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est] 4th Sem ent 407/10) JULY 2023 OPERATING SYSTEMS Time Allowed: 2.5 Hours Full Marks: 60 Answer Question No. 1 of Group A is compulsory. ‘Answer any Five (05) Questions from Group B. Group A 1. Answer any five: 3x5=15 i, Discuss Time sharing operating system, i. What is the difference between logical address and physical address? Write a short note on Thrashing, ‘What is external fragmentation? Explain with diagram. Discuss on different system threat. Write different functions of operating system. Explain First Fit with suitable example. Group B What do you mean by Batch operating system? How many page faults occur for the following reference string with four-page frames (4 PF) using — (i) FIFO and (ii) LRU Page Replacement algorithm: 1,2, 3,4, 5,3,4,1, 6, 7,8, 7, 8,9, 7,8, 9,5,4,5,4,2 34343 State bounded buffer problem. Write critical section solution of Reader-writer problem. 3+6 Answer the following questions using the Banker’s algorithm: 5 ‘Allocation Max [Available rocess TAT BI CTDIA[B|C|DIA|BI[CID PO [o}fo{1{/2}olo{i{2}i}s}2jo [pif i fo fofolit7}stol— pr [1[3/sf4l2{3]s5\6 px [olel3s{[2lols|s|2 i) Whatis the content of the Need Matrix? ii) Is the system in a safe state? If ‘yes’ write down the safe sequence iii) If a request from process PI arrives for (0, 4, 2, 0) can the request be granted immediately? Explain. Teed What is deadlock? What are necessary conditions to hold it? Explain Belady’s anomaly with an example. 2H 28S Read the following table and calculate Average waiting time in i) preemptive SJF scheduling and i) FCFS scheduling hed Process ‘Arrival time Burst time PI O & P2 1 6 PS. 2 4 Pa 3 2 2907 7. Suppose that a disk drive has 5000 cylinders, numbered from 0 to 4999. The drive is currently serving a request at cylinder 143, & previous request was at cylinder 125. The queue of pending request, in FIFO is 86, 1470, 913, 1774, 948, 1509, 1022, 1750, 130. Starting from the current head position, what is the total distance covered by the following disk scheduling algorithms? — (@ SSTF, (ii) SCAN. Briefly explain Internal Fragmentation. 34343 8. Write shortnoteon i) Access Matrix ii) Cryptography ii) RAID 34343 JULY 2023 407/20N) INTRODUCTIONTO DBMS Time Allowed: 2.5 Hours Full Marks: 60 Answer any Five (05) Questions from Group A and any Five (05) Questions from Group B. Group A Answer any Five (05) Questions 3X5=15 List the roles of a DBA. What are the advantages of DBMS over file processing systems? Explain update anomalies, What is the utility of Triggers? What is Multivalued dependency? What is Integrity Constraint? List some Aggregate functions in SQL. Group B 2. a)What is Data Abstraction and Data Independence? b) Explain different levels of Data Abstraction, a) 33 a) What isa Weak Entity? 'b) Explain the process of Generalization and Specialization with the help of examples. 247 4, a) Explain Derived Attribute and Composite Attribute. 445 b) Explain the division operation of relation algebra with a suitable example. 5. Consider the relations: PROJECT (ProjectNo, ProjectName, ProjectLocation) EMPLOYEE (EmpID, EmpName, SupervisoriD) ASSIGNED (EmpID. Projecto) primary key of that relation, EmplD in the Assigned relation is ‘The underlined attribute/attributes form the a foreign key that refers to EMPLOYEE. ProjectNo i the foreign key that refers to PROJECT. SupervisorID is a foreign key that refers to EmpID of EMPLOYEE, Jational algebra to solve the following queries: (a Find the name loyees who work on project no “P112". (a) Find the names of the emp! . ® Ting the names of the employees Who are working onthe projects located in Kolkata oyees who work on all the projects located in Delhi. (c) Find the ID of the empl (d) Find the names of the supervisors: 2424342 6. a) What do mean by the degree of relationship? straint? b) What is dom poy, candidate Key, Primary Key, and Altemate Key. 24085 ) Explain the Super 7.) Compute the candidate keys of the relation R(A,B, & D, E) with the following set F of functional 7 wetencies F={A BC, CDE, B= DE A}. i 0 FA ae Gora eationship 0 bein 2NF and 3NF, and explinith examples, 44243) sa functional dependency?Explain full functional dependency and transitive functional & a) What is dependency. ir functional dependencies for a relati sJoser of the following set of fin ial dependencies for a relation scheme a RaBed, tS SGalD), Fa{ ABC, BDEF, ADAG, AH) (243)44 1 2905 JULY 2023 407/3(N) ComPuter Networks Time Allowed: 2.5 Hours Full Marks: 60 Answer to Question No, 1 of Group A ts compulsory and Answer any Five (08) Questons fram Group Bi. Group A Answer Any Five (5) 3X5=15 a) Explain Client and Server, b) What is PAN and WAN? ©) What is point ~to-point Connection and Multipoint-Connection? 