Souces of Information

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Sources of Information

This is draft copy and will be served as a guide

line. To do better results in the exam one must
refurbish this.

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sources of info
What is information : An information is the tool for making a person / persons
to be aware of a fact.
This fact may be subjective or objective.
Information needs to be communicated
Communicating Information to a person makes him / her -------
- aware of facts about which s/he had no or has no knowledge
- updates his / her present knowledge
- expands his / her present knowledge
- sometimes changes his / her preoccupied ideas / thinking / themes
- Reviewing of earlier ideas
Note : All types of Quality of information does not serve the purpose.
In academic fields an information should be authentic (
), reliable ( ), commuicable and unbiased
( )

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Importance of communicating Information in Pharmacy
We know what Pharmacy is.
By definition Pharmacy is a profession that deals with the
preparation, formulation, manufacture and dispensing of
drugs. In general term a drug is an agent that is used for
curing and treating a disease.
Unfortunately disease pattern occurring in our society does not
remain the same. Every year it is changing. This occurs due to
deforestation, bird migration, intimate cultivation, migration
etc ) For example in the last 25 years 35 new diseases have
ensued (9th ONE HEALTH, BANGLADESH AUMMIT, held on 17
Sept, 2017 in Dhaka. Prothom Alo :18/09/2017 page 5).

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What is needed to do
So changes should be made with the pattern of medication
This needs reviewing of current drug.
May be some drugs would be withdrawn; some new molecules (obtained
through structural modification, total or partial synthesis) will be added
to the list of drugs of current usage.
Therefore for reviewing the drugs (in current uses) and also for knowing
new drug molecules and their properties must be known and should be
transferred to all Physicians, Pharmacists and Medical practitioners. It is
important to update their existing knowledge. Also they should be aware
of current trends of diseases, mode of treatment and uses and side
effects (if any) and handling of new drug molecules.

This is possible through communicating information.

In Pharmacy information regarding drugs, mode of treatment, drug use

and side effects (if any) of drugs can be obtained readily from some
sources. These sources are as below -
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sources of info
Sources of information in Pharmacy -
A. Printed media : Examples B. Electronic media : Examples-

1. Books, Text books and Library 1. Online books (e-books) and digital
2. Booklets library (e- library)
3. Monographs 2. online Journals
4. Pharmacopoea (BP, USP, I.P, 3. Internet, Web sites (Google,
Eu.P) and Codex (BPC) Wikipedia, Pub Med, Med line
5. Formulary (BNF, BDNF, NF) search)
6. Journals C. Mass media : Examples
7. Proceedings 1. Newspaper
8. Periodicals 2.Television
9. Annals 3. Short Film
10. Magazines 4. Radio
11. Inserts 5. Transistor

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sources of info
Printed media

Printed media : This media is an instrumental media where a press (printing

press) and paper is needed. In the Press plates (metallic) are first made and is
then printed on the paper. Now typing is done.
Book & Text book & library …….
A book is a compilation of typed or printed pages (the number may vary over
hundreds). The pages are fashioned inside a cover so that one can turn the pages
one after another and can read it in any posture (like standing / sitting / lying
depending on willingness). A book may or may not be relevant to an academic
course. One book most of the times is written on one subject matter like journey,
cooking, food habit, bibiography. In other instances it may be a novel, a story book,
black comedy etc.
The person who wrote the book is called writer or author. In general a book is
published by a single author. The front page of a book is called cover page . This
page contains name of the book and name of the author. Cover page is usually

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Book & Text book & library …….cont’d

Text book
Text book has got features similar to books. But there is a difference in that subject
matters present in a text book must be relevant to an academic content and is
prepared according to the demand of an educational institute or of a state.
A text book may have one subject matter or many subject matters.
The subject matters would be arranged in an order called ‘Chapter’. Usually each
chapter is written by a specific author. Thus a text book may have several chapters
and accordingly the number of author may be several. A text book shows name of the
book and author’s name (if author is single) on the cover page. But if the book has
several authors then cover page does not show their names. Rather shows the names
of Editors or Editor –In-Chief.
The following topic expresses the roles of Editors & Editor –In-Chief.

