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RC II Ch. 5 Serviceability Prof. Dr.

Bayan Salim 1

5 Serviceability
Although adequate strength is guaranteed, it is important that the following serviceability
concerns be taken into consideration:
- Service load deflections under full load may be excessively large.
- Long-term deflections due to sustained loads may cause damage.
- Tension cracks in beams may be wide enough to be visually disturbing, and in
some cases may reduce the durability of the structure.
- Other questions, such as vibration or fatigue, require consideration.

In this chapter, methods will be developed to ensure that:

- Cracks associated with flexure of RC beams are narrow and well distributed.
- Short and long-term deflections at loads up to the full service load are not
objectionably large.

Cracking in Flexural Members

All RC beams crack, generally starting at loads well below service loads, and even prior
to loading due to restrained shrinkage.
If loads further increased, crack widths increase further. For reasons of durability and
appearance, many fine cracks are preferable to a few wide cracks.
Based on test observations, it was confirmed that crack width at service loads is
proportional to reinforcement stress fs.

Variables Affecting Width of Cracks

- Beams with bars having proper surface deformation will show a larger number of
very fine cracks.
- Stress in the reinforcement.
- Concrete cover distance.
- Distribution of the reinforcement in the tension zone. It is better to use larger
number of smaller-diameter bars than two larger bars of equivalent area.

ACI Code Provisions for Crack Control, ACI 24.3.2

Crack width is controlled in the ACI Code by establishing a maximum center-to-center
spacing s for the reinforcement closest to the surface of a tension member:

s = 380 (280 / fs) – 2.5 cc ≤ 300 (280 / fs) … (1)

fs = bar stress under service load, MPa, calculated based on un-factored moment
fs = M /(As jd). (See ch.2, ex.2). It may be taken as (⅔ fy)
cc = clear cover from the nearest surface in tension, mm

Example 1: If fy = 420 MPa and clear cover = 50 mm, then

Max s = 380 (280 / fs) – 2.5 cc ≤ 300 (280 / fs); → s = 255 ≤ 300. Use s = 250 mm.
RC II Ch. 5 Serviceability Prof. Dr. Bayan Salim 2

Skin Reinforcement, ACI

For deep members with h > 900 mm, skin reinforcement shall be uniformly distributed
along both side faces of the member, at distance h/2 from tension face, at spacing ≤ s
found from equation (1), as shown in Fig. below:

(h > 900 mm)

Example 2:
Fig. below shows the reinforcement at mid span for a T beam (h = 900 mm) carrying a
service load M = 975 kNm. The clear cover on the side and bottom of the beam stem is
60 mm. Determine if the beam meets the ACI crack control criteria. Take fy = 420 MPa

Since h is not greater than 900 mm, no skin reinforcement is required.
Check bar spacing: estimate closely jd = d – hf /2
fs = M / [As (d – hf / 2)] = 975 (10)6 / (5100×725) = 263 MPa
(Alternatively, ACI Code permits fs = ⅔fy = 280 MPa)
s = 380 (280 / fs) – 2.5 cc ≤ 300 (280 / fs)
= 255 mm < 319 mm
Available s = (675 – 2×75)/4 = 131 mm < 255 mm OK, crack width is controlled.
(If the result had been unfavorable, redesign using smaller-diameter bars)

HW: Rectangular section with cover cc = 60 mm, h = 575 mm, d = 500 mm, b = 450
mm. Check crack control requirements for 2 No.36 tension reinforcement. If not satisfied,
specify alternative design. Take fy = 420 MPa.
RC II Ch. 5 Serviceability Prof. Dr. Bayan Salim 3

Control of Deflections
There are two approaches to control deflections:
- Setting suitable upper limits on the span-depth ratio.
- Otherwise, calculating deflections and comparing with specific limitations
imposed by codes.

Immediate Deflections: Deflections that occur upon application of load.

Time-dependent Deflections: Deflections that take place gradually over an extended
period of time (several years). These are chiefly due to concrete creep and shrinkage, and
may be two or more times the initial elastic deflections.

ACI Code Provisions for Control of Deflections

a. Minimum Beam Depth; ACI Code 9.3:

For beams not supporting or attached to partitions or other construction likely to be
damaged by large deflections, overall beam depth h shall satisfy the limits in Table, unless the calculated deflection limits of 9.3.2 are satisfied.

