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Title: Industrial Biotechnology in Bangladesh: Present Scenario and Future Potentials


Industrial biotechnology has emerged as a promising field globally, offering sustainable

solutions to various societal challenges. In Bangladesh, the integration of biotechnology into
industrial processes holds significant potential for economic growth, environmental
sustainability, and social development. This paper aims to provide an overview of the present
scenario of industrial biotechnology in Bangladesh while exploring its future potentials. By
examining current initiatives, challenges, and opportunities, this study sheds light on the role
of biotechnology in shaping the industrial landscape of Bangladesh and proposes strategies
for unlocking its full potential.


Biotechnology in its simplest connotations may be defined as a technology based on

biological systems – plants, animals and microbes or parts of it (cell, tissue, gene or DNA) to
derive the best goods and services for the benefit of human being. Although the practice of
biotechnology principles was very old, as in the case of fermentation processes like making
of alcohol, yogurt, preparation of cheese, bread etc, the term ‘biotechnology’ itself got its due
place after the principles of recombinant DNA technology or genetic engineering came into
picture. And now when we talk of biotechnology we usually mean the technology derived
primarily through
the use of ‘recombinant DNA’. But recombinant DNA technology in principle although
sounds to be simple (taking gene from one organism and putting into another) but in practice
it is quite complex, tenacious, costly and challenging.

Industrial Biotechnology in Bangladesh

Bangladesh, as becoming an industrial country largely depends on the performance of its

industrial sector. The growth of conventional biotechnology in industry has reasonably
developed the need of facing challenges of modern biotechnology in Bangladesh. However,
modern biotechnology as a specialized sector in industry is promising but not very old in
Bangladesh. Therefore, it needs considerable concentration from large talent pools of
multiple scientific disciplines such as molecular and cell biology, chemistry, physics,
engineering, bioinformatics, medicine, agriculture, microbiology, technology transfer &
commercialization, bioentreprise & biofinancing and intellectual property rights

Biotechnology offers opportunities to convert our biological resources into economic wealth
and employment opportunities. Innovative biotech products and services development will
help us to gain a more bio-based economy. The last part of the 20th century witnessed
spectacular progress in the field of Biotechnology. Such advances have had a beneficial
impact of industrial biotechnlogy. Bangladesh will also explore the opportunities of the new
centuries in the area of science and industrial biotechnology.

Increasing importance of biotechnology in the face of frequent natural calamities:

Bangladesh and many parts of the world experience periodically natural disasters such as
cyclones, drought and flood which bring in their wake near famine conditions and epidemics
claiming countless lives. Ever mounting carbon dioxide emissions are contributing to global
warming, threatening our existence from the planet. All these contingencies have increased
the world demand for flood-, drought tolerant and disease and pest resistant crops. The
application of multitude of techniques offered by biotechnology may pave the way toward its
satisfactory solution.

Scope of industrial biotechnology:

Industrial biotechnology is that set of technologies which come from adapting and modifying
the biological organism, processes, products, and systems found in nature for the purpose of
producing goods and services.

It is a bio-based process of advancing sustainable, cost and eco-efficient production of

chemicals, materials, consumer goods, and alternative energy. This is a new and exciting
approach to preventing pollution, resource conservation and reducing costs. If biotechnology
is able to be developed to its full potential then industrial biotechnology will have a larger
impact on the country than health and agricultural biotechnology combined. The following
are the areas where we can specifically use industrial biotechnology to:
-Create new and innovative products
-Modify and develop new industrial processes
-Make the Bangladeshi manufacturing industry more competitive.
-Reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing.
-Produce Green and Clean products to comply with environmental standards
-Adopt Climate Change impact.