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Text book……Cont’d
Editors : Say the book has been written by several authors. They wrote several
chapters. Now, in order to maintain homogeneity of fashion, style, expression the
chapters needs to be edited. Then we get editor or editors. The book bears the name
of editor(s) on the front page though credit goes to all. This happens if the number of
chapters is few. Lets take the example of the text book entitled as A text book on The
Theory and Practices of Industrial Pharmacy. This is a text book and this has several
chapters written on Pharmaceutics. Each chapter has at least one author and so the
compilation will have several authors. For standardizing the book, experts are
nominated. They are the Editors who engage themselves in editing the book. Cover
page expresses their names along with the name of the book.
Chief Editor or Editor –in – Chief : On the other hand a text book may have a long list
of chapters, accordingly long list of authors. So the needs several editors. An another
book is ‘Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy’. This book has 133
chapters stated in 8 parts and in 2 volumes. So authors are many and editors are
many. A single cover page can’t mention those names. Therefore we get Chief Editor
or Editor –in – Chief. The Chief Editor supervises and finalizes the book.
On the front page we get the name of Editor –in – Chief.

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Library …..

Library :
Library is a place where huge collection of books written on various topics are stored and are made
available to public. The books could be academic or could be non-academic.
Every people has got an open access in to it for a certain time in a day. The opening time may differ. It
might be from 8 am to 6 pm or from 10 am to 8 pm and it remains open every day in a week except public
A library may be Central or may be Seminar. Or it could be Community based.
For setting a library adequate space and sitting facilities like tables and chairs, are needed. For keeping the
books orderly cupboards and selves are required.
Libraries in order to keep functioning smoothly skilled personnel like Chief Librian, Assistant Librian(s) and
Sorters are needed.
The Central library is quite big with adequate space and improved features needed for communication and
gathering knowledge.
On the other hand the Seminar library is small. It the library that a department is attached with.
In Seminar library fewer number of books relevant to subject matter are available. This provides a quick
source of knowledge for teachers and students. For example books on Pharmacy subject will be available
at seminar library.
Booklets :
This is a mini book with few pages. The size of the page is small and volume of it is small as well. Booklets
are written on a specific topic only featuring the important facts that are to be followed or to be
maintained. For example booklet for operating system of a tablet machine
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sources of info
Monograph and Drug monograph

Monograph Drug monograph

A Monograph is a This gives specified information
documentation of On class of drugs and drug preparation.
writing on a single Regarding preparation this provides information on
subject based on - the types of ingredients present in
research. preparations
Purpose of a - and amounts of ingredients present in
Monograph preparations.
- to present primary
and original research
- to present research Again it gives information on
at length - instructions about drug use
- to present authentic - contraindications of drugs.
and reliable Regarding drug a Drug Monograph provides
information. information on –
- structures, functions, uses and
- dosing of prescription medication.
This is a miniature of Pharmacopoea covering a
limited number of medicinal agents
(approximating 500 drugs).
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What is a Pharmacopoea

‘Pharmacopoea’ consists of two terms namely ‘Pharmakon’ and ‘poieo’.

‘Pharmakon’ means ‘a drug’ and ‘poieo’ means ‘I make’. Thus the term signifies
‘drug that I make’. This is an officially and Internationally recognised compilation
of established drugs.
Thus Pharmacopoea’ states a list of medicinal substances, crude drugs,

formulations and preparations. But this is not only a list of drugs. Rather it
includes description of drugs (for instances it includes generic names of drugs,
methods of Identification, properties of drugs (like melting point, refractive index,
purity, chemistry along with the uses. Drug parameters cited in this compilation is
universal and are followed as Reference values. Similar is the case with assay
methods. Thus values got from other sources are compared with the values cited
This official compendium is prepared by some designated persons (like experts in
therapeutic fields) as appointed by the Government of a country. British
Pharmacopoea (B.P) , United States Pharmacopoea (USP) are two famous
Pharmacopoea that we consult the most for referencing.
N.B : Established drugs : Here the term signifies drugs that were and are being used by the
physicians and the patients and the formulators. Drugs included here has got a line of history.

