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Digital Tool

Jordan Tress
Pear Deck!
Pear Deck is an educational tool
that can make any presentation
Have you ever used
Pear Deck before?
What is
Pear Deck is a add-on to Google Slides or Powerpoint that
can make any presentation interactive! Teachers can ask
questions in the presentation and Pear Deck allows students
to respond to the questions directly in the presentation.
There are multiple choice questions, written responses,
drawing, and drag and drop questions for the teacher to
choose from!
Highlights of using Pear Deck

● Interactive!
○ Everyone gets to participate and teacher can see who is
● Students are engaged in the lesson!
● Everyone gets to respond to questions and show what they
○ Answers can even be displayed anonymously for students
who get anxious sharing answers
● Pre-designed templates, or you can design your own
● Tools like Flashcard Factory
○ Great for learning vocabulary terms and more!
Sample Question!
Do you have any pets? If
so, how many do you
have, what kind are they,
and what are their
Challenges of using Pear Deck
● Free version has limited tools for teachers to use
○ Must have premium version for drawing questions,
individual feedback to students, and adding audio to slides
● Difficulty to answer drawing questions without a touch screen
● Not sharable with other teachers who may be teaching similar

★ Fun Fact! Everything in this presentation was made with the

free features of Pear Deck
Educational Uses of Pear Deck

● Flashcard Factory is a great way to learn vocab terms!

● Everyone gets to try every single question, not just a few volunteers
● Students can reflect on a a reading article, or a video linked on the
google slide or powerpoint then come back and reflect on it
● Teachers can check learning progress with multiple choice or short
answer questions throughout the slides
● Multiple choice questions can be repurposed into polls and students
can give feedback (as well as short answer questions)
● Easy to share a Pear Deck through screen share on a Google Hangout
or Zoom call for easy transition to interactive virtual learning
How the use of Pear
Deck reflects my
professional identity
A large part of my professional identity is to give students as many
opportunities to learn as I can get them, so by using Pear Deck, everyone
gets the chance to participate and, therefore, learn more while in my future
class. It also allows me to differentiate learning based on student’s needs. I
can give them a question that everyone answers through Pear Deck, but
give the students who enjoy participating the chance to share while not
singling out someone who doesn’t want to share with the rest of the class.
Both of these awesome features will allow me to follow my identity and
fulfill my obligation to give students the best possible education while
understanding their different needs and desires for learning
Would you ever use
Pear Deck in your
classroom after
learning about it?
What questions do you
have for me?
That’s it! Have a
great day!

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