Final Follow Up Plan

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Hypothetical Person who accepted Christ the moment you met him.
You have 1.5 Hours every week to meet with him.
15 weeks to complete the follow up plan.
Every Day Section
Start and end the time with prayer for each meeting.
Assuming he does the bible Study every week and if not do it with him during the time
Each meeting would end with a discussion on the next meeting time, date and place.
Each meeting would be spent in reading the introduction of the next Lesson.

Get the following details when you meet with him for the first time within 24 hours of
meeting him:
Phone Number
Email Address
Fix up a time, date and place to meet with him. Make sure he knows if he has directions
to reach the place.

Day 1)Introduction and Bible

• Check if he has a Bible and a translation that is easily readable, e.g. NIV
or Living.
• Give a brief review of the Bible as to how it came into being and
explaining the details of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
• Show them how to look up chapter and verse.
• Show him how to look up table of contents.
• Ask him to start reading from the Bible from the book of Mark. A chapter
a Day.
• Introduce him to the “Lessons of Assurance” Bible Study.
• Read the introduction of LOA with him.
• Also read the introduction of “1. Assurance of Salvation” and discuss with
him as to what he needs to do.
• Request him to do the study and memorize the verse before we meet the
next time.
• Ask about his family and friends and others details like where he works or
what he studies etc. (Build a friendship with him).
Day 2)Bridge Illustration and Salvation
• Discuss “Assurance of Salvation” with him. Check his verse.
• Ask him if he truly understood what it means to be saved, saved from the
penalty of sin.
• Go through the Bridge illustration given in the Assurance of Salvation
• Invite him to Church if he does not have a church to go to.
Day 3)Prayer and Quiet Time
• Discuss “Assurance of Answered Prayer” with him. Check his verses.
• Share with him that God answers our prayers in three ways: Yes, No or
• Share “7 minutes with God”. Emphasize the importance of having a Quiet
time. Share with him while reading the article that God mainly speaks to
us through his Word and we speak to him through prayer.
• Ask specifically of he has any prayer requests and pray with him. Pray
ACTS with him.
• Show him how you write what God is speaking to me. Encourage him to
journal what God is speaking to him. Share Jeremiah 30:2.
Day 4)Do Quiet time and Assurance of Victory
• Do a quiet time together and ask him to share what he got from his quiet
times. Be excited about what God is speaking to him. If he is done reading
Mark then ask him to start reading John.
• Discuss Assurance of Victory with him. Check his verses.
• Emphasize the aspect of making Applications. Do a written application
with him.
• Share the three application Question:
i. What impressed me the most?
ii. Where do I personally fall short
iii. What by the grace of God am I going to do about it?
Day 5)Assurance of Forgiveness and Journal Quiet Times
• Share Quiet times together.
• Discuss lessons of Assurance and check his verses
• Ask if he has not asked for forgiveness for any sin, encourage him to ask
for forgiveness and teach him to continually confess him sin. “Sin No
• Ask him if he would be interested in watching a movie together. Discuss
Day 6)Assurance of Guidance and Movie Time
• Share Quiet times and discuss what we have written.
• Discuss Assurance of Guidance and check verses.
• Ask if he excited about his new found relationship with Jesus Christ.
Encourage him and pray for him and pray with him.
• Introduce him to Lessons of Christian Living and read introduction of the
first chapter “Putting Christ First”.
• Watch a movie together.
Share Quiet Times with him every day.
Day 7)Putting Christ First and Wheel Illustration
• Discuss “Putting Christ First” and check verses.
• Discuss needs that he wants to trust God.
• Share Wheel Illustration.
Day 8)His Strength
• Discuss his Strength and Check verses.
• Ask him if there are anxieties in his life and does he trust God.
Day 9)God’s Word and Hand Illustration
• Discuss God’s Word and check verses.
• Share Hand Illustration.
• Share the importance of meditating on God’s Word. Show him how to
mediate on God’s word.
Day 10)Love and Applications
• Discuss love and check verses.
• Help him make application to show love to another believer in Christ.
• Invite him for times with other believers if you have not done that yet.
Day 11)Giving
• Discuss Giving and Check verses
• Ask him if he is giving. Teach him to trust God for giving to the Church or
some individual that God has laid on his heart. Share with him to that Old
Testament teaches to give 10%. This could be good point to start. Give
even if it only a $1.00.
• Introduce and Emphasize time, talent and resources.
Day 12)Church
• Discuss Church and check verses.
• See if you can be of help to him to serve the Church.
• Share with him that Church is build up of individuals. Share 1 Corinthians
12:12-31. Importance of working together as the body of Christ.
• Ask him to serve some else with me. See if you have served him.
Day 13)Good Works
• Discuss Good Works and check verses.
• Discuss the importance of doing Good works which God prepared in
advance for us to do.
• Emphasize the aspect that Good works does not lead to Salvation.
• Check applications.
Day 14)Witnessing
• Discuss Witnessing and Check verses.
• Take him along some time that week to witness to some individual. Show
him “how”
• Encourage him to witness to his lost friends.
• Emphasize to witness to his family.
• Also remind him to pray for his lost family and friends.
• Ask him to make a list of people who are lost and pray for them on a
regular basis. (As described in the lesson).
• Idea is the message and messenger. Matt 5:16
Day 15)Introduction to Discipleship
• Share Matthew 28:19-20
• Discuss what it means to be a Disciple of Jesus Christ (“Disciple are made
not born”)
i. Willingness to pay any price to have the will of God fulfilled in his
own life.
ii. Love for the Word of God
iii. Love for people
iv. No confidence in the flesh
v. Servant heart and willing to serve others.
vi. No have an independent spirit
vii. Willingness to Discipline his life.
viii. Reflects the fruit of the spirit.
• Ask him if he is willing to grow to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
• Share your life and listen to his life.
• Explain of necessity of investment of time, priority and discipline
• Explain that he will have to keep the commitment of meeting with you,
and doing Bible Study, in order to be discipled.

Self Check for Follow Up

I haven’t thought too much about follow-up before, but now I see that it is important.
• Do I sincerely desire to follow Christ myself and to mature in him?
• What Scripture passages convince me of the importance of helping others grow
I know follow-up is important, but I’m not in contact with anyone who needs my help.
• Is there an evangelism or follow-up program at my church in which I could become
• Am I sharing my belief in Christ with the non-Christians I know?
• If someone I have shared my faith with becomes a Christian, am I willing to spend time
in helping him grow spiritually?
There is someone I want to help grow, but I’m not sure what to do at this point.
• Is he truly assured of his salvation in Christ,
• Is he reading the Bible regularly?
• How can I help him memorize and meditate on Scripture?
• Can he use my help in learning how to share his faith with others?
• Have we prayed together?
• Can I help him in appropriating God’s power to overcome sin in his life?
• Can I help him understand God’s forgiveness?
• Is he trusting God in areas of life that cause anxiety?
I am already involved in follow-up.
• Am I convinced God himself is the true source of spiritual growth in the person I am
helping, and not my methods or my advice? Do my prayers reflect this belief?
• Am I encouraging the person I am helping to benefit fully from fellowship with other
Christians—and not just with me?
• How much one-to-one attention am I giving to the person I am helping? Is it enough?
• Do I have an attitude of transparency toward the person I am helping? Am I opening my
life to his observation?

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