For fy other than 420 MPa, the expressions in Table shall be multiplied by
(0.4 + fy / 700).
For beams made of lightweight concrete having density wc in the range of 1450 – 1850
kg/m3 , the expressions in Table shall be multiplied by the greater of (a) and (b):
(a) 1.65 – 0.0003 wc
(b) 1.09

Example 3: A lightweight (1700 kg/m3) SS beam with span 4.8 m, what is the
minimum depth of this beam to control deflection. Take fy = 560 MPa. The beam is not
supporting susceptible partitions.
Using Table (The beam is not supporting susceptible partitions):
Min h = (l / 16)×(0.4 + 560/700)×(1.65 – 0.0003×1700)
= 300 (1.2)(1.14) = 411 mm, say 425 mm. [Check 1.14 > 1.09 OK]
RC II Ch. 5 Serviceability Prof. Dr. Bayan Salim 4

b. Calculation of Immediate Deflections

Where there is need to use member depths shallower than ACI table, or when
members support construction that is likely to be damaged by large deflections,
deflections must be calculated and compared with limiting values.

Elastic midspan deflection for UD loaded simple beam:

Elastic end deflection for UD loaded cantilever beam:

Elastic midspan deflection for UD loaded continuous beam:

δm = 5 l2 [Mm + 0.1(MA + MB)] / (48EI)

The moments Mm, MA, and MB, refer to midspan and ends respectively. Appropriate
signs must be included for the moments, usually (+) for Mm and (−) for MA and MB

Similar deflection equations can be used for many other loading and span

Effective moment of inertia Ie

The particular problem in RC structures is the determination of the appropriate
flexural rigidity EI for a member.
In the regions of flexural cracks, the position of NA varies; the corresponding
moment of inertia I will be:
- The I directly at each crack, I = Icr,
- The I midway between cracks, I = Ig
RC II Ch. 5 Serviceability Prof. Dr. Bayan Salim 5

It is seen from extensive studies that a deflection, occurring in a beam after the maximum
moment Ma has reached and exceeds ⅔ of the cracking moment (⅔Mcr), can be
calculated using an effective moment of inertia Ie;
Ie was developed to provide a transition between the upper and lower bounds Ig and Icr as
a function of the ratio Mcr / Ma.
That is:
The effective moment of inertia (≤ Ig) for the calculations of deflections shall be as
follows: (ACI

The modulus of rupture to be taken fr = 0.62 λ√fc′

λ = 1.0 (NW Concrete), λ = 0.85 (Sand LW Concrete), λ = 0.75 (All LW

Continuous Spans ACI

For continuous spans, Ie shall be taken as the average of values obtained from Table for the critical positive and negative moment sections.
For prismatic continuous spans, Ie shall be taken as the value obtained from Table at midspan for simple and continuous spans, and at support for cantilevers.

c. Calculation of Time-Dependent Deflections

Long-term Multipliers
Additional long-term deflection ∆t shall be determined by multiplying the immediate
deflection ∆i caused by sustained load considered, by the factor λ∆:
∆ t = λ∆ ∆ i
λ∆ = ξ / (1 + 50 ρ')
ρ' = ratio of compression reinforcement at midspan for simple and continuous spans
and at support of cantilevers.
ξ = time-dependent factor for sustained loads, (Fig. R24.2.4.1):
RC II Ch. 5 Serviceability Prof. Dr. Bayan Salim 6

d. Permissible Deflections
Deflection computed shall not exceed limits stipulated in Table 24.2.2:
RC II Ch. 5 Serviceability Prof. Dr. Bayan Salim 7

Example 4:
The beam shown below is designed to carry calculated dead load of 24 kN/m and a
service live load of 48 kN/m. Of the total live load, 20% is sustained. The moment
diagram due to full dead and live load is shown in Fig. (c). The beam will support
nonstructural partitions that would be damaged if large deflection were to occur.
f'c = 28 MPa and fy = 420 MPa
Calculate that part of the 5-year total deflection that would adversely affect the partitions.
c.c. span = 7.9 m, and clear span = 7.6 m.

Ec = 4700√28 = 24,870 MPa, Es = 200,000 MPa, n = Es / Ec = 8
fr = 0.62√28 = 3.28 MPa.
From Fig.(b), ‾y = 193 mm, and Ig = 1.347×1010 mm4 (check this!)
From Fig.(d), find the neutral axis location kd below the top of slab, and Icr.
Icr = b(kd)3/3 + nAs(d – kd)2 (Ans.: kd = 95 mm and Icr = 4.539×109 mm4) (Check them!)
RC II Ch. 5 Serviceability Prof. Dr. Bayan Salim 8

In the midspan region,

Mcr = fr Ig / yt = 3.28×1.347×1010 / 427] ×10–6 = 104 kNm
Ma = 218 kNm > ⅔ Mcr = ⅔ (104) = 69.33 kNm
From Table, Ie =