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British Pharmacopoea (B.P).
a. British Pharmacopea :
Most of the leading countries around the world have their own Pharmacopoea . Like
British Pharmacopoea (B.P), United States Pharmacopoea (USP), The International
Pharmacopoea (IP), Japanese Pharmacopoea etc. Among them B.P is the pioneer.
During earlier time the number of drugs being used was huge. It was not so easy to
collect drug information at our own need. Therefore it was deemed essential to
compile drugs in one document. British Empire at that time was ruling the World.
Around 56 or so countries were under her regime. So Britishers came forward to do
the vast job of compilation. For the sake of ruling the World in an order the total
kingdom at that time was divided into several regions. These are Ireland, Scottland,
England and Wales and each of them had their system working under a Umbrella
under the British queen. As a result London had her own Pharmacopoea. Edinburgh
….. Cont’d
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sources of info
had her own Pharmacopoea and Dublin had her own Pharmacopoea. Each had same

preparations with different strength. But there was a need for a single national

authority in preparing and dispensing drugs and medicines. Thus British

Pharmacopoea was developed in 1864 and has been regarded as standards for

evaluation of drugs in UK and other Commonwealth countries.

Today most of the drugs and preparations described in BP are the proprietary products

of Pharmaceutical industries. As a suffix we get BP along the name of active ingredient

(AI). This signifies the particular AI has been evaluated according to BP specifications.

It is important to state that after regular interval of time (in years) BP undergoes

Revision; henceforth edition number of BP changes..

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6b. The International 6c. The European Pharmacopoeia (EP) :
Pharmacopoeia : European Pharmacopoeia is popular in
In order to establish European countries like Belgium, Italy,
universal uniformity in the France, Denmark, Germany, UK, Switzerland
standarisation and
terminology in drug sector made this due to eradicate one major
World Health Organisation limitation of BP.
has launched this in two Limitation of BP :
volumes. One is involved BP included details of some new drugs and
with the unification of
new molecules.
formula for potent drugs
and preparations and one is It was claimed that these drugs didn’t have a
with the quality control of long time history of investigation.
The year of launching was
1951 and the later was in
the year of 1967. Countries
under the umbrella of UN
follows this.

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6d. Extra Martindale Pharmacopoea

Extra Martindale Pharmacopoea provides information on official

preparations, proprietary products and preparations in the form of ‘Data’.
In another way it is known as a compilation of data Under the Medicine
Act each product marketed commercially must be described in a data
sheet, confirming to the requirements of the Licensing Authority. This is
This data belongs to the leading company and are collected annually in
collaboration of British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI). After collection
data are bounded and is published by Pharmaceutical Society for using as
a reference book.
In Pharmacopoea a vast number of drugs and proprietary medicines are
included. Retrieval of therapeutic information quickly becomes a problem
for Pharmacists in practice and in research.
Martindale Extra Pharmacopoea solves the problem

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6e. Codex
There are some drugs and preparations that are not included into a Pharmacopoea,
yet these are being used as medicines in the societies. These are called ‘Unofficial,
Non proprietary medicinal agents. For example glandular preparations, anti toxins,
venoms etc .
In Codex these are stated as established drugs and preparations. The Universally
accepted one is British Pharmacopoeal Codex (BPC). This serves as a companion
volume to British Pharmacopoea since 1923 and still in use because –
- this is authentic
- provides information on drug action
- provides information on drug use
- provides information on side effects of drugs
- provides information on precautions, handling and storing of drugs
- provides information on treatment of poisons.
- also provides information on formulas for extemporaneous preparations
notably use of oral liquids,
- provides information how to sterilise eye drops, eye lotions, creams etc
along with the recommended methods for dispensing them.
BPC also states general characters, properties and purity tests of unofficial drugs
and preparations.
BPC is published by the direction of Council of Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.
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National Formulary

Formulary is a list of prescription drugs of current uses and made

them available to the prescribers, physicians, practicing
pharmacists. This is also compilation and serves as a ready made
access to drug information highlighting dose, uses, side effects and
cost. For physicians this serves as a desk index for treatment
including the cost of medicines.
As cost is involved so formulary provides incentives for the patients
to select lower cost of drugs.
NF has serial publication. After every 1 year or so it is revised and is
updated. So for accuracy of treatment the latest version should be
consulted. Examples of National Formulary are -
NFI : National Formulary of India
BDNF = Bangladesh National Formulary
BNF : British National Formulary