Industrial Biotechnology

In the field of industrial biotechnology Bangladesh is yet to make real breakthroughs. Modern
biotechnological programmes involving gene transfer technology have yet to be started in
real earnestness. Whatever has been possible is through classical/old biotechnology methods.
However, the results are quite encouraging and a good number of projects are in advanced
stage which can be taken up for commercialization. Some of these research programmes are:

• Bioconversion and bioprocessing of agricultural and agro-industrial residues for feed, fuel
and chemicals.
• Genetic improvement of industrial micro-organisms like citric acid producing Aspergillus
niger through gamma radiation.(has reached commercial stage)
• Mass scale production of Spirulina (has reached commercial stage).
• Production of biofertilizer (has reached commercial stage).
• Production of amylase and gluco-amylase for scarification of low cost starch.
• Production of microbial biomass protein and single cell protein.
• Production of tannery enzymes.
• Production of alcohol from agroindustrial residues – a few distilleries in the country are
already utilizing >50,000 MT of molasses for the production of ethyl alcohol.
• Preservation of fruits, vegetables and spices by radiation and bioprocessing.
• Bioenrichment of cereal food by microbial fermentation.

Bioenergy and Environmental Biotechnology

A significant achievement has been made in the field of ‘BIOGAS’ production from animal
excreta (cowdung) and agricultural residues. The Institute of Fuel Research and Development
(IFRD) has been working since long in this field. As a result of research findings and its
subsequent development in collaboration with Department of Energy (DOE), at present more
than 10,000 biogas plants have been installed in rural areas. An extended programme to set
up about 100,000 biogas plants throughout the country has also been taken up by the
government which is now under implementation. In case of environmental biotechnology
Bangladesh is yet to start its programme by utilizing modern biotechnological techniques.
Whatever has been possible is through conventional methods. But, because of excessive
population pressure and overall industrial activity, environmental pollution is gradually
increasing day by day and is causing a real threat to human health and ecological balance.
Industrial effluents, municipal garbage and sewerage are discharged with minimum or no
treatment at all into the surface water, causing water pollution. The Department of
Environment (DOE) of the Government of Bangladesh is doing some routine work only.
Among the limited activities Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) has installed
advanced facilities to analyze harmful agrochemical residues at a very low concentration.
Microbial technology could be a useful tool to minimize the solid waste and effluents causing
pollution. What is needed is a broadbased ‘bioremediation’ programme involving modern
biotechnological approach including the development of microbes capable of degrading
Xenobiotics and recalcitrant pollutants.

Bioethics and Biosafety

‘Bioethics’ refers to the ethical or moral obligations/rules of behaviour/professional standard

of conduct dealing with biological research. Although literally the term ‘Bioethics’ refers to
all biological research activities, actually the term has practically been evolved after the
advent of biotechnological research activities. In response to ‘Bioethics’ Bangladesh recently
is going to support the International Convention against human cloning for reproduction to be
placed on the agenda of 56th UN General Assembly. Bangladesh strongly feels that human
reproduction cloning is against the human dignity and in the long run it may also cause havoc
to mankind. Bangladesh, though belated in the field of biotechnology, for bio- ethical issues it
is quite conscious. Biotechnology, specially the work on genetic engineering, is at present at a
very nascent stage. But, before embarking on a broad-based research programme, Bangladesh
government has given thoughts for enacting ‘biosafety guidelines’ and through an expert
committee and a national seminar the national ‘biosafety guidelines’ have been framed to be
followed by the scientists working in the area of Biotechnology. Bangladesh signed the
Cartagena Protocol on 24 May, 2000. ‘The Bangladesh Biosafety Act-2001’ has been
approved by parlament in 2006. The main objective is to provide the basis of establishing a
regulatory regime to ensure safe transfer, handling, transit, transboundary movement,
development, field trial and commercial release of Genetically Modified Organisms.

