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VIIT, Pune DSV Lab



Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)



Data Storytelling & Visualization

Name: Darekar Shivraj Vinayak

PRN No.: 22310050

Roll No.: 108105

Division and Batch: A1

Subject Code: CA12236

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Practical: 2 Hrs/week TERMWORK

Assessment: 50 Marks
Practical In charge HOD


Perform a comprehensive study and generate a review of the Restaurant assessment within

your vicinity. Decide on the factors to be incorporated in this evaluation and gather the

essential data accordingly. (Tool: Google form)


1. To learn various approaches to gain data insights

2. To understand components of data visualization


The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) comprises several phases, each with its distinct

activities and deliverables. These phases provide a systematic approach to software

development, ensuring that the final product meets quality, budget, and schedule expectations.

The typical SDLC consists of the following phases:

Planning: In this phase, the project's feasibility is assessed, and the scope, objectives,

timelines, and resources are defined. Key activities include conducting a feasibility study,

defining the project scope, and creating a project plan.

Analysis: During this phase, the project requirements are gathered, analyzed, documented, and

validated. This involves understanding the needs of end-users, identifying system

requirements, and creating detailed specifications.

Design: In this phase, the system architecture and design are developed based on the

requirements gathered in the previous phase. This includes defining system architecture,

creating high-level and low-level designs, and planning for the implementation of the system.

Implementation: The implementation phase involves the actual coding and programming of

the software. Developers write code according to the design specifications, perform unit

testing, and ensure that the code meets the defined requirements.

Testing: During this phase, the developed software is tested to identify and fix defects.

Various types of testing, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and

acceptance testing, are carried out to ensure the quality and reliability of the software.

Deployment: In this phase, the software is deployed to the production environment. This
involves finalizing the system, preparing user documentation, training end-users, and

transitioning the software to the operational environment.

Maintenance: After deployment, the software enters the maintenance phase, where it is

monitored, updated, and enhanced to meet changing user needs and to fix any issues that arise.

This phase ensures that the software remains effective and efficient over its lifecycle.

These phases provide a structured approach to software development, guiding the project team

through the entire process from initial planning to ongoing maintenance. Adhering to the

SDLC helps ensure that software projects are completed on time, within budget, and with the

expected level of quality.


Requirement Gathering from users based on review of restaurant system.

1. How would you rate your overall experience with the current restaurant system?

2. What specific features or functionalities do you find most useful in the current system?

3. Are there any aspects of the current system that you find challenging or inefficient in

your daily operations?

4. What additional features or improvements would you like to see in a new restaurant


5. How user-friendly do you find the current system in terms of order management, table

Link of Google Form:

Paste snapshot of Excel sheet :

Link of Excel sheet: ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\OneDrive\Documents\Event Registration (Responses).xlsx

Course Outcome: After completing this course learner will be able

1. Understand the data analysis with context of the data Google form

2. Explore and create insights for target audience



Data generated for the specific objective has been made available to you. Your task entails
thoroughly examining the provided data, conducting an analysis, and tell a story about data in the
form of a presentation template.(Tool: Microsoft Excel/Python Libraries like matplotlib, seaborn)


1. To enable transformation of insights to story and its presentation

2. To learn various tools and techniques of data visualization.


Refer assignment 1 for presentation and prepare visualization graph with excel

Microsoft Excel:

Create a chart

1. Select data for the chart.

2. Select Insert > Recommended Charts.

3. Select a chart on the Recommended Charts tab, to preview the chart.

4. Note: You can select the data you want in the chart and press ALT + F1 to create a chart
immediately, but it might not be the best chart for the data. If you don’t see a chart you like,
select the All Charts tab to see all chart types.

5. Select a chart.

6. Select OK.

7. Add a trendline

8. Select a chart.

9. Select Chart Design > Add Chart Element.

10. Select Trendline and then select the type of trendline you want, such as Linear, Exponential,
Linear Forecast, or Moving Average.

Link of Excel: 1)..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Downloads\StatewiseTestingDetails (1).csv

OUTPUT: Dashboard -

Link Of PPT : Book2.pptx


After completing this course learner will be able

1. Understand the data analysis with context of the data gathered from Excel sheet
2. Apply data visualization techniques in various domains and Thinking techniques to solution
3. Able to make Story using data.


Download any free dataset (from Kaggle/tableau etc.) in excel format. Explore and analyze this
data using POWER BI tool and generate the story from it.(Tool: Power BI)


1. To enable the students to get acquainted with the context of the data
2. To learn various tools and techniques of data visualization


Power BI is a business analytics tool developed by Microsoft that enables users to visualize and
share insights from their data. It provides a set of tools for transforming raw data into meaningful
information through interactive and visually compelling reports and dashboards. Whether used by
business analysts, data scientists, or decision-makers, Power BI empowers users to turn data into
actionable insights, fostering data-driven decision-making within organizations.
Power BI Dashboards provide a consolidated view of key metrics, enhancing data
comprehension. The tool supports collaboration through easy sharing of reports and dashboards,
with mobile accessibility for on-the-go insights. Power BI employs DAX as its formula language,
enabling users to create custom calculations. Power BI is a powerful tool for data visualization
that provides numerous benefits for businesses and organizations:

Interactive Dashboards:

Power BI allows users to create interactive and intuitive dashboards that provide a
comprehensive overview of key metrics and KPIs. Users can drill down into the data, apply
filters, and gain actionable insights at a glance.

Data Exploration:

With Power BI, users can explore and analyze data from various sources, including databases,
spreadsheets, and cloud services. The tool offers robust data manipulation capabilities,
empowering users to uncover trends, correlations, and outliers within the data.

Real-time Analytics:

Power BI enables real-time data analytics, allowing users to monitor and visualize live data streams
and make timely decisions based on the most up-to-date information.

Custom Visualizations:

Users can create custom visualizations or choose from a wide range of pre- built visualizations to
effectively represent their data. This flexibility allows for the creation of compelling and tailored
visualizations that suit specific business needs.
Collaboration and Sharing:

Power BI facilitates easy sharing and collaboration on reports and dashboards. Users can publish
reports to the Power BI service, share them with colleagues, and set up automatic data refresh

Integration with Other Tools:

Power BI seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft products and services, as well as third-party
applications, enhancing its versatility and extending its capabilities.

Predictive Analytics:

Power BI offers predictive analytics capabilities, enabling users to forecast trends, identify patterns,
and make data-driven predictions to support strategic decision
INPUT: Any data set from any domain


Creating visualizations with the right analytics and employing effective storytelling


After completing this course learner will be able

1. Summarize the metrics towards desired performance
2. Design and create data visualizations.
3. Apply data visualization techniques in various

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