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We 8 billions are real owners and real rulers of

this World

Manesiro Shaheri Maretizo

1. World Citizens
We must cast off all identities based upon religion, race, caste and country
and must declare ourselves World Citizens.
2. Global Names
We need to revise our names – a triplet made of our name, our mother’s
name and our father’s name.
Say there is a girl whose name is Priyanka and whose mothrer’s name is
Jaya and whose father’s name is Virat. The name of her brother is Amitabh.
Their name should be written as Priyanka Jaya Virat and Amitabh Jaya
Virat- first person’s name then his or her mother’s name and then his or her
father’s name.
In next stage we must remove vowels in each name and then reinsert
vowels in sequence of a-e-i-o-u.
Prayenki Jaye Vareti
Ametibho Jaye Vareti
This way we can do away with vestiges of religion and caste for good.
3. End economic colonialism, plunder of natural resources and establish
democracy everywhere
The multinational companies are plundering minerals, forest products and
animal parts from developing countries of Africa and Latin America. Under
shadow of bayonet of guns, men, women and children are being forced to
dig hazardous minerals and these yields are transported to multinational
companies of US and Europe. In these countries, there is no democracy
except puppet governments headed by king or dictator. Democracy must
be established in all these countries and all dictators, kings and theocrats of
Africa, Latin America and Middle East must be brought down.
4. Barred from life
There are several unfortunate men, women and children, who are not
any danger to anyone but they are still locked up in prisons and
asylums. Many times, authorities of these institutions try hard that
person could not get released even if anyone’s well-wisher comes to
take guardianship. There are several unfortunate men, women and
children who are serving under bonded labor, in mines, in distant
countries, in flesh trade and in other criminal trades. Here in India,
there are unfortunate Hindu girls languishing in protection homes
and some have turned insane in captivity. There crime is that they
dared to elope with their Muslim lovers. There are men allured for
jobs and serving as bonded labor in coal mines and many such may
be in Middle East at mercy of their transporters and masters. I heard
that girls were allured of job of housekeepers in Middle East and
becoming sex slaves. There many such unfortunate men, women and
children losing their rights and liberties and many times police and
authorities are in connivance with their exploiters.
All such persons need our help in getting their freedom and rehabilitation in
human society. There must be government department of Rehabilitation for
all such people and at U.N.O. and there must be close collaboration with
5. Weapons of Mass Destruction and Arms Race
The only way to neutralize and destroy weapons of mass destruction and
end arms race is to dismantle nation states and make one World without
6. End of cruelty against animals
All of us must become Vegan and stop using all things robbed from
7. Problem of menial jobs
The main cause of development of slavery and forced labor is that nobody
wants to do some jobs that are essential for living in human society.
The scientists and social reformers have dealt and are dealing many
problems for mankind in this world like labor saving by various machines,
improvement in sources of energy from wood to electricity, means of
transport from cattle to air journey, means of communications from pigeons
and messengers to mobile and internet.
But the problem of menial household work like cooking, washing clothes,
cleaning utensils and houses was forced upon fair and beautiful section of
humanity. They were kept illiterate, married early and dispatched from
father’s house to mother in law, who herself of that section and who has
also suffered in hands of her mother in law, becomes a harsh task master
for that delicate fairy. Certainly inventions like Cooking gas, Washing
Machine and Refrigerator have eased domestic work. But no serious human
and social thought was given to domestic work. How it can be managed
without causing hardship to anybody?
The husband and wife both must contribute in household work. Then there
must be domestic service centers in each locality through which cleaning,
whitewash, paint, pest control will be taken care of and also deposition of
service bills, Children’s school fee etc. and laundering of clothes can be got
done and prepared loaves and food all can be procured. The people who
will work there will work as business and not doing a thankless harassing
routine of a house wife’s work. The availability of almost ready to eat,
needing only boiling, roasting or frying will ease the work. Thus ultimately
husband and wife both will become almost free from all household work.
Similarly, 4 to 6 families can run a common mess, the people and their
servants working in rotation, others enjoying when free.
The most important problem is that we human beings are filth producers
and want to remain clean. Whereas very small filth of small animals is dealt
by nature by its sunlight, water and air, the huge filth produced each day by