Global Network of Bangladeshi Biotechnologists (GNOBB):

A web-based Forum called, “GNOBB” was created in 2004. Its primary objective was to
establish a global network of Bangladeshi Biotechnologists (BB) for the purpose of
networking and utilizing the expertise of BB both from home and abroad in promoting
biotechnology in BD. Within a short span of time, the membership rose from a mere 30 to
almost 300 – a three fold increase indicating how keen and enthusiastic are BB from both
local and non-resident Bangladeshis (NRB) to make substantial contribution toward bringing
Bangladesh in the world map of biotechnology. The website provides a search engine which
may be used to retrieve valuable information regarding member scientists individually, their
field of specialization, achievements and important publications.

At the suggestion of some GNOBB members an international conference was organized in

April last year (2007) with the main focus on preparing a draft suggesting improvement of
the national policy document on Biotechnology, announced in 2006 by the Government of
Bangladesh. The draft recommended among others, creation of the National Council of
Biotechnology (NCBT) with an autonomous status including freedom to spend within the
approved budgetary provision. We hope that during the tenure of the present regime, the
recommendations will be approved by GoB giving a new lease of life to this emerging
science of the 21st century.

GNOBB has been able to bring together many outstanding NRB biotechnologists who have
extended their help to promote biotechnology in BD. They are: Dr. Abed Chaudhury, Dr.
Zaheed Husain, Professor Ahmed Azad, Dr. Parvez Haris, Dr. Abul Ekramoddoullah, Dr.
Abul Hussam. Latest to join with offer of help is Professor Maqsudul Alam. In the current
conference three of the above distinguished scientists, namely, Dr. Abed Chaudhury, Dr.
Zaheed Husain, Professor Ahmed Azad are presenting papers to enrich its deliberations.

Potentials of biotechnology

Biotechnology is the application of any technology to biological systems and living

organisms or derivatives to develop or make useful products for specific use. Biotechnology
and human civilisation are rolling together side by side undoubtedly from the very beginning
of history but the story of modern biotechnology is not more than four dacades old.
Traditional Biotechnology, which led to the development of processes for producing various
products like bread, yogurt, or vinegar, was entirely pragmatic and lacked any understanding
of the mechanisms that led to the product. There was no deliberate design to produce a
desired new product. In contrast, modern biotechnology uses the in-depth understandings that
have been gained little by little. In the case of an established product, the new
biotechnological process is cost effective and better in various aspects than the earlier
processes. Whatever is the technology, traditional or modern, we are in a place of being
blessed with the fruits of biotechnology from dawn to dusk. Unraveling the structure of DNA
by Watson and Crick in 1953 was the most important discovery in 20th century. This
discovery has initiated a new era in science that has achieved enormous speed in research and
discovery with the genetic engineering in its belt since 1970. Modern biotechnology is
overpowering fictions one after another through amazing discoveries such as Insulin-
producing bacteria for the treatment of Diabetes, making 'Dolly', the first clone of a sheep or
creating artificial life 'Synthia' introducing artificially synthesised genetic material from raw
materials into an organism without genetic material. Stem cells from which scientists are now
producing heart cell-like beating cells, and differentiating them into other cell types is an
emerging discipline that takes biotechnology a step further.

Biotechnology has applications in four major industrial areas, including health care,
agriculture, industrial uses of crops and other products like biofuels, biodegradable plastics
etc., and environmental uses. Moreover, biotechnology is not just a technological matter; its
development involves cutting-edge science, political, legal, and economic variables, and
external and internal negotiations and also to address the social and ethical challenges. A
series of derived terms have been coined to identify several branches of biotechnology
namely Green, Red, White, Gold etc.

