Specialized Training Programs
This shall refer to the training program and courses other than those prescribed in the preceding categories
designed at developing previously-gained skills and knowledge designed at augmenting or expanding current
skills and knowledge and or designed at developing current skills and knowledge to suit identified future
applications. It includes but is not limited to such courses as the Intelligence/Investigator Training course, Basic
Crises Management Course, Personal/VIP Protection Course, Bank and Armored Training Course, Basic Aviation
Security Course, Mall/Commercial Establishment Course.

Powers and Duties of Security Guard

1. Territorial Power
A security guard shall watch and secure the property of the person, firm or establishment with whom he or
his agency has a contact for security services. Such services shall not extend beyond the property of compound of
said person, firm or establishments except when required by the latter in accordance with the terms of their
contract to escort, or in hot pursuit of criminal offenders.
2. Arrest by Security Guards
A security guard or private detective is not a police officer and is not, therefore, clothed with police
authority. Nevertheless, he may effect arrest under any of the following circumstances.
a. When, in his presence, the person to be arrested has committed , is actually committing, or attempting to commit
an offense;

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Final Period (Deadline- June 30, 2021)
Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction
LGU Compound, Burauen, Leyte Second Year Professional Criminology and Related Courses
Second Semester, SY 2020- 2021

b. When an offense has just been committed and he has probable cause to believe based on personal knowledge of
facts and circumstance that the person to be arrested has committed it; and
c. When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a penal establishment or place where he is
serving final judgment or temporarily confined while his case is pending or has escaped while being transferred
from one confinement to another (Section 6, Rule 113, Rule of Court)
3. Method of Arrest
When making an arrest, the watchman, security guard or private detective, shall inform the person to be
arrested of the intention to arrest him and cause of the arrest, unless the person to be arrested is then engaged in
the commission of an offense or after an escape or flees or forcible resists before the person making the arrest has
opportunity so to inform him or when the giving of such information will imperil the arrest.
4. Duty of Security Guard Making Arrest
Any guard making arrest shall immediately turn over the person arrested to the nearest peace officer, police
outpost or headquarters for custody and/or appropriate action, or he may without necessary delay and within
the time prescribed in Article 125 of the Revised Penal code, as amended, take the person arrested to the proper
Court of Law or judge for such action as they may deem proper to take.
5. Search without Warrant
Any security guard may, incident to the arrest, search the person so arrested in the presence of at least two
witnesses. He may search employees of the person, firm or establishment with which he is or his agency has a
contract of private detective, watchman, or security services, when such search is required by the very nature of
the business of the person, firm or establishments.
6. Duty to Assist the Law Enforcers
Any security guard shall be duty bound to assist any peace officer in the pursuit of his bounding duty, when
requested, provided it is within the territorial jurisdiction of his area of duty.

Salient Features (Private Security Agency Law RA No. 5487)

SECURITY GUARDS AGENCIES. (Rep. Act No. 5487, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 11.)
Terminologies in Section 3:
a. Private Detective Agency - is any person, who, for hire or reward or on commission, conducts or carries on or holds
himself or itself out as conducting or carrying on a detective agency, or detective service.
b. Private Detective - is any person who is not a member of a regular police agency of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines who does detective work for hire, reward, or commission.
c. Watchman or Security Guard, Watchman or Security Guard Agency - Any person who offers or renders personal
service to watch or secure either residential or business establishment, or both, or any building, compound, or area
including but not limited to logging concessions, agricultural, mining or pasture lands for hire or compensation, or
as an employee thereof shall be known as watchman or security guard; and any person, association, partnership, or
corporation, who recruits, trains, muster, furnishes, solicits individuals or business firms, private or government-
owned or controlled corporations to engage his service or those of its watchmen, shall be known as Watchman of
Security Guard Agency.
Meanwhile, Section 4 as amended by Pres. Decree No. 11 mentioned that any Filipino citizen or a corporation,
partnership, or association, with a minimum capital of five thousand pesos may organize a Security or Watchman
Agency. Provided, further, that the operator or manager of said agency must be at least 25 years of age, a college
graduate and/or a commissioned officer in the inactive service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines; of good moral
character; having no previous record of any conviction of any crime or offense involving moral turpitude and not
suffering from any disqualifications such as having been dishonorably discharged or separated from the Armed Forces
of the Philippines; being a mental incompetent; being addicted to the use of narcotic drug or drugs; and being a
habitual drunkard.
As for your information, under Section 5, the qualifications required to be employed as security guard or
watchman or private detective is: (a) a Filipino citizen; (b) a high school graduate; (c) physically and mentally fit; (d)
not less than 21 nor more than 50 years of age; (e) at least 5 feet and 4 inches in height; and (f) suffering none of the
disqualifications provided for in the preceding section: provided that person convicted of any crime involving moral
turpitude shall not be employed as security guard, watchman or private detective.
The license is necessary that engage in the business of, or either as a private detective, or detective agency;
and either engage in the occupation, calling or employment of watchman or in the business of watchman's agency
with first having obtained the necessary permit from the Chief, Philippine Constabulary which permit as approved is
prerequisite in obtaining a license or license certificate: Provided, That all existing private detective or watchman or
security guard agencies shall have a period of one (1) year from the approval of this Act to secure the said license:
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Final Period (Deadline- June 30, 2021)
Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction
LGU Compound, Burauen, Leyte Second Year Professional Criminology and Related Courses
Second Semester, SY 2020- 2021

