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Galeos, Jane Dave T.



1. Education is one of the most important aspects of development in every way. Without
significant investments in human capital, no country can achieve long-term economic progress.
Education broadens people’s perspectives on themselves and the world around them. It
improves their quality of life and has a wide range of social advantages for both individuals and
society. Education improves people’s productivity and creativity, as well as encouraging
entrepreneurship and technological advancements. Furthermore, it is critical for ensuring
economic and social progress as well as increasing income distribution. Education improves
people’s productivity and creativity, as well as encouraging entrepreneurship and technological
advancements. Furthermore, it is critical for ensuring economic and social progress as well as
increasing income distribution. Industry’s technological capability and technical change are also
influenced by education. Statistical examination of the textile and engineering industries in Sri
Lanka, for example, revealed that worker and entrepreneur skill and education levels were
positively associated to the firm’s rate of technical development. Education lays the foundations
for progress, laying the foundation for much of our economic and social well-being. It is
essential for improving economic efficiency and social cohesion. It helps to lift the poor out of
poverty by enhancing the value and efficiency of their labor. It improves the labor force’s total
productivity and intellectual flexibility. It aids in ensuring a country’s competitiveness in today’s
global marketplaces, which are defined by rapidly changing technologies and production
methods. Education helps greatly to nation building and interpersonal tolerance by boosting a
child’s early integration with diverse social or ethnic groups.

2. I believe Ayala Corporation invested in education as part of its Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR) efforts since today’s consumers are more socially conscious. Consumers
like to support businesses that support social goals such as education, environmental
protection, and poverty reduction. CSR programs help to improve a company’s image.
Consumers’ purchasing power will be influenced by strong and honest causes. As we can see,
going out to the community, participating in philanthropic initiatives, and making a positive
difference can benefit the company as well. “The Ayala Group is committed to investing in the
Education sector because we know that it is important to creating our nation,” said Mr. Jaime
Augusto Zobel de Ayala, Chairman and CEO of Ayala Corporation. Education is only one of
Ayala Corporation’s many CSR initiatives. Ayala Corporation is involved in CSR in education
because it wants to assist students in receiving a high-quality education. Many schools in the
Philippines have exorbitant tuition fees, however APEC School is a private school with
affordable tuition. Through AC Education, they began investing in education in 2012. Their
mission is to provide inexpensive, high-quality education that is industry-based, experiential,
and technology-enabled, with the goal of greatly increasing the employability of high school and
college graduates. They also established Affordable Private Education Centers (APEC)

3. While it is true that businesses strive to maximize profits, it is also critical that they maintain a
positive relationship with the communities in which they operate. Companies that show a
commitment to society and invest in their social duties have a better chance of succeeding. The
following are some of the advantages of CSR for businesses: It has the potential to boost your
company’s profit margins. Companies that are socially responsible display their ethical
principles in the way they conduct business. Customers are well-informed about local, national,
and international issues. These issues have an impact on their purchasing decisions;
consumers are more likely to buy from companies that express concern and take good action in
response to issues that are important to them. It has the potential to improve your company’s
public image. Companies recognize the value of keeping a good reputation. Delivering high-
quality products and services at a reasonable price, as well as providing exceptional customer
service, after-sales support, and participating in civic issues, all reflect that the company cares
about its customers and the environment. Companies that have strong CSR practices receive
more and better media attention, which promotes the firm and improves its image. It might
increase the appeal of your company to potential investors. The social responsibility of a
company is one of the variables used by potential investors when considering whether or not to
invest in it. CSR is also critical for increasing the stock price of a firm, which is necessary for
recruiting investors.

4. Companies that fully integrate CSR into their operations should expect high financial returns
on their efforts, according to studies. CSR-integrated businesses have seen an increase in
sales and prices, as well as a reduction in employee turnover. Customers pay attention to how
firms react to social and political concerns, and will often boycott companies with negative
values, which is one of the reasons companies increase revenues when they incorporate CSR
into their business model. Companies that practice CSR promote positive ideals, which boosts
client traffic and profits. Employee morale can be improved by social responsibility programs,
which leads to increased productivity, which affects the company’s profitability. Customer
retention and loyalty can be improved by businesses who embrace social responsibility
activities. Adopting socially responsible policies can help a business attract and keep
customers, which is critical to its long-term success. Furthermore, many people will willingly pay
a premium for items if they know that a portion of the company’s income will be directed toward
social issues that are important to them. Companies who are devoted to supporting the local
community should also expect greater foot traffic. Banks that provide loans to low-income
households, for example, are likely to see an increase in business as a result.

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