During the last four decades biotechnology has been changing the world through considerable
progress in agriculture, health, environment, industrial sectors and so on. Within this short
span of time, recombinant DNA technology, which was hitherto considered primarily a
fundamental subject, has proved beyond doubt its applicability in several areas of human
welfare. In a world specially developing world with changing climate, increased population
and heavy industrialisation are now concentrating on the exploitation of the golden pit of
biotechnology. Many Asian countries, namely India, China, Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan,
Malaysia, and Vietnam have recognised the potential of these techniques in contributing
economic growth in an environmentally safe manner. They have made significant strides in
the development and commercialisation of biotechnology over more than two decades. Our
neighboring country, India, for example has taken the advantages of this technology in a wide
variety of areas, including crop management, forestry, biopesticides, and biofertlisers.
Through international collaboration, Kenya has taken national policy in developing
transgenic plants resistant to pathogens or environmental stress as well as vaccines for
livestock. While other countries including our neighbours have made or are making
impressive progress in biotechnology, Bangladesh very recently showed that they are also in
the race with the whole genome sequence of Jute, or introducing genetically modified variety
of Bt-brinjal.

Mass propagation of Aloe vera through tissue culture.

Bangladesh is an agroeconomoy based country with a large population compared to its land
area and resources. With the country's population projected to reach 192.9 million by 2025
and economic growth transforming the lives of millions, our food demand is expected to be
much higher than its current growth of production. Such crop production would have to be
achieved in an adverse climatic condition. Therefore, there is a growing need to develop
stress tolerant crop varieties to combat climate change induced disasters like flood, drought
and intrusion of salinity. Improvement of fisheries & livestock, biodiversity conservation,
biological and industrial waste management, health care systems, forestry and environment
sectors deserve much attention. Biotechnology can play important roles to address the above

Significant initiatives has been taken by the Government of Bangladesh to promote

biotechnological research and infrastructure development in the country for enhanced
productivity, quality and value of products, stability of production systems and environmental
conservation leading to sustained food security, poverty alleviation and livelihood security.
With an aim to accelerate the research activities in the field of biotechnology, the government
has established the National Institute of Biotechnology (NIB) under the auspices of Ministry
of Science & Technology, as a specialised Institute in Biotechnology. Soon after its
establishment, NIB has been accepted by the national and international community.

As a consequence, NIB is working as a focal point to coordinate biotechnological activities in

the country, also an affiliated center of International Centre for Genetic Engineering and
Biotechnology (ICGEB), Trieste, Italy and is the nodal agency in Bangladesh for the
Biotechnological issues of the SAARC countries. The Institute has the potential to become
the core centre for biotechnology research in Bangladesh as well as a national resource centre
for technology transfer and human resource development in new and emerging areas of

In Bangladesh, a biotechnology program on plant was initiated in the late 1970s in the
Department of Botany, University of Dhaka with tissue culture of jute. Thereafter within a
span of 10-12 years tissue culture research laboratories had been developed in different
universities, R&D organisations, and private entrepreneurs. Some NGOs (BRAC,
PROSHIKA, Square Agric-tech, DEBTECH, Swiss organisation for Development and
Cooperation and others, Institute of Integrated Rural Development, Rural Development
Academy, Aman Agro Industries) are also working on plant tissue culture; BRAC & Proshika
have already marketed tissue cultured plantlets such as potato, banana and ornamental plants
in Bangladesh and neighboring countries. As a result of intensive works on plant tissue
culture protocols, plant regeneration and micro-propagation have been developed on different
crops, forest, fruit, ornamental, medicinal and commonly important plants as well as
vegetables. Currently, several research organisations, public and private universities, private
companies (Biotech seeds, Genetic seed, Grameen Krishi Foundation, Rantic Ltd., Lal teer
seed company, Matex BD Ltd., Safe Agriculture BD, East West Seed Company) are involved
in promoting environmentally safer agricultural and industrial biotech products. In
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, two new mutant lines with high yielding, early
mature, relatively fine grain, dwarf and photoperiod insensitive have been developed by using
carbon ion beam radiation. Also projects are undertaken for mass in vitro propagation of fast
growing, timber yielding plant Paulownia and multipurpose use plant alovera. Although
golden rice can meet the requirement of vitamin A to avoid blindness, it is now confined to
field trials. Our poor people also suffer from other nutrient deficiencies and hence some
plants and vegetables could be modified genetically to serve as a source of multiple nutrients.
Besides developing better varieties, different organisations are also working on varieties
capable of fighting natural calamities. Thus, research on transgenic plant development is
going on in many laboratories country-wide, which include developing pest/insect resistant
varieties, salt-tolerant varieties etc. Commendable progress has been made at the University
of Dhaka in producing salt-tolerant rice and cold-tolerant jute varieties using molecular
markers. Another impressive headway has been made to evolve disease and insect resistant
pulse varieties. Also, private venture on plant tissue culture development and
commercialisation has been taken at the University of Rajshahi, where they worked on
strawberries and some exotic flowers that went on to successful commercialisation. NIB has
within its many achievements micropropagation of different fruits and ornamental plants, and
the institute is working on transformation of stress tolerant genes into egg plant.