each household in a city cannot disappear by itself. It must be actively
cleaned and none of us want to clean it. Instead of managing this problem
with equity the mankind opted for cunning and inhuman solution to the
problem of scavenging. Thus for this very purpose, the cunning people and
tribes enslaved other individuals and when they defeated other tribes then
forced them to do this cleaning work. Initially, in a tribe or in a village,
some people who may be having less IQ or some other shortcoming or
some exceptionally gentle in disposition, were perhaps persuaded and
engaged to do this cleaning work. Then someone who committed some
blunder, someone upon whom some blunder or crime was imposed falsely
and who could not defend himself or herself because of less IQ or
gentleness was assigned this cleaning work.
Then their spouses and children were also convinced to continue this work,
all sorts of persuasions, black mails or boycotts must have been employed
by clever people, by leaders and by priest and by those who were revered
as ‘saints’ and ‘godly’. Thus a set of families were fixed to do so despite
their reluctance by so called ‘representative of God’.
Thus problem of scavenger work needs urgent solution. Gandhi ji
individually did scavenger work and forced Kasturba to do so in South
Africa and perhaps here he did sometimes in his ashrams.
But so far no social solution to menial household work and to scavenger
work has been seriously thought.
The civic cleanliness work will be responsibility of civic body who will
hire daily the sanitary worker whose wages will be much higher than other
type of laborers, these hired worker will wear a dress that will hide their
identity and will also give them full protection and with the help of gadgets
and automation, they will do the sanitation work. Thus any one in more
need of money will join this work force and for it even may go to nearby
cities to hide his identity.
The families traditionally doing scavenger work will move to respectable
jobs. Only individuals in need will join the sanitation work and it will have
nothing to do with family and individual’s future career.
8. Pollution and Global Warming:
About two hundred years, mass production through technology became
possible. This caused all havoc. Plunder of raw materials, need of labor
force and capture of World markets. This has led to colonization of Africa,
America and Asia. For consumption of extra produced goods consumerism
was promoted. The workers had to work many hours living in squalid
conditions. Marxism could control greed and cruelty of Industrialists. The
workers conditions improved. But natural resources are being plundered.
The environment has been polluted through wastes from factories. Global
warming is occurring but as politicians are beggars at doors of Capitalists
they cannot take measures to reduce pollution and toxic emissions from
9. Drugs trafficking, pornography and trafficking of women and
The number of persons trafficked each year is impossible to determine, but
it is clearly a large-scale problem, with estimates ranging from hundreds of
thousands to millions of victims worldwide. The State Department
estimates that each year, 50,000-100,000 women and children are trafficked
into the United States alone, approximately half of whom are trafficked into
bonded sweatshop labor or domestic servitude. Trafficking is also a truly
global phenomenon.
10.Wealth and Power are two myths
We are what we were 10000 years ago in forests. Nobody is wealthy and
nobody is powerful. We have covered our naked bodies and present
ourselves as wealthy and powerful. Because people around us believe that
we are wealthy and powerful so we are wealthy and powerful. It is because
police and army personnel who come from ordinary families provide us
and our establishments that we are wealthy and powerful. A slight twist in
consciousness will level everything. The World does not need Politicians,
Capitalists and Clergy- all social needs of human beings can be managed
effectively by dedicated workers. The engineers, managers, doctors,
teachers, software engineers and other experts and their assistants may run
human World.
Brave New World
We must fix some date and time say October 12, 9.45 A.M. each year and
9.45 A.M. on 12th of each month.
We human beings live in cities and villages so we must come out of our
house at that moment and greet everyone we meet and must make
following declarations :
We all of us are real ruler and nobody else is ruler.
We all are owners of everything here and nobody else is owner.
We all are equal and brothers and sisters to each other.
All over the World millions of men, women and children are incarcerated
in prisons and protection homes without any serious crime done by them-
we will work for their release and rehabilitation.
There is continuous plunder of natural resources by multinational
companies – we will stop that. We will not consume and use animal
We will stop narcotics, pornography and trafficking of women and
We will stop pollution and global warming.
We will neutralize and destroy Weapons of Mass Destruction.
We will make One World without Borders where everyone will have jobs
and will be able to find life partner with mutual consent.

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