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Video and questions

1. How did he get to the place where he wanted to be?

He flied on a plane, drove a car, rode a horse and finally he hiked to get
up there

2. When does butterflies journey begins?

It starts in spring

3. How long does a typical adult monarch live?

An adult monarch lives for two to six weeks

4. What is the super generation?

The super generation are eggs of a female monarch, that when they
hatch the caterpillars that emerge are different from their parents

5. Based on the video, what are hormones?

Hormones are chemicals in their bodies that signal different activities

6. What is the first clock they mention? What does it do?

The first clock is called the circannual clock, it keeps track of annual
cycles that tells them when it´s time to pack their bags and head south for
the winter.

7. What does the solar compass do?

It tells them the time

8. What is the main function of the antenna?

It tells them what time of the day it is

9. What is the name of the plant where butterflies lay their eggs?

10. Write a brief summary about the video

The monarch butterfly is the most beautiful type of butterflies, they start
their journey In spring and the adult monarch lives for two to six weeks,
the females lay their eggs in a plant called milkweed, we the caterpillars
are different from their parents they are called the super generation, the
super generation they are bigger and they live 8 times longer than the
normal monarch butterflies, their antennas help them to know what time
of the day it is.

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