It has been identified that in brinjal, tomato and country bean, pesticide applications are
excessive and indiscriminate. To get relief from the pesticide residue problem and to
minimise the production loss, The National Committee on Biosafety (NCB), the highest
regulatory body for genetically modified (GM) crops in Bangladesh on December 31, 2013
officially approved limited field release of Bt-brinjal developed by researchers of Bangladesh
Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) through the technical support of Maharashtra Hybrid
Seeds Company (MaHyCo), India. Through this decision, Bangladesh became the first
country in south Asia to cultivate the GM food crop. The varieties are genetically modified
for an additional gene Cry1Ac from soil bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which is
resistant to destructive insect pest brinjal, shoot borer. Bt-brinjals are expected to make a
significant contribution to pesticide residue problem and to minimise the production loss.

After a decade of research, a team at the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology department of
University of Dhaka led by Professor Zeba Islam Seraj made four transgenic rice varieties
capable of production in high soil salinity, far better than the ones derived from conventional
breeding. A particular pea gene 'helicase' was infused into four high yielding rice varieties
(HYVs) that helped rice plants have higher salt tolerance and higher yield potential. The team
is currently readying these varieties for confined trials in greenhouse and then on controlled
field trials.

The future potential of plant biotechnology includes working on genetic modification of

herbal plants by modern technology to develop effective drugs, beautyceuticals and
neutraceuticals, development of rapid diagnostic tools and development of post-harvest
technology to minimise the loss of agricultural produce and to produce stress tolerant crop

Biotechnology in health care and diagnostic services has been started and is rising day by
day. There are several organisations such as International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease
Research 'Bangladesh (ICDDR,B), Bangladesh Institute of Research in Diabetic, Endocrine
and Metabolic disorders (BIRDEM), and Institute of Public Health (IPH), Institute of
Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) are prominent among others. These
organisations are providing molecular diagnostics such as PCR, microsatellite marker based
diagnosis of tuberculosis, diarrhoea, cholera and hepatitis viruses etc. Development of
Shigella vaccine is being carried out at ICDDR,B. BIRDEM is providing molecular
diagnostic services like PCR of infectious diseases (tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, HIV etc.),
karyotyping etc. Recently, some private company has also been started to provide molecular
diagnostic services. The IPH is engaged in the production of vaccines and anti-sera. Intensive
effort of scientists of IPH has made small pox eradication program successful by producing
sufficient quantity of highly potent small pox vaccines. Since 1992, the IPH has also been
engaged in the production of high quality tetanus vaccines. Incepta, a leading pharmaceutical
company in the country has signed an agreement with International Center for Genetic
Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), New Delhi Unit, for commercially manufacturing
hepatitis B vaccine. The establishment of National Forensic DNA Profiling Laboratory at the
Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) made it possible the forensic tests of international
standard in Bangladesh since 2005 with the technique termed DNA fingerprinting to perform
paternity tests, criminal
dispute in cases of rape and murder etc.