Provided, further, That existing agencies, and any new agency which may hereafter apply for a license, certify under
oath that their private detectives, watchmen or security guards, have received the appropriate training from either the
Philippine Constabulary, the National Bureau of Investigation, any local police department, or any other public
institution duly recognized by the government to conduct police training. (Section 6)
Section 8 mentioned that all requisites for the issuance of the license have been complied with, the Chief of the
Philippine Constabulary or his duly authorized representative shall issue a permit for the issuance of such license and
register the same in his office, upon payment by the applicant of the fee in accordance with their following schedule.
The application shall further be accompanied by a bond issued by any competent or reputable surety or
fidelity or insurance company duly accredited by the office of the Insurance Commissioner in the sum of not less than
five thousand pesos nor more than ten thousand pesos in the discretion of the Chief, Philippine Constabulary, which
bond shall answer for any valid and legal claim against the agency by its clients or employees: Provided, That licenses
issued in the province of an authorized representative of the Chief of Constabulary is subject to review by the Chief of
Any provision of this or other law to the contrary, the Chief of Constabulary may suspend or cancel at any time the
licenses of private watchman or security guard agency found violating any of the provisions of this Act or of the rules
and regulations promulgated by the Chief of Constabulary pursuant thereto.

Other provisions of Pres. Decree No. 11

Any person who commit any act in violation of Republic Act No. 5487 and of this Decree, and the
implementing rules and regulations already promulgated which are not in conflict herewith, and those to be
promulgated by the Chief of Constabulary pursuant hereto, shall, on conviction thereof, suffer imprisonment of from
ten to fifteen years and a fine of not less than ten thousand pesos nor more than fifteen thousand pesos as a military
court/tribunal or commission may direct.
Section 12 states that in case of emergency or in times of disaster or calamities where the services of such
agencies arise, the City or Municipal Mayor, as director of Civil Defense, may muster or incorporate the services of the
agency nearest the area where such emergency, disaster or calamity arises and its duly licensed personnel to help
maintain peace and order; and/or the prevention or apprehension of law violators and in the preservation of life and
property. Deputized private detectives, watchmen or security guards shall take direct orders from the Chief of Police
for the duration of the fire, inundation, earthquakes, riots or other emergencies.
As for your information, Section 13 states that a watchman or security agency shall be entitled to possess
firearms after having satisfactorily passed the requirements prescribed by the Chief, Philippine Constabulary
pertinent to the possession of firearm of any caliber not higher than 45 caliber in a number not exceeding one firearm
for every two watchmen or security guards in its employ. However, a watchman or security agent shall be entitled to
possess not more than one riot gun or shotgun in order to provide adequate security when circumstances so demand.
Further, that all the firearms mentioned herein shall be carried by the watchman or security guard only during his
tour of duty in proper uniform within the compound of the establishment except when he escorts big amounts of cash
or valuables in and out of said compound.
Additionally, Section 14, the uniform of watchman or security guard as well as those organized, maintained
or under the employment of the government or any government-owned and/or controlled corporations, agencies or
entities, shall be different from the uniform worn and prescribed for members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
City and Municipal Police Force. The Chief, Philippine Constabulary, through his duly authorized representative shall
prescribed the uniform or ornaments, equipment and paraphernalia to be worn by the security guards and watchmen
throughout the Philippines.

