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The Benefits of Modern Technology

Modern Technology has been shaping the way we communicate,

shop and even listen to music. Think about what you did
yesterday, were you on any sort of screen? Did you listen to any
music through a device? According to data by DataReportal the
average American spends 6 hours and 59 minutes on screens
every day. The average person listens to music 20.1 hours per
week, and almost all of that is coming from a device.
Think about what you plan on doing today. Are you going to
talk to any one but can’t make it face to face? A screen or device
would be the perfect tool for this situation. Cell phones have made
it so easy to communicate anyone you want at any time.
Think about when you go shopping more and more people
are starting to buy things from online from companies like
Doordash, Instacart, eBay and the most popular Amazon. This
has helped people who don’t want to get up and go get groceries
but instead they can just swipe or tap. This could also help the
environment because more and more companies are trying to find
ways to use drones instead of big, gas consuming cars to deliver
something as small as toothpaste.
Think about this week, have you heard music anywhere?
Because if you have that music was probably being played
through a device not the less popular record players and CD
players which are more expensive. This has caused band to
make more money off online music. Modern technology has also
made it easier for start-up bands to post music online.
In conclusion, modern technology has made our world a
better place even though there is drawbacks. Modern technology
has made it even easier to communicate, shop and listen to

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