Computer-generated image of insulin hexamers

Animal biotechnology encompasses a broad range of techniques for the genetic improvement
of animal species, animal vaccines and development of rapid test kits to diagnose the disease
of livestock, poultry and companion animals. National Institute of Biotechnology (NIB),
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (BLRI) and Bangladesh Agricultural University
(BAU), Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU), etc. are working to
adopt modern biotechnological tools to develop livestock and poultry. Techniques of
traditional biotechnology like artificial insemination and selective breeding are being
practiced extensively in the country. In vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer have been
carried out successfully in the laboratories and in field trial, and are being used in some
selective areas. A number of vaccines have been developed against cattle, poultry and goat,
e.g. Goat Plague (PPR), goat pox at BLRI. Vaccines against anthrax, Foot and Mouth Disease
(FMD), fowl cholera, Salmonella, Newcastle disease, etc. are producing by Department of
Livestock Services (DLS) under the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock (MoFL). Besides,
work is going on the development of multivalent FMD vaccine at BLRI. Since 2007, poultry
industries of the country are facing avian influenza epizootics; National Reference
Laboratory for Avian Influenza at BLRI has been engaged to detect avian influenza virus
subtype and molecular characterisation of the pathogen. Research on DNA fingerprinting and
microsatellite genotyping methods for parentage verification and molecular characterisation
of indigenous goat, sheep, cattle and buffaloes are being varied out at NIB, BAU and BLRI.
Karyotyping and blood protein polymorphism of goat, sheep, cattle and buffalo are also
under research in BLRI and BAU.

Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI) conducts some basic Biotechnological

research on seed production of endangered fish species through in vitro fertilisation,
production of carps, catfishes and genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT) through
selective breeding, production of monosex tilapia, development of hydrid variety of magur
and punti, and freshwater pearl production. Besides, the faculty of science of the University
of Dhaka and faculty of fisheries of the Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU),
Mymensingh, develops the techniques for characterisation of different commercially
important fish species including Hilsa through RAPD, mt DNA and RFLP techniques. No
transgenic strain of fish has been produced in the country yet.

In the field of industrial biotechnology, Bangladesh is yet to make real breakthroughs.

Modern biotechnological programmes involving gene transfer technology have yet to be
started in real earnest. However, the results are quite encouraging and a good number of
projects are in advanced stage, which can be taken up for commercialisation. Mass scale
production of spirulina, biofertiliser, bakers yeast, citric acid has been reached at the
commercial stage. A few distilleries in the country are already utilising >50,000 MT of
molasses for the production of ethyl alcohol. Research is also going on enzymes, single cell
protein, etc. A five year (2011-2015) action plan on Industrial Biotechnology has been drafted
in the light of National Biotechnology Policy, 2012. A significant achievement has been made
in the field of 'Biogas' production from animal excreta (cow dung) and agricultural residues.
The Institute of Fuel Research and Development (IFRD) have been working since long in this
field. As a result of research findings and its subsequent development in collaboration with
Department of Energy (DOE) at present more than 20,000 biogas plants have been installed
in rural areas. An extended programme to set up about 100,000 biogas plants throughout the
country has also been taken up by the government, which is now under implementation.
Institute of Fuel Research and Development (IFRD), BCSIR has installed more than 25,000
domestic biogas plants across the country under three projects. As on 31 December 2012, a
total of around 65,317 biogas plants have already been installed in Bangladesh. Last year,
three new bacterial species (Rhizobium bangladeshense, Rhizobium binae, Rhizobium lentis)
were discovered at the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), which create
nodule in the lentil crops and increases productivity of it.