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Journals are the compilation of scholarly publication acknowledged Nationally or
Internationally. Usually the publications are known as Papers and is written by
researchers. The research work may be lab based, field work based or review work. A
nationally or internationally recognized scientific organization or educational institution
(like faculty or department) usually publish a journal. Publication are called as Full paper
(i.e. An article) / Short communication / Letter (about some special mentionable
finding) to the Editor in Chief. In fact the publication of a research work is the
acknowledgment of merit and scholastic performance of a researcher.
Journal can be published many times in a year and can be referred. But
to be referred it must be of International Standard. The criteria needed for a standard
publication are as follows –

It must be published more than twice in a year (binneal)

It must have ISSN number and Impact factor (which is based on numerical value
assigned by the world wide publication committee).
it must have several papers and number of papers would be more than ten and
each of the paper should be scholastic, novel and peer reviewed (before acceptance).
Each full paper should consist of 7-8 number of pages at least and should comply
to the guidelines as set by the Editorial board.

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A number of journals are available. But each of them has got specialized field. For
Pharmacy the accepted journals are
Professional journals are different from one another.
For example manuscript prepared on pharmaceutical research can be sent to
European Journal of Pharmacology
Journal of Natural Product and Pharmaceutical Research
Journal of Pharmaceutical Science
Journal of Medicine
Journal of Endocrinology
Nature ….. Many more

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2. Pharmacy education based journals
Annals of Internal Medicines
Journal of Americal Medical Assoc. (JAMA)
3. Drugs, Diseases, Therapy based journals
American Journal of Cardiology (Am J Cardiol)
Annals of Pharmacotherapy
4. Basic journals for teaching
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
Journal of Pharmacy Teaching

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Proceedings, Periodicals, Annals and Mazines
At the end of a Seminar or Symposium or Conference the talk
delivered or the posters displayed are documented officially and are
preserved for future reference. Proceedings publishes the abstracts
This is a magazine that is published every month or week specially one
that is concerned with academic subject.
This is an official record of events or activities conducted year by year.
This is a type of large, thin book with a paper cover that you can buy
every week or month that contains articles, photographs on a
particular type.

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Inserts and News paper
In practice when a packaged medicine is bought after opening the
pack a printed paper is seen. The size of the paper is < 5 and it gives
a brief description about a drug product.
Newspaper :
It is a compilation of news and is given in a printed form and is
circulated daily. The news covers a wide range of current
information including politics, weather, sports, health, culture and
news and make the news available to the public. The news covers
national affairs and international affair. Here the news are printed
This is a one type mass media as well

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Electronic media
Electronic media :
This is digital media. A common example is Computer. To operate this
processor, hard drive, monitor, CPU, Mouse etc are needed. Information
can be obtained through
e – book, e – journals and e- library.
5. On-line data base
Online data base because of convenience and ubiquity is the first choice to
consult for locating pharmaceutical literature.
For clinical literature the data base of choice are –
Med line* / EM BASE / Evidence based medicine (EBM) data base / IDIS
* This is a wing of ‘Pub med’. This site is known as http : // pub med. Gov and
is subsidized by US govt. It is shared by Medline search and is free of cost
around the World.

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For drug development these are –
Chemical abstracts and BIOSIS previews.
These are available as –
Print / www (web site) / magnetic tape / Commercial vendors
like dialogue or OVID
Medline = A compilation and is produced by US National Library
of Medicine
EM Base = A highly recognized medical data base produced and
provided by ELSERVIER ( a Commercial publisher based in
EBM = Health professionals sometimes base on evidences to
make their decision. RCT’s (Randomised Controlled Trials
generate these evidences and EBM covers these evidences.

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Comparison between Printing media and Electronic media
Point of comparison:
Copy right
Supply of current
Installation cost
…… prepare them by yourself
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Mass media

This media for making general people aware of facts that

they should know.
Examples of this media are
Film (Documentory)
…. Prepare these by yourself.

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