4) Write the Advantages and Disadvantages of TDM. ) What is Sliding Window Protocol? £) What is the function of SMTP? 8) Explain STP with Advantages and Disadvantages. Group B 9X5=45 a) Explain Mesh network topology. ») State three factors on which network performance depends. ©) How does connection-oriented communication differ from connectionless communication? d) What is half duplex? (243+3+1 a) Briefly discuss about the different unguided media and compare among them. b) Differentiate between TCP and UDP. ©) What is Eneryption? 44342 a) Function of Transport Layer. b) How does satellite communication work? ©) Difference between Flow Control and Error Control, 34343 ) Distinguish between: i) Switch and Hub ii) Gateway and Bridge 'b) What are Wireless Access Points used for? ©) State two main functions of routers. ) What is Gateways? 242424241 a) Explain Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM). b) Define Fiber optic communication principle and light propagation through fiber optic cable, ¢) What is crosstalk? How to reduce it? 34343 a) Compare the OSI and TCP/IP models b) What is an internet and intranet? c) Identify the five components of a data communications system, 4) Full Form CDMA, 4e2e241 8) What is the difference between a port address, a logical address, and a physical address? b) How are OSI and ISO related to each other? e ‘c) What is MAC and SUBNET? 44283 2897 ne lowe: 2.5 Hours JULY 2023 407/4(N) SSAD/ SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Full Marks: 60 wer to Question No. 1 is Compulsory and Answer a ny five questions from naswer to Question No, 1 is Compulsory and Answer an five questions from th Ai irom the rest. 1, answer the following questions (any five): j, What are the Umbrella activities? cam ij, What are the limitations of Waterfall Modet? ii, What are the drawbacks of RAD model? iv. Differentiate bet i : i. Differentiate between White Box testing and Black Box testing iv, Distinguish between DED and Flowchart, y, Define Process, Project and Product. vi What are the factors to measure the Quality of Software? vii, Write down the difference between Risk and Uncertainty. 2, a) What is Software Engineering? +) Define Framework. ¢) Define Software Crisis. d) How Software Crisis can be avoided? 2424243 4, a) Define Iterative Process Model. b) Explain Spiral Model. ¢) Explain Software Prototyping. 2443 4.) Describe the Layered Technology approach of Software Engineering. b) Write down the different phases used to develop a Software, 5M 5. 2) What is SRS? b) What i the difference between Structured Analysis and Object-Oriented Analysis? 24+3+4 ) Write the difference between Verification and Validation. 6. a) What is Regression Testing? ) Define Smoke Testing. 6) Discuss different types of Maintenance of software. ting and debugging of software. 7. 4) Explain the relationship between the process of tes b) Why Software Maintenance is required? ©) Explain Six Sigma related to the Software Quality Assurance? sm for proper scheduling of a Project? 3H Quality. 8) What is the objective of Software ©) What activities are required to perfor ©) What is SCM? 2434242 © Define COCOMO. 407/50) JULY 2023 ONJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING JAVA Time Allowed: 2.5 Hours Full Marks: 60 ’ Group A - (Answer any Five (05) Questions from Group A.) 1, Answer any Five (05) Questions; 3x5=15 Jain the advantage: i a 3 ee ete a $1 of Object Oriented programming over Procedure Oriented Programming, V platform independent? ¢) What is difference between this and super Keyword in Java? 4) Write the difference between a class and an interface. ¢) Explain Access Protection in Java Packages : Discuss the usability of final keyword in different context. g) What are the advantages of StringBuffer class over String class? im Group B (Answer any Five (05) Questions from Group B.) 9x5=45, 2, a) public static void main( String args{) ) Werte oa the meaning of each of the words mentioned in the above line. b) What will happen if static modifier is removed from the signature of the main method? ¢) Explain different forms of inheritance with suitable diagrams. Grits) 3. a) What is constructor? What are its special properties? ) Discuss different type of constructor with examples. (2+3)+4 4, a) What is polymorphism? b) Explain dynamic method dispatch in method overriding with proper example. o) Explain with example how does method-overloading differ from method-overriding, (2+4+3) 5, a) Explain how Exception Handling is achieved in JAVA. b) What are Checked and UnChecked Exception? ) What are the advantages of using exception handling in Java? G+3+3) 6, a) What is File Handling in Java? b) With a suitable code explain how we can achieve multiple inheritance in Java, ©) Describe the use of the throw keyword. @+4+2) 7. 