These newly discovered species are promising for the productions of biofertilisers not only
for lentil but also for pea and lathyrus cultivations. Earlier Rhizobium biofertiliser production
in a pilot scale at BINA had been successful and its use in pulse crops has been found to be
effective in the farmer's field. Rhizobium biofertiliser developed for grain legumes such as
lentil, chickpea, groundnut, mungbean and soybean have significant demand in the country.
The grain legumes are the protein meat substitute of the poor and an integral part of the daily
diet. The production of grain legumes increased about 20% by using Rhizobium biofertiliser.
Bangladeshi farmers can earn more by using the biofertiliser in the growing season
improving the quality of the individual farmer, and society as a whole. Development of rice
biofertiliser is in progress at BINA, NIB, and BAU.

In Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission low dose of gamma radiation to the silkworm has
been employed for the enhanced production of silk. Significant progress has been achieved
on sterile insect technique (SIT) by utilising gamma radiation. Besides, hormonal and
pheromonal control of insects and also the integrated pest management (IPM) programme are
now being adopted for insect management. Isolation and characterisation of Bacillus
Thuringiensis strains for the control of Lepidopteran insects has been initiated at the
University of Dhaka.

Sericulture Research Institute has been working for a long time for the improvement of
sericulture production in Bangladesh. Recently, Zoology Section, Biological Research
Division, BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka has been engaged in DNA bar-coding research for
taxonomic identification and documentation of various endemic species of insects, plants and
animals including other organisms of economic importance and detection of adulteration in
processed and unprocessed food products.

Development of protocols for pathogen detection (e.g. virus and bacteria) through modern
molecular techniques like DAS-ELISA, Real Time PCR, hybridisation etc. from different
crops, forest, fruit, ornamental, medicinal and commonly important plants as well as
vegetables are being done at BCSIR. Additionally, identification of new pathogens both from
plants and animals are also being studied.

Bangladesh observed a real breakthrough in molecular biotechnology in 2010, when with the
funding of the government, collaboration within the University of Dhaka, DataSoft IT firm
and Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, and under the leadership of Dr. Maqsudul Alam
successfully sequenced the genome of jute. Through this, Bangladesh became the second
country after Malaysia, among the developing nations, to have successfully sequenced a plant
genome. In 2012, the same group of scientists decoded the genome of Macrophomina
phaseolina, a Botryosphaeriaceae fungus, which is responsible for causing seedling blight,
root rot, and charcoal rot of more than 500 crop and non-crop species throughout the world.
The sequencing took place at the laboratory of Bangladesh Jute Research Institute, and was
done as part of the The Basic and applied Research on Jute (BARJ) project. Last but not least,
Lat Teer Seed Company in Januray 24, 2014 announced the completion of whole genome
sequencing of Buffalo with the help of Beijing Genome Institute (BGI), China.

Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field which addresses biological problems using

computational techniques, and makes the rapid analysis as well as annotation of biological
data possible. Bioinformatics plays a key role in various areas, such as functional genomics
and proteomics, and forms a key component in the biotechnology. Bangladesh is yet to
explore and secure its place in this exciting field of biotechnology. Now, that we have whole
genome sequence of few organisms, it is time to explore them for the desired outcome. In this
regard, genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics should come into play. Modern research
activities on these fields have been taken on some institutes and universities. National
Institute of Biotechnology is going to take initiatives to start research on the field of
functional genomics and to establish a core bioinformatics facility.

Besides biotechnological research, trained manpower is equally important to the proper

utilisation of the results of the biotechnology research. NIB instituted a funding mechanism
for long and short-term hands on theoretical and practical biotechnology training programs
(BTP). Graduate students in turn compete for acceptance into a BTP. Biotechnology lectures
are also on offer at school and college levels and in the community.

As biotechnology is being used widely, questions and concerns have also been rising. The
most vocal opposition has come from European countries. One of the main areas of concern
is the safety of GM food. Also, in Bangladesh, different organisations including NGOs are in
active opposition of the genetically modified organismas (GMOs) or products such as the
release of the Bt-brinjal varieties for cultivation. NIB is attempting to establish a wing to
certify the GMOs in Bangladesh as it has been assigned as the authority for these tasks.

