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Prayers of the Faithful

August 14, 2023

Priest: Let us pray fervently to our Father in heaven that He may pour abundantly the Spirit of His
Son upon all of us this school year, that we may be guided by His Spirit in all our endeavors. Let us
pray to Him and say:
Grant us Your Spirit, O Lord

1. For Pope Francis, all the bishops, priests, seminarians and all religious men and women, that the
Holy Spirit may give them the gift of COUNSEL so that they, may courageously follow and make
decisions according to God’s will. We pray…..

2. For our nation and the nations of the world, that the Holy Spirit may give the gift of the FEAR OF
THE LORD and infuse our government leaders profound respect for God, for the people and for the
environment. We pray…..

3. For all personnel, that the Holy Spirit may give them the gift of PIETY and enable them to see God
as a loving God so that we may love the poor, the sick, and the needy, as God would love them. We

4. For the sisters and the school administrators, that the Holy Spirit may give them the gift of
UNDERSTANDING that they may make decisions according to the enlightenment and inspiration of
the Lord. We pray…..

5. For our students, that the Holy Spirit may give them the gift of KNOWLEDGE so that they may
discover the meaning of their lives and their gifts may be developed to the full. We pray…..

6. For the school community, that we may be inspired by the Holy Spirit through the gift of WISDOM
to become more and more transformed into the likeness of our Lord Jesus, imitating His ways and
His life of love and faith for the building of the kingdom here in our midst. We pray…..

7. For all of us, that the spirit of FORTITUDE may strengthen us especially our brothers and sisters
who struggle for justice. May the same spirit help us to work tirelessly against the state-sanctioned
death and to renew society in truth, justice, love, and respect so that violence will cease and peace
may prevail. We pray…..

8. That our faithful departed through the mercy of God may be worthy of the crown of
righteousness. We pray…..

Priest: May this prayer, O glorious Father be acceptable to you. Consider it as a coming from the
heart of your children, born to you through water and Spirit. We ask this through Christ your Son.
Prayers of the Faithful
August 14, 2023

Priest: Let us pray fervently to our Father in heaven that He may pour abundantly the Spirit of His
Son upon all of us this school year, that we may be guided by His Spirit in all our endeavors. Let us
pray to Him and say:
Grant us Your Spirit, O Lord

1. For Pope Francis, all the bishops, priests, seminarians and all religious men and women, that the
Holy Spirit may give them the gift of COUNSEL so that they, may courageously follow and make
decisions according to God’s will. We pray…..

2. For our nation and the nations of the world, that the Holy Spirit may give the gift of the FEAR OF
THE LORD and infuse our government leaders profound respect for God, for the people and for the
environment. We pray…..

3. For all personnel, that the Holy Spirit may give them the gift of PIETY and enable them to see God
as a loving God so that we may love the poor, the sick, and the needy, as God would love them. We

4. For the sisters and the school administrators, that the Holy Spirit may give them the gift of
UNDERSTANDING that they may make decisions according to the enlightenment and inspiration of
the Lord. We pray…..

5. For our students, that the Holy Spirit may give them the gift of KNOWLEDGE so that they may
discover the meaning of their lives and their gifts may be developed to the full. We pray…..

6. For the school community, that we may be inspired by the Holy Spirit through the gift of WISDOM
to become more and more transformed into the likeness of our Lord Jesus, imitating His ways and
His life of love and faith for the building of the kingdom here in our midst. We pray…..

7. For all of us, that the spirit of FORTITUDE may strengthen us especially our brothers and sisters
who struggle for justice. May the same spirit help us to work tirelessly against the state-sanctioned
death and to renew society in truth, justice, love, and respect so that violence will cease and peace
may prevail. We pray…..

8. That our faithful departed through the mercy of God may be worthy of the crown of
righteousness. We pray…..

Priest: May this prayer, O glorious Father be acceptable to you. Consider it as a coming from the
heart of your children, born to you through water and Spirit. We ask this through Christ your Son.

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