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Grading Policy

Our classroom culture values student voice and student choice. Therefore, as a class we will
work together to determine what you learn; when, where, and who you work with; and how
you will demonstrate your knowledge and skills. As your teacher, I see it as my goal to coach
you in taking ownership of your own learning.

• Grades are a measure of what you know and can do; nothing more, nothing less. They
are not a reflection of your self-worth.
• Each unit will culminate in a project and a test. Because you will refine your knowledge
and skills throughout the unit, only projects and tests will be graded.
o Projects are an opportunity for you to voice what is important to you and choose
what you learn.
o Projects will include a rubric. The class will have the opportunity to ask clarifying
questions and offer feedback before it is finalized.
o Tests are a standardized means of measuring what everyone in class has learned.
o Tests will complement a study guide. I will guide our class to work together to divide
and conquer building the study guide in a collective document.
• A growth mindset nurtures learning. You will receive feedback from your peers and me
and have ample opportunities to revise your work well before due dates.
o Projects are due at the end of each unit. If you need an extension, speak with me
so we can accommodate you.
o Tests can be re-taken once. Note that the re-take will not be an exact copy of the
first test.
• Homework and pop quizzes will be assigned but not graded, as they are opportunities to
practice what you have learned and check what you know.
• Grades will be determined using a point system and are not rounded up.

The following percentages will determine your grade:

A 93-100%
A- 90-92%
B+ 87 -89%
B 83-86%
B- 80-82%
C+ 77-79%
C 73-76%
C- 70-72%
D+ 67-69%
D 63-66%
D- 60-62%
E 0-59%

Academic Integrity
As a learning community, we embrace the sharing of ideas and giving credit where it is due. All
work must be cited as outlined in the rubric. Plagiarized work will be graded 0.

Much of my grading philosophy has been informed by Joe Feldman’s Grading for Equity.
Grades are found on the school’s student information system. All grades fit within District

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