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Jenny Tao

Friday, 23 September 11

To build a learning environment OUTDOOR

My concept is to build a interact-able learning devices for children. To encourage parents to take their kids outside the house and to learn and to socialise with other children. This is to prevent children having socialising problems in the later age. (Parents tempt to teach their kids from 6 months to 6 years learning at home based on internet, computer, tv, books and ipads, without noticing this may effect their children and lead to lack of socialising skills )
Friday, 23 September 11

Targeting on..


Children (3-6 years)


Friday, 23 September 11

The device will be installed outdoor, most likely in the park. At rst target audiences may not know what the device is for... maybe need something to indicate and encourage the audience to step on it.

Friday, 23 September 11

Once the audience takes the rst step....

Friday, 23 September 11


They will know that every time they step on one letter, a sound of that letter will be triggered.

Friday, 23 September 11

Interact with the device

Kids then will interact with the device, have some fun!

Friday, 23 September 11

More importantly children get to interact with others, build up socialising skills in early stage

The parents may teach their kids by asking them to spell, fun to play with!

Friday, 23 September 11

Interact with device

Socialising with peers

Relationship with parents

Furtherance vocabulary for young learner

Friday, 23 September 11




Trigger Device






Friday, 23 September 11

Product Design concepts

I think I like the swirl shape and the square swirl one.
Friday, 23 September 11

Friday, 23 September 11

NI myDAQ from National Instrument

This is called myDAQ made by national instrument. However I found out it is quite hard to get, and its actually over my budget. Plus it would take 30+ days to get it shipped over to Australia....So I am now thinking of some other ways to create the same result via Arduino.

Friday, 23 September 11

MP3 Player Shield

I may need to use the mp3 player shield to create sound letter from A-Z. Maybe a few touch sensor board to trigger each different letter when audience trigger the wire. Again, Im not sure how to make it work yet, If you have a better idea or advice, please let me know and Ill reconsider my method. Thank you Elmer.

Friday, 23 September 11

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