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DATE: 28/01/2023 DAY: Saturday

The workshop started with prayer at 09.30 am.
Principal of VVK Smt. Deepa Ji introduced the Resource Persons.
Session 1
The first session was taken by Smt.G. Muthu Abirami (MNT).
Topic: Introduction of Sishuvatika.
She gave introduction about Sishuvatika. She taught what is
Sishuvatika and how to implement, she also explained about child
holistic development, life experiences moral and character skills.
We have learnt lot of ideas regarding these topics. She has quoted
values in between the session.
Session 2
The 2nd session was taken by Smt. Sasi Kala Devi ( Pakkam )
Topic: 6 Academic Arrangements
She taught the concepts elaborately. She explained different topics
like Picture library , Laboratory, Birds and Animals Sanctuary,
Drama stage, Playground and Swimming pool. She explained the
concepts with real objects, teaching aids and colourful slides. We
got a clear picture about this topic with new concepts.
Session 3
The 3rd session was taken by Smt.V. Kodhainayaki (PAN)
Topic: 6 Academic Arrangements
She started the session with real life examples and colourful slides.
She gave a clear explanations about Workshop, Art gallery,
Museum, Exhibition, Home and Garden. We got innovative ideas
and different methodologies to teach with concepts.
Session 4
The 4th session was taken by Smt. Rathna (KUN)
Topic: Listing the Activities
She started the session by singing song and they gave colour paper
to do collage work . She made an activity using dough. So it was
very interesting session.
Session 5
The 5th session was taken by Smt. Geetha (CPT)
Topic: Storytelling, LSRW.
First she explained the elaborate explanation about LSRW. What is
LSRW and how we can develop this four skills. After that she said
we should create bonding with Children. We have learnt many
things and it was very useful for us. From storytelling she told
Vivekananda story (Face the Brute) with teaching aids. We have
learnt how to use different ways of teaching methodologies and
how to tell story with innovative Methods.

The workshop started with prayer at 09.30 am.
Principal of VVK Smt. Deepa Ji introduced the Resource Persons.
Session 1
The 1st session was taken by Smt .G. Muthu Abirami (MNT).
Topic: Kiryakalab
She took class about Kriyakalab. She explained the concept through
Eye catching slides. She gave detailed explanation about Activity
based , Emotional based and Knowledge based learning. It was
very useful for us. We will try to implement her concept in our
Session 2
The 2nd session was taken by Smt. Rathna (KUN)
Topic: NCF
Through PPT she explained clearly about NCF and how to
implement it in the module in our syllabus. She gave detail
explanation about Panchakosha, NEP, Learning outcome and usage
of language. So it was a fruitful session for everyone.
Session 3
The 3rd session was taken by Smt. Geetha (CPT)
Topic: Shishu Geetham, Conversation.
She started the session with a wonderful Rhyme (Nanbargale,
Nanbargale). She taught how to Create interest in children during
the Rhymes time. She sang some rhymes in different Rhythmic
sounds. We gathered many new ideas. How to implement in our
classes innovately.
Session 4
The 4th session was taken by Smt.V. Kodhainayaki (PAN)
Topic: Holistic Development
The resource person started the class with story related to topic.
She gave a clear explanation about Physical development, Vital
development, Mental development, Intellectual development,
spiritual development. She explained all the concepts with many
activities and attractive slides. It helps us to learn how to teach in
an innovative way.
Session 5
The 5th session was taken by Smt. Sasi Kala Devi ( Pakkam )
Topic: Syllabus and Timetable
She explained the rules of Lesson plan, Timetable and Shishuvatika
Abhyas Kram chart. We have learnt lot of ideas regarding these
topics. Finally she recalled all the topics which helped to
understand and remember easily. Definitely we will implement in
our classes.

Through this work shop we have benefited a lot to teach children

differently using new methods .
Thus the program ended with Shanthi Mantram.

In all the sessions Resource persons shared different ideas and we

analyzed the importance of how to make concepts easy and
interesting for the student.
All the sessions were interesting which can be inculcated in
classroom teaching.

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