There are a series of issues to be addressed in assessing the benefits and risks involved in the
use of modern biotechnology. In order to judge about the risks and benefits, it is important to
distinguish between technology-inherent risks and technology-transcending risks. The former
includes assessing any risks associated with food safety and the behavior of a GM product in
the environment. The latter involves the political and social context in which the technology
is used. The foods grown from GMOs may have either beneficial or occasional harmful
effects on human health depending on the the food itself. For example, a biotech-derived food
with a higher content of vitamin is likely to have a positive effect if consumed by vitamin-
deficient individuals. Alternatively, the transfer of genes from one species to another may
also transfer the risk for exposure to allergens. These risks should be systematically evaluated
by governing authorities and identified prior to commercialisation. A potential ecological risk
identified is increased weediness due to cross-pollination from GM crops spreads to other
nearby plants. Other potential ecological risks stem from the use of GM brinjal, corn and
cotton with insecticidal Bt-genes. This might develop resistance to Bt in exposed insect
populations. The monitoring of these effects of new crops in the environment and
implementation of effective risk management approaches is an essential component of future
research. A technology-transcending risk would be reduced biodiversity. Reduction of
biological diversity due to shrinking arable land, destruction of tropical forests, overfishing
etc. is a significant loss far more than any potential loss of biodiversity due to biotech-derived
crop varieties. Improved governance and international support are necessary to limit loss of
biodiversity. However, our understanding of science and long experiences with biotech-
derived plants is that no evidence is in sight that genetic transfers between unrelated
organisms pose human health concerns that are different from those encountered with any
new plant or animal variety. The risks associated with biotechnology are the same as those
associated with plants and microbes developed by conven tional methods.

Different governing bodies, policies and guidelines are in shape in our country to adress,
manage and co-ordinate biotechnological research and issues. In April, 2012, The National
Taskforce on Biotechnology of Bangladesh (NTBB), headed by the Honorable Prime
Minister, has approved the national biotechnology policy for application of the latest
innovations towards risk-free and health-proof development of agriculture, food, industry,
environment and health sectors. The policy will also address some of the core issues
involving intellectual property rights, bio-safety, bio-surveillance and bio-ethics with due
emphasis on knowledge, innovation, and indigenous practices. The NTBB also approved
National Crops and Forest Biotechnology Policy Guidelines, National Biotechnology Policy
Action Plan and National Database on Biotechnology Research and Personnel.


In conclusion, the industrial biotechnology sector in Bangladesh exhibits promising growth

potential and significant opportunities for further development. The present scenario reflects
a burgeoning landscape characterized by advancements in research, innovation, and industrial
applications. Various sectors including agriculture, pharmaceuticals, textiles, and energy are
witnessing the transformative impact of biotechnological interventions, contributing to
economic growth, sustainability, and societal well-being.
However, to fully realize the future potentials of industrial biotechnology in Bangladesh,
concerted efforts are required from all stakeholders. Investments in research and
development, infrastructure, and skilled workforce development are essential to foster
innovation and competitiveness. Furthermore, supportive policies and regulatory frameworks
that promote investment, collaboration, and technology transfer will be instrumental in
facilitating the growth of the biotechnology industry.

By leveraging its rich biodiversity, skilled human capital, and strategic geographical location,
Bangladesh can emerge as a regional hub for industrial biotechnology, catering to domestic
needs while capturing global market opportunities. Through strategic partnerships,
knowledge exchange, and a commitment to sustainable development, Bangladesh can harness
the power of biotechnology to address pressing challenges, drive economic prosperity, and
improve the quality of life for its citizens.

In essence, the journey of industrial biotechnology in Bangladesh is at a pivotal juncture,

poised for remarkable growth and transformation. With vision, determination, and strategic
planning, Bangladesh can harness the full potential of biotechnology to become a leading
player in the global bioeconomy, shaping a more prosperous and sustainable future for
generations to come.

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