Guard Force Administration

The success of a security officer rests heavily on hid keen knowledge in his unit’s mission, strengths and
weakness, as well as his role and functions as an administrator, supervisor or manager. It is important that he is aware
of his functions in general and the responsibilities attached to each. Hence, it is critical that the security administrator
realizes that he has two purposes of existence: the accomplishment of the mission and looking for the welfare of his
To accomplish these role and responsibilities, his job is divided into four functional areas: (1) Leadership and
Command; (2) Operations; (3) Administration, and; (4) Technical Service

Leadership and Command

Effective leadership is demonstrated by one’s ability to command respect and confidence of his men. The
indication are: morale, discipline, esprit d’ corps, proficiency and effective unit. Leadership is developed by the ability
of a person to influence others in such a way as to obtain their loyalty, cooperation and willing obedience in order to
___________________________________Modular Home Instruction__________________________________
Final Period (Deadline- June 30, 2021)
Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction
LGU Compound, Burauen, Leyte Second Year Professional Criminology and Related Courses
Second Semester, SY 2020- 2021

accomplish the goal. Leadership and command involve the planning, leading organizing, and controlling the
manpower and resources, making things happen through other people. Besides, leadership is defined as an art of
influencing and directing men in such a way as to obtain their willing obedience, confidence, respect, and loyal
cooperation in order to accomplish the mission.
The concept of leadership is an art and being so: it can be learned, acquired and developed as any other arts
or activities. In the definitive sense, leadership is based upon the development of traits of the individual personal and
upon the understanding and application of sound leadership principles and techniques.
A leader in a private security organization could be the supervisor, or the officer or the commander.
Therefore, he is expected to possess and inherent authority to meet his diverse responsibilities. In practice, his
authority may be delegated in pursuance of tasks but never his responsibilities.
Meanwhile, there are two main purposes why a leader exists: first is to accomplish the mission and to look for
the welfare of his men.
Types of Leadership
1. Authoritative/Dogmatic is a type of leader who gains obedience by asserting authority and superiority, or by
instilling fear or punishment.
2. Persuasive/Considerate is a type of a leader who attains obedience or leads by compassion and persuasion, and
considers the “human factor”
Leadership Indicators
Related to the statement above, the following are the leadership indicators.
1. Morale – is the state of mind of an individual with respect to his confidence, cheerfulness, discipline and others.
2. Discipline – is the state of order based upon submission to rules and authority.
3. Esprit d’ corps – refers loyalty to, pride in, and enthusiasm for the unit or organization displayed by its
4. Proficiency – refers to the physical, technical and tactical ability of the individual.
5. Effective unit – refers to the one that accomplishes assigned mission for which it was equipped, trained and
organized in the shortest possible time, with the least expenditure of resources and least confusion.
This has direct impact on the mission of the security unit normally affecting life, property and propriety rights.
Under this function, the security officer performs the following:
1. The development of men and resources consistent with threat and need of the organization.
2. Defining the basic role and functions of the individuals in the total organization, his unit and on post
3. Conduct of patrols, search, apprehension and recovery.
4. Provide VIP security and related protective services.
5. Enforce rules and regulation
6. Control persons, vehicles and property.
It has impact on the each member of the unit; their morale, proficient, skills, discipline, welfare and integrity.
1. Screening, recruitment, and documentation of personnel.
2. Training and development
3. Morale, welfare and benefits
4. Reward and discipline, welfare and integrity
5. Pay rolling
6. Budgeting
7. Logistics and supply sourcing
8. Performance evaluation
9. Inspectorate and post audit
Technical Services
This function needs specialized skill derived from training, experience and research.
1. Investigation and report writing
2. Collection of critical security information
3. Operation of electronics multi-instruction device, CCTV, and alarm system
4. Security survey and risks analysis

Experiential Learning

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Final Period (Deadline- June 30, 2021)
Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction
LGU Compound, Burauen, Leyte Second Year Professional Criminology and Related Courses
Second Semester, SY 2020- 2021

Activity 1: Interpretive theory

Read and analyze the following questions below. Note: Write the complete answer to the following questions.
Failed to do so will be marked zero.

