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Monitoring / Management Tools Requirements

Network Monitoring Tool Requirements

01 Proactively monitor the Network devices for up / down status

02 Centralized Repository & Display of Alarms / Events
03 To be able to store Historical data for trend and Performance analysis.
04 Ability to take automatic action on Events /alarms received.
04 Ability to collect Data
05 To be able to graph Peak usage on collected data
06 Excellent In-Built Troubleshooting Tools – Ping , Telnet
07 Ability to set thresholds on resource usage
08 Auto-discovery of Layer 2 / 3 Network Device interfaces
09 "Ignore" turn off for maintenance / updates
10 Multi-tier correlation for root cause analysis
11 Ability to display discovered devices & customize MAP
12 Ability to create / allow local /remote(web) access to display Map / management information
13 Ability to Load MIBS, In-built MIB Browser?
14 Ability to Back-up managed data
15 Ability to manually add / delete devices
16 Ability to Manage Events >>> Action, Customize, Correlate
17 Product has inbuilt Excellent Out of the Box Reports
18 Express hierarchical relationships between managed elements
19 Map to all /major areas of FCAPS OSI management model
20 Ability to store collected management data locally
21 Ability to Integrate with vendor specific Element management Software tools (Ciscoworks2000)
22 Ability to Integrate with External Notification Tools/software – Email, pager.
23 Ability to Integrate with Trouble Ticketing Software
24 Ability to support / scale upto a NOC Environment.
25 Management Tool must not generate more traffic in the Network.
26 Easy to Use
27 Support for Integration with other Management Tools.
28 Implementation, On-going support and maintenance cost etc.
29 Monitors interface traffic for bandwidth utilization and error status
30 Monitors SNMP enabled devices with polling and trap reception
31 Monitors device SYSLOGS
32 Broad network device support
33 Ability to drill down and perform a root cause analysis

Operating System Monitoring Tool Requirements ( UNIX / Windows )

01 Ability to monitor key system components such as CPUs, Disks, and Memory
02 Detect critical bottlenecks before they have an impact on system/Application /Database performance
03 Ability to define performance thresholds and conditions across managed system components.
04 Ability to Monitor / Manage system CPU
 CPU usage (%) - Maximum allowable CPU usage for any process

 Number of processes in the processor queue

05 Ability to Monitor / Manage Disk Usage

 Absolute disk usage (MBs)

 Information retrieval on:
 Local and networked disks
 Total disk space
 Free disk space

06 Ability to Monitor / Manage Memory

 Pagefile usage (%)

 Swapping/paging activity (pages/s)

07 Scan the NT/2000 Event log for essential information in the system, application and security logfiles, based on
predefined monitoring criteria.
08 Collect information on system, application and network processes and if a process starts to fail or stops
unexpectedly issue alerts or launches pre-defined automated recovery and restart procedures.
09 Ability to monitor ASCII-based log files and issue alerts / take automatic actions.
10 Monitor for availability – up/down
11 Monitor local alerts and events
12 Hardware failures
13 Monitor logon/off events
14 Monitor critical services
15 Monitor virus alerts and events

Database Monitoring Tool Requirements

01 Ability to Monitor / Manage CPU Utilization

Disk Full (%)
Disk I/O rate
Swap Full (%)
UpDown (Node)
Oracle Net UpDown
Database UpDown
% CPU Time used by oracle instance
% Shared Pool Free for oracle instance
% Wait Time for oracle instance

02 Ability to Monitor / Manage Oracle Alerts

Alert on oracle alert file size
Archive Full (%)
Archiver Hung
Average File Read Time
Average File Write Time
Buffer Cache Hit %
Data Dictionary Hit %
Library Cache Hit %
DBWR Checkpoints not completed
Dump Full on OS(%)
Executes without Parses %
% Hard Parses
Total number of parses
Fast Segment Growth
Free Buffer Waits
Index Rebuild recommendation
Logical Reads Per Second for instance
Physical Reads Per Second
Physical Writes Per Second
Process Limit (%)
Redo Log Allocation Hit %
Redo Writes Per Second
Rollback Contention
Session Limit (%)
SysStat Table
SysStat Table Delta
Tablespace Full
Transactions Per Second
User Blocking session
Wait by Session Count
Wait by Time
Dead session detection
Top sessions (by CPU, IO)
Long running queries

03 In-built Tools for Monitoring and Diagnosing problems

04 Ability to Manage Databases from other vendors (Oracle, Access, MS-SQL ,DB2)
04 Ability to identify major bottlenecks in the system, for example, CPU and I/O limitations, paging problems or Oracle
database waits due to locks, checkpoints, buffer access, etc.

05 Ability to focus on and drill down to individual applications, SQL statements and database objects in the systems that
are responsible for heavy consumption of system and database resources.

06 Ability to store complete history of the database activity for trend analysis.

07 Capacity Planning – Identify patterns in resource consumption and predict future resource consumption etc
08 Ability to set Performance Thresholds
09 Integration with Oracle Enterprise Manager
10 Predefined Performance Graphs / Reports
11 Detect Problems Proactively -Alert
Interfacing with centralized Monitoring Framework
13 Ability to Remotely Access the tool over the web.
14 Minimum Overheads of Monitoring agent on Server
15 Ability to run on UNIX / Windows System.
16 Automating Routine Management tasks
17 Ability to do Size and capacity management
18 Ability to Manage concurrent users
19 Record and report Wait time Statistics

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