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Cue Card

Describe a park or garden in your city

You should say:

• Where it is
• What it looks like
• What you do there
• And explain how you feel about this place

Please Note:
Our model answers teach you useful language and give you ideas. However, it is
not a good idea to try and memorise them and repeat them in the IELTS exam.
Prepare for {IELTS}
One of my favourite local parks is Green Trees Park, and it is located in the heart of
Bustling: Full of activity, energy, and
our bustling suburban neighbourhood. It's a stunningly beautiful oasis in the middle
movement, often in a lively and busy way.
of a concrete jungle, and is a great place to escape from the daily grind. It is a much-
loved place that has become an integral part of our town, providing a tranquil
Suburban: Relating to or characteristic of
the suburbs, which are residential areas haven for both residents and visitors.
on the outskirts of a city or town.
As you get close to the park, you can immediately see how picturesque it is.
Oasis: A fertile and pleasant area, Towering oak and maple trees create a lush canopy that offers much-needed shade
typically with water, in the middle of a from the scorching summer sun. Inside the park, there is a well-manicured lawn
desert or arid region. In this context, it's with vibrant flowerbeds filled with colourful blooms. The park's centerpiece is a
used to describe a refreshing and peaceful serene pond, home to graceful swans gliding across its glassy surface.
place within a busy city.
Green Trees Park is a versatile space that caters to a variety of interests. Families
Concrete jungle: A term used to describe a can be seen enjoying picnics on the grass, children giggling on the playground
city or urban environment characterised equipment, and fitness enthusiasts jogging along the winding pathways. There's
by tall buildings, streets, and a lack of also a dedicated area for pet lovers to walk their dogs, and a gazebo where local
greenery. musicians occasionally perform.

The daily grind: The monotonous routine I generally hang out in the park by myself. It's a place where I find solace during
of everyday life or work, often implying a times of stress. The rustling leaves, chirping birds, and the gentle ripple of the pond
sense of tiredness or repetition. help me to unwind and recharge my batteries. Whether I'm reading a book on a
park bench, taking a leisurely stroll, or simply enjoying the beauty of the
surroundings, this park always lifts my spirits. It’s more than just a physical space;
it's a sanctuary that creates a sense of belonging in our area. I care deeply about
this park, and I am immensely grateful for the tranquility and joy it has brought to
Prepare for {IELTS} my life, and the lives of countless others in our community.
One of my favourite local parks is Green Trees Park, and it is located in the heart of
Integral: Necessary or essential; forming a
our bustling suburban neighbourhood. It's a stunningly beautiful oasis in the middle
necessary part of a whole.
of a concrete jungle, and is a great place to escape from the daily grind. It is a much-
loved place that has become an integral part of our town, providing a tranquil
Tranquil haven: A peaceful and calm
refuge or sanctuary. haven for both residents and visitors.

Picturesque: Visually attractive, charming, As you get close to the park, you can immediately see how picturesque it is.
and pleasing to the eye. Towering oak and maple trees create a lush canopy that offers much-needed shade
from the scorching summer sun. Inside the park, there is a well-manicured lawn
Towering oak and maple trees: Refers to with vibrant flowerbeds filled with colourful blooms. The park's centerpiece is a
very tall and imposing oak and maple serene pond, home to graceful swans gliding across its glassy surface.
trees, emphasising their height and
grandeur. Green Trees Park is a versatile space that caters to a variety of interests. Families
can be seen enjoying picnics on the grass, children giggling on the playground
Lush canopy: A dense covering or layer, equipment, and fitness enthusiasts jogging along the winding pathways. There's
typically of leaves, that provides shade also a dedicated area for pet lovers to walk their dogs, and a gazebo where local
and shelter. musicians occasionally perform.

Blooms: Flowers in full bloom, indicating I generally hang out in the park by myself. It's a place where I find solace during
that they are open and displaying their times of stress. The rustling leaves, chirping birds, and the gentle ripple of the pond
full beauty. help me to unwind and recharge my batteries. Whether I'm reading a book on a
park bench, taking a leisurely stroll, or simply enjoying the beauty of the
surroundings, this park always lifts my spirits. It’s more than just a physical space;
it's a sanctuary that creates a sense of belonging in our area. I care deeply about
this park, and I am immensely grateful for the tranquility and joy it has brought to
Prepare for {IELTS} my life, and the lives of countless others in our community.
One of my favourite local parks is Green Trees Park, and it is located in the heart of
Centrepiece: The main or most important
our bustling suburban neighbourhood. It's a stunningly beautiful oasis in the middle
part of something, often used in the
of a concrete jungle, and is a great place to escape from the daily grind. It is a much-
context of a decorative arrangement.
loved place that has become an integral part of our town, providing a tranquil
Serene: Calm, peaceful, and untroubled. haven for both residents and visitors.

