Cloze Test 1

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Transcript 28

Teacher: Well, weve had a very exciting day today, everyone. Weve seen ___
200-metre race and the football match and weve watched a volley ball match.
But ___ I'm going to tell you about our prize winners:
Well the 200-metre race was ____ exciting and George was the winner! Well
done George! Harry was winning the race _____ he fell over and he was very
good about that about that so he ____ wins a prize for being a very brave boy.
Well done Harry! Now, next ___ footballers played a match, and what an
exciting game that was! Our two best _____ were playing, the 'Lions' and the
'Bears, with eleven players on each tearn. At ____ time the score was 2/1 to the
Lions. But then in the second half ______ got very exciting and at the end of the
natch the score was 3/2. ____ an exciting match it was. The Bears won but well
done to the Lions ___ - you all played really wel!!
The volleyball match in the afternoon was also ________ the Dolphins played
the Sharks and the score at the end of that match ___ Dolphins 23, Sharks 25, so
the Sharks were our winners! But it really was _________ play from both the
Dolphins and the Sharks! Well done!
Good now I can't ______ without saying a big thank you to the parents who
made all the cakes ___ snacks for today. The school has made over £300 today
which will help with _ very exciting trip! As most you know, were going to take
the children in ____ 6 camping for a week! I'm sure it will be great fun and the
____ 6 children will learn a lot too. So thank you all again

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