= 4.539×109 / [1 – (69.33 / 218)2 (1 – 4.539/13.47)] = 4.865×109 mm4

(This Ie = 4.865×109 mm4 -midspan value- is permitted by ACI Code)

λ∆ = ξ / (1 + 50 ρ') = 2.00 (5 years with ρ' = 0)

Full load = D + L = 24 + 48 = 72 kN/m

∆D+L = 5 l2 [Mm + 0.1(MA + MB)]/ (48EI)

= 5(7600)2 [218 – 0.1(302 + 302)] 106 / (48×24870×4.865×109) = 7.8 mm

This ∆D+L = 7.8 mm will be considered the reference value; using it as a basis:
Time-dependent portion of D deflection:
∆D = 7.8 (24/72) ×2.00 = 5.2 mm
Sum of immediate and time-dependent portion (sustained) of L deflection:
∆0.2L = 7.8 (48/72)×0.2×(1 + 2.00) = 3.1 mm (0.2 means 20% of L is sustained)
Immediate deflection due to short-term L:
∆0.8L = 7.8 (48/72) ×0.80 = 4.2 mm (0.8 means 80% of L is not-sustained)

Total deflection that would adverse the partitions:

∆total = 5.2 + 3.1 + 4.2 = 12.5 mm

For comparison with Table 24.2.2, the limitation imposed by ACI Code is
l / 480 = 7900 / 480 = 16.5 mm > 12.5 mm OK.

HW: For Example 4, if 2 No.25 is provided in the compression zone, what would be the
3-year and 5-year deflections? Ans. 10.4 mm, 11.7 mm.
RC II Ch. 5 Serviceability Prof. Dr. Bayan Salim 9

Problems in Serviceability
1. A rectangular beam of width b = 375 mm effective depth d = 515 mm, and total depth
h = 575 mm spans 5.6 m between simple supports. It will carry a computed dead load of
16 kN/m including self-weight, plus a service live load of 33 kN/m. Reinforcement
consists of four evenly spaced (No. 22) bars in one row. The clear cover on the sides is 50
mm. Material strengths are fy = 420 MPa and fc’ = 28 MPa.
(a) Compute the stress in the steel at full service load.
(b) Confirm the suitability of the proposed design based on ACI Eq. for crack control.

2. An alternative design is proposed for the beam in Problem 1, using two (No. 29) Grade
520 bars to provide approximately the same steel strength as the originally proposed four
(No. 22) Grade 420 bars. Check to determine if the redesigned beam is satisfactory with
respect to cracking according to the ACI Code. What modification could you suggest that
would minimize the no. of bars to reduce cost, yet satisfy crack control requirements?

3. For the beam in Problem 1:

(a) Calculate the total deflection affecting partitions.
(b) Compare your results with the limitations imposed by the ACI Code, Table 24.2.2.
Assume that the beam supports partitions susceptible to cracking if deflections are large.

4. A beam having b = 300 mm, d = 540 mm, and h = 600 mm is reinforced with 3 (No.
36) bars. Material strengths are fy = 420 MPa and f’c = 28 MPa. It is used on an 8.5 m
simple span to carry a total service load of 35 kN/m. For this member, the sustained loads
include self-weight of the beam plus additional superimposed dead load of 7.5 kN/m,
plus 6 kN/m representing that part of the live load that acts more or less continuously.
The remaining 18 kN/m live load consists of short-duration loads,
(a) Find the increment of deflection under sustained loads due to creep.
(b) Find the additional deflection increment due to the intermittent part of the live load.
Compare with ACI Code limits from Table 24.2.2. Assume that construction details are
provided that will avoid damage to supported elements due to deflections. If ACI Code
limitations are not met, what changes would you recommend to improve the design?

5. A reinforced concrete beam is continuous over two equal 6.7 m spans, simply
supported at the two exterior supports, and fully continuous at the interior support.
Concrete dimensions are b = 250 mm, h = 550 mm and d = 490 m for both positive and
negative bending regions. Positive reinforcement in each span consists of two (No. 29)
bars, and negative reinforcement at the interior support is made up of three (No. 32) bars.
No compression steel is used. fy = 420 MPa and f’c = 28 MPa. The beam will carry a
service live load of 26 kN/m; 20 percent of this load will be sustained permanently, while
the rest is intermittent. The total service dead load is 15 kN/m including self-weight.
(a) Find the immediate deflection when the full dead load is applied.
(b) Find the long-term deflection under sustained load.
(c) Find the increment of deflection when the short-term part of the live load is applied.
Compare with ACI Code deflection limits; nonstructural elements are carried that would
be damaged by large deflections. Note that midspan deflection may be used as a close
approximation of maximum deflection.

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