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Athens Anthology Vocabulary List – Unit 5 Eat well at university

Words Definition

1. publication (introduction) (n.) the process of printing a book or

a magazine and offering it for sale

2. obesity (line 6) (n.) the fact of being extremely fat, in a way that
is dangerous for health

3. protein (line 13) (n.) one of the

many substances found in food such
as meat, cheese, fish, or eggs, that is necessary for
the body to grow and be strong

4. carbohydrates (line 13) (n.) one of several substances, such

as sugar or starch,
that provide the body with energy,
or foods containing these substances such
as bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice

5. nutrient (line 14) (n.) any substance that plants or animals need
in order to live and grow

6. fibre (line 26) (n.) a substance in certain foods, such

as fruit, vegetables, and brown bread,
that travels through
the body as waste and helps the contents of
the bowels to pass through the body easily

7. calcium (line 34) (n.) a chemical element that is present in teeth

and bones

8. stew (line 55) (v.) to cook meat, fish, vegetables,

or fruit slowly and gently in a little liquid

9. antioxidant (line 71) (n.) a substance in some foods that cleans the
body and protects it from cancer

10. season (line 103) (v.) to add salt and pepper to food you
are cooking
Athens Anthology Vocabulary List – Unit 23 Helen Keller

Words Definition

1. vivid (line 4) (adj.) very clear

2. seemingly (line 7) (adv.) appearing to be

something, especially when this is not true

3. untamed (line 7) (adj.) left in a natural or wild state

4. abundant (line 14) (adj.) more than enough

5. superstitious (line 15) (adj.) based on or believing in things that are

not real or possible

6. triumph (line 22) (v.) to have a very great success or victory

7. adversity (line 22) (n.) a difficult or unlucky situation or event

8. portrayal (line 32) (n.) the way that someone or something

is described or represented in
a painting, film, book, or other artistic work

9. timeless (line 38) (adj.) remaining attractive and not

becoming old-fashioned; continuing for ever

10. enthralling (line 43) (adj.) extremely interesting

11. nurture (line 65) (v.) to feed and take care of a child or
a plant while it is growing

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