4) Explain the life cycle of a Thread. b) Describe synchronization in respect to multithreading. ©) Which of these method of Thread class is used to find out the priority given to a thread? (4+ 4~ v 8. a) What do you mean by package? b) Explain Types of Packages in Java. Beara) 4) Write a code to create a package and then use it in a program. e Gn ‘November 2022 407/1QN) OPERATING SYSTEM Time Allowed: 2.5 Hours Full Marks: 60 Answer to Question No. 1 & 2 are compulsory and to be answered first. This answer is to be made in separate loose script(s) provided for the purpose. Maximum time allowed is 30 minutes, after which the loose answer scripts will be collected and fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the question will be provided. On early submission of answer scripts of Question No 1 & 2, a student will get the remaining script earlier. Answer any Eight (08) Questions from the rest. 1. Choose the correct alternative (any ten): [1x10 = 10) i) In LINUX, which system call creates the new process? a) Fork b) Create ©) New ~ 4) None of the above i) What is the ready state of a process? a) when process is scheduled to run after some execution b) when process is unable to run until some task has been completed ) when process is using the CPU 4) none of the mentioned iii) Full form of NTFS is - a) New Technology File System. b) Network technology File System. ¢) Network File System. 4) Network Technology based File System. iv) Which scheduling algorithm is inherently pre-emptive? a) FOFS b) SIF RR 4) Priority scheduling. -v) Mutual exclusion implies that 4) ifa process is executing in its cri their critical sections. a ») ifa process is executing in its critical section, then other processes must be executing in their critical sections. opifi oe is executing in its critical section, then all the resources of the system must be blocked until it finishes execution: ; 4) none of the mentioned. ‘ tical section, then no other process must be exeeuting in 817 vi) Banker's algorithm solves the problem of — 8) Deadlock avoidance b) Deadlock recovery ¢) Context switching 4d) Mutual exclusion ; vii) The time spent by a process in the ready queue is - a) Waiting time b) Tum Around time c) Response time 4) Throughput Virtual memory concept is supported by — a) demand paging b) simple segmentation ©) simple page allocation 4) Both (a) and (c) ix) IPC stands for — (a) Internal Program Controller b) Internal Process Control ¢) Inter Process Communication d) None of these x) Page fault occurs when — a) the page is corrupted by application software ) the page is not in main memory ¢) the page is in main memory d) none of these. xi) RAID configuration disk are used to provide ~ a) Fault tolerance b) Nearest cylinder next ©) High data density 4d) None of this xii) Critical section problem can be solved using ~ a) Semaphore ) Buffering ©) Threads 4) None of these. xiii) In contiguous memory allocation 4) all processes are contained in a single contiguous section of memory ) each process is contained in a single contiguous section of memory ©) the memory space is contiguous 4) none of the mentioned xiv) The first fit, best fit and worst fit are strategies to select a 4) process from a queue to put in memory b) processor to run the next process ©) free hole from a sct of available holes 4) all of the mentioned xv) UNIX is ~ a) Multiuser OS b) Multi-tasking OS. ©) Multiuser and multi-tasking OS 4) Multi mode system software. 2. Fill in the blanks. (any ten) [1x10 = 10] i, An is a program that controls the execution of application programs and acts as an interface between applications and the computer hardware. ii, _____is a technique in which a process, executing an application, is divided into threads that can run concurrently, iit. is the concept in which a process is copied into the main memory from the secondary memory according to the requirement. iv. Full form of LRU is v algorithm is used for deadlock prevention. vi. is a preemptive scheduling method. vii, Ina time-sharing operating system, when the time slot given to a process is completed, the process goes from the running state to the Suppose that a process is in “Blocked” state waiting for some /O service, when the serviceis completed, it goes to the ix, Round robin scheduling falls under the category of__ scheduling, x. PCB stands for xi. A typical computer uses hardware to reduce this overhead, xii time is the time taken to locate the disk arm to a specified track. Every Deadlock is always a : xiv, Internal and external fragmentation oceurs In scheduling, the CPU is allocated to the processes for a limited time, 3 Xv. In 10. uM. 12. 