Versatile: Able to adapt or be used in As you get close to the park, you can immediately see how picturesque it is.
various ways; flexible and multifunctional. Towering oak and maple trees create a lush canopy that offers much-needed shade
from the scorching summer sun. Inside the park, there is a well-manicured lawn
Gazebo: A small, open-sided structure, with vibrant flowerbeds filled with colourful blooms. The park's centerpiece is a
often with a roof, used as a garden serene pond, home to graceful swans gliding across its glassy surface.
feature or a place to rest.
Green Trees Park is a versatile space that caters to a variety of interests. Families
To hang out: To spend time in a casual and can be seen enjoying picnics on the grass, children giggling on the playground
relaxed manner, often with friends or equipment, and fitness enthusiasts jogging along the winding pathways. There's
alone. also a dedicated area for pet lovers to walk their dogs, and a gazebo where local
musicians occasionally perform.
To find solace: To seek comfort and
consolation in a place or activity, I generally hang out in the park by myself. It's a place where I find solace during
especially during difficult times. times of stress. The rustling leaves, chirping birds, and the gentle ripple of the pond
help me to unwind and recharge my batteries. Whether I'm reading a book on a
park bench, taking a leisurely stroll, or simply enjoying the beauty of the
surroundings, this park always lifts my spirits. It’s more than just a physical space;
it's a sanctuary that creates a sense of belonging in our area. I care deeply about
this park, and I am immensely grateful for the tranquility and joy it has brought to
Prepare for {IELTS} my life, and the lives of countless others in our community.
One of my favourite local parks is Green Trees Park, and it is located in the heart of
Rustling leaves: Leaves making soft,
our bustling suburban neighbourhood. It's a stunningly beautiful oasis in the middle
gentle, and whispering sounds as they
of a concrete jungle, and is a great place to escape from the daily grind. It is a much-
move, typically in a breeze.
loved place that has become an integral part of our town, providing a tranquil
Chirping birds: The sounds made by small haven for both residents and visitors.
birds, often in a series of high-pitched
notes. As you get close to the park, you can immediately see how picturesque it is.
Towering oak and maple trees create a lush canopy that offers much-needed shade
To unwind: To relax and release tension, from the scorching summer sun. Inside the park, there is a well-manicured lawn
typically after a period of stress or with vibrant flowerbeds filled with colourful blooms. The park's centerpiece is a
activity. serene pond, home to graceful swans gliding across its glassy surface.

To recharge my batteries: To rest and Green Trees Park is a versatile space that caters to a variety of interests. Families
regain energy, similar to how a battery can be seen enjoying picnics on the grass, children giggling on the playground
recharges. equipment, and fitness enthusiasts jogging along the winding pathways. There's
also a dedicated area for pet lovers to walk their dogs, and a gazebo where local
To take a leisurely stroll: To walk slowly musicians occasionally perform.
and without hurry, often for relaxation or
enjoyment. I generally hang out in the park by myself. It's a place where I find solace during
times of stress. The rustling leaves, chirping birds, and the gentle ripple of the pond
To lift my spirits: To improve my mood help me to unwind and recharge my batteries. Whether I'm reading a book on a
and make me feel happier or more park bench, taking a leisurely stroll, or simply enjoying the beauty of the
positive. surroundings, this park always lifts my spirits. It’s more than just a physical space;
it's a sanctuary that creates a sense of belonging in our area. I care deeply about
this park, and I am immensely grateful for the tranquility and joy it has brought to
Prepare for {IELTS} my life, and the lives of countless others in our community.
One of my favourite local parks is Green Trees Park, and it is located in the heart of
Sanctuary: A place of refuge or safety,
our bustling suburban neighbourhood. It's a stunningly beautiful oasis in the middle
often with spiritual or peaceful
of a concrete jungle, and is a great place to escape from the daily grind. It is a much-
loved place that has become an integral part of our town, providing a tranquil
Immensely grateful: Feeling a deep and haven for both residents and visitors.
profound sense of gratitude, expressing
extreme thankfulness. As you get close to the park, you can immediately see how picturesque it is.
Towering oak and maple trees create a lush canopy that offers much-needed shade
Countless others: Many other people from the scorching summer sun. Inside the park, there is a well-manicured lawn
whose number is too great to be easily with vibrant flowerbeds filled with colourful blooms. The park's centerpiece is a
counted or specified. serene pond, home to graceful swans gliding across its glassy surface.

Green Trees Park is a versatile space that caters to a variety of interests. Families
can be seen enjoying picnics on the grass, children giggling on the playground
equipment, and fitness enthusiasts jogging along the winding pathways. There's
also a dedicated area for pet lovers to walk their dogs, and a gazebo where local
musicians occasionally perform.

I generally hang out in the park by myself. It's a place where I find solace during
times of stress. The rustling leaves, chirping birds, and the gentle ripple of the pond
help me to unwind and recharge my batteries. Whether I'm reading a book on a
park bench, taking a leisurely stroll, or simply enjoying the beauty of the
surroundings, this park always lifts my spirits. It’s more than just a physical space;
it's a sanctuary that creates a sense of belonging in our area. I care deeply about
this park, and I am immensely grateful for the tranquility and joy it has brought to
Prepare for {IELTS} my life, and the lives of countless others in our community.

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