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Brown International School, Inc.

Saint Paul Rd., Lalaan 1, Silang, Cavite, 4118 Philippines

Tel. No. (046) 230-2987/ email:

1st Quiz in Social Studies 5

1. True or False. The Stone houses represents the wealth of rich Filipinos during the
19th century. _________________
2. What type of window is shown in the image? _________________

3. What alphabet did the ancient Filipinos used during the colonial period that helped
them communicate much easier with the Spaniards? ____________________

4. What does Baro means? __________________

5. – 6. Give the 2 Manner of Dressing of Filipinos during the Spanish period that comes
from the root word “Baro”.

7. - 9. Describe the different meaning of Abaniko (Fan) symbols of Filipino women
during the Spanish period.

Slow - ________________________________________________________________

Fast - ________________________________________________________________
Fanning while covering half of the face - _____________________________________
10. What was the first book printed in the Philippines? __________________________

11.- 20. Give the full name of Dr. Jose Rizal.


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