13, m with examples. ji ste! .s of operating SY’ i ion: he different generat 1 transitions among them with iscuss th es and = couse about different process stat . Define Process Discuss pot ao suitable state-transition ¢ st preamptve CPU seedling ive a } es ea 2) Differentiate between Now green am ea PT sve, Theirs et . Priorities, b) There are 7 progesss PP given in the able below. Cale rage “Arrival Times and Burs ; Be tae, Waiting Time. amy Aad Tie rst Time Process Id : > 7 T 2 ; 7 2 s : ai 3 3 6 4 ; i 3 : 10 5 15 7 9 15 8 Differentiate between Deadlock and Starvation. 5 Consider the following snapshot of a system and answer the following — [l+4=5 1a) What is the content of the need matrix? _ b) Apply Banker's algorithm to find whether the system is in safe state or not. Allocation Max Available Process [7 Tp ]ci|AlBfci|AT]sB IC PO ofito;7{[s][3]/3]3 | 2 PI 2,0f}/o|2/2]2 P2 3 0 2 9 0 2 P3 2 1 L 2 2 2 Pa ofo}f2{/4f/31|3 Name the different Scheduling Algorithms? Calculate the exponential averaging with t [243 =5] (1) = 10, @= 0.5 and the algorithm is SJF with previous runs as 8, 7, 4, 16. How many page faults would occur for the following page replacement algorithms?- a) LRU b) FIFO Reference String: 0, 2, 1, 6, 4,0, 1, 0, 3, 1, 2,1 [2.5+2.5=5] Consider a disk with 200 tracks and the queue has random requests from different processes in the order: 55, 58, 39, 18, 90, 160, 150, 38, 184. Initially arm is at 100. Find the Average Seck length using FIFO, SSTF, SCAN and C-SCAN algorithm. [5] How can Security be enforced in an Operating System? Discuss some program threats in OS. BH a) What are the features of Cryptography? b) Differentiate between Polling /O and Interrupts VO, Write short notes on — (any two) a) IPC b) DMA ©) SPOOLing d) Kernel 4 407/20N) November 2022 INTRODUCTION TO DBMS Time Allowed: 2.5 Hours Full Marks: 60 Answer to Question No. 1 & 2 are compulsory and to be answered first. This answer is to be made in separate loose seript(s) provided for the purpose. Maximum time allowed is 30 minutes, after which the loose answer scripts will be collected and fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the question will be provided. On carly submission of answer scripts of Question No. 1 & 2, a student will get the remaining script earlier. Answer any Eight (08) Questions from the rest. 1. Answer any fen questions [Choose the correct option from the given alternatives} 1x10 i) Which database level in three level architecture is closest to the users? (@) Physical Level (b) View Level (©) Logical Level (@) Internal Level ii) Which of the following relational algebra operation is not binary operation? (@) Union (b) Project (©) Set Difference (@) Cartesian Product iii) Which of the following in not a function of DBA? (a) Network Maintenance (b) Routine Maintenance (©) Schema Definition (@) Authorization for data access iv) Which of the following shape represents an entity set in an E-R diagram? (a) Circle (b) Rectangle (©) Ellipse (@) Diamond Box v) _ Arelation is in INF if ll of its attributes are attributes. (a) Atomic © Malii-valued (©) Composite (@ Null valued vi) The overall structure of a database is called (a) Schema ©) Instance (©) Data Dictionary (@ Data Abstraction if it utes to form a primary key is a vii) An entity set that does not have sufficient attributes to form a primary » (a) Strong entity set (b) Primary entity set (©) Simple entity set (@) Weak entity set viii) Storing multiple copies of the same data in a database is called (a) Data Consistency (b) Data Integrity (c) Data Dictionary (d) Data redundancy ix) Arelation can have only one_- ; _ (a) Candidate key ce on Key (c) Unique key (d) Foreign key x) ‘The number of entities to which another entity can be related through a relationship set is called? fea iene (a) Cay as xi) What type of join is needed when you wish 0 include rows that do not have matching at type of joi ‘aving matching values? Values a well as rows having matching AIuese {9 ouer) mt (d) All of the above (c) Outer j Ft 816 xii) To add a new field(column) in an existing table, the SQL command used is ALTER (a) UPDATE ) (©) MODIFY (@ DROP xiii) Relationship among