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Q 32-34
M: Thanks for calling Riverside Auto Repair. How can I help you?
W: Hi. I got …………………..last week and used your ………………… get a ride
back to my office. Can you tell me why there’s a …………………..on my invoice
for using the shuttle? I’ve never …………………..that before.
M: Yes, unfortunately the cost of …………………..has risen quite a bit, so the company
………………… to …………………..the shuttle.
W: Well, I wasn’t …………………..that.
M: I’m sorry we didn’t ………………… of this ahead of time. I’ll
…………………, but please be aware that you’ll have to pay for rides in the

Q 35-37
W: In sports ………………….., our own Easton Jaguars won today’s
…………………..against the Portville Lions. Here to tell us about the game is
Aaron Parker, the goalkeeper for the Jaguars. Mr. Parker, thanks for
M: Thanks for having me. Today’s game was …………………..– it started to rain early
on, and the storm didn’t let up for …………………... There were several times when
we …………………..of the ball because the …………………..was so wet and
W: Well, you all played really well despite the …………………... Now, it’s time for a
…………………..break, but stay tuned – we’ll soon be back with Aaron Parker to
…………………..the game’s most exciting moments.

Q 38-40
W: Hi Paul, I know we were planning to work at the …………………..together next
week, but something has …………………... Do you think you could find someone
else to go in …………………..?
M: Sure, that can probably be…………………... Can I ask why you’ve
W: My …………………..recently hired ………………….., and I want to be here to
…………………..that their training goes smoothly.
M: I understand. I’ll call Ramona and ask her if she’d …………………..the show

Q 41-43
M: I’d like to …………………..for tonight’s city …………………...
W: Sure, we still have …………………..on the bus. This tour will stop at
…………………..sites and end up at the Seven restaurant.
M: Oh. That …………………... A friend of ………………… visiting from out of
town. He’ll like that.
W: Yes, but we have to put in the order for the restaurant …………………... You have
a …………………..between the chicken with vegetables or the beef with rice.
M: We’ll both …………………...
W: Here are your tickets. And by the way, we’re …………………..clear skies tonight.
You’ll definitely want to …………………... You won’t want to
…………………..of the city’s skyline.

Q 44-46
M: Hi, Siba. Do you need help …………………..up to our offices? It looks like you
have your …………………..full.
W: If you don’t ………………….., that’d be great. The ………………… still out
of order, so we’ll have to use the …………………...
M: But that …………………..last week – the …………………..crew should have
repaired that by now.
W: Well, apparently a piece of …………………..had to be custom made.
M: Ah, I see. Well, at least our office is only on the second floor, so we don’t have to
W: That’s true. Thanks again for …………………..some of these files – it would have
taken ………………… get them all …………………..your help.

Q 47-49
M: All right, let’s start the …………………... How were our …………………..for
W: Well, sales …………………..3% from last month. But customers didn’t
………………… well as usual to our big …………………..sales.
M: I was hoping for a 5% …………………..… Donna, why do you think the increase
was so small?
W: I think clothing sales weren’t as strong because the…………………..was cut this
year. I’d like to see that money …………………..our budget.
M: Hmm… Let’s wait …………………... If sales are still low, we may have to increase
the ………………….., but I prefer to wait on that …………………...

Q 50-52
W: Hello, Dan. You’ve been training with us ………………… – as your mentor,
I’d like to hear how your …………………..been going.
M: It’s been …………………... I’ve enjoyed learning the …………………..for metal
welding, and I like seeing the …………………...
W: I’m ………………… hear that. There’s still …………………..left in your
training program – but you know, your work is so good that we’ve
………………… …………………..when your training is …………………...
M: That’s …………………..! I’d be happy to be …………………..of the team here.

Q 53-55
W: Well, Dietrich, we’re ………………… seeing you here in our Munich office next
Tuesday. We can’t wait to see the …………………..for the company’s new,
M: Thanks! There’s one …………………..of the tablet that I’m especially
W: Really? What is this?
M: This …………………..has our best ………………… ever. It can now
…………………..for three full days on a single …………………...
W: That’s incredible – I’m excited to hear more about this during your
…………………... By the way, we made a dinner …………………..for our
…………………..that evening.
M: Actually, my favorite singer is …………………..that night.
W: That’s OK. We’ll see you soon.

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