1. Among the classification of documents which do you think is the least priority?
a. Secret c. Restricted
b. Top secret d. Confidential
2. In SWOT analysis, “W” means what?
a. Intelligence c. Vulnerabilities
b. Threats d. Win
3. A Private Security Agency is applying for regular license operate must possess at least 70 licensed firearms
and a minimum of?
a. 100 Guards c. 200 Guards
b. 150 Guards d. 1000 Guards
4. Which of the following is known for the security force that maintained and operate by any corporation for its
own security unit only?
a. Government Security Unit
b. Company Security Unit
c. Private Detective Agency
d. Private Detective Unit
5. Which of the following risks that arise from natural phenomena?
a. Man-made hazards c. Hazards
b. Natural hazards d. Security hazards
6. A breach of the protective system and the subsequent loss or compromise of defense information, company
secrets or damage to personnel, property or personnel is refers to?
a. Hazards c. Security barrier
b. Sabotage d. Security risks
7. A private security agency having less than the required minimum number of guards shall be given a license
to operate is good for?
a. 6 months c. 8 months
b. 1 year d. 2 years
8. Physical security describes measures that “Deter” attackers from accessing a facility, resources or information
stored on physical medial. Deter means?
a. Discourage c. Encourage
b. Push d. Detect
9. In Industrial Security Management, what does CBI stands for?
a. Compulsory Background Investigator
b. Complete Background Investigator
c. Complete Background Investigation
d. Compulsory Background Investigation
10. You cannot prevent or predict natural hazards like storms, earthquakes, nor floods. In order to reduce the
disastrous effects of these natural hazards, a security officer, you will?
a. Alert the guards when such hazards occur
b. Call PAGASA and inquire when the next storm is coming
c. Not to take any concern on such hazards
d. Prepare disaster or emergency plan for those hazards for the firm.
11. Which of the following are the acts or conditions affecting the safe operation of facility caused by human
action, accidental or intentional?
a. Security hazards c. Man-made hazards
b. Natural hazards d. All of the above
12. Which of the following are those caused by a natural phenomenon which cause damage, disturbance and
problems of the normal functioning of human activities, including security?
a. Security hazards c. Man-made hazards
b. Natural hazards d. All of the above
13. Which of the following statement below is the main reason for a personnel security investigation?
a. To weed out undesirable employees
b. To check loyalty of employees to the organization
___________________________________Modular Home Instruction__________________________________
Final Period (Deadline- June 30, 2021)
Burauen Community College Modular Home Instruction
LGU Compound, Burauen, Leyte Second Year Professional Criminology and Related Courses
Second Semester, SY 2020- 2021

c. To determine the character and reputation of certain employees secretly tagged as risks.
d. Preclude assignment to sensitive positions for those who are security risks.
14. In Industrial Security Concepts, it is one of the major function of a security organization?
a. Security hazards c. Security barrier
b. Security investigation d. Security risks
15. A leader who attains obedience or leads by compassion and persuasion, and considers the human factor.
What types of leadership does the statement refer to?
a. Authoritative c. Considerate
b. Dogmatic d. Courage

Activity 2: Knowledge Assessment

Instruction: Read the questions carefully. Identify the answer for each of the following statements below. Note: Try to
answer the assessment exercise without referring or looking back at the discussion in the preceding pages.

1. It is the state of order based upon submission to rules and authority.

2. It is developed by the ability of a person to influence others in such a way as to obtain their loyalty.
3. The security administrator has two specific purposes of existence.
4. It is a person who offers or renders personal service to watch or secure a residence, business establishment or
building, compound, areas or property and sometimes called a watchman.
5. He is the area commander of the agency.
6. Under Rule IX, Sec. 2, he is responsible for inspecting the entire area covered by the detachment.
7. In Industrial Security Concept, it is the process involves sourcing of candidate through advertisements or
referrals and select the best candidates.
8. Under Rule IX, Sec. 2, he is responsible for the entire detailed security office within a certain establishment.
9. As amended by RA 5487, he is responsible for the entire operation and administration or management of the
security agency.
10. It is the crucial part of the security investigation.
11. It is planned and organized determination of facts concerning specific loss or damage of assets due to threats,
hazards or unsecured conditions.
12. In the design of security plan, ____ and ____ must be fully considered so that in the event of their occurrences,
immediate course of action can be made.
13. It is defined as the potential damage or loss of an asset.
14. It involves in scrutiny of specific vulnerability, probability and significance of potential threats including
natural and man-made.
15. It is decreasing of the risks by minimizing the probability of the potential loss.

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