relationships can be represented in E-R diagram using (a) Specialization (b) Associ (© Generalization @ Aggregation xiv) The functional dependencies A>B and DB— C implies__. (a) DBA (bl) AMC (©) DASC : (d)BoA xv) _ Inwhich of the following case ,a functional dependency A—> B is said to be trivial? (a) ACB (b) BSA (©) ANB=G [Empty set] (a) All of the above 2. Answer any fen questions [Fill in the blanks] Marks: 1x The content of a database at a particular instant of time is called database Minimal super key is called key. The level of data abstraction that describes how the data is actually stored is called In order to undo the changes made in a TABLE by an SQL command, ‘command is used. The candidate key which is not a primary key is called key. The set of values from which an attribute of a relation takes its values is called its ‘The key which is used to represents the relationship between the tables is called. stores metadata, The ofa relation is the number of attributes in it. To delete a TABLE including its structure, the SQL command used is To remove duplicate rows from the results of a SELECT statement in SQL, the qualifier must be included. xii) ‘The DML that requires a user to specify the data to be retrieved without specifying exactly how to get it, is called DML. xiii) The cardinality of a table wi 50 rows and 5 columns is. xiv) The part of DML that involves data retrieval is known as Tanguage, xv) ‘Normal Form is based on full functional dependenc} 3. Explain the three-level architecture of DBMS with diagram, What is data model? 441 Write the difference between schema and instance of a database. Discuss the advantages of using database management system, 28 Explain generalization and specialization with the help of an example. What are the roles performed by DBA? 342 6. Consider the following database schema and answe it i ja answer the following query in SQL. EMPLOYEE(eno, name, salary, deptno) qf ca DEPARTMENT(deptno, diame) SALARY GRADE (gno, min_salary, max_salary) Gi) Foren of the employees whose salaries are more than 20,000 and less than 40,000. Gi) Find the aanartment find dname, number of employee working, and their average salary, ind the name , salary and gno for all employee. wee 2 Ss is] | What is the use of normalization? Explain 3NF with suitable example. Define Primary Key. Explain referential integrity constraint with example. 243 What do you mean by Natural Join? Explain ‘Select’ and ‘Project’ operation in relational algebra with suitable example, What is the use of NOT NULL constraint? 22H What is Data Dictionary? Write a PL/SQL code to retrieve and display the employee name , address and salary of an employee from EMPLOYEE(eno,name,address, salary) table whose employee number (eno) is input by the user. 144 What do you mean by functional dependency? Explain full functional dependency and transitive functional dependency with suitable example. 243 243 . Consider a relation R(A, B, C, D, E) with FD’s { A+ BC, CD-> E, BD, EA}. Find the candidate keys of R. If R is decomposed into R,(A, B, C) and R,(A, D, E) then show that it is a lossless-join decomposition. 342 Time Allowed: 2.5 Hours Full Marks: 60 stion No. 1 & 2 are compulsory and to be answered first. This answer is to be made in separate loose script(s) provided for the purpose. Maximum time allowed is 30 minutes, after which the loose answer scripts will be collected and fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the question will be provided. On early submission of answer scripts of Question No 1 & 2, a student will get the remaining script earlier. ‘Answer any Eight (08) Questions from the rest. ‘Answer to Que 4. Choose the correct alternatives from the given options [any tent] 1x10 (a) The transmission data rate is decided by (i) _ transport layer (ii) network layer (iii) data link layer (iv) physical layer (b) Data communication system within a building or campus is MAN LAN WAN iv) None of the above (©) Transport layer involves (i) Hop to hop delivery (ii) source to destination delivery (iii) process to process delivery (iv) None of the above (@ The network layer protocol of the internet is (i) _ hypertext transfer protocol (i internet protocol (iii) Ethernet (iv) none of the above (©) CRC stands for () cyclic redundancy check (ii) code redundancy check (iii) code repeat check (iv) cyclic repeat check (0) Node to node delivery is done by (i) application layer (ii) network layer Git) transport layer (iv) all of the above 819 is principle 1 switches use this prinetP! yacket i ‘o “sor ant eee & Store and forward d wait Both Stop and Gi) F id wait Gi) Stopand wal iv) None of the above - ) et of these is not a guided me: a fiber optical cable @ (ii) _ wireless LAN (iii) copper wire i xial cable wy h eet e following tasks is not done by the data link layer) (@ Whid (i) Framing (ii) channel coding (ii) flow control (iv) error control Beet as . | 6) A distributed network configuration in which all data/information pasg oe central computer is, (‘star network (i) bus network (iii) ring network (iv) All of the above (&) OSI stands for () Operating System Interface Gi) Open System Interconnection (ii) Optical Service Implementation (iv) None of the above (© Which transmission media has the highest transmission speed in a network? (@ — Electtical cable (i) Optical fiber (ili) Coaxial cable (iv) Twisted pair cable (2)HTTP refers to: () "Hyper Text Transmission Protocol a ee Fat ‘anspotion Protocol (iy) ie aa Hed Protocol (%) HTTP is g oe ( state-orienteg Protocol (i) stateless iy Protocol] GY) hone of ; the al (©) IPveis of length is = it ae bits, i) 32 (iii) G4 (ivy | 28 2, Fill-in-the blanks [any ten] ito {) Full form of SMTP is ii) MAC stands for iii) Data Link Control Protocol (HDLC) is implemented at the layer. iv) Router is a layer device. v) UDP stands for vi) The network that interconnects multiple station over a very small area is called vii) The light signals are transmitted by cable. viii)Encryption / Decryption occur in layer of OSI model. ix) layer is concemed with transmitting raw bits over a communication channel. x)___ is the protocol used by intemet protocol to map IP network addresses to hardware addresses, xi) RARP stands for xii)CIDR stands for xii) layer of OSI model adds a header as well as a trailer. xiv) OSI reference model has number of layers. xv) The layer is to manage dialogue control. 3. (a) Write about the different types of Transmission Media. (b) What is the function of repeater? (441) 4. (a)Sequentially write the different layers of the OSI model. (b)Write the difference between Connection-oriented and Connectionless protocol. [2+ 3] 3 is back address ? ® 121 ee loe is an IP address of a node in a network system then find (@ the netid and hostid (i) which clas it belongs to (ii) subnet mask (+4) ls. 6.(a) Comparison the OSI and TCP/IP model (b) How Gateway is different from Routers? (+2) 7. Write about different topologies used in computer network with diagram. [5] ism ? 8 ® Whats low ea meet ichanism of Stop And Wait and Protocol (2+3] rite al 9. Write about the types of Multiplexing techniaues used in Data Communications. [5] » Write about the typ: 3 10. (a) What is browser ? (b) Compare Peer-to-Peer and Client-Server network, pts 11. (a) What is meant by piggybacking? (b) Write the different modes of data transmission with example. [243 12. Write a short note on ( any one): [5 (a) Sliding window protocol (b) CRC 13. (a) What do you mean by access point (AP) in a network system ? (b) Write the difference between Layer-2 and Layer-3 switchs. (243 14. Write short notes on (any Avo): [25% 2-5] (a)FTP —(b) Router (c) HTTP_—(d) DNS SSAD/SOFTWaARE ENGINEERING rime Allowed: 2.5 Hours Full Marks: 60 Leo eubulsory and to he answered first. This answer is to be jade in separate mi ‘Parate loose script(s) provided for the Purpose. Maximum time allowed Is 30 minutes, after which the loos iswering th oe a eee Part of the question will be provided. On early submission of Aner on No. 1 & 2, student will gt the remaining script earlier, Swer any Eight (08) Questions from the rest. 1. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives (any ten): 1X10 i) Functionality of a software is a) White box testing ©) Black box testing tested by which type of testing? b) Glass box testing 4) Big bang testing it) Which of the following life eyele models deals with risks associated with software products? a) Prototyping model b) Waterfall model ©) Spiral model 4) Incremental model iii) Which of the following is a desirable property of a module? a) In-dependency b) Low cohesiveness c) High coupling 4) Multifunctional iv) Cyclomatic complexity is equal to a) Number of paths b) Number of edges ©) Number of independent paths d) Number of vertical v) Btesting is done by a) Developers b) Select group of customers ©) Testing team 4d) The analyst vi) Software failure rate is highest during phase a) Design phase b) Testing phase c) Implementation phase 4d) Installation phase vii) Project planning does not include a) Risk identification ©) Design a . jtable for viii) Classical Waterfall model is suit eee i se oe ae dMsnenance pj &) Complex p ) Cost estimation d) Configuration : ‘ ~_ix) Which is not a size measure for one . . 3 ot if il d) Halsted’s program length :) Political feasi ich is ibility analysis? 4 X) Which is not the part of feasibili an: eee is 3 Pe Se tensity }) Economic feasibility olit @ lity iE xi) To good design moduies should have , eee b) Weak cohesion and pj a) Weak cohesion and low coupling ith cou ¢) Strong cohesion and low coupling 4) Strong cohesion and high coun xi) Ifthe project size is same then development time is maximum in case of "e a) Embedded ) Organic ©) Semi-detached 4) Impossible to determine xiii) The best type of coupling is a) Control b) Content c) Stamp d) Data xiv) The relationship between a derived clas (or subclass) and base clas is referred toy a) Association b) Inheritance ©) Polymorphism 4) Instantiation xv) Which is not a non-functional requirement? a) Efficiency b) Reliability ©) Stability d) Features 2. Fill in the blanks (any ten): Ix i. In classification waterfall model, analysis and specification phase preceded t design phase, Among development phase of software life cycle, phase typically consumes t maximum effort iii, Structured analysis technique is based on principle. iv. Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is also known as a _ chart. ¥. Inthe context of use case diagram, the stick person icon is used to represent____users. vi. A good user interface must provide to various user actions. vii. is an integration testing approach, where all the modules making up a system are integrated in a single step. vii. estimation is carried out first by a project manager during project planning. ix, is defined as a process of analyzing and removing the error. X. Schedule slippage is a type of risk. xi, Software products need maintenance to features. Mi ____ software products are very difficult to maintain, xii, A . " . ——— diagram describes the static structure of a system. xiv, Wilingcgay, {ned 8 a logical mistake, which is caused by a software developer while Writing software code x ; The objective of si isk , . ing Potential, “sessment is to rank the risks in terms of their ___ eausits «whats 5 pitferen a) py What is Com 4) Waite the ob prototype model? fate between Classical waterfall mode! | and Iterative w: vaterfall model. aracteristics of a SRS. 5 a 1 Write the wility of the structured design of a software. «9 Is structured 4, als by Writ «9 What is the differences between equivalence cl analysis? a) design always effective for design a software ? a) Whats Software risk ? Identify some type of software risk Mutation Testing a type of White Box Testing Method ? tea short notes on Regression testing. ifferentiate between White box testing & Black box testing. 1) What is alpha testing & beta testing? 9, a) [sit possib! about Je to access the quality of software if the t what it is supposed to do? Justify yo by Explain McCall's quality fact 10. a) Explain Six Si ‘b) Write a notes o) Write your opi b) Explain the uti ©) What are the Si 2) How is decompositio ») Explain various parameters jon on the Expert Judss a) Calculate cyclom: 1s on Software Quality As n of software beneficial i hat affect the cost of atic complexity there ur answer. ors. jema related to the software quali surance ? jement to estimate the ‘re 4 branch conditions tity of smoke testing Software reliabil ity metric? eee pifferentiate between Object Oriented Design and Funct " ction i - pling and Cohesion ? m Oriented Design. in cost and effort estimation? £ software project. cost of any software. ina module. 243 32 24241 +) Differentiate between Reactive Risk & Proactive Risk in software engineeri gineering. (1+1)*3 lass partitioning and boundary value 14242 32 customer keeps changing his mind 19242 November 2022 407/5(N) OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING JAVA Time Allowed: 2.5 Hours: Full Marks: 60 Answer to Question No, 1 & 2 are compulsory and to be answered first, This answer is to be made in separate loose script(s) provided for the purpose. Maximum time allowed Is 30 minutes, after which the loose answer scripts will be collected and fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the question will be provided. On carly submission of answer scripts of Question No 1 & 2,0 student will get the remaining seript earlier. Answer any Eight (08) Questions from the rest. 1, Choose the correct alternatives from the given options [Answer Any ten] 1x10 (@ Which keyword is used for accessing the features of a package? (a) package (b) import (c) extends (d) export ii) Which of the following is NOT _a Java features? (@) Dynamic (b) Architecture Neutral (c) Use of pointers (d) Object-oriented Gii) What is the extension of compiled java classes? (@) txt (b).0bj (©) .class (A) java (iv) Which of these keywords is used to refer to member of base class from its sub-class? (@) upper (b) super (©) this (d) None of the mentioned (¥) Which of the following modifiers cannot be used for constructor? (a) private (b) protected (©) public (a) static (vi) Which of these methods of String class is used to obtain character at specified index? ~ (a) char) (b) Charat() (©) chara) (@) charAtO. (vii) Which option is FALSE. about the final keyword? (a) A final method cannot be overridden in its subclasses, _(b) A final class cannot be extended. (©) A final class cannot extend other classes. @ A final method can be inherited. (viii) Which of these keywords is used for the block to be examined for exception handling (a)check (b)throw (c) catch (d) try (ix) Which of these method of Thread class is used to find out the priority given to a thread? (a) get() (b) ThreadPriority() (c) getPriority() — (d) getThreadPriority() (x) What will be the output of the following Java code? float a= 10; float b= a/0; System.out.printIn(b); @ o (b) throwsArithmetic:xception (c) Infinity (€) NaN 1 816 m A 0. (xi) Which of the following definitions of arrays is corree intarr[}=new arr{10}; int (] arr=new int{10]; intarr{}=new(10); (@) only first is correct (©) only third one is correct (b) only second one is correct (A) first two are correct (xii) Which of the following is correct way of creating a subclass class B from a base class a7 _ (a) class B + class A {} (b) class B inherits class A {} (©) class B extends A {} (d) class B extends class A {} (xiii) Which of the following benefits may be realized by using multiple threads? (a) CPU runs faster (b) Efficient use of CPU time (©) Lowers access times of memory (d) All of the above (xiv) Which one of the following is not an access modifier? (@) protected (b) void —(¢) public (d) private (xv) The output of the following code is String str = "Computer"; System.out printin(str.indexOf’M’)); @-1 2 3 (d) false 2.Fill-in-the blanks [Answer Any ten] 1x10 i) A___ method of a class can be called using class name. ii) Java compiler converts Java source code into iii) inheritance is not directly supported in Java, iv) A thread can be created by implementing interface, v) String and array are___ data type in Java. vi) The java run time system automatically calls ___ method while garbage collection. vil) In java super class ofall classes or top most class in hierarchy is viii) Throw statement in java is used to create a exception. ix) Execution of start() method of a thread object automatically calls the method. x) The class that cannot be instantiated is called xi) The _package contains the Thread class, xii) A class defined as cannot be inherited further, 2 xiii) The default access modifier for an interface method is xiv) Error and Exception classes are direct subclasses of _ class. xv) The default value forth priority of main thread is _,() What do you mean by encapsulation? ig) Write the basic difference between class and object. [2+3] {,@) Write the difference between Procedure Oriented Programming and Object Oriented Programmi ) Why java is a robust programming language? . ” ‘B + nme sExplain the following features of OOPs (any two): [21x 2-5] Polymorphism (b) JVM (c) Abstraction (d) Platform Independent ‘6, (a) Explain the meaning of each word of the line: public static void main(String args[]) '(b) What do you understand by wrapper class? [342] 7. (a) What do you understand by Garbage Collection? (b) Write the uses of final keyword in java. [243] 8. (a) What is constructor? (6) What do you mean by method overloading and overriding ? [243] 9. (a) What is inheritance? (b) Describe different forms of inheritance with block diagram. [243] 10. (a) What do you mean by abstract class? (b) Write the difference between interface and abstract class. [243] 11. (@) What do you mean by checked and unchecked exception ? {b) Write the use of throws statement in exception handling. [342] 12.(a) How we can create a thread? - b a Explain the complete lifecycle ofa thread with diagram. [243] \d synchronization? at do you mean by threa\ 13. (a) Wha (3+2] (b) What is thread priority ? a sam that changes all the characters to uppercase present inthe file "lower.txt" and puts i 14, Write a java Poe ad displays the content of the uppers ile, ae into the “uppertxt” fl Java Program COMPUTER SCIENCE AND science and iter Science ‘TECHNOLOGY. comp’ Technolosy Upper-ot

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